View Full Version : Can't wait for spring!

04-02-2014, 05:05 AM
As you all know im currently not housing garters atm. Im hoping to do lots of herping this spring and summer. Hoping to find that one special good looking garter! I miss having the garters

04-02-2014, 05:42 AM
Finding a captive bred snake can prove to be a much better idea. Captive snakes offer a peace-of-mind a wild caught snake can't. Usually less medical issues to start with. A wild caught snake should get a fecal float done and will probably require dewormer.
Captive bred animals don't impact the wild/fragile ecosystem either.
Just a few things to think about. Please keep us posted on your situation.;)

04-02-2014, 03:47 PM
I'm still hoping that one of my pairs will produce offspring. If that's the case, you may have a squiggle or two.

04-03-2014, 05:03 AM
ty Le Ann. i remember us talking about your hopes this spring/summer. what snakes do you have again? how are they doing? PM me if you want my FB or anything or my phone number to text. I need more snakey friends :)