View Full Version : Thamnophis radix and heat?

06-10-2014, 02:01 PM
I have read over and over that T. radix is one of the most "cold tolerant" snakes in North America.

I guess my question is. If my room is a steady 72-75 degrees is there any real need for any type of heating feature?

I just dont see T. radix in need of very specific temps and humidity UNLESS its time to shed and the humidity is raised and more frequent sprays are needed.

Remember I'm new to Thamnophis.


06-10-2014, 02:12 PM
Can't say I've ever heard/read "cold tolerate" being used to describe T. radix. If you had said T. s. parietalis - Red Sided Garter I would have agreed.
I think a warm/hot spot is important as above normal temps help in the digestive process, among other benefits.
With a large enough water bowl and humidity gauge you probably won't need to spray the enclosure.
Just my opinion.

06-10-2014, 02:24 PM
My bad it was T. s. parietalis.

Thanks again.


Can't say I've ever heard/read "cold tolerate" being used to describe T. radix. If you had said T. s. parietalis - Red Sided Garter I would have agreed.
I think a warm/hot spot is important as above normal temps help in the digestive process, among other benefits.
With a large enough water bowl and humidity gauge you probably won't need to spray the enclosure.
Just my opinion.

06-11-2014, 10:14 AM
Both T. radix and T. sirtalis range north well into Canada. Sirtalis is the clear king of the north but radix aren't too shabby either. Now most important however, is that "cold tolerant" means the ability to withstand long cold winters in hibernation. It does not mean they don't need an adequate environment during their period of activity. In captivity, proper temperatures and humidity gradients should be provided at all times, not just when they are shedding or otherwise. Up here, radix (and other garters) are predominately found in the mid to late morning, on nice, sunny and hot days. They definitely utilize those basking spots!


06-11-2014, 10:35 AM
Same here. Thanks for the info.

06-12-2014, 03:52 PM
I really think it depends on the snake. My radix female seems to like to stay on the cooler side of her enclosure. My albino parietalis likes the heat...but he loves swimming...swims all the time in his water dish...sometimes he will just stay under water for a long time. I have two young easterns that want to be under the heat lamp all the time, but I have one that really doesn't like to bask at all. My albino radix that passed, he did not like heat at all. Interestingly also...my albino marcianus can not stand to have any light...wants to be in the dark all the time and rarely basks under his red lamp...he does like a heat pad though. But my albino parietalis comes out in the daylight all the time...doesn't seem to bother him at all.

06-13-2014, 12:03 AM
I agree that there will definitely be individual likes and dislikes. We still need to offer them the option of a proper thermogradient however.