View Full Version : Don't know if this is allowed..? I'm new..
09-05-2014, 08:42 PM
It sais this is a garter snake forum but I was directed to this entire site from google researching Dekay's Brown Snakes and saw a very informative I'm not sure if this is the place to post about that or not, but if not let me know and I apologize!
Anyway..My name is Jessica and today I found a dekay's brown snake about 6 inches long in my backyard garden and I'm pretty excited about it as I've wanted a snake for a while. Not sure about the gender but I've been just saying "him" so his name is Zef and I was just wondering if anybody had any tips or anything? I have him set up in a decent sized tank with a decent sized water bowl, filled about 2-3 inches with the damp soil I found him in, with some rocks and a toilet paper roll lightly submerged in said soil for him to hide in. There's a couple teeny garden worms, a tiny beetle, and a snail in his soil but I can't seem them with a naked eye, though I DID put them in there. He seems to be very friendly and is getting used to me holding him at a fair rate.
I read they love worms and snails, any kind of specific worm? Also read that you can buy "can o' snails"..never heard of it, but is this true and where could I find such a thing? I live in Texas for a referance as to where I am.
Thank you for any kind of help! :)
09-07-2014, 12:02 PM
There isn't much information on these guys is there? From the brief amount of reading I've done, a 10 gallon tank should be ok for one - be sure that the lid closes securely - either a locking lid or put something -really- heavy on top of it. If at all possible (and someone here might correct me) I would house him on Eco will still retain the moisture of regular soil, but this will make sure there's no other unwanted creepy crawlies in his home. I would provide a few more hides (even if they are just more toilet paper rolls) and maybe go to the dollar store to find some fake vines to put in the tank as well for more "coverage" ? They are apparently very shy snakes and would do best with multiple hides. As far as food goes, it looks like earthworms (not the red composting bait worms, snails, slugs and insects are on the menu. If you can get it to eat mealworms, those would probably be the easiest to supply. I would imagine finding snails shouldn't be too difficult either. It looks like the can o' snails are prekilled? I know my gecko won't touch dead food...that said, if you have a good local pet store, they might have a fish tank with a snail population problem and might be willing to give you some (not the large apple snails, the tiny trumpet snails etc. As far as keeping an eye on how much food he's eatten, I know Petco has a small food dish with a lipped rim to keep mealworms from climbing might want to get one of those. Here's where I found some of the information: ADW: Storeria dekayi: INFORMATION (
09-07-2014, 03:40 PM
This forum welcomes Storeia dekayi and has plenty of threads related to them. We also have a S. dekayi expert on the forum "infernalis" who is a moderator.
The small pale worms found in the soil are great for these snake along with smaller night crawlers or night crawler chunks and common garden slugs. Some dekayis have also taken extra small pinkies. Hopefully, Wayne(infernalis) will be by and address your post.
09-08-2014, 05:52 PM
Thank yoou guys so much for your help! I've written down the things I should go buy and such, thanks for helping me out with this I truly appreciate it and I'm sure Zef does, too. He seems to be doing great!
09-09-2014, 06:32 AM
i have had dekays and mine wanted nothing to do with the can o snails. earth worms are best along with small slugs (they may eat but dont care for the big slugs) i keep mine with my garters and do great. many hides is key since they are shy. and as far as bedding goes you dont want it to get TOO wet, i used regular reptile bark for my substrate. Wayne will be the best help you can get one here, i only chimed in incase it take him a cpl days to get back to you
09-14-2014, 04:13 PM
I love these snakes and I just received my second one ever from Ashley (Slipknot711). They love sluggies and small worms (though slugs are their all time favourites). You may be able to get them onto pinkies. They also like it cooler than garters I believe. They are so pretty and tame, I just love to have them. You can keep slugs thru the winter (if you have one, not sure about texas) Just keep them cool in an escape proof container. If you find eggs, pick them up too! They also like to get snails out of their shells and are very good at it! Good luck with your new addition!
09-14-2014, 05:55 PM
Dekay's Brownsnake, Texas DeKay's Brownsnake | Herps of Texas (
Smooth Earthsnake, Texas Smooth Earthsnake | Herps of Texas (
Your snake looks rather patternless in the photos, albeit they aren't quite in focus. Are you certain of the species that you have? Google images for Smooth earthsnake as the above link lacks photos. If the scales are keeled it could also be the rough earthsnake.
Rough Earthsnake, Texas Rough Earthsnake | Herps of Texas (
09-15-2014, 09:34 AM
Agreed! Look's like an earthsnake and not a dekay.
dekay's brownsnake, texas dekay's brownsnake | herps of texas (
smooth earthsnake, texas smooth earthsnake | herps of texas (
your snake looks rather patternless in the photos, albeit they aren't quite in focus. Are you certain of the species that you have? Google images for smooth earthsnake as the above link lacks photos. If the scales are keeled it could also be the rough earthsnake.
Rough earthsnake, texas rough earthsnake | herps of texas (
09-16-2014, 05:17 AM
looking at the pictures and seeing its head shape/coloration id guess an earthsnake also. maybe better pictures?
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