View Full Version : Ventral wrinkles..?

12-11-2014, 06:13 PM
Today when I was feeding my garter I noticed he had a ton of wrinkles on his underside. They started about 1/3 down his stomach and then in some spots there are two or three wrinkles next to each other. They all flow straight down his underside. I'm pretty positive its not stuck shed since he shed less then 5 days ago. :confused: He's acting normal.

I'll try to get a photo of him pressed on the glass.
I read somewhere that it could be scale rot. Hope not. He doesnt have any excessively wet spots in his tank. Sometimes he'll splash water out of his bowl and sit under the plant on the damp paper towel, could that be it?

12-11-2014, 08:05 PM
Sounds like retained belly shed. Was the last shed complete and how is the humidity in the enclosure ?

12-11-2014, 08:20 PM
The last shed was complete. I actually have all of his sheds except the first one he had with me. His humidity is about 60 percent.

Here's some pics of the shed- I can't get one of the snakes underside because I just cant get my phone to focus on it..
The most recent is the one closest to the camera. There is a tear in it but its not in the direction of the crease on his stomach, and it's from me ripping it by accident tacking it to the wall. The area where the wrinkles are most apparent, shown in the pictures, shed absolutely fine with no holes or gaps.


I'm at a loss as to what it could be. Maybe a bellybutton of some sort? Its kind of long and it stops and then picks up its course again multiple times down the length of his bottom so I'm not sure.

12-11-2014, 09:16 PM
The bellybutton looks like a tiny little scar more than a wrinkle. Are you talking about actual creases, or the belly has a slightly wrinkled look but if you touch it you can't feel the wrinkles?

12-11-2014, 10:46 PM
Okay well I don't think its a bellybutton since its not so tiny.

What I'm taking about is a very thin, very subtle indent that goes ever so slightly into his belly that travels most of the way down. In several places there are second or third lines directly parallel, but these are much shorter than the main line. There is no discoloration and it feels smooth to the touch but is definitely there.

When I get on the computer I'll make a diagram because I can't get the little bugger to sit still.

12-11-2014, 11:28 PM
I think I've seen what you're talking about on some of mine; especially the older/larger ones. Can't say for sure without a pic, but I don't think you've got anything to worry about.

12-12-2014, 09:50 AM
I found a photo similar to what I'm seeing here with mine.
http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/7880/img3243o.jpg (Not my photo)

Basically my garter has the same thing except it's far less conspicuous. It's also not as concave, has absolutely no discoloration, and its more of a tiny indentation then a fold like in this pic.

So in general what my snake has is a similar thing but it is much, much smaller. It looks a lot worse in the picture of the python than what my garter has.

12-12-2014, 09:54 AM
I wouldn't worry as long as he seems fine other wise, and he had a complete shed.

12-12-2014, 02:01 PM
how is he with drinking water? trying giving him a nice warm soak, wrinkles on snakes can sometimes be from dehydration. ill keep thinking and looking. also im in RI if u ever need anything or any help.

12-12-2014, 02:30 PM
how is he with drinking water? trying giving him a nice warm soak, wrinkles on snakes can sometimes be from dehydration. ill keep thinking and looking. also im in RI if u ever need anything or any help.
He's pretty good with drinking. I see him drink a few times a week but he probably drinks more at night. I'll try the soaking. When I soak him, could I just put him in tupperware with the lid? I can pretty much guarantee he will flop right out if I put him in. Also, thanks, I'll keep that in mind :)

12-12-2014, 06:32 PM
I think the picture of the python is a healed belly burn from a malfunctioning UTH (I actually saw it on the python forum I'm on a couple days ago during a thermostat debate).

Just keep him well fed and hydrated. I think what you're talking about are very faint lines that look a lot like stretchmarks? I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep an eye on it in case anything changes.

12-12-2014, 08:39 PM
Oh- well no UTH here so thankfully it isn't a burn :D
I gave him the soak, he wasn't very happy. I'll watch to see if they get worse. He's acting fine and has been.