View Full Version : She won't eat or come out
04-02-2014, 05:46 AM
Hi all, my partner and I are looking after a Garter Snake. She has a decent sized terrarium, the temperature is 25c on one end and 28c on the other. She has a medium size bowl of water, places to hide, etc. The problem is she is not eating.
The day we got the snake we were told she eats well and had eaten that morning, that was last Friday and she still hasn’t eaten a thing. We were told to give her 4 small pieces of defrosted salmon, let them defrost and put them inside the vivarium, but she won’t touch them.
The first two days she was very active, exploring the terrarium, climbing up and down… then she went all quiet, went inside on of the hiding places and stayed there ever since. I checked and she is alive but she won’t come out or eat.
I don’t think she’s about to shed because her eyes are not cloudy, but maybe I’m missing some other signs.
I am no expert on snakes, any advice would be great, other than that I guess I’ll have to take her to the vet.
Thank you folks
04-02-2014, 03:52 PM
This beahaviour is not uncommon. Is she drinking and pooping? Does she have alot of tongue flicking going on?
04-02-2014, 07:06 PM
A change in venue/care givers will cause some snakes to need a little "settling in" time. It would be great to see a photo so we can identify the species. That will also help to know if any diet charges are warranted. First off, I would say a diet consisting of salmon only could be an issue. Here is a link to the forum care sheet which is always a good read. Once you and the snake are settled in be sure to introduce yourself in the "Welcome Lounge" so that we may give you a proper hello.
Garter Snake Forum - Garter Caresheet (
Welcome Lounge (
04-03-2014, 05:08 AM
She is probbaly just trying to settle in, a cheap try is some earthworms? maybe there wiggle will make her get a little excited... its a cheap try atleast. But I wouldnt worry just yet, probably just getting used to things. Also pictures help a bunch. and well I just love pictures :D. pics of the snake and maybe the setup if possible? Camera phone pics for now if you dont have a real camera would still work :D
04-04-2014, 12:35 PM
Hi, I haven't seen her drinking yet, she has a medium sized bowl of distilled water available and no poops so far, although I should have a better look inside her vivarium.
04-04-2014, 12:41 PM
04-04-2014, 12:42 PM
Hi Steve, it's already been a week and she's still hiding. I will definitely have a good read now at the care sheet, thanks.
04-04-2014, 12:44 PM
Nice Thamnophis marcianus - Checkered Garter Snake. Tap water is fine in most situation. Bottled Spring water is also good if you don't trust your tap.
04-04-2014, 12:47 PM
hi there, I'll give the worms a go, see if she'd eat them, and also some time, in case she should decide to quit this hunger strike ;)
04-04-2014, 06:57 PM
You could also try live fish (guppies or platys) or cut up some pinkie mice.
04-08-2014, 06:34 AM
hi there, sorry I took so long to reply. I tried to give her some worms but she totally ignored them. I put in the vivarium a special small container with some mud and water which we were told to use when she was ready to shed, but I don't see her eyes cloudy, so maybe she's just comfortable inside that little container.
04-08-2014, 08:35 AM
It sounds like normal settling behaviour to me. The time she's not eaten is nowhere near the point that you need to be concerned.
I'd look at your temperature gradient, I think cool end is too warm and warm end is too cool... Are you heating the cool end, because 25C sounds warm? My cool end is kept at ambient room temperature, and at the warm side my heatmats are statted at around 32C. I have a little variation, but that is the temp range I aim for.
I've found that my marcianus are less likely to take lob worms than other species (radix really jump at the chance to scoff down a few lob worms).
I'd suggest altering your temps slightly, give it a few more days and then try again with fish, if she doesn't take the fish give her a day and try some chopped pinky.
04-10-2014, 02:45 PM
Hi all, I'm very pleased to tell you that the snake shed last night, today she's been most of the day out and about moving a lot, which is excellent. I hope she gets her appetite back soon now, thank you very much to everyone :)
04-10-2014, 03:10 PM
Shouldn't be too long now.
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