05-04-2014, 11:21 PM
Decided to start one so i can be a cool kid too.
I now have 5 WC Eastern Garters there is Ekoh (male)my first one I caught after chopping his tail off with a string trimmer while at my mom and dads.
Second is Copper/Penny (still a bit small to sex 100%) also found at my mom and dads house under a piece of artificial cover I placed.
Third is Emily (a female named by my oldest niece Carlie, I think she liked the name because its close to her sisters name Emma, but who knows she is 9 lol) I also found her under the piece of a.c. at my mom and dads. She is also my largest in girth.
Forth is Amaunet (female) she is the only snake i have found here at my current residence (hopefully not to much longer though) while mowing grass. I don't think she is very old because of her size, a little bigger than a #2 pencil in girth and a little more than a foot long.
Fifth is a new male I found at, you guessed it my mom and dads lol. I don't have a name for him as I just found him on Sunday. Also found under the a.c. He is the biggest male I have seen, he is almost as big as Emily in girth and length he is definitely male (you can see his man bumps lol) I think I will let my youngest niece Emma name him since I let her sister name one.
One thing I can't believe is the variation of 4 snakes found in the same yard under the same piece of cover the male found today is a light brown background and only two or three scales make up his "spots" and they are a dark earthy brown. Tomorrow I am hoping to get a few pics of all 5 to post here, I also am hyping the new guy comes out from hiding and Ekoh's eyes clear up, but I doubt it because Ekoh's eyes just turned early today.
I now have 5 WC Eastern Garters there is Ekoh (male)my first one I caught after chopping his tail off with a string trimmer while at my mom and dads.
Second is Copper/Penny (still a bit small to sex 100%) also found at my mom and dads house under a piece of artificial cover I placed.
Third is Emily (a female named by my oldest niece Carlie, I think she liked the name because its close to her sisters name Emma, but who knows she is 9 lol) I also found her under the piece of a.c. at my mom and dads. She is also my largest in girth.
Forth is Amaunet (female) she is the only snake i have found here at my current residence (hopefully not to much longer though) while mowing grass. I don't think she is very old because of her size, a little bigger than a #2 pencil in girth and a little more than a foot long.
Fifth is a new male I found at, you guessed it my mom and dads lol. I don't have a name for him as I just found him on Sunday. Also found under the a.c. He is the biggest male I have seen, he is almost as big as Emily in girth and length he is definitely male (you can see his man bumps lol) I think I will let my youngest niece Emma name him since I let her sister name one.
One thing I can't believe is the variation of 4 snakes found in the same yard under the same piece of cover the male found today is a light brown background and only two or three scales make up his "spots" and they are a dark earthy brown. Tomorrow I am hoping to get a few pics of all 5 to post here, I also am hyping the new guy comes out from hiding and Ekoh's eyes clear up, but I doubt it because Ekoh's eyes just turned early today.