View Full Version : Prestidigitation Feeding

10-05-2014, 09:26 AM
I have one adult female T. s. concinnus (Red-spotted garter snake) that has decided worms are not good to eat. She would rather have fish or pinkies. This attitude created a problem as worm are on the menu and she needed to eat.
She was more then willing to down the few chunks of salmon I had left but those were destined for some other snakes.
I decided to try a little sleight-of-hand with her.
I had a piece of salmon in one hand and a large night crawler in the other. With both food items very close together I placed the piece of salmon under her noise. Watching her closely I switched to the worm as she made her strike. To be honest I don't think she new the difference. With the smell of the salmon over powering the worm smell she thought she was eating salmon. After 4 large crawlers went into her belly I knew the system worked. I did try to offer worms alone but she refused to take them. Switching to offering the salmon first did the trick.

10-05-2014, 11:12 AM
Nice job. I'm going to try that with my checkered

10-06-2014, 09:37 AM
You could send her to me, we serve pinkies over here. ;)

10-06-2014, 04:50 PM
Haha, I've tried that with my blind one before, but he'll still always end up spitting it out if it isn't pinkies.