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View Full Version : Bucket of babies=litter #4 ery het snow x snow easterns

Jeff B
04-12-2014, 05:15 PM
Another litter born this morning from a gorgeous brick red erythristic het snow bred by the snow eastern. (Mom is pictured)
Ended up with:
5 normals- 100% het albino and melanistic, aka het snow (will develop varying amount of red)
5 albinos- 100% het melanistic, aka het snow (will develop varying amount of red/orange)
1 melanistic- 100% het albino, aka het snow
1 snow

The albinos and normals will develop reds, all of these babies will make great breeding stock as they are outcrossed and het for snow with erythristic genes.

04-12-2014, 07:00 PM
Awesome. Congrats, Jeff.

04-12-2014, 10:38 PM
Thats awesome bro!!

04-14-2014, 05:12 AM
Congrats man! Nice litter!

04-14-2014, 05:26 AM
SQUEE!! BABIES!!!!! congrats! adorable! melanistic is my fave :)

Jeff B
04-16-2014, 09:18 PM
Thanks guys. I like the melanistic too, was hoping for more. The normal look like they are going to be erythristics, they are putting on orange glow the last couple days.

04-17-2014, 05:42 AM
Ahem, a picture/s worth a thousand words.:D

04-17-2014, 02:17 PM
Nice litter! Congrats :cool:

04-17-2014, 08:53 PM
Aww it just makes me want more�� congrats Hun they are beautiful ��