View Full Version : jwolfes garters

05-04-2014, 11:21 PM
Decided to start one so i can be a cool kid too.

I now have 5 WC Eastern Garters there is Ekoh (male)my first one I caught after chopping his tail off with a string trimmer while at my mom and dads.

Second is Copper/Penny (still a bit small to sex 100%) also found at my mom and dads house under a piece of artificial cover I placed.

Third is Emily (a female named by my oldest niece Carlie, I think she liked the name because its close to her sisters name Emma, but who knows she is 9 lol) I also found her under the piece of a.c. at my mom and dads. She is also my largest in girth.

Forth is Amaunet (female) she is the only snake i have found here at my current residence (hopefully not to much longer though) while mowing grass. I don't think she is very old because of her size, a little bigger than a #2 pencil in girth and a little more than a foot long.

Fifth is a new male I found at, you guessed it my mom and dads lol. I don't have a name for him as I just found him on Sunday. Also found under the a.c. He is the biggest male I have seen, he is almost as big as Emily in girth and length he is definitely male (you can see his man bumps lol) I think I will let my youngest niece Emma name him since I let her sister name one.

One thing I can't believe is the variation of 4 snakes found in the same yard under the same piece of cover the male found today is a light brown background and only two or three scales make up his "spots" and they are a dark earthy brown. Tomorrow I am hoping to get a few pics of all 5 to post here, I also am hyping the new guy comes out from hiding and Ekoh's eyes clear up, but I doubt it because Ekoh's eyes just turned early today.

05-05-2014, 05:59 AM
We too are looking forward to some photos ;)

P.S. You've always been cool:D

05-05-2014, 06:06 AM
yes pictures please!!!!

05-09-2014, 11:06 PM
Sorry for no pics yet I only have the net on my phone and photobucket and snapbucket apps are apparently broke because after multiple p/w resets I still can't login. I have also tried ImageShack but its link list speerd showing up, but rest assured I'm working on the problem whenever I get a free chance between work and other things.

I mowed and trimmed the yard at my place today and found my 4th garter this year (so far all male I'm pretty sure my sexing is right) but I'm hoping to find many more in the coming days thanks to warmer weather moving in. We had a good couple of rain storks while i was working so naturally I was excited to get home to start gathering a Canadian buffet for everyone. OMG the number of long fat nightcrawlers was insane, well when i came back in 4 of the 5 was already poking their heads out and flicking their tongues. Ekoh was so excited that he gave me the first bare finger tag I've had, and boy are those needle teeth sharp, YOUCH! everyone got full bellies except the new guy who was hesitant but did eat one which got me exited because I've never had a WC eat so soon after capture. I'm thinking worms for snakes are like people and bacon, even if your not hungry you will eat some just because its that good lol

Btw if anyone can recommend a free photo hosting site that has a good Android app to link to your account or auto upload from your camera please let me know so i can get all my new pics up