View Full Version : Hello from Texas

07-31-2014, 08:30 PM
Hello - I was here some time back and kind of dropped out for a while, mostly field herping and doing less with herpetoculture. I've kept and bred eastern black-necked garters before, and have been a big fan of garter snakes going all the way back to finding T. radix as a kid around Denver. Field herping and natural history are still my first loves. Recently I got a pair of baby radix and today I received a pair of T. s. infernalis from Scott Felzer. They're really beautiful! Looking forward to reading more about what everyone's doing!

07-31-2014, 11:51 PM
Welcome aboard.

08-01-2014, 04:21 AM
Nice to have you with us. Your story isn't a unique one. Many of us were invenomated as kid by a garter. Years later they still have control of us. I too was bitten by a radix at a young age. Now, 50 years later they still have a hold on me. This is all a good thing.;)
Here's a link to the forum care sheet which is always a good read. Feel free to ask any additional question you might have.
Garter Snake Forum - Garter Caresheet (http://www.thamnophis.com/index.php?page=caresheet)


08-01-2014, 10:23 AM
Welcome to the forum!

08-01-2014, 01:34 PM
Welcome to the forum!

08-02-2014, 04:53 AM
Welcome, Michael...

08-26-2014, 09:46 PM
Welcome, Michael...

Welcome, Michael! Good to see another local friend and colleague on the site. I'm new as well despite having a profile for awhile.

08-29-2014, 01:36 AM
Welcome aboard.