View Full Version : Hobbyists/breeders willing to be interviewed!

10-15-2013, 08:27 PM
Hello everyone!

My name is Stacia and I'm a college student majoring in ecology and organismal biology, and I'm writing a Topical Community essay on snake bans, the drawbacks, benefits, and impacts on hobbyists and breeders of reptiles. I'm looking for experienced keepers and breeders of all different species of snakes, as well as any other reptiles commonly kept as pets.

The interview will be conducted online, over email most likely, but we could also use the forums or messaging system on here to communicate. The more people willing to participate the better. I will be making similar threads in other herp-focused forums, and if enough people are interested I might facilitate a web-based conversation between various hobbyists and experts via Skype, a conference call, or another similar platform.

Even if you don't know much about reptile bans or don't consider yourself to be a reptile expert, please consider letting me interview you! My questions are very general and relate mainly to your personal experiences of keeping and caring for and about all difference types of reptiles.

If you have any questions just ask :)

Thanks everyone!

10-16-2013, 05:44 AM
Count me in.

10-16-2013, 06:32 AM
Sure, why not.

10-16-2013, 07:48 AM
Might as well ;)

10-16-2013, 01:57 PM
Send me a PM, I'll give you my views.

10-16-2013, 04:01 PM
You may contact me too!

10-16-2013, 05:41 PM
Wow thanks so much everyone! I'll post the questions on this thread as well as PM each one of you with the questions. I have them in a word document so if any of you would rather answer them directly in word itself I can email you the word document.

Thanks again for all the support! :)


Reptile bans, the community, and consequences

In what ways are you or have you been involved in the community of reptile hobbyists, breeders, and educators? (If you are comfortable doing so, please state your name and credentials [eg. Number of years working with reptiles, a college degree such as biology/zoology/etc., size of collection, variety of species kept, etc.])

Have you heard of or read about any legislation or debate surrounding various reptile bans in the past several years? If you have, are you for or against such bans?

Do you think you would be affected by the implementation of a python or boa ban in your home state? In what ways would such a ban have the greatest impact on your hobby, breeding, or education program?

If a ban on any/all species currently kept in your collection was implemented how would your hobby, breeding, or education program be affected?

Do you believe any species currently in your collection, or any species you have kept in the past, pose any significant danger or harm to humans? Do you believe any of these species pose an ecological threat?

Do you have any final opinions or statements related to reptile bans in the United States and their impact on reptile hobbyists, breeders, or educators?

Thank you very much for participating in my interview!

10-17-2013, 12:34 AM
Wow thanks so much everyone! I'll post the questions on this thread as well as PM each one of you with the questions. I have them in a word document so if any of you would rather answer them directly in word itself I can email you the word document.

Thanks again for all the support! :)


Reptile bans, the community, and consequences

In what ways are you or have you been involved in the community of reptile hobbyists, breeders, and educators? (If you are comfortable doing so, please state your name and credentials [eg. Number of years working with reptiles, a college degree such as biology/zoology/etc., size of collection, variety of species kept, etc.])

Have you heard of or read about any legislation or debate surrounding various reptile bans in the past several years? If you have, are you for or against such bans?

Do you think you would be affected by the implementation of a python or boa ban in your home state? In what ways would such a ban have the greatest impact on your hobby, breeding, or education program?

If a ban on any/all species currently kept in your collection was implemented how would your hobby, breeding, or education program be affected?

Do you believe any species currently in your collection, or any species you have kept in the past, pose any significant danger or harm to humans? Do you believe any of these species pose an ecological threat?

Do you have any final opinions or statements related to reptile bans in the United States and their impact on reptile hobbyists, breeders, or educators?

Thank you very much for participating in my interview!
I see at least 2 references to the United States, do you still want responses from those of us who aren't from there?

10-17-2013, 02:02 AM
I see at least 2 references to the United States, do you still want responses from those of us who aren't from there?

I'm mostly aware of legal battles involving reptiles in the US, so I framed my questions around these specifically, but I would still love to have as many people comment on the issues as possible. I didn't mean to make any of the questions exclusive! So yes, anyone willing to give some of their opinions/thoughts are welcome to do so! :)


10-19-2013, 07:46 PM
Here you go!
Reptile bans, the community, and consequences

In what ways are you or have you been involved in the community of reptile hobbyists, breeders, and educators? (If you are comfortable doing so, please state your name and credentials [eg. Number of years working with reptiles, a college degree such as biology/zoology/etc., size of collection, variety of species kept, etc.])

Inge Powell (HND, PGCE, BA Hons - but nothing reptile or animal related)
I live in Wales, UK and have kept snakes for about 25 years.
I have 79 snakes (but 32 of these are 1 week old babies!!)
I have:
26 garters (+32 babies)
10 corns
8 milks
3 kings.
I work in the college in the computing department, but I also take my snakes in and do a lesson on snake handling/ education to the animal science course during their exotics module.

Have you heard of or read about any legislation or debate surrounding various reptile bans in the past several years? If you have, are you for or against such bans?

Totally against. I would be happy for legislation to look into how people look after their animals/reptiles. This seems fairer. Why blanket ban when some people do a sterling job!. My house is a mess, but my vivs are pristine!

Do you think you would be affected by the implementation of a python or boa ban in your home state? In what ways would such a ban have the greatest impact on your hobby, breeding, or education program?

It would not affect me, but it would affect quite a lot of my friends unfairly.

If a ban on any/all species currently kept in your collection was implemented how would your hobby, breeding, or education program be affected?

If it was a total ban then it would prevent me from breeding, keeping and educating others. That would be a sad day.

Do you believe any species currently in your collection, or any species you have kept in the past, pose any significant danger or harm to humans? Do you believe any of these species pose an ecological threat?

Not at present. I have kept boas in the past which if left with a small child unattended could potentially kill the child.
But I also own a kettle, a kitchen knife and a car, if I left a small child with any of those things, they could potentially kill the child too!!

Do you have any final opinions or statements related to reptile bans in the United States and their impact on reptile hobbyists, breeders, or educators?

I just think that it is very sad, add more stringent checks, tighter care laws maybe, but do not ban.