View Full Version : Its oh so quiet Shh Shh
02-01-2012, 07:55 AM
Trying desperately to find a job...something part-time so that there is some money coming in my house at least. Seeing that I already have a full-time job taking care of my son, my house, and my parents to a great doesn't leave a lot of time for an actual job...but I need money. Every job that I find that I am qualified for seems to have hours that would keep me from seeing my son. I am not going to take a job in which I can't spend any time with my child. Plus...I don't feel good about leaving him with my mother for long hours now because her memory is not that great. Will a great job with great hours and great pay please fall from the sky now??
Light of Dae
02-01-2012, 12:00 PM
Well today I went for a blood test to see if I truly am pregnant... Not sure what I'm hoping for... It's kinda 50/50... I figure though if it's time, it's time. and if not it's not. I am a FIRM believer in 'Everything happens for a reason, and all in DUE time' Will let ya'll know the results when I get them. ... lol Not sure which way to cross my fingers lol
02-01-2012, 01:01 PM
What did your fiance say about the whole thing?
Light of Dae
02-01-2012, 01:31 PM
He is as unsure as I am. He kinda is just a wait n see what happens.
02-01-2012, 02:19 PM
Well..let us know as soon as you know something...
02-01-2012, 07:47 PM
Marnie! Time to dump some PM's. If you can give me a call on Skype.
02-04-2012, 10:11 AM
Won't be doing any traveling today. Winter has finally arrived.
It's coming down wet and heavy.
02-04-2012, 10:17 AM
I am so jealous!!! I don't know if we are ever going to get snow here this year! Dumped the PM's btw....
02-04-2012, 11:27 AM
Sorry Marnie, even we have snow. Got about 1cm in the garden, but the forecast is for 5-10cm. Not as impressive as Steve's photo. But unlike Steve we are heading out to meet friends for dinner this evening.
Light of Dae
02-04-2012, 11:30 AM
Won't be doing any traveling today. Winter has finally arrived.
It's coming down wet and heavy.
Oh now come on! That is the FUNNEST BEST Snow to drive on! I love Winter driving! It's so fun, I love the looks I see on peoples faces as I drift around them! Or when I can maneuver my sliding truck around someone who has lost control of their vehicle and thought they were going to crash into me. I can also gain control in any situation with 'unexpected' slippage. I say unexpected with the little ' ' because if it's winter it's icy / slippery / wet / slushy / snowy / wintery you can always expect to slip n slid. I should say unplanned slippage.
I also get a kick out of how many people (Here in Canada, where it's WINTER for half of the year) forget how to drive as soon as there is snow in the ditch! It doesn't have to even be on the road! and It becomes tail gating and 20+ kms under the limit and panic season! I don't get it, Everyone should learn to drive as I did. Empty icy / snowy parking lot... Go 60 and hit your brakes to learn how it will handle in that situation, make a 90degree turn at different speeds to learn how it will handle and how to counteract it and maintain control of your vehicular machine! Then when it happens you are less likely to panic and you'll know what to expect n do!
02-04-2012, 11:36 AM
I have a 1 ton van that does really well in this stuff. It's the other drivers that worry me.
Light of Dae
02-04-2012, 11:44 AM
This is true. Lol Years ago when I took my drivers test, I avoided getting hit by a very angry driver, it was winter as well, needless to say I passed lol My examiner was impressed considering the other car would have hit his side.
02-04-2012, 12:58 PM
I'm pouting...
02-04-2012, 02:02 PM
Avoided the snow here...until today, everything is covered now. Hope its not gonna be as bad as the rest of europe. I hear its been really bad there..hope all are ok.
02-04-2012, 02:43 PM
i wish we'd get some snow down here. it has been one of the mildest winters that i can remember.
02-04-2012, 03:10 PM
Won't be doing any traveling today. Winter has finally arrived.
It's coming down wet and heavy.
I heard about that on the news this morning. Denver got hit too. 20 inches overnight. Fell at a rate of 2 inches an hour. Holy crud! Meanwhile SoCal is in the mid 70's. Seems the only other place that warm is small parts of the deep south. Nothin' but rain for the east.
02-04-2012, 03:50 PM
That's what I'm saying Mike...I want some snow dag nabbit!!! Hey..Steve, I got to laughing so hard after we got off skype today...I got this image in my head of you and me wandering around in the woods...two old farts in our 80's and 90's...looking for snakes and having no idea where the heck we are going..."There's a snake!"...."That's not a snake you blind old fart, that's a stick!", "Don't call me a blind old fart, you old bat!"...rofl....
02-04-2012, 04:00 PM
Be careful what you wish for. I seem to remember snow completely buring cars and crippling the East coast back in '09. It was so bad that people had to leave their cars on the freeway and walk away.
Washington State still holds the record's record though. Mt. Baker had 95 feet on the ground winter of 98-99:eek:
I still have a hard time believing that back in '05 there was 5 feet on the ground right here at the house where I'm living.
02-04-2012, 11:59 PM
This is probably me being stupid, but I searched "pics of you" to find the thread so I could show my friend what my little sister looked like... And now every single post on this forum is highlighting the words "pics of you". It's annoying me.
02-05-2012, 12:04 AM
That's exactly what I am wishing for! I loved that snow storm in '09...was the best snow storm ever!!! I have pics of me standing in snow up to my chest...BRING...IT...ON!!!
02-05-2012, 11:16 AM
I remember the blizzard we had here last century (1993). it was so much fun! i was only 14 at the time, so of course i was loving every minute of it! no school for a week and a half! right now, i'd settle for a snow day or two, ya know, just to get it out of my system, then back to work ;)
02-05-2012, 11:37 AM
My son was off for two weeks during that storm a couple of years ago. Everyone in the neighborhood was out playing in it, and when it was nighttime, so everyone was out walking around my neighborhood in the dark in the snow. Last year, we got some snow...but I had nursing school, and my school stayed open and I had to drive to class in it because I couldn't miss my classes. I don't have anywhere I need to be right now so this is a perfect time for a big snow storm...because I don't have to drive anywhere and I can be snowed in for a while! Here are a couple of pics from the big snow storm we had in 2010...I thought something was off about that, Richard...if you were referring to the same storm I was 2010 not 2009.
02-05-2012, 01:00 PM
i could use a snow like that on a thursday morning, just enough for a four day weekend, lol!
02-05-2012, 02:51 PM
Then I will it to be so! That is my new thing...I have decided that I am going to will things to be so and that is that.
02-05-2012, 03:14 PM
awesome! rough guesstimate on your willed storm? :)
02-05-2012, 03:28 PM
Well, Thursday morning of course! That's when you want it...that's when I will it to be so! This Thursday there will be a big snow storm in NC...I will it to be so. Okay...if that happens everyone is going to freak
02-05-2012, 03:43 PM
haha! now if that truly does happen, i will drive up to delaware and thank you! :D
02-05-2012, 04:45 PM
I wish I could trade places with you and live in NC...Delaware is boring and ugly...I've been to SC and I think we drove to some mountains that went into NC and went was really pretty. The only good thing about Delaware is the beaches but they are usually filled with obnoxious tourists and drunk college kids.
02-05-2012, 04:56 PM
Time to, not only did my ex's girlfriend cause Cee Cee to bite me today....but my ex has not been giving me all of the money he is supposed to be giving me each month for a while because he is supposedly "so broke". His girlfriend is not working. Today she happened to mention that she paid $66 to get her hair done. I think he can start giving me more money....NOW.
02-05-2012, 05:11 PM
.... she paid $66 to get her hair done...
I occasionally give Char money to get her hair cut, I'd even consider letting her pay that much. The last was over 2 years ago, bargain value - haircuts at £30/year if you average it out. :)
02-05-2012, 06:29 PM
I wish I could trade places with you and live in NC...Delaware is boring and ugly...I've been to SC and I think we drove to some mountains that went into NC and went was really pretty. The only good thing about Delaware is the beaches but they are usually filled with obnoxious tourists and drunk college kids.
It's absolutely beautiful here. Whenever the weather is nice I spend the majority of my free time mountain biking or hiking with the dogs. The closest beach is about a 4 1/2hr drive. Not a terribly long drive and it's worth the trip. Can't really complain too much about NC :)
02-05-2012, 06:53 PM isn't the cost of the hair per say, I have paid more to have my hair done when I had the money. It's the fact that she isn't working and they are claiming to be broke and owing me money all the time and I just waxed my own eyebrows for Pete's sake...which wasn't very pretty I'll have you know...and she's going out and getting $66 perms! Grumble...grumble...grumble...
@Mike...we do have some decent parks with trails around here...but it definitely is not as pretty as NC...I love mountains.
02-05-2012, 07:28 PM
I'm guessing no one knows anything about the forum problem I'm having? It's more annoying than anything but argh.
02-05-2012, 07:34 PM
not sure chantel, maybe clear your internet cache and/or history.
02-05-2012, 08:25 PM
Chantel...try posting about your issue here: Site Feedback, Suggestions & Questions (
Just start a new thread. That's what I do if I'm having a technical issue...someone usually responds.'s a funny. Just went into my 9-year-old son's room and started moving stuff off of his bed so that he could go to sleep...he told me to stop moving the stuff...I was messing up his "Man Cave" does my 9-year-old know about man caves???
02-05-2012, 08:31 PM
02-05-2012, 08:46 PM
What is happening Chantel?
02-05-2012, 08:50 PM
It's those stupid commercials for Spike t.v....
02-05-2012, 09:46 PM
Steve, the forum is highlighting the words "pics of you" after I had searched it 2 days ago. I'll clear my cache later tinight when there is less going on and hopefully that'll fix it.
02-05-2012, 10:02 PM
Sounds like shutting down and restarting might let your computer "find its way home to mommy":D
Not a computer term but it does usually fix these kind of problems. That's just the name I gave it.
02-05-2012, 10:08 PM
how does my 9-year-old know about man caves???
but more importantly, why are you messing up his man cave?! :cool:
02-06-2012, 10:47 AM
Lol, Mike...I know...serious mess up on my part...he is starting to shut his door too. Next thing I know I'm going to open the door and he'll have a chick in there :D. I think I'm going to have a mom break down now...I'm not ready for all of this....
02-06-2012, 11:35 AM
make your mommy breakdown brief cause you're gonna need that energy for the teenage years! :eek: ready or not, here they come..
02-06-2012, 01:59 PM
Right? He's already started the back talk and the mood swings...if I didn't know better, I would think he was already sixteen. All I know is I am in for some rough teen years.
02-06-2012, 04:53 PM
Are there ever "easy" teen years?
02-06-2012, 06:26 PM
ThinkGeek :: Guide to Pirate Parenting
02-06-2012, 07:13 PM
Why thank you Chantel (for the pirate parenting guide)...and no, I suppose there aren't really any easy teen years...but considering this is my kid we're talking about...his teen years ought to be extra special...
02-06-2012, 10:35 PM
ThinkGeek :: Guide to Pirate Parenting
That isn't real, is it? :confused:
02-06-2012, 10:41 PM
Tis. It's a joke-y book though. At least I think.
02-07-2012, 07:30 AM
Next thing I know I'm going to open the door and he'll have a chick in there :D. Mine have changed from decent kids to slobs! I get so frustrated when I see the laundry, dishes and food wrappers all over the floor. They have a trash can and a hamper within 4 feet of the mess. Grrr. We start a new policy this week, no allowance until your room is hygenic! I understand messy and cluttered, it's the grossness I can't handle. Just last night, I was giving the gecko some water. There are 4 empty YooHoo cans on the shelf under his tank. Sure hope they learn to clean up their act before bug season!
02-07-2012, 08:12 AM son has never learned to use the hamper...I'm not sure what he thinks it is...that thing in the corner that his mother puts the clothes that he leaves on the floor into perhaps? He does clean his room...because every night before he goes to bed, I freak out and tell him that he better start cleaning up because I am not his maid. He knows I'm a neat freak so I don't worry about him getting to be too messy...but then again, I am aware of how disgusting teenagers can be. I did my fair share of leaving food and drinks around when I was a teenager and having a very messy room, to say the least.
02-07-2012, 11:24 AM
02-07-2012, 11:59 AM
I always wondered where your avatar came from.
So I went to bed at about 11:45 last night. I had to take a leak at about 2:30. I walk to the bathroom, do my thing, and as I'm walking back to bed I realize that I had already waded in two inches of water. The hose running from the wall to the toilet at the toilet broke. Cheap PVC bolt.
At least two inches of water built up. My whole floor is soaked. I was able to turn the valve off. I called the landlord, he'll fix it this morning.
So there I was, at three in the morning scooping water out of my apartment front door. The front door isn't completely flush with the floor, it's off the ground about 4 inches and there is a riser that is part of the frame. This didn't help much as it kept the water trapped inside the apartment. Also, the apartment is at ground level and sits at an uneven gradient, and the incline runs (you guessed it) toward the door. If that stupid riser hadn't been there and they built the door to be flush with the ground, the water would have flowed under the door, going safely outside.
Glyph has been my first priority, and he is safe and sound. I have a blanket covering up the front of his tank, and if you've been following my saga you'll know my landlord doesn't know about him yet - I haven't found the right time to tell him, and honestly this is not one of those times. Plus I'm worried about the extra moisture in the air, and the front door is open to try and get the water to evaporate.
I have a bunch of boxes under my bed that I know got wet, I haven't been able to pull them out yet but I think the cardboard did a good job of stopping a lot of the water. I have an old pentium P4 that is my backup computer that was on the floor of the closet currently being dried with a fan it got a little wet. Some clothes got wet. I have 2 small car amps under a shelf on the floor that I haven't checked out yet. Those should be easy to dry. I had just bought a new pack of toilet paper, never opened, and it got wet. That made me mad, I was thinking, "$5 bucks for a pack of toilet paper, and they can't even seal the package right!" Of course, I was mad at the whole thing happening, but grr. Just grr.
02-07-2012, 12:59 PM
that sounds like a headache and a half :( not something i've experienced (knock on wood). good luck with your clean up. hope all your stuff is safe!
02-07-2012, 01:21 PM
that sounds like a headache and a half :( not something i've experienced (knock on wood). good luck with your clean up. hope all your stuff is safe!
Thanks. He just fixed it, in all of 10 minutes.
I think most of my stuff is safe, I haven't recounted everything but I've been dealing with this rude awakening since 2:30.
I had a few things to do today, major tank cleaning was on the list but it can wait a few days. Also, I was going to put some coco husk down as substrate that was finishing drying, the water didn't really get to it very much but I think I'll have to run some of it through the oven again.
My dad's got a wet/dry vac hopefully he can lend me tonight.
02-07-2012, 04:45 PM
Yep...Travis, that sounds like a major, major pain in the arse. I would have freaked. I would have been screaming at my landlord...but I am not one to handle stress very well. I can handle a crisis when it comes to other people...but when it comes to stuff that causes me stress in my personal, no. All in all it sounds like you took it all pretty well. Props to you for that.
02-07-2012, 05:10 PM
Bought my son a new Ipod I-touch for Christmas
Today someone took it from his locker at school.
Stinkin' thief.
02-07-2012, 05:57 PM
Bought my son a new Ipod I-touch for Christmas
Today someone took it from his locker at school.
Stinkin' thief.
He won't be making any more video calls then? More constructively, is there a mechanism to lock an iPod Touch? Personally, I avoid Apple like the plague, but somewhere that their locked down hardware/software model must have an advantage is in finding stolen devices - my Android phone can be tracked and remotely wiped if I loose it, I'd be surprised if Apple missed this trick. Someone else on here will be an Apple nut (law of averages, there has to be one amongst the regulars) so hopefully there'll be some more specific advice, my guess is there may be an iTunes option.
Other than that, check some of the results if you Google things like "iPod remote lock", "locate iPod lost stolen"... You get the drift.
Shame you can't call in a favour from former colleagues and get a k9 unit down to the school to sniff out the thieving mongral.
02-07-2012, 06:00 PM
That is just horrible Steve. I hope you talked to the prinicipal. Guess I just decided not to let my son take his ipod to school.
02-07-2012, 06:05 PM
Yep...Travis, that sounds like a major, major pain in the arse. I would have freaked. I would have been screaming at my landlord...but I am not one to handle stress very well. I can handle a crisis when it comes to other people...but when it comes to stuff that causes me stress in my personal, no. All in all it sounds like you took it all pretty well. Props to you for that.
I didn't see this coming. I went all the way to the bathroom trudging though water, did my business and it wasn't until I was a foot from my bed on the way back that I realized I was standing in water...and even then, it took a minute or so for it to hit me...I still thought I was dreaming.
I'll survive, I've got some wet clothes...I was planning on doing laundry either today or tomorrow anyway. A neighbor thinks it's going to smell, I don't know. Luckily, I have the thin kind of carpet that you lay down in an it's not like a rug.
My dad is dropping off a wet/dry vac in an hour or so, and then I'll move all the boxes out from under my bed and see how bad it is under there.
The culprit:
Bought my son a new Ipod I-touch for Christmas
Today someone took it from his locker at school.
Stinkin' thief.
Now that just sucks. Last summer I left a brand new cell phone on the city bus...sure would have been nice of someone to return it. I hope they enjoyed that last hour of airtime!!!
A few years ago I was practically homeless (long story) and I had found a few purses and jackets with wallets in them on the university campus, and I'd always turn them in.
02-07-2012, 06:54 PM
Well that gives me some faith back in humanity Travis...thank you.
02-07-2012, 07:17 PM
I always return things to people who drop them... I've even given a 100 dollar bill to a lady who had one fall out of her pocket (even though that's not a smart place to keep a 100 dollar bill)... I do it because it's what I would want someone to do for me if I dropped something..
I can't find a store with crochet hooks! I've gone to 5 different stores that would normally carry them.... So! I bought a pair of knitting needles... I think I'll regret it.. But, they were about 1.75 so that's okay. Does anyone know a good knitting tutorial?
02-07-2012, 07:50 PM
He sucks at acting too. What a surprise.
02-07-2012, 09:08 PM
Well, the vac sucked up about 3/4 to 1 gallon of water.
I've got about 9 pairs of wet pants, and nowhere to put them! Not to mention another stack of wet clothes.
The stuff under my bed isn't so bad, there are a few things that have some water damage, but I'll live.
This could have been a lot worse, in more ways than one.
02-07-2012, 11:26 PM
I always return things to people who drop them... I've even given a 100 dollar bill to a lady who had one fall out of her pocket (even though that's not a smart place to keep a 100 dollar bill)... I do it because it's what I would want someone to do for me if I dropped something..
I can't find a store with crochet hooks! I've gone to 5 different stores that would normally carry them.... So! I bought a pair of knitting needles... I think I'll regret it.. But, they were about 1.75 so that's okay. Does anyone know a good knitting tutorial?
What size crochet hooks are you looking for? I work next to a craft store.
02-08-2012, 06:23 AM
Bought my son a new Ipod I-touch for Christmas
Today someone took it from his locker at school.
Stinkin' thief.
Totally gutted for Kale....cant be much fun for you either Steve, so frustrating knowing a valuable/treasured item is in the hands of a scumbag, a total parasite so willing to live off the rest of us, we have members on the site. who are feeling the pinch in the worst possible way, budgets that just don't stretch to the end of the month fretting just how to meet those extra heating costs and still these same people would help their fellow man in any way they could ,Its enough to make you believe that this scum are a different species to the rest of us.
I don't know much about the American legal system but over on this side, even when caught these miscreants are seldom punished in any way, our courts are big on law but short on justice
you might recall the son whose photo i put up recently in the Thai boxing ring [Anthony] just before Christmas against my advice he bought a £400 ultra light bike to get to work he had it less than a week before it was stolen, he hadn't even made the first payment.
hoping your situation has a better outcome than mine.
02-08-2012, 10:29 AM
I can't find a store with crochet hooks! I've bought them at WalMart before...
02-08-2012, 11:32 AM
Well, I could use some smaller ones. H would be the right size for the yarn that I have. I have a lot of smaller yarns, so H is good. My mom is going to look at another craft shop today, so hopefully they'll have it! :D
02-08-2012, 12:36 PM
I always return things to people too. Of course if some bank robbers dropped a million dollars, I might have a little trouble with that one:cool:. The bank would probably give me a reward if I was the hero who returned the money though, huh?
02-08-2012, 12:47 PM
steve, sorry to hear about the ipod. that's so infuriating :mad:
glad the water disaster wasn't a blockbuster hit, angrygamer :)
02-08-2012, 01:13 PM
I always return things to people too. Of course if some bank robbers dropped a million dollars, I might have a little trouble with that one:cool:. The bank would probably give me a reward if I was the hero who returned the money though, huh?.....
no.......they are just a load of greedy backstuds
:mad:please dont set me off about banks :mad::mad::mad:
02-08-2012, 01:55 PM
Yay! I got 8 crochet hooks! They're really nice. :D and yay for my mom not forgetting that crochet hooks are not the same as knitting needles! Haha.
02-08-2012, 04:14 PM
Good news Chantel. John...haven't you ever heard my rant about banks being facist pigs? Yeah...don't get me started either.
02-08-2012, 05:21 PM
Our bank froze the last of our money, they talked my mom into making another acct. but the money we had is frozen in that acct, so we can't use it... and there are bills to pay! I looooove banks.
02-08-2012, 06:02 PM
Stupid banks!
02-08-2012, 06:05 PM
going to make homemade chicken pie for dinner. Yum!
02-08-2012, 06:44 PM
Banks are facist pigs...they charge you money to hold your money and give you access to your money. My bank keeps sending my bills out on the wrong dates and then charging me overdraft fees because there isn't money in my account. There would be money in my account if they sent the bills on the correct dates...facist pigs.
I had mac and cheese with feta, spinach, artichokes, roasted red peppers, and roasted garlic for dinner...yuuuummmy!
02-08-2012, 06:59 PM
I had a hot pocket... I can't stand long enough to cook some rice with chicken broth. :( Stupid swelling feet!
02-08-2012, 07:07 PM
You should try a rice cooker. I don't think I could I live without mine. We eat a lot of rice. I buy it in bulk by the 25lb bag and it's gone in 4mo.
02-08-2012, 07:28 PM
I do have a rice cooker, but I have to check it evey 5 minutes.... It randomly gets overly hot and burns all the rice. If I check it and stir/add water when needed it does fine.
02-08-2012, 07:45 PM
That's a bummer. I love to make my rice with chicken broth too, or one of those flavor boost packets. Good stuff!!
02-08-2012, 07:48 PM
no.......they are just a load of greedy backstuds
:mad:please dont set me off about banks :mad::mad::mad:
I call if legalized stealing.
02-08-2012, 09:07 PM
I've always wanted to rob a bank. Too bad I could never pull it off these days. back in the 20's though, i'd be there right now
02-09-2012, 05:36 AM
:mad:I asked you not to set me off about banks and you all ignored me:mad: now my blood pressure is through the roof, they are a shower of complete *****s
02-09-2012, 07:40 AM
02-09-2012, 08:01 AM
I call if legalized stealing.
There is a TV commercial running right now. We will lend you $5000 even if you have bad credit.
Fine print.
The APR for a typical loan of $5,000 is 139.24% with 84 monthly payments of $398.94
so I did some math and came up with this..
$33,510.96 final payback.
Not too bad.. for them anyways.
02-09-2012, 08:14 AM
there is a tv commercial running right now. We will lend you $5000 even if you have bad credit.
Fine print.
The apr for a typical loan of $5,000 is 139.24% with 84 monthly payments of $398.94
so i did some math and came up with this..
$33,510.96 final payback.
Not too bad.. For them anyways.
upright. Moral. Ethical. Just. Decent. Honest. Principled. Just a few of the words that the banking trade could never be accused of.
02-09-2012, 10:22 AM
:eek: what? you'd be crazy not to take advantage of that apr! :rolleyes:
02-09-2012, 11:39 AM
I am sitting here typing with a guinea pig in my lap...I really do think they are going to come in here and officially declare my house a zoo soon.
02-09-2012, 12:55 PM
so did you really get the lil piggy for your son? ;)
btw, no snow today
02-09-2012, 02:41 PM
There is a TV commercial running right now. We will lend you $5000 even if you have bad credit.
Fine print.
The APR for a typical loan of $5,000 is 139.24% with 84 monthly payments of $398.94
so I did some math and came up with this..
$33,510.96 final payback.
Not too bad.. for them anyways.
Well, there's a reason I've never had any debts: My mother worked for a bank and I've heard all the horror stories.
02-09-2012, 03:06 PM
I'll likely never have any debts (that I cause) because my mom has been in every sort of horror stories...
02-09-2012, 03:12 PM
Lol...Mike...yep...she is my son's...but I have to admit, I am falling for the little piggers. But my son is taking care of her...I'm proud of him for that. I found out she is only a little over a month old. Sorry about the lack of snow...don't know what happened there...the "powers that be" must not have heard me will it to be so...we got this stupid snow/rain mix yesterday that was very disappointing...I mean seriously...what is that? It didn't even just made a nature is just playing with me!
02-09-2012, 04:16 PM
oh well, at this point, i'm ready for spring and summer to arrive!
02-09-2012, 04:30 PM
Oh thank you for that video, Mike! That was so cute and my son loved it. We watched some of the other ones that there were links for too...the one with the guinea pigs all taking turns getting in line was so funny.
02-09-2012, 05:22 PM
Today I was informed that a teacher started a fund raiser to replace my son's Ipod which was stolen at school.
Within 4 hours they raise the $200 needed. Most of the money was from student donations.
As a father I told Kale(my son) that this was a testament to his good character and that fact he is respected at the school.
Kale looked at me and said "it's not me, it's the way I was raised"
I'm very proud of my children.
02-09-2012, 06:14 PM
Today I was informed that a teacher started a fund raiser to replace my son's Ipod which was stolen at school.
Within 4 hours they raise the $200 needed. Most of the money was from student donations.
As a father I told Kale(my son) that this was a testament to his good character and that fact he is respected at the school.
Kale looked at me and said "it's not me, it's the way I was raised"
I'm very proud of my children.
Now you just need a friend of the little scroat that stole it to drop the thief in it.
Good to hear that Kale carries enough respect amongst his peers that they care. If he wasn't a decent lad at school nobody would have been bothered by the loss of his iPod.
And Steve, I'm glad to see you getting towards the right capitalisation for "iPod", very nearly there with "Ipod" and closer than "iTouch". :)
02-09-2012, 07:26 PM
Now you just need a friend of the little scroat that stole it to drop the thief in it.
Good to hear that Kale carries enough respect amongst his peers that they care. If he wasn't a decent lad at school nobody would have been bothered by the loss of his iPod.
And Steve, I'm glad to see you getting towards the right capitalisation for "iPod", very nearly there with "Ipod" and closer than "iTouch". :)
i'm glad i getting better at this eye stuff Chris.:D
02-09-2012, 07:44 PM
That's just awesome...there are just no words.
02-10-2012, 03:06 PM
Update on the stolen iPod(happy Chris-UK).
The original suspect to the crime brought to school today the same iPod model which was stolen from my son. The suspect said he bought it off ebay for $15. What a load of crap.
My daughter Emmy called my son's iPod using an app called Facetime. The suspect's iPod rang.
Can you say busted!
The ipod has been returned to my son.
02-10-2012, 03:11 PM he is not just a criminal, but a really stupid criminal. What is the school going to do to the little criminal mastermind? So happy to hear that Kale gets his ipod back...and now all the people that pitched in money can get their money back. And...Kale got to see how much people care and what they will do for him in a bad situation...all in all...not a bad ending to this story!
02-10-2012, 03:19 PM he is not just a criminal, but a really stupid criminal. What is the school going to do to the little criminal mastermind? So happy to hear that Kale gets his ipod back...and now all the people that pitched in money can get their money back. And...Kale got to see how much people care and what they will do for him in a bad situation...all in all...not a bad ending to this story!
I'm sure the kid will be expelled for a few days.
02-10-2012, 03:24 PM
Expelled is fully kicked out of the school with no return, suspended would be temporary (efw days-weeks). That was my understanding of it at least.:)
02-10-2012, 03:29 PM
Well, good...
02-10-2012, 03:35 PM
Trying hard not to sound my age but parents have to be held responsible in a lot if these circumstances, when your kid comes home with some gizmo that is way beyond his ability to purchase then all kinds of alarm bells should be going off
02-10-2012, 06:33 PM
Heck we question the little cheap trinkets Brian brings home. He always gets little erasers and stickers and silly things from..... GIRLS. He's a little ladies man. :D
02-10-2012, 06:41 PM
Right. I know every toy my son has...for the most part. If I see him playing with something and it doesn't look familiar, I ask him where it came from. If he says "So and so gave it to me" or "I traded with so and so", I ask if the other child's parents are aware of the exchange. Not that my son has ever stolen from another child, but kids often trade toys without parents knowing. My point is...if my son has someone else's stuff...I am aware of it.
02-10-2012, 09:07 PM
Well, there's a reason I've never had any debts: My mother worked for a bank and I've heard all the horror stories.
Or you could just do the math and come to the conclusion that it's a bad deal. :rolleyes:
02-11-2012, 03:51 AM
[QUOTE=guidofatherof5;199023]Update on the stolen iPod(happy Chris-UK).
The original suspect to the crime brought to school today the same iPod model which was stolen from my son. The suspect said he bought it off ebay for $15. What a load of crap.
My daughter Emmy called my son's iPod using an app called Facetime. The suspect's iPod rang.
Reading this is one if those warm glow moments .. a fine example of quick thinking Emmy well done ....I think a career in law enforcement awaits you :D hey Kale don't they sell chains for them there ipods....:D
02-11-2012, 09:58 AM
Sorry to change the subject but it's snowing here!!! And...if you put food in the guinea pig's mouth, 20 poops shoot out the other end. It's a poop machine.
02-11-2012, 10:53 AM
I had a guinea pig when I was a kid... Wilbur produced toooooons of poop... We had to clean his tank every few days... Haha.
02-11-2012, 11:36 AM
Lol...I had a rat named Wilbur. I saw a pot-belly pig in the pet store the other day...he was so cute. He rolled over so you could scratch his belly when you pet him...I wanted to buy him and name him Wilbur...but he was $, I woke up this morning and that guinea pig had pooped all over her I cleaned the entire cage and showed my son how to do it. She is only a month old and all she does is eat non-stop and poop...but she makes adorable little noises. Btw...the snow stopped...of course.
02-11-2012, 01:23 PM
Or you could just do the math and come to the conclusion that it's a bad deal. :rolleyes:
To quote a character from the show Deadwood: "If money had to be clean before it was recirculated we'd still be living in ****ing caves." The principle is the same.
02-11-2012, 02:13 PM
Trying hard not to sound my age but parents have to be held responsible in a lot if these circumstances, when your kid comes home with some gizmo that is way beyond his ability to purchase then all kinds of alarm bells should be going off
That's probably what happened. I bet someone made him return it. The ebay story was probably concocted to cover up the fact that he stole it.
02-11-2012, 02:14 PM
Lol...I had a rat named Wilbur.
The only rats ever allowed in my house were named "snake food":p
02-11-2012, 03:46 PM
Ladies Be prepared to be jealous very very jealous, thamnpophis sites most romantic man has struck again.
With valentines day looming on Tuesday i have secretly gone and booked a table for my wife and me,no friends or family just us two........I will admit though that she isn't really that great at pool.
02-11-2012, 04:32 PM
My boyfriend has you beat.. For valentines day we're going to watch a movie.. BUT! He's 2000 miles away... He's going to point his webcam at his tv so I can watch... :p
02-11-2012, 04:43 PM
going to make homemade chicken pie for dinner. Yum!
When should I be there?
02-11-2012, 04:46 PM
upright. Moral. Ethical. Just. Decent. Honest. Principled. Just a few of the words that the banking trade could never be accused of.
That ad is from the Indians, not a regular old US Bank. Still, not too far behind those indians are we....
02-11-2012, 05:08 PM
Sorry to change the subject but it's snowing here!!!
It was 82 here on thursday, 85 on friday. :D Both days were records. Now it's cloudy, windy, and only in the 50's but that won't last but a day or two.
02-11-2012, 05:45 PM
*Marnie makes a very sad and pathetic face*...I have no valentine this year. I am single and my son has informed me that this year his valentine is the guinea pig.
02-11-2012, 05:56 PM
That is cute. I can imagine a little girl going up to him and asking him to be her valentine... And him going "Nope! My guinea pig is my valentine! :D"
And Marnie, you can be your own valentine! Do something nice for yourself! :)
02-11-2012, 06:04 PM
They had valentine's for sale at school, and he tried to send one to his guinea pig! Lol... I will take my son out to dinner even though he would rather be eating dinner with the guinea pig....ha ha...we always go out to dinner for Valentine's Day...that's all I need...dinner with my little guy.
02-11-2012, 06:07 PM
They had valentine's for sale at school, and he tried to send one to his guinea pig! Lol... I will take my son out to dinner even though he would rather be eating dinner with the guinea pig....ha ha...we always go out to dinner for Valentine's Day...that's all I need...dinner with my little guy.
That's a great tradition. Very nice Marnie.
02-11-2012, 06:10 PM
Thanks...although...we usually go on a night other than Valentine's Day...the restaurants around here are swamped on that night! We learned our lesson waiting two hours for a table at my favorite restaurant a couple of years ago!
02-11-2012, 07:17 PM
Today is my mommas birthday. Everyone say happy birthday to her, and I'll show her how awesome everyone is! :D
02-11-2012, 07:41 PM
Happy Birthday Chantel's mom from the Gilfillan's in Iowa.
02-11-2012, 08:03 PM
Happy Birthday to Chantel's mom! Hope you have a wonderful one!
02-12-2012, 02:56 AM
Happy birthday Chantels mom from a cold dreary Liverpool ....had i known it was coming up and your first name i would have done a little rhyme for you...shame on you chantel giving us no notice :p VP0Dq2EWDJ_e2DWnlWT
02-12-2012, 03:00 AM
Happy Birthday mom!
02-12-2012, 03:04 AM
That ad is from the Indians, not a regular old US Bank. Still, not too far behind those indians are we....
don't understand this one Le Ann you will have to spell it out for this old dumbo :o
02-12-2012, 05:48 AM
Thanks...although...we usually go on a night other than Valentine's Day...the restaurants around here are swamped on that night! We learned our lesson waiting two hours for a table at my favorite restaurant a couple of years ago!
I know completely agree, I never had any good dining experiences on Valentines day (or the closest Fri/Sat to it) and an ex-wife who insisted that we must eat out on the day, else it led to screaming and arguments. It's scarred me for life.
Char is much more reasonable, we never go out on the busy restaurant nights around Valentines day. If I'm going to take her out for dinner because I love her I will do it on nights of my choosing when the staff aren't so overwhelmed that they can't give decent service, the kitchen isn't overwhelmed and turning out substandard food, and the restaurant isn't crowded and noisy.
And this year I'm working away on the 14 February, in Glasgow again with a colleague, so if we eat out it will look like I'm having a meal with my sugar daddy. I think I'll order room service.
02-12-2012, 11:13 AM
I've decided I'm going to look around for restaurants that are offering specials this week and then pick one and go out Thursday night after my son has karate practice...he doesn't have school Friday, so we can go out and not worry about having to get home too early. We will not, however, be taking the guinea pig to dinner with us...
02-12-2012, 11:27 AM
I want to say something here...and try not to sound too insensitive or grumbly. But...I need to vent a little. We have quite a few people come on here that complain about feeding living things to snakes. This is not directed at you, Nate...and what you said about not liking the idea of all the wasted food trying to get your snake to eat...I completely understand what you were saying there. I'm talking about people who get upset because they don't want to feed dead pinkies, or cut them up...or cut up worms, or so forth. And the thing is...I am a huge animal lover...I can't stand to see animals dying in movies....heck, I step to the side if I walk by an ant hill so that I don't step on it. I don't like to kill living things if I don't have to...I respect life. But snakes have to eat...and they are not vegetarian. We are lucky in the fact that we don't have to feed garters live rats or rabbits...yes, I have seen big snakes eat live rabbits. I think that if you are going to make the decision to own a snake, then you have to do that with the understanding that you are going to have to feed that snake what it needs to live. If you can't do that, then maybe owning a snake is not right for you...just my opinion...sorry if it sounds harsh. But guinea pigs are vegetarians....I'm just saying.
02-12-2012, 02:47 PM
i agree marnie! i rarely feed live though. i have a lot of snakes and buy all of my feeders in bulk, pre-killed and frozen. occasionally i'll get a picky eater that will only take live at first. i dread the feeding because i have to watch the prey item die and have to assist the snake with the kill if it's in danger of being bit while constricting the mouse or whatever it's eating. i hate it. absolutely hate it! but it's what i view as a necessary evil when dealing with reptiles, snakes in particular.
02-12-2012, 06:44 PM
Waiting(tonight) the start of The Walking Dead, the second half of season 2.
02-12-2012, 06:44 PM
don't understand this one Le Ann you will have to spell it out for this old dumbo :o
The ad that Wayne has quoted is put out by Indian tribes. They are making the loans, if you want to call them that. However, the American Banks and the way they have done business lately are not too far behind in screwing over people just like the outrageous loan and it's interest rates the Indians are offering. $5K at 113% is ludicrous but if you're desperate, you may agree to anything...
02-13-2012, 01:46 AM
Waiting(tonight) the start of The Walking Dead, the second half of season 2.
Will check when it restarts here. Second half had better pick up, first half of season 2 wasn't nearly as good as season 1,too much sat in one place building up relationships between characters, it's a zombie apocalypse we don't need complex personal relationships in the story line.
02-13-2012, 04:34 AM
Waiting(tonight) the start of The Walking Dead, the second half of season 2.
Will check when it restarts here. Second half had better pick up, first half of season 2 wasn't nearly as good as season 1,too much sat in one place building up relationships between characters, it's a zombie apocalypse we don't need complex personal relationships in the story line.
Just what kind of site have we got here, on one side a distracted deputy sheriff who can't wait for a blood bath on the other a deranged limey computer programmer who doesn't like foreplay and wants to get straight to the decapitations and limb lopping ...just what will you be eating while watching this blood fest.... some liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti perhaps.....
02-13-2012, 06:44 AM
Just what kind of site have we got here, on one side a distracted deputy sheriff who can't wait for a blood bath on the other a deranged limey computer programmer who doesn't like foreplay and wants to get straight to the decapitations and limb lopping ...just what will you be eating while watching this blood fest.... some liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti perhaps.....
Head Cheese sandwich :eek: Just kidding.
02-13-2012, 07:25 AM
Waiting(tonight) the start of The Walking Dead, the second half of season 2.
Will check when it restarts here. Second half had better pick up, first half of season 2 wasn't nearly as good as season 1,too much sat in one place building up relationships between characters, it's a zombie apocalypse we don't need complex personal relationships in the story line.
Head Cheese sandwich :eek: Just kidding.
With lots of gory tomato sauce:eek:
02-13-2012, 10:52 AM
With lots of gory tomato sauce:eek:
Funnily enough I had tomato sauce in my corned beef sandwich at lunchtime.
It reminds me of the tradition that gave me my taste for tomato sauce in a corned beef sandwich.
Scout camp. I was about 15. My patrol on prep for lunch, one of the jobs was chopping up a catering tin of corned beef. I managed to slice my thumb on the corned beef tin, and quite a lot of the younger Scouts saw me bleeding and getting the cut dressed - it was quite a bleeder, so word got round that I'd sliced off a bit of my thumb (it was all still attached, but you know how the Chinese whispers effect works). With my war wound covered I returned to supervise my patrol finishing the lunch prep, and had an epiphenial moment where I realised that there was some wind up mileage to be had from my cut hand. So I started adding globs of tomato sauce to the inside of the corned beef sandwiches, so it couldn't be seen until you bit in, at which point a bit of red would ooze out. Stacked a few "booby-trapped" sandwiches in amongst normal ones, and started spreading the word that my thumb had gushed heavily when I cut it on the tin.
I enjoyed my corned beef and tomato sauce sandwich far more than a couple of the younger Scouts who squealed when their sandwiches started bleeding... :)
02-13-2012, 12:48 PM
Great story.
02-13-2012, 03:45 PM
You are absolutely terrible, Chris...and I love it!
02-13-2012, 04:15 PM
Ew. Blood + me eating food while sick = not anything great! Ick ick ick ick ick.
02-13-2012, 11:29 PM
Okay...I have a weird request...if anyone happens to have any slim jims in their house...and they happen to have them in a slim jim can....They were making slim jims in cans for a while...they look like small versions of pringle cans. I'd guess they're about 6 inches long. They recently stopped making them and now they are putting them in cardboard boxes. Cee Cee's favorite hide is a slim jim can. I have to throw the can out every so often because it gets stinky and gross. Now that they aren't making them anymore, she is on her last can. I'm going to try pringle cans, they make small ones...but they are a bit too small. So...if anyone has any of these slim jim cans around their house and wouldn't mind mailing it to me...Cee Cee would be very grateful. I would be happy to send you money for shipping. I'm going to try to collect as many cans as I can. Thanks.
02-14-2012, 09:56 AM
Funnily enough I had tomato sauce in my corned beef sandwich at lunchtime.
It reminds me of the tradition that gave me my taste for tomato sauce in a corned beef sandwich.
Scout camp. I was about 15. My patrol on prep for lunch, one of the jobs was chopping up a catering tin of corned beef. I managed to slice my thumb on the corned beef tin, and quite a lot of the younger Scouts saw me bleeding and getting the cut dressed - it was quite a bleeder, so word got round that I'd sliced off a bit of my thumb (it was all still attached, but you know how the Chinese whispers effect works). With my war wound covered I returned to supervise my patrol finishing the lunch prep, and had an epiphenial moment where I realised that there was some wind up mileage to be had from my cut hand. So I started adding globs of tomato sauce to the inside of the corned beef sandwiches, so it couldn't be seen until you bit in, at which point a bit of red would ooze out. Stacked a few "booby-trapped" sandwiches in amongst normal ones, and started spreading the word that my thumb had gushed heavily when I cut it on the tin.
I enjoyed my corned beef and tomato sauce sandwich far more than a couple of the younger Scouts who squealed when their sandwiches started bleeding... :)
enjoyed the story Chris really are a nasty piece of business :eek:
02-14-2012, 11:39 AM
Char is much more reasonable, we never go out on the busy restaurant nights around Valentines day. If I'm going to take her out for dinner because I love her I will do it on nights of my choosing when the staff aren't so overwhelmed that they can't give decent service, the kitchen isn't overwhelmed and turning out substandard food, and the restaurant isn't crowded and noisy.
Chris this is a piece of pure parsimonious perfection, a paragon of the penurious,a priceless piece of perfidious penny pinching...a work of sheer genius .........any further tips for not shelling out on the wife's birthday... o lord of the deep pockets :p
02-14-2012, 12:54 PM
I have a whole new respect for Chris.
02-14-2012, 03:18 PM
chris - great story! poor kids :D
marnie - i'll keep a look out for the cans. i know what you're talking about, but haven't seen any here for a while...
02-14-2012, 04:39 PM
Chris this is a piece of pure parsimonious perfection, a paragon of the penurious,a priceless piece of perfidious penny pinching...a work of sheer genius .........any further tips for not shelling out on the wife's birthday... o lord of the deep pockets :p
You misunderstood me John. It's just Valentines day that I'm a tight git. Her birthday, last year we went out for a meal with a dozen of her friends, year before I took her to a nice hotel in Edinburgh for a couple of nights, year before we were in Cyprus, year before that the same nice hotel in Edinburgh. This year I don't know...
Although if you want a good Valentines tip, get some flowers for the wife on the 9 Feb, before the prices get hiked, they will still be going strong on the day and give you the excuse "I would have got you flowers, but those beautiful ones I got you last week are still looking so good on the table". ;)
02-14-2012, 04:41 PM
Some people call it Valentines day.
I call it Tuesday.
02-14-2012, 05:11 PM
I call it... A day my boyfriend has an excuse not to hang out with his friend. Other than that, it's like every other day.
02-14-2012, 05:42 PM
Chris...feel free to take me to foreign countries for any holiday you choose...:D. Mike, thanks...yeah...they stopped making them a few months back so I don't know if they are even on store shelves anymore. Jesse...I'm right there with you...Valentine's Day doesn't really mean anything to me...but my son did give me flowers :).
02-14-2012, 06:42 PM
Some people call it Valentines day.
I call it Tuesday.
I call it winter. No need to be that precise.
02-15-2012, 02:34 AM
You misunderstood me John. It's just Valentines day that I'm a tight git. Her birthday, last year we went out for a meal with a dozen of her friends, year before I took her to a nice hotel in Edinburgh for a couple of nights, year before we were in Cyprus, year before that the same nice hotel in Edinburgh. This year I don't know...
Although if you want a good Valentines tip, get some flowers for the wife on the 9 Feb, before the prices get hiked, they will still be going strong on the day and give you the excuse "I would have got you flowers, but those beautiful ones I got you last week are still looking so good on the table". ;)
HaHaHaHaHa you are too easy Chris, right into the garrulous defense mode i shall have to find someone to wind up who is more of a challenge :p:p
02-15-2012, 10:23 AM
World's Tiniest Chameleon Discovered! (
02-15-2012, 12:10 PM
imagine how small their eggs would be... and then how tiny the babies would be when they hatched! :eek:
02-15-2012, 12:54 PM
I'm guessing something that small wouldn't lay more than one or maaaaybe two eggs at a time.
02-15-2012, 01:49 PM
I think those are live bearing, are they not? I think I remember seeing a chameleon dropping live ones on 'Life in Cold Blood'.
02-15-2012, 01:57 PM
I think those are live bearing, are they not? I think I remember seeing a chameleon dropping live ones on 'Life in Cold Blood'.
Chameleons are both, but I checked a slightly bigger member of the same genus and it lays eggs. Two per clutch, typically.
02-15-2012, 02:25 PM
ah, ok... i knew they laid eggs, wasn't familiar with the live bearers. either way, they'd be super tiny.
02-15-2012, 03:25 PM
It would be an interesting birth to watch.
02-15-2012, 08:48 PM
Guys, one of my friends seemed to have a bad day... He's usually really nice and nice to talk to, but today he sounded sarcastic and snarky... I'd like to ask him what's wrong, but I don't want to annoy him or sound... I dunno... Needy or overly worried? I told him I'd leave him alone to play his game, but I really want to know whats up. He's a really good friend of mine so I'm naturally really worried. I don't know whether to ask him about it or if I should leave him alone. Argh.
Edit: I talked to him... He just didn't want to talk to anyone, thank god;
02-15-2012, 09:01 PM
I would say ask. Even if he refuses he knows you care.
If everyone leaves him alone he might think no one does cares.
Just keep it short and sweet.
Just my opinion.
02-15-2012, 09:03 PM
Yeah, I just told him that I noticed it seemed like something was up and if he'd like to talk, I was there for him. Luckily he just didn't want to talk earlier ;)
He knows to just tell me when he's not in the mood to talk now... Haha.
02-15-2012, 09:33 PM
Glad you got it figured out.
02-16-2012, 03:23 PM
I'm finally getting a new t.v. My t.v. has been on it's way out for a couple of years now...whenever there are any dark scenes in a show, you can't see anything. Considering the shows I watch...that's 1/2 the scenes in every episode of every show I watch! So...I finally bought a new t.v. and it's coming tomorrow. Yipee!
02-16-2012, 04:08 PM
Are you suggesting, Mr. Granger, that I should remove my underwear and put perfume there instead?
Are you suggesting that I remove my trousers and put perfume there instead?!
02-16-2012, 04:31 PM
02-16-2012, 04:52 PM
It's something said on Are you being served? On the His and Hers episode. I thought it was pretty funny. Haha.
02-16-2012, 05:26 PM
You're silly!
02-16-2012, 06:29 PM
Oh I'm not silly, the people who made the show are quite silly.. I wish I was around when it was airing on tv ;)
02-17-2012, 04:18 AM
Are you suggesting, Mr. Granger, that I should remove my underwear and put perfume there instead?
Are you suggesting that I remove my trousers and put perfume there instead?!
you had me worried there Chantel i thought we had been invaded by perv's ...but i see you are talking about Mrs Slocum's stock.
I didn't realize you got that old British show over on your side
02-17-2012, 06:20 AM
We don't, I watch it on online streaming sites mostly. I also watch Little Britain and Inbetweeners on them... Only stuff worth watching anymore ;)
Also, I am a perv.. Haha. Everything can be made into a sex joke with me, I just don't do much joking where it may cause people to lose respect in me, or become uncomfortable because of my jokes.
02-17-2012, 12:38 PM
Ha ha...I was going to say...we do have a perv on here...we have Chantel! Rofl....
02-17-2012, 01:26 PM
Sex jokes and such are very common with my real mom and dad... We all joke about stupid stuff, and I think their sense of humour must be genetic, because I never fit in with my "family" humour wise... And also in any way, because I'm a lot like my mom.... And they never liked my mom. That's okay, though. I don't need them ;)
02-17-2012, 03:32 PM
I call it winter. No need to be that precise.
Speaking of winter, I finally got a visit. Thursday Feb 9th broke the record high. It got up to 85 F. 6 days later on Feb 15th the high was 30 F and it snowed all afternoon. Got several inches.
Of course it's all gone now, sunny 60's.
I like snow when its just for a day. It was nice. I tried to get video / pics but my camera quit working.:mad: I try to turn it on and the screen says "lens error" and it shuts down. Grrrr...
02-17-2012, 04:22 PM
I can't believe it is freakin snowing where you are and we haven't seen diddly squat for snow in DE this year! Unbelievable! Next thing you know they'll get a blizzard in the Sahara...
02-17-2012, 06:17 PM
Was snowing. Just one afternoon. It's sunny and almost 70 now.;) The key is the high elevation. (almost 4,000 ft) A cold front came in and dropped the snow level low enough, briefly, and there was enough moisture to make it over the mountains to reach the desert. It may be desert here, but it's high so it does get cold in the winter, and it does get a few inches of precipitation between Nov and March.
02-17-2012, 09:10 PM
Yeah point is it has snowed everywhere but here...
02-20-2012, 01:03 AM
Does anyone know how to get a hold of Greg to let him know his PM box is full? I need to reply to a PM he sent me but I can't....Greg...if you are reading this, empty your PMs...
02-20-2012, 06:44 AM
I've done all you can at this point. I'll send a Skype message but it's been awhile since I've seen him on there.
02-20-2012, 07:34 AM
Does anyone know how to get a hold of Greg to let him know his PM box is full? I need to reply to a PM he sent me but I can't....Greg...if you are reading this, empty your PMs...
Want me to let him know? :)
02-20-2012, 07:41 AM
I've done all you can at this point. I'll send a Skype message but it's been awhile since I've seen him on there.
Let's try this again. Duh.
You've done all you can at this point. I'll send a Skype message but it's been awhile since I've seen him on there.
P.S. I did send the Skype message.
If you could let him know Andy that would be great. Thanks.
02-20-2012, 10:10 AM
Time to dump some PM's snakehill.
02-20-2012, 11:10 AM
Done! :)
02-20-2012, 01:00 PM
Yes.. thank you Andy! If you could just tell him to PM me when his box is empty...that would be great!
02-22-2012, 10:53 AM
Wildlife veterinarian: Fungus killing certain southern Ill. rattlesnake | The Republic (
02-23-2012, 07:08 AM
I feel that I've hit a milestone in garter keeping and forum family life.
I feel fulfilled and complete. Now I just need to think of a custom title... :cool:
02-23-2012, 07:29 AM
Yep...that's the tough one...Wayne thought of mine for me.
02-23-2012, 08:23 AM
Like, a square inch of it. ._.
02-23-2012, 08:51 AM
Oh for the love's like spring here now...I guess we just skipped right over snow for us this year. It snowed everywhere but here. If it snows in Hawaii, I'm going to go outside and start screaming.
02-23-2012, 09:42 AM
Same here. 70 degrees
02-23-2012, 09:44 AM
I feel that I've hit a milestone in garter keeping and forum family life.
I feel fulfilled and complete. Now I just need to think of a custom title... :cool:
I wonder what mine used to be.
Edit: according to my ancient saved PM's, my user title before the current one was "The Prince of Insufficient Light."
02-23-2012, 11:53 AM
I wonder what mine used to be.
Edit: according to my ancient saved PM's, my user title before the current one was "The Prince of Insufficient Light."
Must have thought that one up in the winter months, you have plenty of light in the summer, I remember drinking in Helsinki and thinking it was still early when it was actually midnight.
02-23-2012, 12:24 PM
Must have thought that one up in the winter months, you have plenty of light in the summer, I remember drinking in Helsinki and thinking it was still early when it was actually midnight.
Nah, it's a Dilbert reference.
Helsinki is almost as far south as south goes (points to anyone getting that refrence without googling ;) ). Spent a few days about 500km further north last summer, in early june. The sun got just barely below the horizon for 4 hours a night and it didn't get dark by any commonly held standard.
02-23-2012, 04:42 PM
Same here. 70 degrees
82 here. :D I see it's unseasonably warm just about everywhere.
The sun got just barely below the horizon for 4 hours a night and it didn't get dark by any commonly held standard.
Nice. Sounds about like Anchorage, AK around late May.
02-23-2012, 07:09 PM
Damn.. What a fcked up "winter"
Can't say I'm not glad. I hate snow. ._.
02-23-2012, 10:08 PM
Jesse I think I may need to get the soap out for your typing fingers...
02-23-2012, 10:10 PM
yea, today was unusally warm. the dogs and i enjoyed it. can't wait for spring to arrive!
02-23-2012, 10:27 PM
Oh yeah, you're in NC too, we gotz de same weather.
And dang I'm freaking sorry. There.
02-23-2012, 10:34 PM
You are so funny! :D
02-23-2012, 10:40 PM
Do I sense a hint of sarcasm
02-23-2012, 10:42 PM
nope. For realz. You are a funny dude!!
02-23-2012, 10:53 PM
Jesse cracks me up. It has been really warm here too. It was almost 70 here today. Flowers are blooming. It's very weird. Of course I want spring to come but I feel like I am not ready for it because I feel like I was cheated this winter...I feel like I need one good snow and then I'll be ready for spring.
02-23-2012, 10:55 PM
We had an ok snow this year, but the rest has been mostly cold and clear. Rain over the last couple weeks.
02-23-2012, 11:01 PM
Well, I still like waffles.
02-23-2012, 11:05 PM
I think we all like waffles, they are very tasty! With syrup and butter!!
02-23-2012, 11:15 PM
I need a freakin app -- this is brutal
02-23-2012, 11:20 PM
You need a custom Potty Mouth or Waffle Butt...
02-23-2012, 11:21 PM should be "I like Waffles" or "Tomato".
02-23-2012, 11:26 PM
02-23-2012, 11:28 PM
Yes, yes. It SHOULD be I Like Waffles!!
02-23-2012, 11:30 PM
I had actually thought of that.
02-23-2012, 11:36 PM
Stan has issues.
02-24-2012, 02:31 AM
Who is Stan? You should PM Jason and tell him to make your custom title "I like waffles".
02-24-2012, 03:10 AM
Nice. Sounds about like Anchorage, AK around late May.
Anchorage is a couple of degrees further south.
02-24-2012, 09:31 AM
Who is Stan? You should PM Jason and tell him to make your custom title "I like waffles".
Eminem song xD
02-24-2012, 12:33 PM
I was pretty sure that was what you were talking about...yes, Stan has a lot of issues.
02-24-2012, 12:35 PM
And Brady.
02-24-2012, 03:02 PM
Dear god, im REALLLY gonna have to backtrack to make any sense of this hahaha, two pages back and still not makn sense hahaha, but it makes it a hell of a lot funnier ;)
02-24-2012, 04:35 PM
Nope...I just went back 4 pages and it still doesn't make any sense! :D You should read some of the other threads over the last two the Other Pets's hysterical.
02-24-2012, 06:58 PM
You're welcome.
02-25-2012, 12:12 AM
My mother drives me absolutely insane. Ugh.
02-25-2012, 12:51 AM
Indeed. .________________.
02-25-2012, 11:51 AM there is this house full...I mean full...of annoying college guys across the street from me (you may remember me complaining about them running up and down the street at 3 in the morning doing drunk sprints and timing themselves in the fall)...and they have been driving me nuts lately going in and out of their house slamming doors at 1am and 2am every night and driving their loud cars up and down the street. So, last night...they were really bad..and I had enough...I could hear them outside yelling at 2am, getting in and out of their eleven cars parked up and down the street..and I called the cops. So...I wait..and they are all outside...and they jump in their cars and take off...and then the cops come....knock on the one is home, of course...and the cops leave. As soon as the cops leave, I hear them outside again. Now, they are actually all over, standing in the street....standing in their yard...running up and down the street. I call the cops back. I'm like..."Okay, officer was over here and now it is worse. They are literally standing in the street yelling now." So the police say they will send someone back over. I go outside and I hear the college kids all yelling about how they really want egg rolls. They all jump in their cars and take off. The cops come back. No one is there again. At this point, the police are probably saying..."Um...yeah, we have a crazy lady who keeps calling in claiming there are a bunch of kids yelling in the street....she's a nut. There's no one here.". So now...I can't call the police again. Of course the stupid drunk egg roll loving college kids return soon after the police leave. :rolleyes:
02-25-2012, 03:24 PM
Sod's Law. Sounds like a right bunch of inconsiderate bar stewards (they do work in bars part-time don't they ;) ).
02-25-2012, 03:58 PM there is this house full...I mean full...of annoying college guys across the street from me (you may remember me complaining about them running up and down the street at 3 in the morning doing drunk sprints and timing themselves in the fall)...and they have been driving me nuts lately going in and out of their house slamming doors at 1am and 2am every night and driving their loud cars up and down the street. So, last night...they were really bad..and I had enough...I could hear them outside yelling at 2am, getting in and out of their eleven cars parked up and down the street..and I called the cops. So...I wait..and they are all outside...and they jump in their cars and take off...and then the cops come....knock on the one is home, of course...and the cops leave. As soon as the cops leave, I hear them outside again. Now, they are actually all over, standing in the street....standing in their yard...running up and down the street. I call the cops back. I'm like..."Okay, officer was over here and now it is worse. They are literally standing in the street yelling now." So the police say they will send someone back over. I go outside and I hear the college kids all yelling about how they really want egg rolls. They all jump in their cars and take off. The cops come back. No one is there again. At this point, the police are probably saying..."Um...yeah, we have a crazy lady who keeps calling in claiming there are a bunch of kids yelling in the street....she's a nut. There's no one here.". So now...I can't call the police again. Of course the stupid drunk egg roll loving college kids return soon after the police leave. :rolleyes:
Marnie would you like me to send you some of my anti delusional tablets ...i'v got lots:rolleyes:
02-25-2012, 04:31 PM
I think you need to get back on those meds John, after your cross breeding thread.:D
Set the keyboard down and step away from the screen.:D
02-25-2012, 04:56 PM
I like egg rolls.
02-25-2012, 05:08 PM
I like egg rolls.
And one day you'll go to college. ;)
02-25-2012, 05:10 PM
They have egg rolls?!! =D
02-25-2012, 05:11 PM
They have egg rolls?!! =D
Only if you have a car with a phat exhaust, and go to college near Marnie.
02-25-2012, 05:14 PM
Excellent. *rubs hands together and chuckles evily*
02-26-2012, 12:28 AM
The car doors are starting to slam again...they must be off to get more egg rolls...
02-26-2012, 05:54 AM
The car doors are starting to slam again...they must be off to get more egg rolls...
Marnie it is very important to your future mental health that you listen very carefully to what i have to say to you.
I have sent the pills and they will be with you very very soon, meanwhile it is vital that you take the action that i now describe to you in order to control at least temporarily this disorder.
First off you need to accept that these people do not exist they are part of the particular psychosis that is afflicting you.
Next i need you to take your self off to a dark room get yourself into a comfortable position an armchair ,recliner,or even prone on the floor if that's what you prefer, having achieved this you should then repeat "these people don't exist there are no egg rolls" continue to do this until you hear a knock in the door which will be your medication arriving.
best of luck Marnie we are all pulling for you
02-26-2012, 08:14 AM
But the egg rolls told me that I was invited to the party...if I would just stop calling the police and being such a grumpy old lady about the whole thing... Lol...
Seriously though, they all left and went somewhere else last night. Guess they decided to eat their eggrolls elsewhere.
On another son had baseball try-outs last night. This was his first time trying out. Last year he was on a coach pitch team, but he is really great at baseball and they thought he was ready to try out for the minors. He did really well. Drafts are in two weeks. Fingers crossed. He is just an amazing athlete...a real natural. He is a year away from his black belt in karate, and he did swim team for the first time last summer and went to championships. He does not get this from me!
02-26-2012, 10:24 AM
Seriously though, they all left and went somewhere else last night. Guess they decided to eat their eggrolls elsewhere.
I SEE....The medication has arrived then.
02-26-2012, 10:26 AM
Time to request your custom title from Jason. What's it going to be John?
02-26-2012, 10:44 AM
Time to request your custom title from Jason. What's it going to be John?
red face time Steve i saw the words above my name had changed and wondered what it was all about ..once again i was too embarrassed to ask.
My intention was to wait until Wayne was on line with me and ask him as he has been very helpful explaining the various abbreviation's that the members use, plan b was to ask Chris when i speak to him tonight everybody knows the depths to which my inadequate PC knowledge plumbs
02-26-2012, 11:52 AM
Don't worry John...last year for the longest time I was trying to figure out what "PM Boots" were...:D
02-26-2012, 12:58 PM
liverpool football club has just won the carling cup final
come on you mighty reds :d
02-26-2012, 01:10 PM
liverpool football club has just won the carling cup final
come on you mighty reds :d
Hear hear.
02-26-2012, 01:18 PM
liverpool football club has just won the carling cup final
come on you mighty reds :d
hear hear.
thanks steve i am not heavily into soccer... But i now have four very very happy sons.. Ecstatic even daughters are quite pleased too...the lads will be started on the long way home from wembley stadium [in london] but will be too happy to notice the distance and while typing this i am listening to the noise of fireworks coming from every direction
02-26-2012, 03:01 PM
Was there a football match today? I would rather have seen an English victory at Twickenham yesterday.
It's okay everyone... John now knows what "PM Boots for custom title" means. :)
02-26-2012, 05:03 PM
I'm going to be in Washington State on March 6th, and near Olympia (south Puget Sound) the following week. If the weather cooperates, is anyone still wanting pickeringi? knowing my luck it'll be cold and wet though. :cool:
02-26-2012, 05:21 PM
I would, but Kat may be getting me one some time....
Also, instead of saying a specific word for the male phallic area... Use this instead... It's less "offensive"... :D "an astronomical alliance of giggle hoses"
02-27-2012, 01:12 AM
I've been in touch with Joe on getting a pair of CB for us Chantel. He's going to keep me posted on the breeding front. We are doing some trading in the spring he wants NWs and I want a Natrix. If he gets baby Pugets, we'll be doing another trading session. If you would prefer not to wait though, that's fine.
02-27-2012, 01:59 AM
Well, to be very honest, I'd prefer CB to WC in this case. But, if Joe's don't breed and you end up catching one, that is fine too. I have emotional problems I'd like to deal with a bit before I get another snake... Nothing a couple therapy sessions can't fix. My first comes on Tuesday... And after that I'll be getting myself ready for my ID... I don't really fancy getting up at 5 am just to catch a bus and get there early, though!
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