View Full Version : Need help -- unusual feeding problems

09-06-2013, 06:49 PM
Okay so something is not right here. Have adolescent/adults that have been good feeders. Actually two in separate enclosures, flame male and albino flame female, 2-3 years old.

The last few weeks they act very hungry but turn down both pinkies and trout. They come dashing up hungry but then back away as if it smells terrible. For a while they would take the trout but not like the pinkies.

I tried dethawing both pinkies and trout separately but they still act "hungry yet repulsed".

What is wrong here? Any ideas? They act hungry, searching, dashing, tongue flicking, yet get repulsed by the food, pulling back suddenly or the male rubs his head in the substrate as if he wants to get that horrible scent away from him.

09-06-2013, 07:05 PM
Not sure. Some snakes take a break from eating if eating has been good. Overall how is their activity, drinking, and pooping(if any) When did they shed last?

09-06-2013, 07:24 PM
My female does something similar sometimes. She usually just wants out of her tank for a bit when she acts that way, and gets mad if instead of letting her get out I try to follow her around with food.
As long as they're active, healthy, and aren't losing weight, I'd say it's nothing to worry about. Just keep an eye on them and watch for any changes.

09-07-2013, 05:35 AM
Thanks. They are active, every morning they are up and at the front of the enclosures even though it is still dark. Very busy, watching what is going on in the room etc....

I think both may be getting ready to shed soon, they haven't for a month or so but both are looking dull.

I just started wondering if there was something wrong with the food but a few weeks ago they were gobbling up the same batch of frozen trout and same batch of pinkies so if there was a problem (chemical smell or something) I would think they would have taken offense back then.

Right now they are both busy pacing in their enclosures keeping an eye on us (which is why I keep thinking they must be hungry but they they don't want to eat).