View Full Version : albino and bright light...

12-06-2013, 06:15 AM
my albino would NEVER come out of hiding when i had the bright white heat lamp. Ive switched to the red heat lamp and she seems to like it better. do you think she was too sensitive for this light? and is the red light suitable?

this is her finally out and about


12-06-2013, 08:40 AM
Mine will just stick her head out, it's kinda funny actually when you walk by and she shoots her head back under the substrate lol

12-11-2013, 05:48 PM
Lot's of amelanistic animals including snakes, are often photo-phobic. That's because the eye lacks pigments needed to block light from entering the eye. So, when the iris closes to prevent excessive light from entering the eye, it has limited effectiveness. Now, imagine you had bright light shined into your eyes but your pupil didn't react by closing. With no pigments in the iris to block light, that's essentially what's happening. Their pupil is closing like it should but it doesn't do any good because there's no pigment to block the light. It's like if your eyelids were transparent, closing them wouldn't do anything to block light. Likewise, their iris closing doesn't do any good because light can still pass through it, Due to lack of melanin it's essentially transparent so it's like trying to close a transparent door to block light.

12-12-2013, 06:04 AM
I actually got a bigger tank with a stronger (white) light added some fake plants on the back wall and she was out and about yesterday soaking it up. i like the white better than the red. but ill keep a look out for her. but i think the last white light i had was a basking light (concentrated light) cuz i own turtles. buti bough her a light that snakes prefer so so far shes out and about loving the new seup. ill post pics soon with my new babies that should be coming today