View Full Version : sad news about my checkered albino

12-30-2013, 06:41 AM
so xmas night i stopped by my bfs only to find maddie my albino checkered had passed away. she was acting weird past week but still eating and basking. i didnt see her for two days due to holidays and found her dead :( i believe she had an impaction. two nights prior i thought the food seemed to get stopped in the lower half but was not pooping. i tried massaging and stuff. she had been drinking water. i thought maybe some worms would be easier to eat and pass but i guess nothing i did worked.i wish i coulda got on sooner for everyone help. im very sad. she was thriving so well then just wasnt herself. i spend two hrs a night handling then every 3 days feeding everyone. it was not the xmas gift id hoped for. Ive switched to feeding them with tongs. and so far its going great. my bf cried since it was his baby so for his bday i bought him a new one. but its nowhere as sweet as maddie was or as big she grew so fast. hopefully handling can help. switching to tongs is making a big difference i think. she didnt show any signes of distres or anything. she looked peaceful tho... i feel like such a bad mom.i grabbed my bf a new young albino checked who eats from tongs amazingly! tongs are gona be my new best friends. mine are all so young its one of those if u want food come get it kinda thing. and my thre new babies have all shed. only one of the erythristic easterns had a troublesome shed. didnt come off in one piece. but its his first shed with us... so hopefully a better diet will help for next shed.

12-30-2013, 07:04 AM
Sorry for your loss.

12-30-2013, 07:10 AM
ty. i was heartbroken. Im still a new snake owner and feel i did something wrong. :( i even quarantined her incase. but i failed as a mommy

12-30-2013, 07:28 AM
ty. i was heartbroken. Im still a new snake owner and feel i did something wrong. :( i even quarantined her incase. but i failed as a mommy

It's easy to blame yourself, but it could have happened regardless. It's hard to 'get things right' when there are so many variables to cover - substrates/feeding/etc. Even the slightest hint of food smell can convince a garter to eat just about anything (or at least try to). The positive to come out of this is that you're trying new things.

12-30-2013, 08:34 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss. It's the downside to keeping garters. They hide pain and distress until it's too late many times.
Don't blame yourself as Greg as stated there are too many variables involved here.

12-30-2013, 08:48 AM
Sorry for your loss :(

Even the slightest hint of food smell can convince a garter to eat just about anything (or at least try to).

This was a serious issue with my blind one. It made me so paranoid I switched everyone to newspaper bedding.

12-30-2013, 10:16 AM
So sorry for your loss!

12-30-2013, 03:02 PM
Sorry to read of your loss,

12-30-2013, 06:12 PM
It's always hard :( I have lost one trying to nurture it back to good health when I found it in freezing temps :( Sometimes there isn't much you can do but you can hold on to the fact you did what you could.... That's whats important... You at least tried. Sorry to hear this I hope you get feeling better

12-31-2013, 02:38 PM
Aww sorry for your loss:(

01-01-2014, 10:41 AM

01-02-2014, 07:20 AM
Sorry to hear it.

01-04-2014, 06:49 PM
You are not a bad mommy. Things happen that we can't prevent. Unfortunately with our scaley friends, we can't tell anything is wrong until it is too late. Please don't be so hard on yourself. I have had my snakes pass at every age, with no indication that anything is wrong.

01-06-2014, 06:01 AM
You are not a bad mommy. Things happen that we can't prevent. Unfortunately with our scaley friends, we can't tell anything is wrong until it is too late. Please don't be so hard on yourself. I have had my snakes pass at every age, with no indication that anything is wrong.

Ty means alot... (from everyone). i have no kids my pets are my life. and im hard on myself if i fail them