View Full Version : Its oh so quiet Shh Shh
07-21-2012, 12:19 PM
The snake on the right I have posted before and live by my house. The one eating is about 60 miles north of my home.
Are they different species?
07-21-2012, 12:57 PM
So, I'm not going to the hospital... And I can't even go see a doctor unless someone asks my land lord for 100 dollars to pay for the visit and medication. This is awesome. I can barely walk without falling over.
07-22-2012, 04:07 AM
So, I'm not going to the hospital... And I can't even go see a doctor unless someone asks my land lord for 100 dollars to pay for the visit and medication. This is awesome. I can barely walk without falling over.It really awful that you have to pay for health care over there.Hope you get better soon:)
07-22-2012, 04:57 AM
Yes, indeed... I appreciate health insurance quite a bit more now. I wish I still had mine.
07-22-2012, 06:55 AM
So you are dismissing his valid questions because he only has a years experience with reptiles?;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhAQEA8PDw8QDw8QEA8QDw8PDQ8NDg8PFBAVFBUQEh QXHCYeFxkjGRISHy8gIycpLCwsFR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwO Fw8PFywcHBwpKSk1LCwpKSwsLCkpLCksLCkpNSkpLCktLCwsLS wsLCwpKiwpKSkpKS0sKSwpKSksKf/AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xAA9EAACAQMBBQQGBwcFAQAAAAAAAQIDBBEhBRIxQVEGYXGBEx QiMpGhBxVCUrHB0SNDYpKy4fA0cnOCwjP/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUG/8QALBEAAgICAQMDAwIHAAAAAAAAAAECEQMEEiExUQUiQRNhcTL BM5GhsdHh8P/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A+1thkWAwQGPI94jgBgS3gyRHkAHkMiAAJ ZDJHIAA8hkjkAsB5DJHIZEA94e8QDIWBPeDJDIZCwJZDJHICsd Esi3iOQCwolkMkQAB5FkQZEMeQyRDIWBLICALAsAGBIiAAAAMQ BgAAADIAABkQADFkbEIAAAAYAAAACYMAAAAAAAAAAGIGIQDEMQ hgAAAxiAAEWsAAmRAAwAAAxMAAAYxMAEMTKL253IN/a4RXeQyZI44ucuyJJOTpFd3tKFPR6vonjHizk1u0c3pGMV36y+ Rjrvnhyfyz1Mk4Tlxe6ui4nlcnqWbI+j4r7f9Z2MWpjS93U6UO 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I know I just woke up and will probably regret asking but could someone explain to me what this means. I've beat my small brain but am lost.
07-22-2012, 07:38 AM
I don't really know either:D
07-22-2012, 06:05 PM
It's 105° F/ 41° C here and that's air temp. and this isn't the hot time of the year.
07-22-2012, 06:19 PM
Man, i'd die in 41c. Wish us brits could send some rain your way, 14c and 3 months of non stop rain has been our summer so far. Though we did have a relatively nice day here today, 23c and sun for the first time in weeks.
07-22-2012, 09:35 PM
On my way home I saw this. I laughed my tushie off.
07-23-2012, 09:29 AM
The snake on the right I have posted before and live by my house. The one eating is about 60 miles north of my home.
Are they different species?
Those are both Easterns
07-23-2012, 09:40 AM
They don't look like easterns to me. As far as that pic of the boot and the strainer goes...maybe we are being told to strain our don't know either. The pic of the car tag is funny...perhaps a gynocologist on his/her way to work? I think I'll get a tag that says "slutty nurse"....ha ha ha ha ha....j/k.
07-23-2012, 10:30 AM
I cut the pad off of my left index finger.
So, one less fingerprint to identify you with?
07-23-2012, 10:34 AM
The hits, they keep on coming...
We might have bedbugs in our apartment. I've only had a few mysterious bites, but my fiance is being eaten alive. We're having an exterminator come out tomorrow to do an inspection and if they have to do a treatment, I have to pack up all the animals (including the snakes that I'm not supposed to have :rolleyes:) and find somewhere to take them for 4 or 5 hours. Normally I'd just take them all to a park for the day but I don't know that the spoiled snakes can handle a 100 degree day.
07-23-2012, 10:52 AM
So, one less fingerprint to identify you with?
It only makes the print more distinctive.
07-23-2012, 12:06 PM
It only makes the print more distinctive.And I have another hand...
07-23-2012, 12:41 PM
And other fingers I hope.
I'm angry that my infection didn't go away after allll the cranberry juice. So mad.
Why would you expect cranberry juice to make an infection just "go away" ? It doesn't quite work like that. You need antibiotics for an established infection. WA has at least 30 free clinics. I've used them in the past. They'll take care of you if you can just get to one of them.
WA Free clinic association: Phone (360)705-0892
Home - Washington Free Clinic Association (
07-23-2012, 03:47 PM
Found these adorable little baby mice in the parking lot of my work. I think they fell out of a car. I'm taking then to the local animal recuse after work. Poor little things. Their eyes aren't even open yet. I know the chances of them surviving are slim, but they are better if I take them to the rescue than if I just leave them on the pavement to get cooked or squished.
07-23-2012, 03:57 PM
You could give them bread soaked in skimmed milk and let them suck up the milk.
07-23-2012, 04:06 PM
Looks like free snake food to me
07-23-2012, 06:23 PM
Looks like free snake food to me
Stole my darn line.
07-23-2012, 06:33 PM
Richard, I know cranberry juice doesn't magically take it away, but it does keep it from getting worse and speeds it up so it goes away faster. Last time I had one, I drnk some cranberry juice and it was pretty much gone the next day. I've had plenty of issues, so I know what usually works.
07-23-2012, 07:15 PM
Yea, I've had issues with that before, and have only been to the doctor and had antibiotics once. Cranberry juice and AZOs can alot of times do the trick.
That license plate was hilarious!! Think of how often they must get made fun of, especially if it's not an intentional vanity plate:p I seen one yesterday the said "4nando," I'm guessing supposed to be like "Fernando."
07-23-2012, 08:03 PM
. Cranberry juice and AZOs can alot of times do the trick.
Then you didn't have an infection. AZO just treats the symptoms. Symptoms that can be caused by things other than an infection. I've had symptoms of UTI, and yes, AZO seems to "cure" it within a few days. But I also went to the doctor before taking the AZO. No infection found.
Richard, I know cranberry juice doesn't magically take it away, but it does keep it from getting worse and speeds it up so it goes away faster. Last time I had one, I drnk some cranberry juice and it was pretty much gone the next day.
Then you didn't have a UTI in the first place. Funny how when it's not an infection, it does just go away. Would have went away even if you didn't drink cranberry juice.
My point is, before touting a cure for something you probably didn't have, get a real diagnosis. Any doctor will tell you that if you truly have a UTI, no amount of cranberry juice or AZO's is going to cure it. I don't doubt that it will ease the symptoms, but that's it. If your remedy cures it, then your self-diagnosis wasn't correct to begin with. Don't take my word for it, this comes directly from AZO's website: " If you don't get an antibiotic, you won't get rid of the bacteria that caused your UTI and serious health problems may develop."
I know that smoking doesn't cause cancer or emphysema because I smoked from 1983 to 2011. I don't have cancer or emphysema. That conclusively proves it. :rolleyes:
07-23-2012, 09:40 PM
Richard, cranberry juice can help prevent it from getting worse, which helps it go away faster because it cant get worse.. I'm sure you have a vagina and have experience many utis, or you have other issues with your tackle, but I've had plenty and have gone to the doctor and it was, in fact a uti. It wasn't bad enough that they wanted to give me medication, so they told me to drink plenty of water and cranberry juice. My doctor told me that my body would fight the infection on its own. That's why it went away. Not me saying that cranberry juice cured it. I'm not even going to argue with you. Snakey just died, so please. Stop being stupid. I'm sure my doctor is plenty smarter than you, even though at times she seems completely stupid about certain subjects. She's also a woman, so I'm sure she's experienced it, too.
07-23-2012, 10:33 PM
I'm sorry that you and your doctor both experienced losing snakes. Or being stupid about subjects. I'm not sure which.:o
07-23-2012, 10:44 PM
Very funny.
07-24-2012, 02:05 AM
Feeling quite a bit more stable now... So...
Richard, please tell me why 3 different doctors have told me to drink cranberry juice. I was told thatcranberry juice, plus drinking enough water will help remove the bacteria from the urinary tract, and because of that it will keep the infection from getting worse. Since it's not getting worse, and can lessen the problems, your body can fight the infection itself. This infection was worse, so I need medication this time, but drinking cranberry juice and water has taken away the pain and all of the issues that I was having. Why would I be told by 3 different people that my body would fight the infection in its own, if it didn't happen? I got the UTI diagnosed. I got a blood test and a urine test, so I doubt they were just lying to my face. So Richard, were they lying to me about having an infection? I self diagnose based off the issues I had when I did get diagnosed, by a professional. The pain, the smell, the pressure in the abdomen. I know what a uti feels like, I've had plenty. Stop acting like you know more than me, it's not like I'm just talking out of my ***. Oh and sorry I worded my response wrong, the cranberry juice didn't 'take it away' the cranberry juice just helped with the issues, obviously. Anyone with a brain would know that.
07-24-2012, 09:50 AM
Steveo...most exterminators are very knowlegable and skilled in getting rid of bedbugs these days. However, if you should continue to have problems...I have dealt with the issue myself and I can recommend special laundry detergent, body spray, and furniture spray that does the trick in getting rid of them. PM me if you need help with this.
Chantel...the acid in cranberry juice aids in creating an acidic environment in the urinary tract to prevent and help to treat UTIs. However, if the infection gets bad...antibiotics are needed to cure it and prevent it from becoming systemic. I know this from previous experience and being in nursing school. Skype me and I will help you. No comment to Richard's comments...
07-24-2012, 11:48 AM
Richard, please tell me why 3 different doctors have told me to drink cranberry juice. I was told thatcranberry juice, plus drinking enough water will help remove the bacteria from the urinary tract
You just answered the question yourself. If you're having bacteria build up in your urinary tract, this approach can prevent it from becoming an issue needing antibiotics by flushing out, which is how one keeps from getting UTI in the first place. But lets be clear. This is prevention, not a cure. An established infection will still require antibiotics.
This infection was worse, so I need medication this time
Exactly. And unless you go to the Dr. so they can determine the primary bacteria involved and how advanced it is, you will not know if this is something your body will just fight off, or if it's something that needs antibiotics. I just hope for your sake you're getting this taken care of. Kidney damage can occur if it isn't taken care of. If you're having repeated infections, I would be for finding out why.
07-24-2012, 12:00 PM
Is it really so quiet that the only thing we have to discuss is a UTI and cranberry juice? For the record, I've heard more than one doctor say that cranberry juice is a fallacy, if you are drinking cranberry juice for a UTI you are almost certainly drinking more full stop. You'd gain the same benefits just drinking more water.
Now, the weather is really warm back home, unfortunately I'm working in Scotland where it is much cooler and cloudier.
07-24-2012, 12:41 PM
For the record, I've heard more than one doctor say that cranberry juice is a fallacy, if you are drinking cranberry juice for a UTI you are almost certainly drinking more full stop. You'd gain the same benefits just drinking more water.
I've heard that too, but more extensive studies have been done recently that indicate it keeps bacteria from sticking so that they simply flush away. This benefit is not restricted to just juice. The compounds found in cranberries will work, with or without the water.
07-24-2012, 12:54 PM
The sun has come out!There hasn't been a properly nice day in Swansea since March.Its good to have the Sun back:).One good thing about the Welsh weather is that you never take the sun for granted.
07-24-2012, 12:57 PM
100° F and sunny here. You can have all the sun you want.
I'll trade you some sun for some rain.
07-24-2012, 01:01 PM
100° F and sunny here. You can have all the sun you want.
I'll trade you some sun for some rain.If you want rain Swansea is a good place to get it.It's the wettest city in Britain!
07-24-2012, 01:26 PM
I've heard that too, but more extensive studies have been done recently that indicate it keeps bacteria from sticking so that they simply flush away. This benefit is not restricted to just juice. The compounds found in cranberries will work, with or without the water.
Were the studies funded by cranberry growers? ;)
100° F and sunny here. You can have all the sun you want.
I'll trade you some sun for some rain.
I'll trade you rain for some B&W radix, I can't guarantee a delivery date for the rain but it will be some time between now and then. :)
07-24-2012, 01:35 PM
Were the studies funded by cranberry growers? ;)
I'll trade you rain for some B&W radix, I can't guarantee a delivery date for the rain but it will be some time between now and then. :)
I'm sure you would.:D
07-24-2012, 01:40 PM
I would be getting this taken care of, if I had money and insurance. I'm not likely to get any sort of help until friday.
07-24-2012, 02:48 PM
OMG, a cloud just passed in front of the sun. Haven't seen one of those in weeks. WOW.
07-24-2012, 02:52 PM
Heh. I'd do anything for a breeze. I get all sweaty just riding the bus to work. Spring and Fall are so windy in Denver but in the summer we just bake.
07-25-2012, 07:32 AM
I lost 7 pounds in the past few days.. Even if I weren't in this sort of situation, I can't say it's a happy thing. I enjoy losing weight and all since it helps my back pain but 7 pounds in 3-5 days? Jebus bazooka.
07-25-2012, 07:52 AM
Jebus bazooka...I'm going to use that one. Lol... It's been nothing but hot and humid here. It was 91 degrees yesterday. We had a brief thunderstorm last night. I heard some states got hit with some scary thunderstorms.
My son's dad and I are getting my son a trampoline for his that has the safety walls on it. He is going to be so excited.
07-25-2012, 07:59 AM
91° I'll take it.
07-25-2012, 08:32 AM
Oh...I forgot to tell you tags on my car expired and I didn't have time to go and get them renewed right away. Of course, as luck would have it, I got pulled over leaving one of my son's swim meets last week. And, of course, I couldn't find my insurance card when the cop asked for it. So, I got two violations...but the cop said I could go to court and show proof of insurance and get that one dropped...but I would have to pay a fine for the expired tags. So, I went to court yesterday...and the judge I saw was the nicest man. I showed him my insurance card and proof that I had gotten my tags renewed the day after I got the ticket. He let me go without a fine. I was so thankful because he said it would have been $140 and I have no money. I told him I was a single mom and a nursing student with no money and he said giving me a break was for a good cause then. So nice!
07-25-2012, 11:39 AM
american weather sounds mental.
07-25-2012, 12:05 PM
True dat.
07-25-2012, 09:40 PM
Steveo...most exterminators are very knowlegable and skilled in getting rid of bedbugs these days. However, if you should continue to have problems...I have dealt with the issue myself and I can recommend special laundry detergent, body spray, and furniture spray that does the trick in getting rid of them. PM me if you need help with this.
The exterminator found bedbugs right away. Fortunately they seemed to be confined to just one small spot, but this exterminator is a "bedbug specialist" and says that three separate treatments are required, each 2 weeks apart. Luckily the apartment management is covering the cost. He used a liquid chemical that turns into an aerosol, so I had to gather up the dog and cat and sit in my car for 4 hours. The snakes went outside on the balcony (in the shade) and pulled through just fine; today's high was about 86 degrees. The feeder guppies are in a room that was closed off and not treated. The next two times the snakes will go outside again (weather permitting) and the dog and cat will be boarded with our dog walker friend for the day. I'd prefer to stay home but I'm also determined to not let bedbugs consume the precious little vacation time that I have. If I have to I can pack up the snakes and fit them all in my backpack and take them to work... my coworkers won't suspect anything unusual because I usually bring a change of clothes in my backpack for going to the gym after work. :)
Nikki and I have been going crazy trying to figure out where we picked them up, but we suspect it was a local movie theater. The exterminator said movie theaters are perfect bedbug havens because they're dark about 20 hours a day.
07-26-2012, 09:19 AM
Nikki and I have been going crazy trying to figure out where we picked them up, but we suspect it was a local movie theater. The exterminator said movie theaters are perfect bedbug havens because they're dark about 20 hours a day.
07-26-2012, 09:45 AM
Jeez...I know that you can pick them up pretty easily. Bringing in used furniture, having a person come over who has an infestation and then sits on your furniture, staying in a motel or hotel and then bringing them home...are just some ways of becoming infested, to name a few. I am wondering if I have them again. I keep feeling something biting me when I am in bed...but then I don't see anything...which can be indicative of bedbugs. I am going to wash all of my bedding in the special treatment detergent that I have again.
Invisible Snake
07-26-2012, 11:10 AM
In NYC we have several extermination companies that specialize in bed bugs and they use a dog to sniff out if you have an infestation in your home.
07-26-2012, 08:56 PM
This is weird. You guys were talking about bed bugs and I get a bed bug solicitation on my secured email. too much of a coincidence. Anybody else?
07-26-2012, 10:15 PM
Hmm...that is odd...but I often get weird advertisements. There was a bad computer virus going around recently...hackers were rerouting browsers to send people to false websites and links. Could your computer have been infected? Do you have virus protection?
Speaking of weird...I got a statement from my insurance company today that showed all of the itemized charges from my recent surgery. One of the charges was for a pathology analysis of tissue to check for cancer...which my doctor never told me could be an issue. Another charge was $26,000 for surgery/implants. What the heck did they implant me with? New boobs don't even cost $26,000...and I didn't ask for any implants! What the heck did they implant me with and what would cost $26,000? I'm calling my doctor for an explanation tomorrow...if I have to I will contact the AMA to do an investigation...either something sketchy was done during my surgery or my doctor is charging my insurance company for things that were not done to fraud.
07-27-2012, 01:19 AM
I think its terrible that Americans have to pay for healthcare why can't your government pay for it the tight arsed buggers.
07-27-2012, 01:54 AM
Because people don't want raised taxes or whatever to save peoples lives. Or whatever they do... I think people should have to pay for their fake boobs though. :D
07-27-2012, 02:44 AM
I think people should have to pay for their fake boobs though. :D
Yeah. Unless the person had to have a mastectomy.
07-27-2012, 04:58 AM
Well yes, there would be obvious exceptions to that. I just mean the blonde bimbos that just want to show off their chesticles... They deserve to waste their money on it.
07-27-2012, 01:20 PM
Hmm...that is odd...but I often get weird advertisements. There was a bad computer virus going around recently...hackers were rerouting browsers to send people to false websites and links. Could your computer have been infected? Do you have virus protection?
Speaking of weird...I got a statement from my insurance company today that showed all of the itemized charges from my recent surgery. One of the charges was for a pathology analysis of tissue to check for cancer...which my doctor never told me could be an issue. Another charge was $26,000 for surgery/implants. What the heck did they implant me with? New boobs don't even cost $26,000...and I didn't ask for any implants! What the heck did they implant me with and what would cost $26,000? I'm calling my doctor for an explanation tomorrow...if I have to I will contact the AMA to do an investigation...either something sketchy was done during my surgery or my doctor is charging my insurance company for things that were not done to fraud.
Marnie, that sounds kinda scary!!! Are you sure nothing is different?:p Hope everything is cleared up.
There's some lady I've seen on Taboo(a show that comes on Nat Geo) that's had like 20 different breast augmentations. I don't even know what size they were....Ridiculous whatever it was. She went so big, she had to go to Brazil to get them done because no one wanted to touch themin America, and got a baaad infection, had to have the implants removed, she had TWO implants in each breast.....And now isn't worried about anything but getting her boobs back....Some people....:rolleyes:
07-28-2012, 01:00 AM
As a British passport holder I feel that I should offer to explain any parts of the Olympic opening ceremony that you guys overseas didn't get - some of it was kinda confusing. Some very good moments and some very bad concepts that should never have made it off the storyboard.
The lighting of the Olympic cauldron was amazing though. If you haven't seen it I'm sure it will be repeated on all the channels showing the Games.
07-28-2012, 05:07 AM
I have an oil burner in my room to help keep me off edge and help me relax... It has a little bit of wax in it with the oil to keep it from boiling... There was a moth in my room that kept smacking my face, and it landed right above my oil burner... I figured I'd catch it and throw it outside if my frogs didnt want it (they seem to prefer moths to every other food item ive ever offered).... I had my hand over the moth and it threw itself down... Right into the burner. Now I have a waxed moth... Ugh. The moths here, if you try catching them while they're on the wall, will just throw themselves onto the floor.. Right where they are more noticeable. They are so stupid. Lol.
07-28-2012, 09:13 AM
From fake tits to the Olympics,this thread is slowly turning into The One show;)
07-29-2012, 05:43 AM
Haven't been able to watch the olympics, I've been busy doing anything else.
07-29-2012, 09:37 AM
I'm actually sick to death with the Olympics. It's mentioned in every other tv ad, most tv programs and people keep trying to talk to me about it.I tried to watch some of the opening ceremony whilst with my OH. It was some of the weirdest rubbish I've seen and had nothing to do with the great sporting event that it's meant to be. I think I lasted the better part of 2 minutes before I flicked over the channel.
07-29-2012, 11:33 AM
Emily...I don't know what is going on. I am going to call my doc's office tomorrow and make them go over each itemized charge on my bill. I also want an explanation for why my tissue was sent to pathology and I wasn't told. I want to know what that $26,000 charge for implants was. It was probably just a mistake on the bill...but I might go to my family doctor, who I trust, and have him take a look around and tell me what is going on...make sure everything that is supposed to be there is there and that there isn't anything that isn't supposed to be there...if something is wrong...I will get a lawyer and sue the crap out of the surgeon who did the surgery.
I will be cleaning dust today. I am severely allergic to it ought to be fun. I pay my sister-in-law to come every two weeks to clean the dust...but she is crazy and greedy. She has been cleaning less and less and demanding more and more money. Yes, I am looking for someone else. But anyway...I am now going to clean all the dust in my room that she has not cleaned...and that is making me really sick. Fun fun!
07-29-2012, 12:46 PM
I'm actually sick to death with the Olympics. It's mentioned in every other tv ad, most tv programs and people keep trying to talk to me about it.I tried to watch some of the opening ceremony whilst with my OH. It was some of the weirdest rubbish I've seen and had nothing to do with the great sporting event that it's meant to be. I think I lasted the better part of 2 minutes before I flicked over the channel.Same with the euro football thing,every single avert saying "Come on England!" on Welsh telly.
07-29-2012, 01:01 PM
Emily...I don't know what is going on. I am going to call my doc's office tomorrow and make them go over each itemized charge on my bill. I also want an explanation for why my tissue was sent to pathology and I wasn't told. I want to know what that $26,000 charge for implants was. It was probably just a mistake on the bill...but I might go to my family doctor, who I trust, and have him take a look around and tell me what is going on...make sure everything that is supposed to be there is there and that there isn't anything that isn't supposed to be there...if something is wrong...I will get a lawyer and sue the crap out of the surgeon who did the surgery.
I will be cleaning dust today. I am severely allergic to it ought to be fun. I pay my sister-in-law to come every two weeks to clean the dust...but she is crazy and greedy. She has been cleaning less and less and demanding more and more money. Yes, I am looking for someone else. But anyway...I am now going to clean all the dust in my room that she has not cleaned...and that is making me really sick. Fun fun!
I can't believe how much they charge! Thank god for insurance. I hope it was a mistake and everything is ok.
07-29-2012, 02:02 PM
But that still doesn't answer my question: What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
I have just decided that I will submit this question to Mythbusters. They could also find out whether two swallows or a pigeon could carry a coconut.
08-02-2012, 10:53 AM
Stefan...okay, this might not be the place for this...but I have been trying to fix my signature the way I want it for a while now. It keeps telling me I have too many characters...yet other people's signatures have more characters and lines than's driving me nuts! Could you please help me?
08-02-2012, 11:07 AM
Stefan...okay, this might not be the place for this...but I have been trying to fix my signature the way I want it for a while now. It keeps telling me I have too many characters...yet other people's signatures have more characters and lines than's driving me nuts! Could you please help me?
I would if I knew what was wrong with it.
What I do know, is that this is how the forum sees it:
1.1.3.T.s.sirtalis 1.0 T.marcianus 2.1 T.radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis 0.1 T.s.concinnus
Seeley,Cee Cee,Ziggy,Zeus,Perseus,Hermes,Possum,Sammy,Sadie,J oe,Bella
Select the whole signature and hit Remove Format. See if that does something.
08-02-2012, 12:02 PM
Okay...I am technologically challenged. I don't see a remove format option when I do that. Are you saying when you guys look at my are seeing what you posted above?
08-02-2012, 12:27 PM
Okay...I am technologically challenged. I don't see a remove format option when I do that. Are you saying when you guys look at my are seeing what you posted above?
No, that's what the forum software sees. All the font tags etc. count.
08-02-2012, 12:29 PM
Okay...thanks. I will try that. Thanks for the help.
08-02-2012, 02:14 PM
Going back to the Olympics, I really dislike the job NBC is doing with their coverage. I can handle knowing the results beforehand and all that... but they only show the USA in events where they advance or medal. I know if it's on TV we're going to do well and they won't show the events we're not good at. They will rarely even show the final events unless we medal or aren't in it at all. Perhaps if they aired some of our weaker events it would generate some interest and we could send better talent a few cycles from now.
I also don't really like that foreign corporations are doing pro-Team USA commercials. Does BMW care about Team USA? Of course not, they just want Consumer USA dollars.
08-02-2012, 05:22 PM
I also don't really like that foreign corporations are doing pro-Team USA commercials. Does BMW care about Team USA? Of course not, they just want Consumer USA dollars.
No corporation cares, foreign or domestic. They all just want your money.
08-03-2012, 03:31 AM
I find it funny that McDonald's,Coca Cola and Cadbury are the main sponsors at a sporting event.
08-03-2012, 03:39 AM
Well, if it weren't for them, people wouldn't exercise.
08-03-2012, 04:13 AM
Good point:D
08-03-2012, 09:32 AM
I think it's really funny seeing a beach volley ball court set up in the middle of London. When they pan out the see gray medieval looking buildings and gloomy weather and then you see a "beach" in the middle of it. Rofl.....
08-03-2012, 10:04 AM
Gray medieval looking buildings and gloomy weather.Britain in a nut shell:D.When I was watching the beach volley ball I wasn't paying much attention to the architecture;)
08-03-2012, 12:05 PM
That's a historic bit of London. Pah... Grey buildings indeed.
08-06-2012, 05:07 AM
Uhh. Can slugs live without their back tail? I have a 6-7 inch spotted slug that I've been keeping as sort of a pet. I was going to give him to Big Mama, but he was too big. I have him staying with my frogs right now...
Anyways, I didn't know where he was, figured he was under the grass that I have in there.. I slid the top off to feed Big Legs and after I closed it I saw goo dripping down the side... It cut half way through his tail. He's a big old slug, and i was hoping to find another of similar size sometime and maybe have sluggy babies for my snakes... I feel kind of bad for the fat slug... I don't want him to die! Haha...
08-06-2012, 10:37 AM
Uhh. Can slugs live without their back tail? I have a 6-7 inch spotted slug that I've been keeping as sort of a pet. I was going to give him to Big Mama, but he was too big. I have him staying with my frogs right now...
Anyways, I didn't know where he was, figured he was under the grass that I have in there.. I slid the top off to feed Big Legs and after I closed it I saw goo dripping down the side... It cut half way through his tail. He's a big old slug, and i was hoping to find another of similar size sometime and maybe have sluggy babies for my snakes... I feel kind of bad for the fat slug... I don't want him to die! Haha...
If you've sliced it's tail off... isn't it the right size for Big Mama now? ;)
08-06-2012, 05:07 PM
No, it was half an inch, he's still huge... I don't even think Mama would bother. He's the slug equivilent of 2 hoppers... Mama wouldn't ever touch a hopper. She's a northwestern, so you have to keep in mind she's probably the size of a male of a larger species... She's a lot larger than most females in this area.... She's a bit old though.
08-08-2012, 11:53 AM
I found out that if I am to keep my reptiles I have to my local University (Swansea) and they require at least one A and to B's in A-levels for the zoology course.If I go there I can keep my animals(priorities:)),save money by staying at home and go to a better university than Aberystwyth (which was my first choice because it's easier to get into).Now that's an incentive to work!
08-08-2012, 06:14 PM
It's raining, it's raining. Thank you God.
08-08-2012, 06:45 PM
Thank God it's raining for you. We need some more.
08-08-2012, 06:50 PM
When you two are done, send it my way:p We had some thunder today, but no rain.
Light of Dae
08-08-2012, 08:09 PM
Cancer. I hate Cancer... my step-dad (Larry) had cancer last year. Lung cancer even though he never smoked a day in his life, they told him at that point that if he had been any older or the spots just a little bigger, that they would have only done palliative care(comfort you till you die) but they gave it a shot and put him on the strongest regiment of chemo and radiation, and then removed the middle n lower lobe of one lung n a chunk of the other. Then after all that, they do the final scan and it spread to his brain... two dots. Went for more surgery, gamma knife to the head. should be all good again.
Now he just got results back from a recent MRI and CT scan...
Cancer is back n growing. Spots in his brain have gotten bigger. A few more in his lungs.
Doctors are having a meeting to decide where to go from here....
08-08-2012, 08:12 PM
My fat slug passed away :( I'll have to find some more next time it rains.
08-08-2012, 08:13 PM
Oh no, Dae, I'm so sorry! I really hopethey can do something for him.
08-08-2012, 09:02 PM
Prayers to Larry and his family.
08-08-2012, 11:22 PM
So sorry Dae. You and your family are in my thoughts.
Invisible Snake
08-09-2012, 12:28 AM
Sorry to hear that Light of Dae, my thoughts and prayers are with Larry and you. Lung cancer scares the **** out of me because I smoke cigarettes = /
Light of Dae
08-09-2012, 06:00 AM
Then stop smoking. I did. I only smoked for two years but was a two pack a day person.
I quit by forcing myself into the most annoying habit. Light up, two puffs, put it out. Even if I'd relight it and smoke the whole cigarette, I'd put it out after two puffs, EVERY two puffs. It tasted so ... nasty n stale after that that I started throwing them away longer n longer, till I stopped buying packs, for a short time I would have a puff off a friends smoke, but never more then one puff.
Then I just said Done. Never had a smoke since.
Nicotine is a drug, when you 'crave' a smoke it is actually a withdrawal. I weaned myself down by making smoking 1. Annoying 2. Gross tasting 3. A heck lot of self control to put out after every two puffs.
It has been 5 years. Haven't craved or wanted one. not even when stressed out.
08-09-2012, 07:20 AM
Nice going Michelle. My dad was a 2 pack a day guy. Sad thing is one of my most vivid memories of him was his smokers cough at night.
08-09-2012, 09:21 AM
Quitting smoking is harder than it sounds...especially for people who have smoked way longer than two years. Nicotine is actually more addictive than heroin. Plus it is different for everyone...people with more addictive personalities have more trouble quitting. I used to be an addiction counselor. The gum works pretty well. Hypnotism is supposed to be the best way to quit if you can find someone who actually knows what they are doing. Lung cancer scares me as well. My uncle died from it...he had a progressive form that killed him within a couple of months. Of course, he chain smoked for about 50 years. To make smokers feel better, they are now discovering that there is a genetic link to lung cancer...which is why you often hear of non-smokers getting it. Not to say that people shouldn't try to quit. But I do know how hard it is...don't let people tell you it's a habit that you can just break. Get help in quitting...a support group, medication...many things can help. And don't get yourself down if you can't quit...just keep trying! You can eventually succeed!
I'm very sorry about your uncle, Michelle. Cancer does suck. I still get sad about John all the time. My grandmother also died from cancer. My best friend from childhood just went into recovery from breast cancer. I really hope that we find a cure for cancer sometime soon!
08-09-2012, 09:57 AM
Very sorry to hear of this Michelle. My thoughts are with you and your family.
08-09-2012, 12:00 PM
My hair is getting dyed black with blue streaks, and my bangs are going to be blue also... :D
Light of Dae
08-09-2012, 07:32 PM
I'm very sorry about your uncle, Michelle.
It's my dad, well step-dad but the only father figure I have.
He figures he got cancer from where he grew up, There was radon gas(gas produced from radioactive material breaking down) that seeped into the cracked basement where he spent most of his time as a kid.
08-09-2012, 09:40 PM
It's my dad, well step-dad but the only father figure I have.
He figures he got cancer from where he grew up, There was radon gas(gas produced from radioactive material breaking down) that seeped into the cracked basement where he spent most of his time as a kid.
Several school teachers at the same Portland, OR school, came down with lung cancer, some of which had already died. They investigated and found that the school was built on top of naturally radioactive clay deposits, which is where radon gas comes from.
08-09-2012, 09:57 PM
Several school teachers at the same Portland, OR school, came down with lung cancer, some of which had already died. They investigated and found that the school was built on top of naturally radioactive clay deposits, which is where radon gas comes from.
And in other news...
Vancouver, WA just had a record meth bust. They raided an apartment building just blocks from my former home on Monday, where some Mexican nationals were staying. 74 pounds of uncut crystal meth in one seizure. Assuming it was to be sold at the wholesale price of $12,600 per pound, that's nearly a million dollars worth. :eek: More if sold at street price.
Now if they could only do about 1,000 more seizures like this over the next couple of months, it might just start to make a dent in the supply. Maybe.:rolleyes:
08-09-2012, 11:38 PM
Black and blonde, tomorrow blue! I have it parted a little to show that there is actually black. Mom went a little bleach crazy. It was supposed to be little streaks with my bangs being the most coloured.
08-10-2012, 09:06 AM
Sorry about the mix-up Michelle...guess I said that because I was talking about my uncle. That really sucks...I am so sorry and hope he pulls through. I was going to ask if he was exposed to anything like asbestos or radon. That is horrible.
Sounds like your hair is going to look really cool, Chantel. Can't wait to see pics! My hair now is brown with caramel highlights. If I ever can afford a new camera, I will post pics.
08-10-2012, 01:27 PM
I hope it will! I'm going to have to get Kyle to edit the picture though.. Lucky me, I just broke out. Lovely time of the month, isn't it? Haha.
08-10-2012, 01:52 PM
My hair is............ never mind.:D
08-10-2012, 03:19 PM
Gone. :p
08-10-2012, 04:14 PM
I always wanted long hair........I think its ironic that I've ended up with such a bad hairline at 27. I just keep telling my self that being metal means having long hair or no hair.....
08-10-2012, 04:16 PM
I hope it will! I'm going to have to get Kyle to edit the picture though.. Lucky me, I just broke out. Lovely time of the month, isn't it? Haha.
PS, the blue hair should look awesome. Blue is always awesome.
08-10-2012, 04:16 PM
I just leave my hair alone.If I can't see it I don't care what it looks like.
08-10-2012, 04:19 PM
I just leave my hair alone.If I can't see it I don't care what it looks like.
Thats my issue. Most of it I can't see, and never will again.
Invisible Snake
08-10-2012, 04:52 PM
I've had long hair down to my shoulders for about 7 years, most of the time I've kept it in a ponytail or cornrows, but I cut it all off 2 years ago. In my opinion having long hair is high maintenance, how do you women put up with it? (special shampoos/conditioners, hours at the salon, 30+ minutes fixing up your hair before going out, etc.)
08-10-2012, 04:59 PM
I've had long hair down to my shoulders for about 7 years, most of the time I've kept it in a ponytail or cornrows, but I cut it all off 2 years ago. In my opinion having long hair is high maintenance, how do you women put up with it? (special shampoos/conditioners, hours at the salon, 30+ minutes fixing up your hair before going out, etc.)
Did you ever consider dreads?
Invisible Snake
08-10-2012, 05:44 PM
Did you ever consider dreads? I considered it but I was very ignorant when it came to dreads and when I asked a couple of friends they told me that dreads occur naturally from never washing or combing your hair and that discouraged me from getting dreads. Is that really how someone gets dreads?
08-10-2012, 06:02 PM
well from what I understand you twist your hair, and you wash your hair with water. The natural oils then keep your hair clean when established. or something.
08-10-2012, 06:06 PM
It's awful. Seems more like an excuse to look like a dirty pig with matted hair. Reminds me of tattered rope, all grimy and gross looking.
08-10-2012, 07:16 PM
My hair is a little high matenence, but I only wash it once a week. Anything more than that and my hair turns into a matted mess. Split ends and such. I just use shampoo I make myself, conditioner I make myself and hair balm that I made myself. Put it in 1-2 hours before the shower and wash it out, no issues.
Anyways, I put my hair in a braid so you cant see it unbraided... And Mr. Kyle isn't available to fix my picture right now, so... Here's my braid. And yes I'm stained blue on my ear. It'll stay like that forever. I'm going to be fully blue one day.
Invisible Snake
08-10-2012, 07:35 PM
When you turn fully blue watch out for this guy.
08-10-2012, 07:40 PM
It's okay, I consider him a zombie... So I'd get him. I kill zombies for breakfast.
08-11-2012, 10:00 AM
In my opinion having long hair is high maintenance, how do you women put up with it? (special shampoos/conditioners, hours at the salon, 30+ minutes fixing up your hair before going out, etc.)
It's worth the time. It's all for a good cause:D
Looks awesome Chantel! How long will the color stay? Long? Just asking cuz I got pink highlights in my hair a while back and it barely lasted 2-3 weeks....That's why I haven't bothered doing any more colors...
08-11-2012, 10:40 AM
I've had long hair down to my shoulders for about 7 years, most of the time I've kept it in a ponytail or cornrows, but I cut it all off 2 years ago. In my opinion having long hair is high maintenance, how do you women put up with it? (special shampoos/conditioners, hours at the salon, 30+ minutes fixing up your hair before going out, etc.)
Having any hair requires more maintenance than I'm willing to do so I just buzz it off once a month or so.:cool: Started doing that 12 years ago and never looked back. No more paying for haircuts. No more combing. No more buying shampoo. It's very liberating. Just slap some sunblock on my head, or a stocking cap in the winter, and go.
08-11-2012, 12:16 PM
Pretty much..not washing or combing/brushing your hair and twisting it is how to get dreads. However...many people with dreads end up with lice and other nasties. They get inside the dreads. How do women put up with long hair? We complain about it a lot and say that we can't do a thing with it! Lol... I used to wear my hair short for years...I even kept it shaved very short when I was in the punk scene. These days I can't seem to go very short or I get all wonky. But I often just stick it up and say to heck with it!
Light of Dae
08-11-2012, 01:03 PM
My hair is a little high matenence, but I only wash it once a week. Anything more than that and my hair turns into a matted mess. Split ends and such. I just use shampoo I make myself, conditioner I make myself and hair balm that I made myself. Put it in 1-2 hours before the shower and wash it out, no issues.
My hair use to be like that, but I found a dollar store shampoo and conditioner made with olive oil with a perfect PH balance and now I can wash my hair every day or every other day without any issues, no drying out, no matted mess, no split ends! I love it, its made by ... Delon I think. Dollarama, clear bottles with clear green shampoo and light opaque green conditioner.
You make your own shampoo and conditioner AND hair balm!!!??? How? with what? I want some!
08-11-2012, 04:30 PM
Well, I make soap so I add a little extra water and less fragrance. The people I order my fragrances from have tutorials on it. I'll post the links that I use to make my stuff. :)
Tutorial-How To Make Hair Conditioner With Natures Garden - YouTube (
And lots of recipes that use ingredients that they sell. Natures garden has been a big help with my natural hair and body care things
Cosmetic Classes | Natures Garden Wholesale candle making supplies, soap making supplies Ohio, Fragrance oils (
My hair balm is made with coconut oil, bees wax, shea butter, cocoa butter, tocopheral (vitamin e oil), olive oil, jojoba oil and sweet almond oil. I just use random parts of it until it's the consistency I like. Sometimes I add more coconut oil, sometimes more jojoba oil, etc. The first 5 ingredients are in Natures garden lip balm base, but it works great for solid lotions and lip balms, hair balms etc.
08-11-2012, 05:58 PM
When ever I try to do anything with my hair even brushing it I end up looking like Susan Boyle so I've just given up trying.
08-11-2012, 08:08 PM
I think I'll pass and go for the Yul Brynner look.:D
Have you seen this guy with hair? yeah, looks awful. Same reason I shave mine.
08-15-2012, 12:07 AM
Well, it's that time of year again. The last little bits of moisture are disappearing from the temporary ponds at my favorite herping spots. Won't be long before the amphibians disappear, and the snakes along with them. It's 11pm and still 70 degrees. 100 degrees F expected Wed and Thursday, upper 90's after that.
08-15-2012, 04:11 AM
Urrrgh. In washington.. It rains. And it's almost always cold. I adapt to that.. And then it gets overly hot! It's stupid. I usually like washington for the coldness and rainy weather. I like sun, but only when it's under 80.
08-15-2012, 10:00 AM
We have been having a lot of thunderstorms...I love them! But I still can't find any darn nightcrawlers in my yard. the garters disappeared from my yard and now the neighbors have tons of them...I think maybe they stole my garters and all my worms too! Lol...
Chantel...maybe you could make me some hair products and I could pay for you to ship them to me. My hair sucks. I had a dream last night I accidently cut it short...I was really
The JA that broke my heart called...and of course like a dumbutt I went to his house. I'm a masochist apparently. Now he is on some vessel with the army for a few weeks. I certainly hope something heavy doesn't drop on his man parts while he is down there...muahaha....
08-15-2012, 10:34 AM
I like sun, but only when it's under 80.
You say that now, but that's only because you're in such a wet climate with very short summers. Back home in the Mojave desert, 95 is still comfortable. Much less miserable than 80's feels here in WA. Also, the hot season in WA just doesn't last long enough for your body to adapt. I know it doesn't seem like it would, but you really do get used to it, given enough time. Your tolerance to the heat goes way up after a couple of months of it.
08-15-2012, 10:43 AM
yes, I actually do adapt to the heat.. not when it's 95-100, but I can tolerate 75-85. by the time September comes around I have a hard time with the coldness... But I prefer it because I can just warm up.
08-15-2012, 10:58 AM
That's funny because Sept is usually one of the hottest months in the northwest. It certainly was last year. Almost all days above 90 last year in SW WA were in the month of Sept. But I hear you. It cools off suddenly around here. (usually in late Oct) It's typically more gradual in southern california.
08-15-2012, 10:59 AM
Fine, October and November. I don't pay attention to exactly when it cools down, I just know it does... ;)
08-15-2012, 11:02 AM
Yeah, and very suddenly. No time to adapt.
08-15-2012, 11:28 AM
I need to get a tattoo of a black mamba.
08-15-2012, 11:29 AM
No. You need a tattoo of a cool garter snake. :p
08-15-2012, 08:07 PM
So, I want to share my experience at Petco today. I was at the register buying pinkies, and then suddenly notice the girl behind the counter has a baby(looked to be about 10ish in. long) Ball Python around her neck. So I say "Oooooh my!! Is he real!? Can I pet him?!?! Oooh, I love you!"(to the snake of course:p)She then put him around her wrist so I could see him. Then I asked if she knows if it's male or female. She says she doesn't know, and some of her co-workers had tried to look at the vent to see if they could tell. So, I ask if she minds if I look at the vent. So I find it and say I think female, but then again don't know about Balls. Anyways, I didn't realize till I got home, I probably seem really weird. Some girl comes in and says "Ooooh! What a pretty snake! Can I look at it's butt?!":p Haha, but she didn't seem weirded out, I'm sure she understood, because I quickly explained that I'm trying to learn about visually sexing snakes and what-not. Not sure how accurate that is on a snake like a Ball though. I know it's apperantly not as easy to visually sex other types as is it for garters. Another thing I learned is that a Ball's vent is down alot further than a garters is. I almost didn't find it! :pAny ways, that was my "snake molesting" story from today.
08-15-2012, 09:20 PM
Of course it's a female mom. Some lady at the pet shop said it didn't have balls.:D
08-15-2012, 11:41 PM
Not all snakes display sexual dimorphism. I believe that ball pythons are one of the snakes that you cannot sex visually. Kings and milks are the same way. Impossible to tell by looking at them.
08-16-2012, 08:40 AM
If she was a serious snake enthusiast...she wouldn't think you were weird at all...and if she isn't a serious snake enthusiast...then who cares what she thinks? ;)
Yes...I will first get a tattoo of a garter. I want to get a tattoo of Cee Cee. Then perhaps a big black mamba! I recently found out that the ancient zodiac system considered the sign of Scorpio (my sign) to be represented by the serpent and not a scorpion. I also found out Scorpio is represented by the phoenix as well as the scorpion. Serpents and phoenixes...two of my fav things!
08-16-2012, 09:17 AM
Not all snakes display sexual dimorphism. I believe that ball pythons are one of the snakes that you cannot sex visually.
Just read that both sexes have small anal spurs, but they are slightly larger in males.
Woke up at sunrise and checked the temperature. 70.6 degrees F. (east Vancouver, WA) uh-oh. Going to be a scorcher for sure.
08-16-2012, 10:35 AM
Not all snakes display sexual dimorphism. I believe that ball pythons are one of the snakes that you cannot sex visually. Kings and milks are the same way. Impossible to tell by looking at them.
Yea, I wasn't sure, and especially when I saw how different the vent area was...But I wanted to give it a shot. I've never seen a Ball pythons booty before:p
08-16-2012, 10:51 AM
Kings and milks can still be sexed visually. My milk snakes were popped when I bought them to make sure I had male and female and I can tell which is which with my eyeballs.
08-16-2012, 11:56 AM
If you say so. Try it when you only have one, and you don't already know what sex it is.:cool:
Anyway, I gotta go. Going back north to the Puget Sound today. "see" you all later.
08-16-2012, 12:25 PM
Well have a safe trip Richard!
08-16-2012, 02:40 PM
I'm here.:D
08-16-2012, 02:43 PM
Me too...And I second your "zzzzz":p
08-16-2012, 02:48 PM
snake man
08-16-2012, 03:09 PM
08-16-2012, 03:15 PM
I'm bored!
Invisible Snake
08-16-2012, 03:17 PM
I'm bored! Same here! lol
08-16-2012, 03:34 PM
...and of course, as soon as I posted this, I had some work to do and it ate up an hour. :rolleyes:
Invisible Snake
08-16-2012, 03:35 PM
Soooo Americans.... Who is everyone going to vote for president? o.O
08-16-2012, 03:36 PM
Not voting, not even registered...:rolleyes:
08-16-2012, 03:39 PM
When I was very small, my grandparents taught me a very important lesson: read, listen, research, but NEVER talk about politics or religion in public. Nothing good will come from either.
08-16-2012, 03:39 PM
You'r buggered either way.
08-16-2012, 03:42 PM
When I was very small, my grandparents taught me a very important lesson: read, listen, research, but NEVER talk about politics or religion in public. Nothing good will come from either.
I always heard it wasn't proper bar talk :p
Invisible Snake
08-16-2012, 03:43 PM
When I was very small, my grandparents taught me a very important lesson: read, listen, research, but NEVER talk about politics or religion in public. Nothing good will come from either. Yeah I know... but since it's dead here I was trying to get something going :X
08-16-2012, 03:58 PM
I can't wait till my package gets here today:) I ordered two shirts for Tippy (for her birthday on the 1st!), and a cool "tiger" skull decoration for snakey's cage:D Says it should be here by the end of the day today.
Invisible Snake
08-16-2012, 04:03 PM
I can't wait till my package gets here today:) I ordered two shirts for Tippy (for her birthday on the 1st!), and a cool "tiger" skull decoration for snakey's cage:D Says it should be here by the end of the day today. Where did you order it from? I can't wait till Sunday, I'm getting a pair of eastern blackneck garters xD
08-16-2012, 04:06 PM
More garters?! Lucky! That's better than any old stuff... I ordered it from I think Petsmart. Ha, one of the two. Where are the garters coming from?
Invisible Snake
08-16-2012, 04:10 PM
I'm getting them from a forum member, he's not very active on this site. He's going to give me a call tomorrow or Saturday so we can meet up on Sunday.
08-16-2012, 04:11 PM
More garters?! Lucky! That's better than any old stuff... I ordered it from I think Petsmart. Ha, one of the two. Where are the garters coming from?
I get those two stores mixed up all the time. Once I tried to return something at the wrong one.
08-16-2012, 04:16 PM
Awesome! Make sure you post pics when you get them;) Babies or adults?
Haha, those two stores really are easy to mix up. Both are "Pet___" and both logos are like red and blue.
Invisible Snake
08-16-2012, 04:18 PM
Awesome! Make sure you post pics when you get them;) Babies or adults? Babies :P
08-16-2012, 04:20 PM
Blacknecks are cool. They supposedly range into the extreme southeast corner of CO and I hope to get down there to see some eventually. In the meantime, they're on my "to buy when I win the lottery" list; it's pretty long.
08-16-2012, 04:24 PM
Babies!:D I've seen they apperantly range in Texas, but of course not into my area.....
08-16-2012, 06:03 PM
Here is the cool new decoration I ordered for Proximus. I'm not going to put it in till next time I clean out his cage.
6376 6377
It's got some weird crap all over it, and smells kinda weird...Not sure what it is or why...But anyways I thought it was pretty cool:D
08-16-2012, 10:21 PM
That is pretty cool! I was at Petsomethingoranother the other day and saw a really cool two piece sunken ship that I would love to get. I thought it was so cool I took a picture. :D
08-17-2012, 02:48 AM
Here is the cool new decoration I ordered for Proximus. I'm not going to put it in till next time I clean out his cage.
6376 6377
It's got some weird crap all over it, and smells kinda weird...Not sure what it is or why...But anyways I thought it was pretty cool:DIt looks great I bet it'll make his cage look epic:).But With resin ornaments their are usually sharp or rough edges that Proximus could injure himself on.If you find any just file or sandpaper sharp them down.
08-17-2012, 06:05 AM
Awesome decoration Kat! That is really cool:)
Thanks for mentioning that William. I had already had to do that on another thing I put in his cage, but hadn't really thought about checking this one. I'll have to check it before I put it in.
08-17-2012, 08:38 AM
I have a skull hide similar to that. Mine is pretty small though and none of my garters seem to be very interested in it. On the topic of buying more garters...I guess I don't really have to buy anymore...since the boys next door now bring me every garter they find! I can't believe I actually find myself hoping for cool weather so they will stop bringing me snakes! I am at full capacity here!
Signed my son up for fall baseball yesterday...another season starting. There is just no down-time with this kid and sports! Lol. I start school in two weeks so this ought to be an interesting fall. Then nursing clinicals start in the spring just in time for spring baseball. I might as well tell you all goodbye now...just kidding!
08-17-2012, 08:42 AM
Has any one seen these skulls?They look amazing. Artificial Decor | Reptile Tank Decoration (
08-17-2012, 09:22 AM
I've seen a buffalo skull like that at Pet Smart...but not the others.
08-17-2012, 04:32 PM
Has any one seen these skulls?They look amazing. Artificial Decor | Reptile Tank Decoration (
Those are pretty awesome:cool: I really like the alligator one....I already have too many decorations for my one snake...I just look at it as I'm preparedd when I get more snakes:D
08-17-2012, 05:51 PM
I just bought a cool book on hots on Amazon...can't wait to read it!
08-17-2012, 06:06 PM
I just bought a cool book on hots on Amazon...can't wait to read it!
Do we have to guess the title Marnie?:D
08-22-2012, 02:29 PM
When my Dad showed me this I laughed for ages:D
BBC News - Spanish fresco restoration botched by amateur (
08-22-2012, 02:39 PM
Wow...:rolleyes: Looks like a preschoolers version of that painting...
08-22-2012, 02:47 PM
It reminds me of the mister bean films where he try's to repaint the fiddlers mother
08-22-2012, 02:51 PM
LMAO! I vaguely remember that:p
08-22-2012, 02:53 PM
It reminds me of the mister bean films where he try's to repaint the fiddlers mother
Whistler's Mother.
I feel sorry for the well-meaning idiot.
08-22-2012, 02:55 PM
Whistler's Mother.
I feel sorry for the well-meaning idiot.I done goofed.
08-22-2012, 10:53 PM
The number of posts per day seemed to drop by half practically overnight a week ago and we haven't gotten any new members since then. I guess summer is officially over.
08-23-2012, 07:26 AM
08-23-2012, 08:47 AM
Oh sorry...mentioned it on the O'Shea thread. The book is called Venomous Snakes of the World by Mark O'Shea. $12 on Amazon. Great book.
In other news...some of you already know about my dysfunctional family...and my drunk father who is becoming increasingly ill because he lies in his room all the time drinking and refusing to take care of himself. For starters, the man is diabetic and he sits and eats entire pies in one sitting. So last night...he got very ill and my mother had to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital again...where they will pull him back from the brink of death so that he can come home and abuse his body some more until the next time it almost kills him. It of course mortifies me when the EMTs have to come to my house because I will be working with these people at the hospital in a couple of months. The poor people have to go into my father's room to get him where it smells horrible. Luckily...I remembered something Wayne had mentioned before and quickly labeled all of my tanks..."Non-venomous garter snakes". Of course, one of the paramedics was freaking out because of the snakes. Like they were going to jump out of the tanks and bite him or something. Ahhhh...drama!
08-23-2012, 08:52 AM
Wimp paramedic.
08-23-2012, 08:53 AM
Fixing up leaky people: easy
Garter snakes: terrifying
08-23-2012, 08:57 AM
The funny thing is there was a female paramedic and a very large male paramedic. Guess which one was afraid of the snakes!
Sure...gunshot wounds, stabbings, childbirth, etc...easy stuff....garter snakes...scarrrrrryyyyy!!!
My drunk, stinky, very fat father mumbling jibberish and laying in his bed half naked is way scarier than any snake I have ever seen. I bet after they dealt with my father, they wish it was one of the snakes they had to pick up.
08-23-2012, 09:28 AM
Sorry to hear that Marnie :(
08-23-2012, 09:38 AM
Thanks. On a happier note...a little bird sent me one of his old cameras since I haven't had one and haven't been able to afford to buy a new one. What wonderful forum friends I have!!! Now I should be able to get some pics up soon!
Tonight is back to school night at my son's school. Get to meet the teachers and all that. Should be interesting since I'm going on a couple hours of sleep!
08-23-2012, 07:38 PM
How'd it go?
08-24-2012, 07:32 AM
Sorry i haventbeen back In a while, if its any consolation i think about yall every day i see checker, im working now and will he attending Stephen F Austin state university in the spring. Ill b majoring in Forest Wildlife Managment , while getting my degree in forestry , its a real special program thats grts me recognizedas an aboveaverage canidate by boththe society of american foresters and the american wildlife society. Its beautiful and in the middle of the woods, and there plenty of cute girls (sixty someodd percent of the university is female :D checker and inlike thOse odds) i am still planning on becoming a Texas Game Warden. And Checker had his harem of girls at my high school till the very end... Almost everyone knew him, he was on he annoncments acting as Nagini from harry potter (course i was he who must not be named) , i brought him the last week of school and all the choir girls were going crazy over him "its checker!!!"LOOK MR.AYON, ITS A SNAKE, ISNT HE PRECIOUS!" i think hes lookn foward to college as much as me :) besides a few escapes thats all thats gone on with me how bout yall?
08-24-2012, 07:32 AM
Tonight is back to school night at my son's school. Get to meet the teachers and all that.
Mine changed to their dad's school district this year. Let's check out the pros and cons!
School starts and ends an hour earlier, have to leave home at 7am to drive them to school and then back to work, 38 mile/53min round trip.
Then after school they ride the bus to dad's, 45 min round trip to retrieve them.
He had to register them so now I don't even have access to put money in their lunch accounts. (Have I ever mentioned how I hate having no control over things?!)
No school uniforms! Although that could be a con for me, since they keep coming home in something too small that I have to make them wear back to dad's. I'm not gonna replace jeans that are too short unless they're the ones I bought!
They'll ride the bus on their dad's week so he won't be late dropping them off. Last two years, they'd be tardy 4 or 5 times a month, and he only had them half the month...
We were planning to change districts for high school, but decided the tardy thing and not being the new kid freshman year were both good arguments for the change. I was very glad to go to their open house so they could show me around. It really is a nice school, and the high school is in the middle of a $40M renovation.
Sure wish I could sell my house and move a little closer though!
08-24-2012, 08:38 AM
Robert...sounds like a wonderful program! Good luck and glad to see you on the forum., see, I miss the school uniforms...saved me money in clothes and didn't have to worry about picking clothes out for my son all the time. Good luck with the new school.
Back to school night was fine...kind of boring. I met my son's teacher...she seems really nice...I hear good things about her. While we were there, my son's father and his uncle were working on putting together the trampoline we got him for his birthday. They didn't get it finished...but it was put together enough for him to jump on it a little. He was so excited! The look on his face when he saw it was priceless. I can't believe my baby is going to be ten in a week!
08-24-2012, 09:48 AM
Open house for my kids. My kids love school and their teachers.
Even my oldest who started college went along.
It's a small Christian school I'm blessed to have them there.
Invisible Snake
08-24-2012, 10:51 AM
I saw this funny post online so I thought I would share..
"I was drunk and I started sobbing because I realized snakes are just tails with faces"
08-24-2012, 01:47 PM
It's a small Christian school I'm blessed to have them there.
I miss the Christian school my boys used to attend. Eveyone knew everyone. After the divorce, dad couldn't pay his half of the tuition., see, I miss the school uniforms...saved me money in clothes and didn't have to worry about picking clothes out for my son all the time.
Yeah, I liked them, kids didn't! Before we always had to buy two different sets of clothes, uniforms and play clothes. Now it's just play/school clothes but I just don't have enough! I'll have to slowly build up their wardrobe, Goodwill here I come!
08-24-2012, 03:45 PM
I saw this funny post online so I thought I would share..
"I was drunk and I started sobbing because I realized snakes are just tails with faces"
Glad it sounds like everyone is getting ready for school ok(I guess minus the few cons:p) And Happy Early Birthday to Julian:D
08-24-2012, 05:56 PM
We get a day of rain on Sat. and the mid 70's.:)
Then all next week in the 90's and no rain.:mad:
08-25-2012, 04:21 AM
I'm not looking forward for School next week at all:(just when I'm getting used to not doing anything for a month and a half.Also the Welsh school system is so stupid,the people that go to English schools who do only English exams get marked the same as the people who have to do they'r exams in Welsh AND English it's so unfair.Rwy'n casau Saesneg!
08-25-2012, 06:27 AM
William, for some reason I thought you were like....Well not sure what age, but "out of school" age:p So do you have to do the exams in both languages?
08-25-2012, 06:47 AM
William, for some reason I thought you were like....Well not sure what age, but "out of school" age:p So do you have to do the exams in both languages?I do Busnes and Geography(Daearyddiaeth as i'ts called) in Welsh and Biology in English.It's really inconvenient because switching between them gets annoying because they'r so different and also I'm not very organized so my revision notes get mixed up a lot and it gets confusing trying to sort them out lol.And English spelling is really complicated compared to Welsh,well it seems that way because I'm crap at spelling:).
08-25-2012, 10:11 AM
You and your children are truly blessed Steve. I am really not ready to start school this week. I have to take this stupid class in technical writing which is basically a course on how to write college research papers. I argued with the school that I already have a graduate degree in which I know, not only how to write a college paper, but I am actually trained in writing originally research with statistical analysis for publication...and I was a professor for eight years. But they are making me take it anyway...ridiculous! And I have a clinical math course for nursing...which I took before...but my credits are too old. So, this semester will be very tedious and redundant. Clincals start in January...and although we did not get any snow here last year...I guarantee we will have a blizzard every other day this year...since I am not allowed to miss
08-25-2012, 10:14 AM
666 likes ...DUM DUM DUM
08-25-2012, 03:28 PM
And English spelling is really complicated compared to Welsh
Complicated compared to welsh?!?!:p
08-25-2012, 05:01 PM
Complicated compared to welsh?!?!:pYes It really is all those bloody silent letters:D
08-26-2012, 04:10 PM
I shed. thats just gotta be baaaaad for a human...
08-28-2012, 10:53 AM
Julian is happy in his new class at school. My classes start tomorrow and I have no desire whatsoever to The king of all crapheads should be back from his army vessel and has made no attempts to contact me. That is my update...
08-28-2012, 12:31 PM
Has anyone been following Curiosity? Some of thes images are just jaw-dropping: Amazing Mars Photos by Curiosity Rover (Week 4) | (
08-30-2012, 07:03 AM
I'm am so blessed to live where I do, to have such beauty right out my door.
08-30-2012, 07:06 AM
08-30-2012, 07:39 AM
Received an email from sirtalis01(Julio).
He wanted me to pass along a hello to everyone. He's hoping to be back on the forum soon.
08-30-2012, 08:20 AM
I'm am so blessed to live where I do, to have such beauty right out my door.
6513Stunning.The forest looks nice to:p
08-30-2012, 08:22 AM
Kat...that picture is just amazing! Did you take that? That should be a postcard for WA. Is it okay with you if I save it on my computer? That would make a gorgeous background.
Hello to Julio!
Started my clinical math class last night. The teacher is very cool...but wow do I have a lot of homework. I hate fractions.
Need to go buy bedding and worms today...and new tube hides for the guinea pigs...the ones that they have now smell really bad since guinea pigs spend 50% of their time eating, and the other 50% of their time pooping and peeing on everything in sight. Mine even like to flip turds out of their cage...which my dog promptly runs to and gobbles down thinking they are the most delicious treats. Ewwwww.....
08-30-2012, 08:36 AM
My auntie had some guinea pigs and she would change their cage and check back on them 10 minutes later and their cage would be covered in droppings!Aren't herbivores wonderful?:) oh and hears some pictures of where I live
08-30-2012, 09:02 AM
:eek:How pretty! Wales seems preety nice:)
08-30-2012, 11:27 AM
Kat...that picture is just amazing! Did you take that? That should be a postcard for WA. Is it okay with you if I save it on my computer? That would make a gorgeous background.
Thanks! I took it this morning with my phone. You most certainly may save it. :)
08-30-2012, 01:53 PM
:eek:How pretty! Wales seems preety nice:)I don't know why people don't come over hear more often It's a bit like a mini Scotland but Americans can understand our accents and it's not as windy:p
08-30-2012, 02:56 PM
I have a friend who just finished graduate school in Wales. RWCMD? or something like that?
Invisible Snake
09-01-2012, 07:12 AM
Any forum members (living in the USA) have been affected by hurricane Issac?
09-01-2012, 07:47 AM
When I lived in England, I met a Welsh couple that were very cool. I always remember that because they were some of the nicest people I have ever met. And yes...5 minutes after I clean the pig cage...they have pooped about a million little poops all over!
So listen to this guys...coolest news...I'm taking this class on research writing...ridiculous in the fact that I am already trained conducting and writing empirical research...but anyway...turns out my professor is really cool...I got to talking to her after class about my whole garter thing and I was telling her about how I would like to write some scholarly articles on garters to put on the internet and that perhaps I could use our course to write one. She was telling me how I had to write a paper that has to do with my major...nursing...and she was could I write a paper that incorporated nursing and snakes? We both looked at each other at the same time and said "the use of venom for medicine!". Then she says..."Wanna do it? Let's do it!...this will be fun and I will help you with the research". So cool. So, hopefully, at the end of this course...I will have an empirical study on the use of venom for medicine...and I can publish it on the internet! Now, this class will be fun. I'm excited. If anyone knows of any good articles on the topic...please let me know so that I can start gathering research.
09-01-2012, 10:13 AM
So, hopefully, at the end of this course...I will have an empirical study on the use of venom for medicine...and I can publish it on the internet!
Ah... Remember, if you do that you can rename the venom or medication that you write about. ;)
By the way, thought I'd just pop on and say that we're still waiting for our special delivery. He's currently five days late. We're going out for a curry tonight and hoping that the spicy food helps.
Light of Dae
09-01-2012, 10:20 AM
Spicy food to pop a baby out eh? lol Interesting theory. Hope it works! Poor Char.... 5 days over due... Give her my condolences lol and for when she *pops* an extra hard hand squeeze from me :)
09-01-2012, 10:27 AM
Car rides on bumpy roads did it a couple times for my X.
Hang in there Char, it's almost over. At least this part of it.:D
09-01-2012, 02:03 PM
Spicy food to pop a baby out eh? lol Interesting theory.
The theory is based on the food tainting the amniotic fluid. The meal we just had is like serving an eviction notice with pepper spray. :)
09-01-2012, 02:06 PM
Hang in there Char, it's almost over. At least this part of it.:D
Yeah. After this, there's just the life sentence left.
09-01-2012, 04:34 PM
Any forum members (living in the USA) have been affected by hurricane Issac?
Possibly. We got some rain today, that I don't know if it could've had to do with Isaac. But, I think we are on the "clean" side of it. But all it was, was heavy rain.
09-01-2012, 09:16 PM
Right, right...I forgot that if I put an article on the internet..I will become the top expert on venomous snakes and I can change all of the species names. Lol.
Chris..not to be rude or crass...but I heard that sex is actually the best way to jumpstart labor. Time to do your I feel for Char...I was also preggers in August and quite big, I might add. The heat was horrible. I felt like a whale on fire. Best wishes to you both.
09-01-2012, 09:22 PM
Just to let everyone know...the black mamba is now called the black marnie snake. I officially changed the name.
Light of Dae
09-03-2012, 01:12 PM
Just watched Dances With Wolves... :'( Makes me hate white people. All in the name of progress, claiming land that was never theirs to take. Wish we could go back in time n build a "great wall of Natives" To protect and preserve the land properly. These reserves now a days are pathetic n demeaning. How many nations lost, destroyed... simply because they were 'in the way' and did not have the weapons of white man. It wasn't 'war' ... it was slaughter. Pointless Slaughter. No heart, no care, no point.
(I just posted this to my fb page after watching the movie with my hubby, who is part native.... I'm more upset then he is, mind you he's seen it lots.)
09-03-2012, 02:05 PM
Nothing good comes of discussions like this. In my opinion, two things shouldn't be discussed among friends: Politics and religion.
But since the ball is already rolling: Every nation was built on top of a mass grave. Every single one. People don't live in harmony, they rape and pillage the land and each other, regardless of where in the world they are, if they actually have the technology to do it. And technological superiority only makes it easier. I can't bring myself to hate any "race", they're all molded from the same refuse.
I don't think we should make the mistake of assuming that technologically less advanced cultures are more noble. It's such a cliché that there's a term for it: Noble savage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
The flip side of that coin is of course: The White Man's Burden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
As for the slaughter being pointless, that's not entirely accurate. We might not agree with it, but the point was to seize land, which was pretty much impossible for people to do elsewhere in the world. The people who crossed the Atlantic were poor people with no future at all and absolutely no chance at all of gaining land in their respective countries of origin, many of which were ravaged by war, disease, oppression and social unrest. For them, it was a choice between poverty and death and coming to America to grab land. Note: Understanding an action doesn't imply that you condone it.
Invisible Snake
09-03-2012, 02:11 PM
Not to make light of Light of Dae's post, but I felt that way about the human race after watching Avatar.
09-03-2012, 02:29 PM
Very well stated, Stefan. ^^^
Avatar = dances with wolves. Same dang thing. It's essentially the same story.
And I didn't need any movie to "feel that way about the human species" but I'm more concerned about what we've done to the planet and the rest of the species that inhabit it, than I am about what we do to each other. But, in the end, what we do to the planet and it's species, we do to ourselves.
Consider this when you start to resent and hate the human species: You do not hate the lion for killing to survive. It's in the lion's nature. It is what it is. We don't hate the garter snake for killing that poor defenseless mouse. It's necessary for the garter snake to exist. We are what we are, and no matter how noble you think you are, and how wrong you think our behavior is, nobody's hands are clean in all of this. We are human and we will behave like humans. We have no choice. It's in our nature. It is what we are. You cannot deny or change it.
09-03-2012, 02:30 PM
Not to make light of Light of Dae's post, but I felt that way about the human race after watching Avatar.
Sometimes (often) it does seem like the human race is hell-bent on ruining everything that's still good about the world. Usually, I can't even blame them for doing it, beacuse they are doing it (some exceptions) to stay alive, or at least to make a living.
09-03-2012, 02:32 PM
Sometimes (often) it does seem like the human race is hell-bent on ruining everything that's still good about the world.
Probably because that is our purpose. One it is done, our purpose is served and we shall go extinct like all species must eventually.
Invisible Snake
09-03-2012, 02:34 PM
We are what we are, and no matter how noble you think you are, and how wrong you think our behavior is, nobody's hands are clean in all of this. We are human and we will behave like humans. We have no choice. It's in our nature. It is what we are. You cannot deny or change it.
So in your opinion you think it's futile to try to change for the better?
09-03-2012, 02:39 PM
So in your opinion you think it's futile to try to change for the better?
I'm saying we can't. It would be like trying to get a lion to be a vegetarian. We are hard wired by our DNA and millions of years of evolution which cannot be denied. No matter how badly you want to change, you will still be a human being.
09-03-2012, 02:40 PM
Probably because that is our purpose. One it is done, our purpose is served and we shall go extinct like all species must eventually.
There is no purpose, it's just the result of 3.7 billion years of programming. We wouldn't be the first species to consume itself into extinction and we probably wouldn't be the last.
09-03-2012, 02:47 PM
I'm saying we can't. It would be like trying to get a lion to be a vegetarian. We are hard wired by our DNA and millions of years of evolution which cannot be denied. No matter how badly you want to change, you will still be a human being.
I disagree. We can, but we don't want to. Eventually, we'll want to, but at that point we will have lost much that could have been saved. It may even be too late to save ourselves, but I find that highly unlikely.
09-03-2012, 02:59 PM
I'm signifcantly less optimistic. I think we've already reached a point of no return. I still think we're incapable of changing. No matter how much we want to, we will never be able to take jealousy and greed out of us. It is part of us and cannot be removed.
09-03-2012, 07:29 PM
Video -- Giant Salamanders Helped to Spawn -- National Geographic (
Light of Dae
09-03-2012, 08:50 PM
Very well stated, Stefan. ^^^
Consider this when you start to resent and hate the human species: You do not hate the lion for killing to survive. It's in the lion's nature. It is what it is. We don't hate the garter snake for killing that poor defenseless mouse. It's necessary for the garter snake to exist. We are what we are, and no matter how noble you think you are, and how wrong you think our behavior is, nobody's hands are clean in all of this. We are human and we will behave like humans. We have no choice. It's in our nature. It is what we are. You cannot deny or change it.
No I do not hate the Lion because the lion only takes what it needs. Its a killer and needs to SURVIVE, it has no need to take over the grass lands.
We do have a choice, yes human nature is carnal, However we are not purely animistic beings and have a conscience. But alas our conscience is only as good as far as ones moral compass goes. We also 'justify' actions to a point of bending our moral compass. If a child is reared to kill anything he doesn't like. How would he be as an adult? On the opposite side If you raised a child to love n be kind(all hippy like) how would that child turn out as an adult?
Now if one whole city raised kids like the first child, and a second city like the second child. Given time The first city would destroy the calmer second city. Inevitable.
Every person can change. But its more the next generation I worry about... Watching kids and their parents these days.. scares the crap right out of me!
I disagree. We can, but we don't want to. Eventually, we'll want to, but at that point we will have lost much that could have been saved. It may even be too late to save ourselves, but I find that highly unlikely.
Neigh, We can, and we want to, but it is too hard. It's so easy to stay in the rut where we are then to even consider how to dig ourselves out. LAZY. Easier just to continue on as we are, were n will be.
The rest... Sounds like all the end of the world movies they've put out. But only time will tell how things will turn out.
I'm an optimistic realist. I know the world is crappy but I hope n believe it can get better. Maybe... if stupid people don't continue to spread... Screw the zombie Apocalypse, it'll be a slow degrading of intelliagence. (Spelt rong on purpus, relance on spelling chec is bad) lol
09-03-2012, 08:57 PM
Neigh, We can, and we want to, but it is too hard.
I still say it's more than that. I still say that no matter how much we want to, we cannot deny our basic instincts. And yes, like all animals we are programmed with instincts which cannot be defied, ignored, or changed. And we are not the only animals that take more than they need so don't go making the lion all noble. Given the opportunity, they will kill for pleasure. They will kill when they're not even hungry. Crows and jays do it, marine mammals do it, and many others.
So what changes would you have us make? For us all to have compassion for one another, to be charitable and take care of each other? Even those things are done out of shelfishness. We do those things because it makes us feel good. Even giving is a selfish act. One does it, to make themselves feel good.
Just to lighten things up a bit...
09-03-2012, 09:11 PM
150 years since the Origin of Species (Darwin 1859) « Neuroanthropology (
09-04-2012, 12:38 AM
Neigh, We can, and we want to, but it is too hard. It's so easy to stay in the rut where we are then to even consider how to dig ourselves out. LAZY. Easier just to continue on as we are, were n will be.
In other words: We don't want to.
09-04-2012, 06:35 AM
Pretty much everything would be better off if we never evolved.
09-04-2012, 07:16 AM
Pretty much everything would be better off if we never evolved.
Well, it was either that, or go extinct.
09-04-2012, 07:44 AM
The entire town that I live in was supposedly built on an "Indian" burial ground...that and over an underground railroad. There are all these legends about the town being haunted because of it. That, and the fact that Edgar Allen Poe...was kicked out of one of our most favorite bars for bringing prostitutes He wrote part of The Raven in the was an Inn at the time. Lots of history in Newark, DE. The movie that gets me is a movie called Matewan...written about the Italians and Africans that were coerced over to the U.S. to work in the coal mines of West Virginia as slaves. It actually tells the story of how my family came here.
09-04-2012, 10:41 AM
This conversation is so huge on so many levels. Things do improve but they also get worse too. Just say many many years ago man was in an area of the planet and the rest of the planet was doing well. Were we supposed to just stay there or build only up so we did not disturb other areas? Man builds, invents and destroys all at the same time. My philosophy is to have balance in everything. Balance is and has been the answer since the beginning of time. I can't control others but try to lead by example and I help people and the planet whenever I can. Hating to me is wasted energy. Hating all white people because of what some did years ago. What does that have to do with an infant born today. My wife/soul mate of 25 years was killed by a drugged up drunk driver. I will never be friends with the lady but I don't hate her. I don't think about her much at all anymore. We are here a short time and should cherish that time. But instead most people make their decisions based on how it will work out for them. Balance is the key.
09-04-2012, 11:53 AM
My philosophy is to have balance in everything. Balance is and has been the answer since the beginning of time. Balance is the key.
There hasn't been balance for quite some time. But not to worry, nature won't put up with the imbalance forever.
Well, it was either that, or go extinct.
And we nearly did.
09-04-2012, 12:11 PM
There hasn't been balance for quite some time. But not to worry, nature won't put up with the imbalance forever.
Shouldn't refer to nature as if it was a conscious being.
09-04-2012, 12:12 PM
Yeah, yeah. You get the point. I'm sure you've probably heard "nature hates a vaccum". Well, we all know that nature doesn't actually "hate" anything.
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