View Full Version : How long until taking action when not eating

11-21-2013, 12:35 PM
Hi i bougt a cagemate for my radix female, But non of them havent since she moved in (two weeks) they dont seem stressed and seem to get along, so how long shall i wait until i separete them or try something else?

11-21-2013, 03:30 PM
I'm sure you've already read this, but...

Two weeks really is nothing. This time of year most garters will go off food to some degree.
For example, my male radix (3-4 years old) went off food around this time last year and I didn't worry, he started eating again in Feb or March. He will often stop eating for a couple of months at a time, for instance he stopped eating between the 18 Aug and 28 Oct this year.

You don't say how old they are, and some more information about their environment would be useful if you need more advice or reassurance.

11-21-2013, 05:45 PM
Chris is spot-on with his advice.

11-21-2013, 06:06 PM
You don't say how old they are, and some more information about their environment would be useful if you need more advice or reassurance.

All very important things to know since there are many reasons a snake would refuse to eat, besides just not being hungry.

For instance, most snakes will refuse to eat if the environment/temperature isn't right. They won't eat if they feel insecure. (basically they won't eat if they aren't comfortable) Sometimes they won't eat for a few weeks when moved to a new home. If they think it's fall because the days are getting shorter or temps are cooling, they'll stop eating. If they've been overfed for months and they're body mass reserves are maxed out, they'll fast for a while. If they are ill or injured they sometimes won't eat. If they are in shed they won't eat. If they are being offered an inappropriate food item they won't eat. Some garters respond to moving food, others respond to scent and the scents they respond to can vary from individual to individual. Some newborns won't eat for up to a month, some never do and perish. there are many reasons a snake won't eat. Some reasons are cause for concern, others are not. Some reasons can be corrected, some can't.

I would start by finding out what, if anything, they were eating before you got them, and offer them the same. If that doesn't work try offering a variety of appropriate foods. Sometimes they won't eat unless you offer what they prefer. Also make sure your environment is right, provide plenty of cover and hiding places. If they won't eat while your watching, try giving them privacy or leaving food in overnight. Try offering at different times of day. Put their heat/lights on a timer and let them adjust to a regular day/night cycle. A few hours after warming up in the morning is prime time for foraging/eating. They are more likely to eat soon after reaching optimal body temp each day.

Meanwhile don't get too worried. Unless they are visibly undernourished or are steadily losing body mass, even a few months without eating is nothing to be concerned about. I've had them go up to 5 months (even when not brumating) but not lose much weight. As long as that's not happening, don't worry. It's natural for even the healthiest snake kept in the best conditions, to occasionally go on a fast for weeks or even a few months.

11-22-2013, 04:48 AM
thanks for all the replays, first year having snake so i got abit worrid :p but there habitet is about 120x50x60cm lwh and 22-23 degres and 28-29 in sun spot, about 38% humidity about ages the new is about 2 years and my old i dont know but abit smaller, should mention that i live in sweden and its quite dark and cold here this time of year
Noticed something more troublesome a small amout of blood in old/small ones poo/pee,

11-22-2013, 06:32 AM
The hot temp could do with being a few degrees higher, I keep my hot spots around 32C.
Humidity is a little low, but that's going to be due to heating the house at this time of year? It will be worth misting once a day to help get the humidity up to 50-60%... although saying that my garters cope well with ambient humidity, but then again in the UK the air tends to be moister.
Are you providing artificial lighting to them on a timed cycle? What are your lighting times?

The blood in the poo would be a concern, but can I also ask what you've been feeding? Fish such as salmon and trout can come out the other end looking pink/red and can be mistaken for blood.

11-22-2013, 09:10 AM
last meals have been worms and pigheart, before that pinkies

11-27-2013, 12:43 PM
The hot temp could do with being a few degrees higher, I keep my hot spots around 32C.
Humidity is a little low, but that's going to be due to heating the house at this time of year? It will be worth misting once a day to help get the humidity up to 50-60%... Are you providing artificial lighting to them on a timed cycle?

Spot on again. This snake would be much more comfortable if humidity was 50-70%. A container/hide with damp moss to retreat to is also recommended to aid shedding.