View Full Version : Its oh so quiet Shh Shh
04-20-2012, 05:32 PM
"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! ":D
You mean like:
04-20-2012, 05:37 PM
That's why I posted it;)
04-20-2012, 10:12 PM
Something you guys might be interested in...I got to thinking about the Narcisse Snake Dens today...because Steve and I were talking about them on Skype. I went online to a site where you can take a virtual tour of the was neat...and you can read updates on what is happening at the dens right is a link: Narcisse Snake Dens Update Page! (
04-20-2012, 10:21 PM
That was AWESOME Marnie!! Thanks for posting that!
04-20-2012, 10:21 PM
You could have posted that on its own thread.
04-20-2012, 10:38 PM
You could have posted that on its own thread.
It's been posted before, in many threads.:D
04-21-2012, 09:50 AM
I can do that...even it it's been posted before.
04-21-2012, 02:05 PM
Thanks Marnie, took the virtual tour! Definitely a place I'd like to visit eventually.
04-21-2012, 07:44 PM son's baseball team lost again...this time even worse than the last time. They looked like The Bad News Bears out there or something. I think his team is just not a very good team, I hate to say...poor kids. It really was like watching some kind of comical kid's baseball movie...they kept diving for balls and missing them...they can bat, but their fielding is not good. My son did make a nice double play. They got slaughtered though. I think the final score was 21 to 4. I hope they get better...they look so sad at the end of the games.
04-22-2012, 09:54 PM
Don't remember if I posted this or not. If so, please forgive.
04-23-2012, 09:02 PM
I had a 3 lb eye of round beef roast on the counter last night. Sliced it up and put some on the grill. Guess what happened to the other 2 lbs? Yeah... dog was all up in my "grill"
04-24-2012, 05:00 AM
That's too funny...I was getting parsley ready for the guinea pigs the other night, and my cat decided that she was going to jump up on the counter and nibble on it, and then roll in it, and then make a bed in it and go to sleep.
I am having some complications from my surgery. I'm not really sure what is going on yet...but I'm laid up in bed right now waiting until I can be checked by the doctor. I almost went to the hospital last night...but I really don't like hospitals (I know...I am a nursing student...I don't like being a patient!) and I spoke to my doc and he said to just stay in bed and come to his office today. Will keep you guys posted. Mike has been keeping me busy playing Words With Friends with me on the phone. :)
04-24-2012, 05:07 AM
I hope you feel better really soon, Marnie :)
04-24-2012, 05:12 AM
Thanks Chantel....we haven't chatted in a while. I will try to come on Skype later today and chat with you for a bit. I'm sitting at the computer right now...I need to get back in bed.
04-24-2012, 05:50 AM
I have my last therapy session today, so I'll be gone for a while.. And the fact I have had too many sleeping meds in my body and it's just making me more restless means I might be sleeping for the rest of the day.. Haha.. If I don't though, we can talk.
04-25-2012, 04:19 AM
Another bout of insomnia was just what I needed today... It's my 4th day of sleeping for less than 3 hours. Amazingly though, my half asleep day dream things have given me an idea for drawing... if only it wasnt so hard to draw while half sleeping and restless... ;)
I think my new meds are actually causing it, because I wasn't having this much trouble since we had twin toddlers here. Sleep was not a word I even knew during those 6 months. I'll probably pass out in a couple days and not wake up for 2 days... Lol.
04-25-2012, 03:11 PM
I hate doctors...when it comes to pain meds they are either too generous and they get everyone addicted, giving them out like candy for things that people don't actually need them for, or they are too cautious and conservative and they won't give them to you when you actually need them. I think most of you know what my surgery was for...and it was two weeks ago, plus I ripped stitches out two days ago. I asked my doctor for more pain medicine and he told me to take advil. I think I should arrange to have his testicles surgically removed and then tell him to take advil for the pain two weeks after the procedure.
04-25-2012, 03:16 PM
WOW. Remind me to always say yes to you Marnie.:eek::D
04-25-2012, 03:20 PM
Nah, Marnie... Rip them out and just have him put polysporin on it for a couple weeks, and let him know the pain will go away by week 4. :)
My doctor wont give me any medication for pain, other than naproxen and ibuprofen... Stomach pain? Ibuprofen! Severe migranes that leave me unable to move or function? Naproxen! (this was my dentist, not doctor, but same thing) Root canal? Ibuprofen! Wisdom tooth removal? More ibuprofen!
I can understand not giving me anything really strong since I'm younger and all, but I cant take naproxen or ibuprofen, or any other "pain" medication like it. It's bad for my stomach, and my gastrologist told me never to take it... Mostly because when I do my stomach pain flares up. My mom's doctor however, has her on 4 different painkillers, wants to give her more, etc.
04-25-2012, 03:29 PM
WOW. Remind me to always say yes to you Marnie.:eek::D
This applies to you also Chantel :D
04-25-2012, 03:32 PM
Good, good! Haha.
I wouldn't hurt you, Steve. My doctor has been rude for far too long, and ignorance in doctors is too common... I think they should feel what it's like to have some of my, or Marnies pain for a while and see what its like without something to help.
04-25-2012, 04:26 PM would be a different story if I was walking in his office two months after surgery and asking for a script for percocet or something...but geez...I just had surgery! I still have stitches in my stomach. I was just in his office yesterday because I somehow managed to tear internal sutures. If I was some crack head in the ER complaining of non-specific back pain, they would probably give me a vat of dilaudid to take home.
04-25-2012, 04:30 PM
I'd say ho to the hospital instead. Hospitals here wont give painkillers unless they're absolutely sure you're in legit pain. In some ways that's kind of bad, because if I cut my finger off, I'd likely panic until I couldn't anymore, and then put my "okay" face on.. Then they would be all "oh, you're okay... nothing for you!"
04-25-2012, 05:06 PM
Ugh, I had surgery today to remove a pilonidal cyst. It took about 45 minutes and it was about half of a golf ball in size. I wasn't sure if I was going in for a consult or the actual procedure; most everything I had read up on made it seem more complicated than that. It wasn't infected at all and overall the procedure went well. They'll run it by pathology, should they find anything abnormal they'll call me.
04-25-2012, 05:23 PM
Glad things went well.
Hope you have a speedy recovery.
04-25-2012, 05:55 PM
Glad things went well.
Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Thanks, that means a lot.
04-25-2012, 06:25 PM
You know, I had to do a self surgery on a cyst once... I had read that it hurts pretty bad afterward, when you get it done at the hospital... but it didn't hurt when I did it myself. It was really gross though! Haha.
I hope you recover very quickly! :D
04-25-2012, 07:40 PM
I heard this as well, also that the recovery hurts but that the longer you wait the longer the recovery time from surgery is...some people wait years. Mine was only about 2 1/2 to 3 months old and it wasn't very big. About a 1 1/2 inch incision...and I would have gotten in much sooner but things kept happening...daylight savings time for one.
So far there is some discomfort but I just have to take care of it and it will heal fine.
For some strange reason too, the English seem to have a penchant for removing these at home.
04-25-2012, 08:01 PM
Because it's cheap.
04-25-2012, 08:19 PM
Glad you got that taken care of Travis...and I hope your recovery goes well for you. Chantel, my doctor works at the if I go there...he'll just come in and tell me to go home and take advil. So..whatever...but he better hope I don't see him on the street somewhere...because I will run his foot over with my car and throw a bottle of ibuprofen at him and ask him if it hurts. :D
04-25-2012, 08:22 PM
Ahahaha. Thow it and aim for something that would be painful if it were to hit hard enough... Then ask him if it hurts!
04-25-2012, 11:08 PM
I hear ya with the doctor thing. I called my doctors office a week ago to get my medicine that helps keep me alive refilled. They called me back yesterday and said I need an appt. Well she books out at least a month. So I guess I'll just croak while I wait for my appt. :mad:
04-26-2012, 12:09 AM
Could you go into the hospital, or the walk in clinic?
When I had a problem with my legs, arms and face swelling they called my doctor and had me come into the walk in clinic since it was somewhat of an emergency.
04-26-2012, 12:50 AM
I can't afford it. I make just a smudge over the cut off for charity care now that I'm working.
04-26-2012, 01:32 AM
Awww! My mom wanted to get a job, but even if she made a lot less that she gets (which isn't even enough to live), we'd get the disability money taken away. It's stupid.
04-26-2012, 07:27 AM
That's unreal, Kat. I know...the government goes on and on about getting people off of welfare...but then people are supposed to go out and get jobs that give them less money than they get with government help and give up their health insurance, food stamps, etc...People can't afford to live, to take care of their children. And the money people get on welfare and for disability is a joke. Kat...they won't refill the medicine knowing that you made the appointment?
04-26-2012, 09:48 AM
Mine will usually call in one month's worth, until I can get in for the appointment.
04-26-2012, 01:53 PM
I played phone tag all day with my office and finally got my medicine refilled. They agreed to just let me get my blood draw and see me in 3mo since we are broke right now.
04-26-2012, 02:17 PM
That is great news Kat. I am getting ready to go sit at a baseball game in 40 degree rainy weather. son's team is playing the cheating team again. Joy. I'm thinking about suing my doctor. I have a friggin dent in my stomach. An actual dent. The scars are bad enough...although I am hoping they won't be so bad in a couple months time...but they are worse than I was led to believe they would be. But I am having crazy muscle pain on my right side..and there is a dent in my abdominal muscles...I think he took a chunk of my ab muscle out or something. If the dent does not go away, I am going to sue the crap out of him for permanently altering my body. I did not agree to some crazy tummy tuck.
04-27-2012, 01:15 PM
Haven't been around 'cause I screwed up a few days ago. I was practically flying on my bike coming back from the store. It's only a few blocks from the house. On the way back (going very fast) I hit loose gravel and yeah, you guessed it. Wipe out.:o
I fractured two bones in my right hand and took quite a bit of flesh off of the palm. My right hand is all but useless for a while and a nice shade of purple-green. No plaster cast is necessary thank goodness, and I don't see how I could wear one anyway with the gaping flesh wound. Owie.
Coffee and Vicodin for breakfast.
04-27-2012, 03:02 PM
Ouch! :( Hope the vicodin help. That sounds really, really painful!
04-27-2012, 03:36 PM
Jeez Richard. You're older than I am and I know not to fly on a bike!
Though, at 10 or 11 I went off a ramp and my friend kicked my tired and I slid accross the ground and nearly broke my back. Never did that again!
04-27-2012, 03:50 PM
Sorry to hear that Richard...hope your hand heals up soon.
04-27-2012, 03:54 PM
Oh and, Richard... You don't have wings. You are not a flamingo. Stop trying to fly.
04-27-2012, 05:36 PM
My son's team managed to hold their own against that other team yesterday...the team that creamed them so bad before. They only lost by one point. It felt as though we won the world championships or something! Ha ha...His team seems to be getting a lot better. :)
04-27-2012, 08:59 PM
Tonight was prom for 3 of my kids. This is my awesome oldest Emmyjo and my great Son Kale.
I wasn't able to get a photo of my fabulous Molly.
I just got a phone call and my Emmy was voted prom queen.
I am a blessed man to have these awesome children.
04-27-2012, 09:04 PM
Blessed indeed :) Congratulations to Emmy on prom queen! :cool:
04-27-2012, 10:29 PM
04-27-2012, 11:42 PM
Awesome kids Steve! Congrats to Emmy!
Richard, feel better soon! Broken bones as adult is no fun! I broke my elbow 2yrs ago and it still hurts.
Invisible Snake
04-28-2012, 02:45 AM
Congratulations Steve! :)
04-28-2012, 07:28 AM
Congratulations! :)
04-28-2012, 10:30 AM
Congrats Emmy! Wonderful pic, Steve! You are truly blessed to have such a great family. :)
04-28-2012, 12:58 PM
Congratulations! :)
Thanks! :p
Just kidding. That's great Steve.:)
05-02-2012, 11:29 PM
Oh wow. i cant believe i come back and i'm still the last person that posted here. Even more astonishing is the reason i am posting here. once again i have yet another broken bone.
forgive my typing. my fractured right hand is healing much faster than i expected and its almost fully functional albiet sore and a bit stiff. its a good thing because today i broke my left ulna. snapped it in two like a dry twig. left arm / hand is now useless. still cant beleive it. im dang near speachless.:eek:
its going to be about 8 weeks in a cast from my knuckles to just past the elbow(in a bent right angle position). funny thing is, aside from some minor discomfort when the two pieces scrape together, i feel fine. no drugs besides ibuprophen and i feel fine. just a dull ache. :cool:
i'll get my first real cast in 4-5 days. never had one in my life.
well thats my story. thanks for reading:D
05-03-2012, 02:07 AM
How did you break this one? Were you trying to fly again?
05-03-2012, 02:22 AM
Darn it Richard! I told you before! You are *not* a flamingo! You cannot fly. Jumping out of trees and off roofs is not going to make you fly. You are a human. Stop it!
05-03-2012, 03:54 AM
hey! don't feed me that line of bull. ;) i happen to know as a fact that i actually was flying the first time i got hurt. i was going about 25 mph when the bike left me. in that moment i was traveling in mid air horizontally. i was flying but then the earth came up and hit me.:mad:
you know what, i dont feel like telling right now, how i managed to break the other arm. but i will later. its so ridiculous i still cant believe it myself. just watch out for ninja slugs in the morning. they'll hurt you.
ok, lets put it this way; banana slugs are far more trecherous than banana peels while they are sitting on wet concrete.:o
funny thing is that this break is much worse than the bike incident but is much less painful. its a displaced fracture. snapped like a twig, inward. right in the middle of the ulna.
05-03-2012, 04:16 AM
pretty much like this:
05-03-2012, 01:07 PM
I wish there was video on that. :D
05-03-2012, 01:57 PM
Ugh...I fractured my ulna when I was sucked. I will not tell you how I did it. It was not as bad as your fracture though...that is bad. I had to have my arm in a cast from my hand to my shoulder for eight weeks...and it was my right arm...and I'm right handed. I was in grad school and doing my internship for my was just bad, bad, bad! It still hurts where the fracture was to this day when it gets damp outside.
05-03-2012, 08:34 PM
I've actually been having a lot of pain where I sprained my ankle. I was told that my foot would never be as strong as it used to be, since a lot of my muscle and tendons got ripped... But they said I shouldn't ever have pain once it healed. It's pretty annoying, because bellydancing is always on your feet, needing a lot of ankle and calf strength... And I'm pretty sure any job that I plan on getting will reqiure me to be on my feet a lot... Lol... It seems like I'm always screwed no matter what I want to do.
05-03-2012, 09:23 PM
Dang Richard, sounds like you've had some bad luck these last couple of weeks. Maybe a garter regurged the slug there on purpose :D
05-03-2012, 09:43 PM
Nah, his fellow flamingo wannabes are causing his bad luck, so they can have all the shrimp and wading water. They are also hogging all of the pink body paint, and they don't want to share it with Richard at all.
05-04-2012, 10:35 AM
05-04-2012, 10:40 AM
lol! That was too cute :D
05-04-2012, 09:21 PM
So...this actually does have to do with garters, but I have no idea where to put it, so I'm telling you guys here. I found an awesome place for herping today. There is a park not too far from where I live and Julian had baseball practice there...there was a lot of wooded area surrounding it and a creek, although you can't actually get to the creek because it's on private property...and all of these trees growing in weird ways so to create little dens...tons of brush, a field full of overgrown grass, lots of vines creating little was so awesome. The kids kept throwing baseballs into the wooded area and one of the other moms and I were going in there to "look for the balls" She was....I was herping! The other parents thought we were crazy...and I thought the other mom was so cool because she was getting down and dirty with me and hunting around in the woods. We had thorns sticking out of our arms and blood running down our legs...we didn't care...she found a bunch of lost balls and I was totally excited because I was looking for snakes! Unfortunately, I didn't find any snakes today...but I wasn't able to get into some of the areas I wanted to go...I think there are probably some water snakes and garters...maybe some ribbons too. I need to get my boots and go back and really get in there deep. I'll take a camera. Can't wait to go back! Oh...and my son said I am "tough" because I go hunting in the woods for snakes...rofl!
05-04-2012, 09:35 PM
Watch out for ticks Marnie.
05-04-2012, 10:00 PM
Gotta show that to my boys tomorrow!
05-04-2012, 11:05 PM
Dang Richard, sounds like you've had some bad luck these last couple of weeks. Maybe a garter regurged the slug there on purpose :D
I would love to meet a garter brave enough to even attempt eating a slug that size. and the slime is like rubber cement starting to set. i believe it was a European red slug, Arion rufus, or a close relative.. don't attempt to touch one, it will take days to get the slime off and would choke a snake to death. i keed you not.
got my *** kicked by a slug but there were three of them. must have been two feet long. you should see the other guy, er, slugs.:p
watch out for slugs in the woods marnie. theyre ruthless killers!
got a cast set today. apparently i'll live. bone should heal fine without screws or plate thank goodness.
05-04-2012, 11:23 PM
Yep...I son's baseball coach kept saying that there were probably a bunch of deer ticks in the wooded area we were in. Ehhh...I already had Lyme's Disease two summers ago...there are ticks all over my yard in the summer...if a tick wants to find will. I get all the fun diseases. I will be careful though...and I will definitely watch out for killer slugs!
05-05-2012, 12:08 AM
May the 4th be with you.
05-05-2012, 12:31 AM
♪ And with thy spirit.
05-05-2012, 02:51 AM
My sleep schedule is so totally screwed up right now. I was awake until Lord knows when last night and I slept until 2pm yesterday...and now I am awake, so I will probably sleep until this afternoon...ugh. And today is Cinco de Mayo...which doesn't really mean anything to me except for the fact that I live on a college campus...which means every idiot college student on this campus is going to get drunk starting at noon and start screaming and running around in the street. They will be everywhere...drunk, stumbling, screaming, puking....gotta love holidays that exist soley as an excuse for idiots to get wasted.
05-05-2012, 02:56 AM
Today is also my birthday. I got some nice wine from my dad, who I met in person for the first time in 17 years. ;)
There's always a party on my birthday!... It's wasted, though... I hate parties.
05-05-2012, 04:43 PM
i heard on the news last night that the animal hospital (and specific Dr.) that treated my Thumbilina (R.I.P.) is being sued for, and/or charged with crimes related to misdiagnosis, wrongful death, animal abuse and fraud. this is a bit unnerving. :cool:
glad i didn't opt for the necropsy. he's been charging people for it without actually doing it, among a host of other fraudulent activities.:mad:
05-05-2012, 07:35 PM
That is so sad. People who pull crap like that need to get stuck in jail. I hate it when vets end up misdiagnosing whats wrong with an animal, and possibly causing it's death. Pets are a part of your family. Someone should treat him like he treated the animals, misdiagnose him with something crazy and let him suffer.
05-05-2012, 08:27 PM
That is horrible, Richard. Happy Birthday Chantel!
My son's team lost another baseball game...this time to the only team on the league that's supposed to be worse than they are.
05-06-2012, 04:56 AM
The first thing I thought about when I was reading this was that I want to start calling my Canis lupus familiaris a wolf now. It would do wonders for her ego :D
You might as well. It is a wolf, even if dogs aren't exactly like the wolves they descend from.
05-06-2012, 11:52 AM
after today, not a drop of rain in the 10-day forecast. Plenty of sun, upper 60's, 70's. finally! broken arm and all,, I'm goin' herping at Nisqually refuge! (place is practically famous for being "infested" with blue pickeringii) :D
05-06-2012, 12:15 PM
I just hope they don't have any slugs there Richard...:D.
05-06-2012, 12:25 PM
oh snap! (literally) :rolleyes:
does anyone know what happened to the thread about the T negative albino northwestern found last summer? i can't seem to find it.
i might have a lead for getting a jet black melanistic. see where i'm going with this? a snow NW would be so awsome!
05-06-2012, 01:16 PM
You might as well. It is a wolf
not necessarily. its reasonably likely that wolves are not the only wild canine (now extinct or still living) from which domestic dogs could descend, but thats another topic.
05-06-2012, 01:27 PM
not necessarily. its reasonably likely that wolves are not the only wild canine (now extinct or still living) from which domestic dogs could descend, but thats another topic.
Yes, necessarily. That dogs descend from the Grey Wolf has been established.
05-06-2012, 01:40 PM
OK then is my room mates domestic X coyote a wolf or a coyote? will its descendents generations from now, after diluting with domestic dogs still be a wolf? or will they be coyotes?
05-06-2012, 01:45 PM
OK then is my room mates domestic X coyote a wolf or a coyote? will its descendents generations from now, after diluting with domestic dogs still be a wolf? or will they be coyotes?
Coyotes (aka. prairie wolves) are also wolves, just not Grey Wolves. And that would be a hybrid and so would its offspring be. It's not a dog, but it's still a wolf.
05-06-2012, 02:56 PM
well alrighty then :D
05-07-2012, 01:52 AM
ouch. this is inconvenient
05-07-2012, 11:48 AM
The other day when I was writing about the college students getting drunk on Cinco de Mayo, I said "you gotta love holidays that exist soley as an excuse for people to get drunk". I offended someone when I said that, and I should have been more clear in what I was saying. Half of my family is of course, the holiday has meaning for me. However, I am not sure why Americans or college students celebrate it...other that an excuse to get drunk...which is insulting to the true meaning of the holiday. That is actually what I meant...and I apologize for offending anyone. Sometimes I don't realize that people cannot get into my head and know what I am thinking!
05-07-2012, 12:16 PM
My boss and good friend grew up in Muchucuxcah, Mexico and he informs me that that's pretty much all it is. An excuse to party. He tells me that most of Mexico doesnt even recognize it as a holiday, and most don't celebrate it with the exception of Pueblans and border towns and the Pueblans don't even call it "Cinco de Mayo". It's just the day of a mexican army battle victory over the French but that victory had consequences that are believed to have given the U.S. an advantage over the confederacy and helped the north win the American civil war. So, it's pretty much an American psuedo-holiday with Mexican roots, mainly celebrated in the U.S., and an excuse to party and sell Mexican beer to Americans.
I didn't believe him at first but other mexicans at work pretty much confirmed this. Just asking a few, "why do you celebrate cinco de mayo" I get a sly grin and... "just to get drunk and boost sales of mexican beer to gullible Americans" is pretty much the response I get.:cool:
hey you guys, why do you "like" my broken arm? :mad: not funny.
05-07-2012, 12:40 PM
Well...the picture drawn on the cast is pretty darn funny! And so is your "ouchy" face...:D.
05-07-2012, 04:14 PM
Funny thing is, it does't really hurt. Didn't hurt the day it happened, hurt a bit just in the morning on day 2 and 3, and is fine now. a badly skinned / bruised knee or elbow hurts far more
05-09-2012, 12:17 AM
Has anyone really dealt with groundhogs in their yard before and might know a good way to get rid of them, without killing them. I've been having trouble for the last week with them. And I fear my life might be turning into Caddyshack. And since I am on the edge of the city limits I can't 'legally' shoot a gun in the city.
Since here in Kansas we didn't any snow the critters have been coming out early and a group of groundhogs had dug under the shed in the yard and made a home there.
Of course the dogs, a pack of dachshunds (two of mine and the other two that belong to my sister that come over), can smell them and its been driving them nuts. The groundhogs keep making holes in the fences and the wienies keep finding them and slipping out to bark at the shed and trying to go under it. It seems as fast as we fix a hole, another ones made and they somehow keep going under the shed even when we have it all blocked off. And then had started chewing on cords, such as the underground connection to the internet, which had ticked me off so I was after blood at that point.
But last Tuesday everything went crazy. I get a call at work that the oldest wienie, who is also the smallest, slipped out and proceeded to go under the shed and fight with the groundhogs and proceeded to chase the groundhog family, three babies and the Momma, down the slope to the creek bed, the other of our wienies followed suit.
The little one somehow managed to grab onto one and threw it into the creek and then fell into the creek, which can move pretty fast if there's rain. Luckily there wasn't much rain and she was fished out and gave a good wash. And that had me shaken up enough.
Then Wednesday after putting a gate on the front porch for the others, I tried my best to chaperone puppy potty time with one dog at a time, with the youngest wienie working on potty training.
I was was watching oldest and then puppy cries. I turn to check on the puppy only to find the oldest had vanished. She had somehow gone under the shed once to harass the groundhogs. So I lift up the wooden ramp to try to get her out and find two baby groundhogs huddled in the corner the oldest dog barking like a rabid dog.
And while I was trying to shoo her away, one of the others, the largest wienie, had somehow managed to jump a two and a half foot gate atop the stairs and escaped.
I didn't see him until he rounded the corner and joined into the barking fray. Somehow one baby got away but the other wasn't as lucky as he was picked up and carried away and shaken like a toy.
I chased after the dog and hog telling him to drop it, which he has do problem doing, but he somehow forgot how during this. He finally did remember and dropped the poor baby groundhog.
Now the groundhog at this point was officially royally ticked off and spun around around and grabbed big wienie's nose. Wienie freaks out and starts crying in pain and running backwards and dragging the groundhog along.
Hedgehog lets go and big wienie and little wienie proceed to bark and charge at the groundhog, who is doing the same thing. Now getting over the shock I grab the nearest thing, a stick and put myself between ground dogs and groundhog trying to keep everyone separate. I then grab a nearby trashcan and put it over the groundhog.
That of course gave me time to put the rabid canines away in the house and then checked on the poor traumatized baby. Luckily it wasn't hurt and after talking to a few people from Operation Wildlife released it at a different nearby creek, away from my house.
Now I'm trying to catch the Momma with a humane trap but I haven't had much luck and I've been tethering the dogs in the yard, which they aren't enjoying one bit. I keep seeing the stupid Momma Hog and I swear at this point, she's mocking me.
05-09-2012, 12:47 AM
wow. you just can't make up a story like that.
05-09-2012, 09:35 AM
That's quite a story! I know it's stressful and a pain for you, but I giggled a few times reading that! Sounds like a scene from a movie... wieners and groundhogs battling it out, lol! Sorry, I have no advice to offer, but thank you for sharing! :D
05-09-2012, 10:02 AM
For anyone into classic British Comedy - "Carry On Groundhog Day". :)
05-09-2012, 11:03 AM
check this out:
Invisible Snake
05-09-2012, 11:39 AM
Lol omg that video is so cute :)
05-09-2012, 12:11 PM
He's waiting for a bus because his car got toad.
05-09-2012, 06:48 PM
That's quite a story! I know it's stressful and a pain for you, but I giggled a few times reading that! Sounds like a scene from a movie... wieners and groundhogs battling it out, lol! Sorry, I have no advice to offer, but thank you for sharing! :D
Yeah looking back it probably was hilarious, and probably deserved the Benny Hill theme. One friend started cracking up at the groundhog being dragged.
But dog okay after being bit, up to date on shots and it got cleaned, and groundhog not hurt. I was worried about the poor thing. So everyone's okay, at least it will once I get Momma.
05-09-2012, 06:51 PM
I totally forgot i had ever uploaded to google video. This is really old. the first video i ever put on the web. now migrated to youtube:
warning: graphic carnage!
05-09-2012, 06:54 PM
Yeah looking back it probably was hilarious, and probably deserved the Benny Hill theme. One friend started cracking up at the groundhog being dragged.
But dog okay after being bit, up to date on shots and it got cleaned, and groundhog not hurt. I was worried about the poor thing. So everyone's okay, at least it will once I get Momma.
You asked for it.
Invisible Snake
05-09-2012, 06:57 PM
I used to like watching Benny Hill as a kid, all those girls in bikinis had me like :eek:
05-09-2012, 06:58 PM
But looking back these days it seems so tame
05-09-2012, 06:58 PM
Benny was a one-of-a-kind.
05-09-2012, 07:36 PM
forgot about this one too. for some reason it was unlisted. lousy quality but what the heck. shot near my home in southern california, mojave desert. it was too damn windy, thats for sure. I found a native american nutting stone and pistle set in that arroyo, dated at 1600 years old!
05-09-2012, 10:07 PM
Full episodes of "NOVA". Lot's of them, going back years, can be watched online here. good stuff: Watch NOVA Online | PBS Video (
05-10-2012, 12:24 AM
Just watched the forecast. I can't believe it. Down to 34 F tonight with areas of frost. Record breaking heat coming for the weekend, around 90 F.
I'll take it. Anything but more rain!
05-10-2012, 10:31 AM
Darn cold this morning but sunny and warming up. Headed for 65 F. Perfect for herping. On my way out the door to go herp Salmon creek. Wish me luck!
05-10-2012, 10:40 AM
Good luck! Let us know if you find anything. Love the new avatar ;)
05-11-2012, 02:20 PM
I think that red spots are going to have to wait. I got there and there were county workers everywhere, raising all kinds of hell clearing blackberries and planting native trees in the spots where I usually find lots of snakes basking. Didn't see a single one. That sucks. Plenty of turtles in the pond though. Must have been 30 of them all crammed onto one log way out in the middle.
One positive thing about all the activity there; The area looks very different than it did two years ago. Most of the invasive plants are gone and it's looking more like it should. They're doing a great job of restoring it to it's natural state, and the salmon are returning to the creek in greater numbers each year. 20 years ago, all the salmon were gone from Salmon creek. In the 1960's you could practically cross the creek by walking on their backs, or so I'm told. By 1980 they were gone.,_Washington)
This weekend is going to be scorching hot and i have other plans. Going to Portland for SAT market, among other things. Then I'm returning to Dupont on Monday, herping the Nisqually delta (Puget Sound) on Tues or WED. I'll have to put off herping for concinnus' until first week of June when I return to the Portland area.
05-12-2012, 01:34 PM
Check this out: Só Riso Mail Vídeos Cómicos Funny Videos - Como se dança o merengue... (
05-12-2012, 01:44 PM
The dog dances better than I ever could, lol!
05-12-2012, 02:25 PM
Apparently, "Thamnophis" is no longer a valid genus and has been split into 4 new genus' ?
I have questions, so why is this closed?
05-12-2012, 02:44 PM
Apparently, "Thamnophis" is no longer a valid genus and has been split into 4 new genus' ?
OK, so why is this closed?
Because it's BS. Best I can tell, the person (Raymond Hoser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( who posted it (or an impostor) has a bug up his *** regarding countless herpetological issues and that was his little way of going after a number of herpetologists, after which he named these new genera as some form of childish protest.
05-12-2012, 02:49 PM
Whew! had me worried for a minute! I sure as heck do not want to learn the classification all over again.
05-12-2012, 02:53 PM
To be honest, I didn't put much effort into investigating the motivations behind this. A quick google search indicated that he's been posting attacks against people like Wolfgang Wüster ( and other herpetologists today and some of the things on his home page made him seem like a total loon. Apparently he's been miffed for quite some time.
05-12-2012, 05:14 PM
Still no rain in the 10-day outlook for SW WA, not that we need it after 2 months solid of nothing but pouring rain and below average temps. 86 F today, 90 tomorrow, 88 monday, 82 tuesday. That's more like it!:D
05-15-2012, 11:17 AM
I need to vent a little bit, so sorry in advance. I'm about ready to kill somebody right now.
My aunt just got out of jail, she tried steaking a car and a few hundred dollars.. plus a jacket. She's never held a job, she's never made any effort at all to get clean, she's never done anything good in her life. On top of that, she ruined my childhood constantly coming over and stealing my things. Usually stuff that meant a lot to me, jewelry my grandmother and mom gave me. My mom had the nerve to let her stay here. She has 400 dollars, from selling herself, and she brought weed over to our house... She admitted to stealing it. And my mom lets her stay the night. "oh she has no where to go...." She has 400 dollars in her pocket! She can go get a cheap hotel or something. Really, can someone be that stupid? I can't call the police, because it'll all just happen again. Her brain is fried from drugs and she has multiple personalities and she will not leave me alone. That is one of the only rules she has in this house. She has to stay away from everything I own. She can not lay a finger on anything. And she can't come near me. So of course she gets high and she wanders into my room with the pipe in her hands and asks me if I'm "high enough"... I didn't even smoke anything, and I had my door closed because I was already raging.. So how could I even get high? What the hell. And on top of that, she decided to smoke in my room, with my snakes and she didn't leave until I shoved her out. I don't know what weed does to snakes, I don't want that **** smoking up my room and possibly harming my snake. I am *so* pissed and I can't do anything, because anything I want to do would have me arrested. I can't even force her to leave the house. She's currently going through my moms stuff because she's not home. She'll probably leave with her jewelry before she gets home. And again, I can't do anything because she claims it's hers, and she stuffs it in her bra so I can't get it back. I'm tired of how stupid my mom is... She wastes her money on ********s that are good for absolutely nothing and are just a waste of space. I don't want to live here, but of course I have nowhere to go. I can't wait until I can get myself a job and get out of this place. I feel like I'm losing brain cells by even standing near someone so freaking stupid.
05-15-2012, 12:25 PM
Hang in there Chantel. Relatives can be a pain in the butt and worse.
I don't think the limited amount of smoke will harm your snakes but it is good you are concerned.
I wish I had some words or something I could do to help.
If you would like to Skype me you are welcome to anytime. It's always a pleasure speaking with you.
Vent to a friend, not a problem.
05-15-2012, 12:58 PM
My two cents: It's not a smart thing at all to even let her stay in the house. She obviously has problems, and until she has to face the point-blank consequences of those problems, she's never going to be anything to anyone but a burden. Kicking her out may be a tough thing for your mother to do, but she has to do it, not just for your sake, but for her own, and ultimately, for your aunt's. Otherwise, she's only going to enable the problem, not help solve it.
But I do hope that things work out for you so that you don't have to tolerate this situation.
05-15-2012, 01:22 PM
She thinks she's staying another night here. If my mom isn't going to kick her out, I will.. I'm past caring at this very moment. I was trying to take a nap (Stayed up all night and haven't slept because of her) and she bugged me because there was a weird ant on the couch... She bugged me again because she wants our address and phone number so she can get a ton of junk and people calling here... she bugged me again to look something up on the computer, and that's it.. but then she wanted me to fill out 16 pages of forms for her. She knew I hadn't slept, and she knew I was trying to nap. No one interferes with my sleep...
And Steve, I may call you on skype a bit later. I'm trying to sleep now, since my mom is home and Tracy can bug her and leave me the heck alone.
05-15-2012, 02:43 PM
Checker just pulled his most embarrasssing houdini. I let himslither aroud me on the floor, he went behind the sleepingbag, i tried to grab him to pul him back but i missed, and he disappeared. great, well he'll show up when he wants to. :( gotta make him stop that. I am sneaking him into college afterall.
05-15-2012, 02:50 PM
Hope he shows up soon.
05-15-2012, 02:54 PM
chantel, ouch, that sucks. pull through. u try telling your mom she's stealing her stuff? or get a video of her on your phone when she's lootng or getting high in your room? show you mom the looting video and maybe she'll open her eyes. if not, and you feel shes a threat to your mom and yourself, show the video to the police they'll arest her end of story. (you could alos take a vid of her smoking it ll outside and send it to police as annonymous.) i hope youmake it through., also allthough it proably wont help, put yourself in your mom shoes, if yur sister had a drug addiction and stole stff but just got out of prison (maybe spilling the new leaf/one more chance/im a new person speech) what would you do? if you send your aunt toprison your both helping and hurting your mom. Just keep those things in mind, and maybe kep a paper or something over the tank to keep the weed out. and i do hope sincearly that it is her last night with yal.
05-15-2012, 02:55 PM
thanks i do too. he takes his freedom like a true amercan, "mine mine mine mine free free free FREE!!!!!"
05-15-2012, 03:42 PM
I have no phone so I can't get a video. It's already done anyways, and I argued with her to get Tracy to leave tonight.. Which, she will.. And if her friend doesn't pull through, she can sleep in the field.
05-15-2012, 08:05 PM
Chantel...sorry about what you are going through. If I was there I would gladly come and drag her out of the house for you. You don't need that nonsense. Let's put our crazy mothers together in your house and you come and live here with me. As far as the aunt situation goes...kick that idiot to the curb tonight! I am exhausted because I didn't sleep well last night...but text me on skype tomorrow and we will chat about it. Stay in your room and keep your door locked until she is out of there.
05-15-2012, 08:07 PM
Robert...I hope you find your snake!
05-16-2012, 08:23 AM
It is a sad but all to common problem. If your mom lets her stay to long then when the police come they can't even make her leave and you have to file formal eviction proceedings. This happens a lot when you let someone stay in your home.
Your mom has trouble kicking her out because she is afraid she will die, and she might but that is not your problem. A more serious issue is the stolen goods and drugs. She is putting you guys at risk and if the cops find the pot in the house and not on her your mom will be held accountable. I have been through this so many times with family and ex friends it is ridicules. They have to hit their true bottom to change. Everybody's bottom is a different place, some have to go to jail and for some it is death.
I was that person a long time ago. I used to be a heroin addict but I made it out. June 26th with be 32 years clean. So, there is a glimmer of hope. You are in my prayers.
05-16-2012, 10:40 AM
Good for you Chulio...and I commend you for sharing that with us. People who have not struggled with opiate addiction have no idea how difficult it can be to overcome. Difficult is an understatement...most people never make it. My ex-boyfriend and best friend died six years ago of a heroin overdose. I have never gotten over the loss. I struggled with my own addictions in the past. You have my greatest respect.
05-16-2012, 12:23 PM
Just for the record my Name is Jimi. I use Chulio because on forums you never know and I could not get Jimi when I tried. Chulio is my Great grandpa's name.
Kibakiba hang in there
05-16-2012, 06:10 PM
Chantel, you want Bill to come "take care" of things? ;)
Invisible Snake
05-16-2012, 06:31 PM
Chantel, you want Bill to come "take care" of things? ;)
While Bill's there I can come over and take care of you ;)
05-16-2012, 06:53 PM
05-16-2012, 10:22 PM
This is me with Kat's grandmother. She is 4'8''.
And Reptilegeek, that's a big negative man. Sorry she's taken. :)
05-16-2012, 10:28 PM
I love that picture of you guys.
05-17-2012, 01:46 PM
Holy cow, Bill! You look like a giant next to her! :D
05-17-2012, 01:54 PM
He is a giant. :D He's 6'8". He's my hulk. :)
05-17-2012, 02:25 PM
thanks i do too. he takes his freedom like a true amercan, "mine mine mine mine free free free FREE!!!!!"
05-20-2012, 10:35 AM
Thought this was too hilarious not to share.
It's a shop I did for some caption contest on Facebook. I call it Oops!
05-20-2012, 10:53 AM
Thought this was too hilarious not to share.
It's a shop I did for some caption contest on Facebook. I call it Oops!
Nice, I saw the caption competition on FB. We must share some of the same geeky interests.
05-20-2012, 11:26 AM
lol, that's great! :D
05-20-2012, 04:59 PM
Today my oldest Emmyjo graduated high school and my middle daughter Molly entered H.S.
I'm a proud dad.
05-20-2012, 05:13 PM
Today my oldest Emmyjo graduated high school and my middle daughter Molly entered H.S.
I'm a proud dad.
You're a dad Steve? You never mentioned that before... :D
Pass on our congratulations to Emmy. And Molly, although she can't start slacking off for a few more years :)
Invisible Snake
05-20-2012, 06:14 PM
Congratulations Steve!
05-20-2012, 08:26 PM
Big Congrats to you and both of your daughters! :cool:
05-20-2012, 09:39 PM
Congrats to all of you!
05-21-2012, 02:56 AM
Congrats Steve, Emmyjo and Molly!
05-21-2012, 08:41 PM
I'm gonna be trying to go down and see my uncle down in Joplin a year after the tornado that hit this week after the prez gets done down there to avoid the traffic. I spent some time there after it happened and what I saw most certainly won't be forgetting for years.
But the city is coming back, slowly. If you aren't familiar with the area, you will get lost as theres still a lot of the signs still missing.
05-21-2012, 10:00 PM
Steve...I saw what Emmyjo said about you on facebook. You must be very proud. What a sweet girl...tell both of your daughters I said congrats.
I am watching Bones right now and in this episode a snake (garter) slithers by and Sweets says "Did I just see a snake?"...and Hodgens says "Thamnophis sirtalis...common garter snake". So cool...I knew I liked this show for a reason. :)
05-22-2012, 02:03 AM
I am watching Bones right now and in this episode a snake (garter) slithers by and Sweets says "Did I just see a snake?"...and Hodgens says "Thamnophis sirtalis...common garter snake". So cool...I knew I liked this show for a reason. :)
So typically Hodgens.
05-22-2012, 10:00 AM
He even pronounced it correctly! I love Hodgens.
05-22-2012, 10:03 AM
I am happy and very proud to announce that my son's baseball team finally won their first game last night! And to make it even sweeter...they beat the best team in the league...9-4! You should have seen the faces on those kids!! They were so proud. The parents were practically jumping out of the stands. The boys were on kid hit two triples! They looked so amazing out there. My son caught a fly ball and got an RBI. I think the coach is still in shock. :D
05-22-2012, 10:30 AM
That's great! Glad they finally won :cool:
05-22-2012, 10:40 AM
My son caught a fly ball and got an RBI.....
That sounds like something painful that should be treated with antibiotics.
05-22-2012, 10:42 AM
They needed this so much! They were really starting to doubt themselves and feel as though they were the "league joke". The coach was really getting down on himself too. The fact that they beat the best team in the league will show the other teams that they are no joke! We knew they had it in them. I am so very proud of all of them right now. I haven't stopped smiling since the game!
05-22-2012, 12:54 PM
Can anyone help me identify these turtles?
There was also a rat wearing a gi with them.
05-22-2012, 01:34 PM
Those seem to be common ninja sliders, Trachemys ninja.
05-22-2012, 01:39 PM
05-23-2012, 02:50 PM
Ok. I know this will get merged with the oh so quiet thread, but I'm so excited I want EVERYONE to see it! I got a promotion at work! I'm going from part time to to full time manager trainee!! I'm so excited! I start monday! More hours, more pay, benefits after 90 days, and the best part of all... Working for an awesome company that sells awesome products!
05-23-2012, 03:06 PM
Congratulations!!! What company do you work for?
05-23-2012, 03:14 PM
Congratulations. More money to feed the addiction.
I give you another 30 minutes before Stefan merges it into the "so quiet thread". :)
05-23-2012, 03:30 PM
Congrats Kat.
05-23-2012, 03:33 PM
Congrats Kat! I'm really happy for you!
05-23-2012, 03:42 PM
Invisible Snake
05-23-2012, 04:02 PM
05-23-2012, 04:10 PM
Congratulations. More money to feed the addiction.
I give you another 30 minutes before Stefan merges it into the "so quiet thread". :)
Dang. Looks like it was only 28 minutes.
05-23-2012, 06:14 PM
Congrats on your promotion, Kat!
05-23-2012, 06:34 PM
Awesome on the promotion!
05-23-2012, 08:38 PM
Congrats! Very exciting :)
05-24-2012, 12:34 AM
Thanks everyone! I'm so excited. I start monday. I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited!
05-24-2012, 06:56 AM
Thanks everyone! I'm so excited. I start monday. I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited!
You will do a great job.
05-24-2012, 09:05 AM
Hi guys! Long time no see! Anyone want to ID a snake for me?
haha I'm a poet. :rolleyes: Anyway...
Here's the lovely creature in question. Not from my neck of the woods and possibly in danger of being chopped to bits if I can't convince her it's harmless... which I've already told her it is, but she really wants a positive ID and I've made some possible guesses, but can't pin it down. (Fox Snake? Milk Snake? Juvenile Black Rat (too big)? Prairie King?) Help! :) You're more than welcome to share the pics with other people, forums, whatever. Just let me know so I know to wait for a response before reporting back to the property owner. Thanks!
Here are the pics, including location: Snake/MysterySnake.jpg Snake/MysterySnake2.jpg
Head seen here, under rock: Snake/MysterySnake3.jpg
Location: Snake/Untitled.jpg
05-24-2012, 09:29 AM
Did you happen to get a head photo?
05-24-2012, 09:40 AM
Nope, what you see is what she got... I know a head pic would certainly help!
05-24-2012, 09:41 AM
Did you see the bit of head in the one photo, though? Seems they all have light chins?
05-24-2012, 09:50 AM
I see that now. My first impression was rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta) but I'm not sure. A clear head shot would be great.
Venomous in that area also.
05-24-2012, 09:59 AM
I see that now. My first impression was rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta) but I'm not sure. A clear head shot would be great. Venomous in that area also.
Rat snake was another person's first impression, too, but that person later changed their mind because it certainly appears to be an adult snake and the Rat snakes only have patterning as juvies? I think the only venomous we need to worry about is a copperhead and I did express that concern to her at one point, but after looking at pics and reading other people's first impressions I think we're fairly safe in saying it's not a copperhead. Seems too shiny (not keeled or lightly keeled?) to be a rattle snake and just doesn't look like one to me, but I'm not familiar with copperheads at all. She has kids & puppies that play in that yard on occasion so I'm really hoping to get this figured out for her, just in case. I'd hate for such gorgeous, apparently healthy and well fed, non-venomous to be killed or even removed if it's not necessary... btw, I don't think removal is an option to her if it is venomous. She's not a close friend and that's just the way it is.
05-24-2012, 10:11 AM
Looks like a western fox snake. Fox Snake (
05-24-2012, 10:22 AM
Thanks Kat! That was one of my many guesses <gg>
05-24-2012, 10:38 AM
I'd safely say its probably not a copperhead too. My guess is a gopher snake possibly if you have them around that area.
05-24-2012, 11:27 AM
Thanks InsanePirateDragon :) Love your username! I posted it over in the 'What is this Snake' (or something very similar) forum on kingsnake, too. I'll let you guys know if people there agree on any one species. lol
05-24-2012, 09:21 PM
I've been feeling a bit off since last night. Like, I feel sick but not specifically sick... If that even made any sense. I just feel extremely off and lethargic. Just walking from my bedroom to my office (about 5-7 feet) makes my heart race and feel like it'll pop out of my chest. Does anyone know what it might be? It'd help me figure out what to do, since tomorrow my doctor isn't in, and walking to a car will likely make me pass out.
05-24-2012, 10:16 PM
Chantel, it could be the beginning of nearly any illness, but is there any chance you're dehydrated?
05-24-2012, 10:20 PM
Btw, Doug M over at kingsnake says: Definitely a typical Prairie Kingsnake (L.c.calligaster) from the northeastern portion of their range
and provided this pic as reference:
Cool beans... at least one of my many guesses was correct :o
05-24-2012, 10:28 PM
I have a feeling I'm anything but dehydrated. It had crossed my mind, but I've been drinking a lot of liquids lately.
05-24-2012, 10:32 PM
Hmmm... could you be over hydrated and need electrolytes?
05-24-2012, 10:50 PM
Not sure. I can't buy anything for myself until next month, if I were to need something. No one here can walk the 2-3 miles to the store, and another back. Eating something has helped at least slightly. I'm able to walk into the living room without nearly passing out.
05-24-2012, 11:46 PM
I'm sorry sweety. Wish I knew more and could help. It doesn't sound like something to mess around with, though. I'd guess it's time to see the doc, even if you can't see your regular doctor. Will be thinking of you and checking in on you in the morning.
05-25-2012, 12:06 AM
Could it be all the tea you are drinking? Is there any caffeine in the tea? That could explain the palpitationsand intern the dizziness. Can your medical cab take you to an urgent care?
05-25-2012, 12:39 AM
It might be the tea, but I do that all the time, and it's (usually) cafeine free. The medical cabs can take me, but I don't know if the walk in is open on Fridays. They have kind of erird hours. I feel a bit better now though, luckily. Maybe I've been overly exhausted or something. It took almost 22 hours of sleeping to perk me up again.
05-25-2012, 12:43 AM
If they take walk-ins you should go. They can do some blood work and listen to your heart. In the interim don't drink any caffeine, and if you get any worse go to the hospital.
05-25-2012, 01:11 AM
If I were to get better and then get worse I'd be on my way to the hospital. I hve the sort of body where I'll get sick, then the next few hours- day, I'll be perfectly fine... Then I get sick even worse. It's always been like that, but I can't imagine what would be worse than what it was around 1 pm. I could barely move. I had a bowl of rice and berry tea and I feel pretty much normal. I don't get dizzy when I get up or walk around. I'll be taking it easy, though.
You also forgot that I'm awesome and indestructable! Well.. As long as my stomach pain doesn't come back. That is the one thing that really kills me.
05-25-2012, 05:18 PM
You also forgot that I'm awesome and indestructable!
Yeah, me too.:rolleyes:
The broken arm (ulna) is pretty much healed now, in one piece that is. Good as new, right? Too bad I'm still supposed to lug this cast around for 6 more weeks. Ugghh.. :(
Had to let an awesome snake get away into the water today so I don't get water under it.
05-25-2012, 05:24 PM
If you go herping,bring dish washing gloves or a large plastic bag to put over your arm. My mom did that when I fractured my leg area, she tied a garbage bag to my leg so I could swim in my dad's pool... Lol.
05-25-2012, 05:29 PM
I've explored my options. None of them are particularly effective at ensuring it won't get wet, (glove is out, wont go on)) and most options would render the hand/fingers useless, which brings me right back to letting the snake get away. I really needed that left hand, and it would have gotten wet, no doubt.
05-27-2012, 04:48 PM
Thought this was cool... I found an offhand item for my character in Diablo 3 that's a snake! He holds it by the neck and it wiggles back and forth.
05-28-2012, 03:17 PM
My son Kale knows I've been missing my little Grackle (Thaddeus) after he left for the wild.
He presented me this painting. I keep it by my laptop.
Kale is a good son. I'm looking forward to seeing him as a man.
05-29-2012, 12:25 PM
Funny thing happened the other day...
I was herping near the Chehalis River in Lewis County, WA. There were a lot of snakes out basking. Mostly non-blue Puget Sound garters (yellow-green striped and red spotted phase) and northwesterns. Hoping to find rubber boas, I lifted a piece of plywood and saw a group of snakes there. I wanted to get a good look at them before they took off so I just grabbed at the group and pinned 3 down with one hand.
Upon examining them I realized that I had just captured 3 different species with one hand at the same time!
T. elegans vagrans
T. sirtalis pickeringi
T. ordinoides
BTW, just a heads up...
I have several very nice pickeringi almost ready to go. They've been eating well for several weeks and will get their second dose of deworming meds this Friday. After a few days of observation and rest, they will be declared fit for captivity/shipping. No blues ready yet but still some very sweet lookin' snakes.
Included in this first "ready" group is a chocolate brown adult female stripeless northwestern. Her only dorsal markings are a neat row of black spots just above the lateral scale rows.
I'll post pics of them on Monday or Tuesday.
05-29-2012, 01:16 PM
awesome, can't wait to see them!! :cool: And that's amazing that you managed to capture three species in one grab :eek: Lucky catch!
05-29-2012, 05:38 PM
Over here, if you caught 3 different native snakes in one hand you'd be odds on for an adder bite. :)
05-30-2012, 09:02 AM
05-30-2012, 09:12 AM
Subtle hint?
05-30-2012, 09:40 AM
No, just an observation.
05-30-2012, 09:43 AM
Ah. I see now.
06-01-2012, 11:33 AM
awesome, can't wait to see them!! :cool: And that's amazing that you managed to capture three species in one grab :eek: Lucky catch!
Yeah, weird huh? I'm on public computer now so pics will have to wait. I'll get them posted early next week when I'm in Vancouver.(wa)
06-01-2012, 11:49 AM
oh, almost forgot. The wandering I caught had a lump in her belly when I found her. I kept her just temporarily. Yesterday, she threw up a half digested adult mouse. Kind of surprised me. She can't be much bigger than 14 inches long and she took on a big mouse? wow.
06-01-2012, 02:30 PM
oh, almost forgot. The wandering I caught had a lump in her belly when I found her. I kept her just temporarily. Yesterday, she threw up a half digested adult mouse. Kind of surprised me. She can't be much bigger than 14 inches long and she took on a big mouse? wow.
That's an interesting observation. Either she's brave or the mouse was already dead or injured.
06-02-2012, 08:41 AM
Ok... so there is another thread on this forum.
A serious thread that I don't want to derail or 'Troll', but the title keeps haunting me...
I must confess to a deep dark secret, that only those of you of a certain age or Nationality will understand.
I hold a deep and abiding love for Bob and Doug McKenzie.
Ku-roo Kuku koo koo koo koo!!!!
Anyone else share the love?
Got any Macros of garters in Touques? (Drinking beer Eh?)
06-02-2012, 09:38 AM
Drat. Computer crashed and now I can't edit the above.
Oh well, here's what I mean. ( r_b6bfce370b49fe30874c1c4e6a7431f6.jpeg
I ( man, a beer with a mouse in it? Only in Garter Heaven!
06-02-2012, 10:49 AM
Just catching up...the snake in question in those pics is definitely not a isn't the right color...copperheads are usually more of a rusty color. Hence, the name copperhead. Chantel, there are several different things that could cause your symptoms. Dehydration is one, med side effects is another, side effects of the smoking herbs is a definite possibility too. Any chance you got bit by a tick...your symptoms sound a lot like mine when I had Lyme's...
06-04-2012, 04:27 AM
Update on my promotion.
I started my new position on monday and am loving it! Although I'm not loving the hours today. We are doing inventory and I had to get up at 2:30... AM! Other than that this is so much fun. I'm learning a lot and getting more responsibility.
06-04-2012, 05:18 AM
You will do great. Let us know haw that first day goes.
06-04-2012, 10:47 AM
Yes...definitely keep us posted, Kat! On another note, my son's baseball team won another game! They creamed the other team 15-3. They were really on fire! Now they are preparing for the playoffs which start next week. One last game this week and then playoffs...double elimination. Everyone say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed for the boys. They would really love to end the season on a high note! Swim team practice has now started too...busy, busy, busy! Also...Mike will be here Thursday! The Hamburg expo is this Saturday! Exciting week!!!
06-04-2012, 04:20 PM
Ran out of gas this morning on my way to work. Thought I had enough to get to work, but was 1/2mile short. I had to pull over on the side of the freeway. I'm sitting there in the dark with my hazards on thinking... ok so what the heck are you going to do now. Well I look in my mirror and there he was, a state trooper. He not only stopped to see if I was ok, but he have me a ride to work, and made sure my car would not be towed. My mom came and picked me up after work, bringing me a gas can. I spent every last penny I had to put 4.7gal. of gas in the tank to get home. What a day! I was not late for work though :)
06-04-2012, 04:34 PM
I wish I was over in London for the celebration.
Looked like fun.
06-04-2012, 05:07 PM
I wish I was over in London for the celebration.
Looked like fun.
Still watching it on TV (I was working in the garden so watching with a timeslip in Sky+). We'd like to apologise for Cheryl Cole early on in the evening, it would appear that someone switched off her Pitch Perfect (tm).
Robbie Williams never made it Stateside did he? Great entertainer. There's been some high points and some dross. I hope Her Majesty liked the evening and doesn't mind the mess out front in the morning.
06-04-2012, 05:16 PM
Ran out of gas this morning on my way to work. Thought I had enough to get to work, but was 1/2mile short. I had to pull over on the side of the freeway. I'm sitting there in the dark with my hazards on thinking... ok so what the heck are you going to do now. Well I look in my mirror and there he was, a state trooper. He not only stopped to see if I was ok, but he have me a ride to work, and made sure my car would not be towed. My mom came and picked me up after work, bringing me a gas can. I spent every last penny I had to put 4.7gal. of gas in the tank to get home. What a day! I was not late for work though :)
Glad law enforcement was there to help.
06-04-2012, 05:53 PM
Me too!
06-04-2012, 06:13 PM
Congrats on the promotion Kat! :cool: Glad everything worked out with the gas situation too!
Good luck to Julian and his team during the playoffs! That's great that they squeezed in another win :) Looking forward to meeting Marnie later this week and going to Hamburg!!
06-05-2012, 02:20 AM
Look, I drew a house. I guess that makes me a freelance architect.
Wow. Nice house. :D
It's good to come on here and see some familiar people lol
06-05-2012, 05:50 PM
10 minutes to the World IPv6 Launch.
World IPv6 Launch (
See you on the other side. ;)
06-05-2012, 05:55 PM
I'm going to have to update my profile pic again...I am no longer blonde...I am now a brunette. That was lucky for you, Kat, that the trooper was there to help. Glad everything turned out okay!
06-05-2012, 06:07 PM
Cool. I used to dye my hair different colors back in my high school years. Blue, blood red, green, polka dots... now I'm balding so I just keep it shaved, lol!
06-05-2012, 09:45 PM
10 minutes to the World IPv6 Launch.
World IPv6 Launch (
See you on the other side. ;)
Don't care about that either. BFD.:p
I mean, most people won't even notice. We recently had a 96% complete solar eclipse. Hard to believe, but with all the storms we had, many people didn't even notice. 96% dark in the afternoon and yet so many were clueless. This launch is like that. a big deal, but who notices?
06-05-2012, 10:33 PM
I like having brown hair. The only downside to it, is guys seem to like it better too... They wont stop honking at me when I walk to the store. Urg! Lol.
Invisible Snake
06-06-2012, 12:58 PM
Hey everyone, most of us love garter snake morphs for their beautiful colors, unique traits, etc.
To produce some of these spectacular morphs a garter snake breeder most likely has to breed a son back to the mother or siblings bred together to produce that specific color or trait.
With that being said, would it be a good idea if we started selective breeding in humans? What if we could produce smarter or stronger humans? Maybe we could breed out undesirable traits like balding or genetic disorders?
My guess is that the only difference between us and animals in respects to mating is love.
P.S. I didn't post this to upset people, etc.
06-06-2012, 01:08 PM
This is called eugenics and it was a fundamental principle of Nazi Germany.
06-06-2012, 01:12 PM
I don't rate this thread's chances of making it...
Selective breeding of humans, so that would be eugenics then? There was this nasty chap in the middle of the last century that gave eugenics a bad name.
Edit: Steveo made the point quicker and more concisely.
06-06-2012, 01:24 PM
I'd like to point out that eugenics was a common ideology across the western world from the late 1800's to the third quarter of the 1900's. The Nazis weren't the first and they definitely weren't the last to practice it.
It was abandoned not only because it was morally abhorrent, but also because it doesn't work. Breeding projects of all kinds have unintended consequences (eg. increased susceptibility to various diseases) and fact of the matter is, that the traits we value may have no actual practical value at all, or a lesser value than we'd like to think. If strength or intelligence is beneficial, it will be selected for regardless.
06-06-2012, 01:47 PM
Balding is a negative trait?
06-06-2012, 01:59 PM
Balding is a negative trait?
I'm with you. Nothing wrong with a smooth top.;):D
06-06-2012, 02:43 PM
I'm with you. Nothing wrong with a smooth top.;):D
It's a traffic hazard. The glare can blind people.
06-06-2012, 10:15 PM
I caught another Florida oak rat snake the other day. We were cleaning out my dad's house, and the little guy was hiding behind a wooden board right there at the entrance to the basement. My brother saw it first, right next to my hand. I caught him and put him in a tall trash can and released him in the woods behind Dad's house. Not quite as big as that one oak I caught near my mom's house a few months back, but big enough to keep escaping the trash can as I was trying to carry him.
06-06-2012, 10:39 PM
,, re www a8 xxxix xxx I'm cr,j mccann njog bbq f E b cm
Maria wanted to say hello. :D
06-07-2012, 01:00 AM
,, re www a8 xxxix xxx I'm cr,j mccann njog bbq f E b cm
Maria wanted to say hello. :D
There had better have been some predictive text going on when Maria was typing. If not we have proof of some garter intelligence.
06-07-2012, 05:47 AM
Yes there was. She was crawling on my phone keyboard. I have swype turned on. You only have to move you finger over the letters and it figures out what you want to say. :D
06-07-2012, 07:52 AM
Ready or not Marnie, here I come :cool:
06-07-2012, 02:36 PM
Got a call from my shoulder Dr. office today. They said they had some hemostats for me. I drove out and picked them up.
80 pair of hemostats and scissors. WOW.
Who needs a pair of hemostats? PM me.
06-08-2012, 11:29 AM
It really is oh so quiet. For the first time ever, the forum says I'm the only member online.
Invisible Snake
06-08-2012, 12:13 PM
What ever happened to the original forum members that were here since the first 2 years this forum was created?
Did most of them lose interest in garters and moved on to other Colubrids?
06-08-2012, 01:12 PM
What ever happened to the original forum members that were here since the first 2 years this forum was created?
Did most of them lose interest in garters and moved on to other Colubrids?
Life probably happened for most. Garters are in the family of colubridae already.
In my opinion there is nowhere to go from garters.
06-08-2012, 03:14 PM
I'm always finding myself being the only one online. It happens more often than it should. :p
06-09-2012, 01:55 PM
Hmmm...Now I'm the only one on....
But also I'm sure everyone else has something better to do on a Sat, than just sit around all day :p
06-11-2012, 04:27 PM
don't speak for me. i like to sit around all day drinkin' beers and smokin stuff all day. of course, just once in a while. gotta have lazy days!
06-11-2012, 05:28 PM
Yep I just had three lazy days in a row :cool: I'ts nice to get a break from work sometimes...
06-11-2012, 05:59 PM
I sat around and played video games.... But I seem to do that every day now,
Invisible Snake
06-11-2012, 06:57 PM
Modern Warfare 3 FTW! :D
06-12-2012, 02:14 PM
I don't play games like that, I don't really like the people on it and I'm jumpy... Lol. I play l4d with my boyfriend sometimes and when a zombie pops out in front of me, I nearly have a heart attack.
If you don't have much money for food, you can buy 4 chicken breast halves (total of 2 breasts (Lol....)) and some cheap rice, and chicken or turkey gravy... we made the 4 chicken breast halve, 3/4 cup of rice and poured the turkey gravy over it... I got half of it, and so did my mom (but she couldn't eat it, lack of teeth) and I could barely finish mine, it's very filling :D I don't think it keeps well for leftovers, though because of the gravy... I'm keeping mine for dinner later, we'll see if it gets gross.
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