View Full Version : Please help identify my childhood pet

06-02-2014, 01:57 PM
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum, i stumbled upon it when i was looking at pictures of garter snakes on line.

My question is this: I had a pet garter snake 20 years ago when I was about 10. I'm pretty sure (looking back) it was a wild caught individual, the shop just sold them as 'garter snakes'. I remember it vividly, it was a female and apparently I could tell as the females have yellow head and necks, males had red head and necks.

unfortunately I have no pictures of it. It was the usual drab green with yellowish lateral stripes, but it also had brown bands in the other direction. Also, when it was freshly moulted, I'm sure It had hints of electric blue mixed in. I've been wondering for years what this sub species was.

The only other thing I know about it was that I'm sure the guy in the shop said they originated from China. Seems plausible, as it has a pretty varied climate. I bought this snake in the UK if that's relevant too.

So does anyone have any clues or ideas?

Thanks in advance,
