View Full Version : Its oh so quiet Shh Shh
09-17-2011, 05:06 PM
Perhaps everyone is busy at the moment? Oh didn't think of that! Sorry!!!:rolleyes:
09-17-2011, 05:45 PM
Nobody wants to talk to me!:(
What have I been doing for the last 30 minutes??:D
Perhaps everyone is busy at the moment?
Exactly. I just got back from dinner.
09-17-2011, 05:52 PM
Moderators have lives, too. ;)
I had just gotten up, so I wasn't around. I can't type in my sleep, unfortunately.
09-17-2011, 05:53 PM
I have been telling you that almost an hour snakehill!:D People have lives!
09-17-2011, 05:55 PM
BITE ME!!!!:p
09-17-2011, 06:16 PM
Okay, I'll grab Snap. She doesn't like anyone and bites a lot.
09-17-2011, 06:22 PM
[QUOTE=RedSidedSPR;181780]What have I been doing for the last 30 minutes??:D
Annoying me???!:p
09-17-2011, 06:24 PM
Don't mess with me on a trolling day.
09-17-2011, 06:27 PM
Sorry! Didn't realize that it was trolling day! i should have known!!!:rolleyes:
09-17-2011, 06:30 PM
Everyday is a trolling day. Mwahaha.
09-17-2011, 06:32 PM
TROLL THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
09-17-2011, 06:34 PM
Ooh, scary smiley face. Terrifying.
09-17-2011, 06:53 PM
Listen you little &$@*! i don't have a problem whooping your a&$!:p
09-17-2011, 07:22 PM
Ok, we'll you're coming here, plane tickets are too darn expensive.
09-17-2011, 07:25 PM
You're paying!!!!!:p
09-17-2011, 08:01 PM
We will be renting a barn on 58 acres! Hopefully we'll find a few garter snakes there!:)
Mrs N1ntndo
09-17-2011, 09:29 PM
oh I just read the last 3 pages and it was funny. So I hope everyone had a great day and into the night.
09-18-2011, 11:39 AM
Yeah! The 2010 worst team, is beating the 2010 Super Bowl champions!
Newton and Smith are a scary combo!
FYI, that '10 worst team is the Carolina Panthers. Super bowl champs Green Bay Packers.
09-18-2011, 02:18 PM
Yeah! The 2010 worst team, is beating the 2010 Super Bowl champions!
Newton and Smith are a scary combo!
FYI, that '10 worst team is the Carolina Panthers. Super bowl champs Green Bay Packers.
09-18-2011, 06:38 PM
No worries about today! Newton is going to be awesome to watch this season..
09-18-2011, 06:49 PM
Yes he already is! I'm not Worried, he's doing great, the almost won last week, and this was the super bowl team last year, and they were 32nd (last) in the league last year, so they actually did good
Smith didn't... Fumbled and dropped a bunch. What's up with that?!
And Jonathan Stewet is tearing it up!!! The guy doesnt go down.:eek: and he hurt a guy with his butt.:p What happened to DeAngelos promised more carries?!:D they signed a new contract and they're paying him more, but he only agreed cause they promised him more carries.:p
09-24-2011, 07:41 AM
Hey Chantel! Like your new Avatar!!! Who's picture is that????;)
09-24-2011, 10:46 AM
Looks like Snap. Am I right?? :)
09-24-2011, 10:50 AM
09-24-2011, 10:51 AM
:D Yeah! I'm hardly ever right.
09-24-2011, 10:55 AM
Your just in the company of genius.
09-24-2011, 10:56 AM
09-24-2011, 03:19 PM
Yep, it's my pretty little Snappy. :D
09-24-2011, 03:57 PM
Yeah well MACS are no better, I don't care what you say.
Machine Always Crashes, If Not, The Operating System Hangs
I mean really, the only difference from MACS and PCs are about a thousand dollars.... :D
09-24-2011, 04:00 PM
IMO, macs are only good if you don't do much. :p
Also, along with 1k on the price, not much runs on it.
09-24-2011, 04:01 PM
I heard that MACS are like a high performance sports car that can only drive on 10% of the roads.:D
09-24-2011, 04:04 PM
That sounds about right :p
I think most pro. youtubers use macs cause it's better on video editing, but not much else.
09-24-2011, 04:04 PM
Exactly. And if you like games forget it.
Just go to the Apple website. THAT is why they get so much rep, it's all one company.
It's APPLE. I seriously have no way to explain this, but here's how you do: IT'S APPLE.
09-24-2011, 04:07 PM
Yup. Video editing is great but that's bout it... And then stuff like that that's better, but really.
I use both. I have (had) a PC, but my relatives all have MACs...
09-24-2011, 04:08 PM
I love games. I also like being a typical woman.... Multitasking!
09-24-2011, 04:10 PM
I dont game on the PC a lot, (but i love it) but i want to be able to pop in Black Ops, ya know? That alone makes PCs better!:D
09-24-2011, 04:57 PM
Hey guys, one of the people I watch on youtube is asking for donations for a charity. It's a charity to help children's hospitals, and he's asking for donations for a certain hospital, which his 4 year old cousin died in, but you can donate to any of the hospitals from this link. Even $0.50 would help if you can spare it.
If you have a certain hospital in mind, you can search for it on the left sidebar.
It would mean a lot to me if you could donate even a couple cents or dollars, because I also had a cousin who died at a childrens hospital because there wasn't enough resources to save him.
Play Games. Heal Kids. | Extra Life - DonorDriveŽ (
09-24-2011, 05:03 PM
That's awesome. Maybe when we get a computer :) no way to do it now,.
09-24-2011, 05:09 PM
I plan on donating a little bit next month if we have anything left over. Snakes need food, frogs need some more crickets. I'll be skipping out on some daily routine products to hopefully have money left over. Stupid bills!
09-24-2011, 05:13 PM
Stupid... um... lack of access to donate button!:p
Seriously, it's not like we can't spend .50, it's the lack of computer.
09-24-2011, 05:15 PM
Yeah, we have the lack of money, but only for right now.
09-24-2011, 06:14 PM
I totally disagree!! I'm a PC user, but have routinely used MACs in the past. A lot of their programs are just simpler and more straight-forward. Not to mention you don't have to deal with all those mumbo-jumbo security messages that pop up every 5 seconds on a PC.
Both have their pros and cons and like I said, I use a PC. But MAC's are more than just a pretty face.
09-24-2011, 06:17 PM
Ehhhhh.. I hear ya. And they ARE simpler, and the popups (or lack of) and stuff is because MACs run on and OS....
They have cool programs built in, and feel smoother, and are simpler..
And they're great! BUT THEY SUCK.:p
09-25-2011, 10:12 AM
Where is everybody today?? :cool:
09-25-2011, 11:26 AM
What is it with you???:D
Ok, Carolina is winning today. I can feel it!:p
09-25-2011, 01:44 PM
I was lonely!!!:(
09-25-2011, 03:23 PM
Where is everybody today?? :cool:
Slept in...
Went to second service at church...
Took kids to Burger King...
Dropped kids off at ex's house to see grandparents...
Got groceries...
Let the dogs out and put groceries away...
Checked my email...
Then came here!
09-25-2011, 03:31 PM
I got up. That took a lot!
Vaccuumed the house. With my 4 kids running thru the house and 3 extras, with the newly cut grass, all wet outside, you can only imagine what my Dyson came up with!
Cleaned some glass, mirrors, etc. Lots of little person hands about.
Collected worms and slugs for a nice fresh breakfast for all of my guys and girls. Connor snake enjoyed one big fat slugy this morning:D
Fishling (my tiger cichlid a.k.a. the piranha, also enjoyed some fresh worms)
Watched a couple of movies, "The Devil's Tomb" with Cuba Gooding Jr. and "When in Rome", with Josh Duhamel and Kristen Bell. I thought the second one would be all sappy and stuff but it was actually funny and entertaining.
Now I'm here, since my husband and kids have left the computer!
09-25-2011, 03:41 PM
I did stuff.
Ok, Carolina is winning today. I can feel it!:p
Told ya.
09-25-2011, 03:45 PM
I guess you could call that doing something!! :rolleyes:
09-26-2011, 06:06 AM
"Greece is the word".:D
It's not looking good for our economy.
09-26-2011, 02:47 PM
Snakehill, you need to empty some messages out of your PM box.
09-26-2011, 02:51 PM
Got it!!!:o
Mrs N1ntndo
09-26-2011, 02:59 PM
Stopped in to say hello to you all. I am hoping that everyone is having agreat day. I went to the Mich Renn Fest yesterday and we had a freaking blast. stayed there from open to close. Long day but it was so so so fun. I didnt take much pics other then when My youngest got blessed by the Queen and I also took pics of the Living fountain. She was beautiful I will deffinatly have to post pics of her. It was so cool. I hope that you all had a great weekend.
09-28-2011, 08:03 AM
My favorite player in the NFL.
The best, most underrated WR in the league.
I mean just watch this guy, and put it this way. The man is 5'9 and better then just about every other WR out there, which are usually within 6 and 7 feet tall. Imagine how scary he would be at 6'4!!
I think the same thing about a few others, like Wes Welker. He's probably the best slot, and one of the best most underrated WRs too, and he's even shorter. He's not just that short, white guy people think sometimes.:p
But Steve is just untouchable. 2005 he had the most receiving yards in the NFL. I think if he had had a better QB throughout his career, he would be known as one of the best. Nor just to those Carlolina fans (like me:p)
It's a shame there's another player with the same name now.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (
09-29-2011, 09:40 PM
Got some great news today! My stepson's school tests he took at the end of the year last year came today. He scored the highest in his grade level in almost every category! He tested at above grade level! We are so proud of the little guy!
09-30-2011, 05:29 AM
congrats to the little guy, Kat
09-30-2011, 07:02 AM
Hope you all have a great weekend! Kiddo number 2 has a water polo tournament today and then I'm out of town at dog shows Sat/Sun. Will check in on Monday and see if I can figure out the new layout :)
Mrs N1ntndo
09-30-2011, 02:59 PM
I just realizedt hat the site was back on and I was going through So I jusmp onm here just now and I am sooo lost on how to do anything. Its kinda like jumping onto a new site. Thankfully I know youu all and I know that I should catch on pretty quick. I love all the colors that are here now. It wasnt that colorful before. I just have to learn all the new stuff like we all do. Well I am so happy that I can now come here all the time when ever I want to again.
09-30-2011, 03:16 PM
I like it. Theres a few things I don't like, and a few thing I'll miss (like the originally SMILEYS)...
But again i can't explore it well yet, because it doesn't run well on my iPhone now...
Mrs N1ntndo
09-30-2011, 03:53 PM
I like it too but like I said I gotta learn it again. I do to like the smilies. They are really cool. Im looking forward to learning all the other cool things this site can do.
09-30-2011, 04:00 PM
I said I DON'T like the smileys.. or that I miss the old ones. I don't think they get the job done as well.
10-01-2011, 06:56 AM
I agree! I don't think I'll be using them anymore!
10-01-2011, 07:13 AM
I'll use them I just dont think they work as well.
10-01-2011, 08:38 AM
Just thought I'd pop by and see how you're all doing... and spotted your pretty new site! How have you all been? Since living in a garter free home, I have not spoken to any of you for ages. I seem to have entered my ferret then my revived chicken phase in the meantime. :-)
10-01-2011, 08:42 AM
Glad to see you back, I'm doing good.
Yup the site is new, like, yesterday new...
10-01-2011, 08:57 AM
I must have sensed it... ;-)
10-01-2011, 11:51 AM
Snakehill, clear your PMs already.
10-01-2011, 11:56 AM
I did!!! I can't help that I'm popular!!! lol (I miss my smilies!!!)
10-01-2011, 03:11 PM
Some help please. I can't find that thread that had the wild garter snakes eating the tadpoles.
Anyone know which it was?
10-01-2011, 03:48 PM
Here ya go Steve. Not sure which one you want, there's too.
Page 35
Page 36
10-01-2011, 04:06 PM
It was the second one. Thanks Jesse.
10-01-2011, 04:08 PM
Two, not "too". I can be so stupid.
No problem Steve.
10-01-2011, 11:47 PM
Hello again everyone. Relaxing here in So. Cal high desert north of L.A. Nice here. Just thought I would pop in and say "hi"
10-01-2011, 11:57 PM
Hi Richard! How was the move?
10-02-2011, 06:23 AM
Hi Richard!
10-02-2011, 07:36 AM
Hey Richard!
10-02-2011, 10:19 PM
Hi Richard! How was the move?
Still is far from complete. Taking a break and a visit with friends. I'm actually way farther south right now than where I'm moving to. A little vacation close to L.A. but in the "boonies":). As soon as it no longer feels like I rode under the vehicle and dragged to SoCal,;) I'll get moved in north of here.
10-02-2011, 10:21 PM
You're missing out on the rain here. :p
10-03-2011, 11:41 AM
You're missing out on the rain here. :p
Yeah I know. Started raining right after I left. Hot and dry here, but not too hot. Lovin' it.:D
Might seem like a stupid question but what the heck happened to the user CP link? I can't seem to find it to get to the page that shows replies to subscribed threads. What did they do to the forum? I liked it better the old way.
10-03-2011, 12:00 PM
Yeah it takes some getting used to. I had to ask this "stupid question" too. It's under "forum actions" (which is screwed due to problems being fixed)
10-04-2011, 04:35 AM
What did they do to the forum? I liked it better the old way.
that would be an understatement coming from me.
I dislike the visual appearance of this so much, I feel like crying every time I open it. It took me three days to notice that the header bar is kind of nice. But everything else is grey and white and dark grey, with blue or kelly green accents. And may I say that green is absolutely my favourite colour, and there are many attractive greens in the universe - kelly green is not one of them. As to exploring the features - forget about it. It's hard to hang out long in a room where you dislike the wall paper. Not that I've been spending that much time here anyhow, so I don't think it'll be a great loss to anyone if I'm here even less. I feel the loss though.
10-04-2011, 05:34 AM
Not that I've been spending that much time here anyhow, so I don't think it'll be a great loss to anyone if I'm here even less.
I for one must disagree with your statement.
You are a very valuable member of this forum.
10-04-2011, 08:01 AM
I for um... Two.. Agree.
I don't think a new look is a good enough reason to stop visisting anyway.
It's still the same site, with the same forum, the same people, and the same snakes. It just looks different. I miss some things too, but I look at the good stuff too, because it's not changing, and hating on it isnt gonna change that. The forum has been upgraded many times, the look changing each time, this is just the current look. The "other" one has come and gone, as will this one.
10-04-2011, 09:03 AM
10-04-2011, 09:12 AM
I don't get it! What's your point??
10-04-2011, 09:20 AM
Steve just hit 11,000 no one ever has. Whatever, I just was pointing it out.
10-04-2011, 09:38 AM
Oh!!! Sorry!! Congratulations Steve!!!
Mrs N1ntndo
10-04-2011, 11:13 AM
Congrats Steve. Hope to see 11,000 more posts. Thanks for all the help you have givin me and others.
I dont anyone to leave. Dont stop come Rhea. You have also helped me too. Everyone is so awesome here and the loss of even 1 person would be very sad.
10-04-2011, 11:44 AM
I for one must disagree with your statement.
You are a very valuable member of this forum.
have to agree with Steve. i wonder if this is an age thing rhea most of the younger members seem to have taken the changes in their stride, i lean towards the" not broke don't fix it" brigade i gave my views in the other thread.
What the heck have you done to my site .
I hate change
i manage to survive in this techno world by my fingernails
i hate change
why would you take away the who's on line facility
i hate change
i hadn't worked out all the functions for the old site yet
i hate change
i am coming over your side of the pond in 2013 be afraid jason be very afraid.
And did i mention that i hate change:p
10-04-2011, 11:58 AM
Whining about it isn't gonna bring it back.:p
Get over it it isn't changing.
There are things I could complain about but what's the point? I don't like the new smilies. I miss me "# unread posts" link. I miss the being able to run this smoothly on my iPod.
But other than that it's still a darn good site, and looking at it with quality-wise, feature-wise, and technology-wise, it is now a better website. I would rather see it like that, then mope around for the old one that isn't coming back. This was a necessary upgrade to the newer version of vBulliten software, Jason spent good money to do it, and once the bugs are fixed, it won't have many problems I can see.
It's still the same site, with the same forum, the same people, and the same snakes. It just looks different. I miss some things too, but I look at the good stuff too, because it's not changing, and hating on it isnt gonna change that. The forum has been upgraded many times, the look changing each time, this is just the current look. The "other" one has come and gone, as will this one.
Class dismissed.
10-05-2011, 08:31 AM
it's the colour
and I still don't like it
it's institutional - like a hospital or a bank
no matter how many times I go to these places I still don't like them
there is no "getting used to" an unattractive environment
Jeff tells me I may be able to do something with the appearance - like personalize it, but that will take work, and possibly money
so I'll just duck in, wish people a happy birthday, keep my eyes on the keyboard, and duck out - just like at the bank or the pharmacy
10-05-2011, 08:39 AM
Ok so you don't like the color. Now you're not gonna use the forum because of it? C'mon. I understand completely, but that's over the top. Like I said, the old colors aren't coming back. It's the same forum, with the same people.
Since when do we visit the forum 'cause we like the color? I sure as hell don't.
Same people. Same community. Same Snakes. Same site. Differet color.
10-05-2011, 09:01 AM
People on the internet complain notoriously about change. Facebook can't make a single change without half of their user base threatening to quit the site...then a couple months later, those same people would never go back to the old way (but they would never admit that either).
That said, you can probably run some browser plugins to customize the forums, if you have moderate knowledge of scripting (or know someone who does). I know someone who has done extensive browser-side optional customization to another message board system that I visit.
And the other possibility, is that they'll add built in skins to this forum eventually, so that each user can choose from a list of pre-arranged color combinations.
10-05-2011, 09:10 AM
Change is something that's hard for a lot of people, its not just on the internet.
Seriously, imagine having a fine and dandy life then, BAM! Your forced into living a life that is completely different. No one really likes that, especially when the change isn't a nice one.
10-05-2011, 10:04 AM
Change is something that's hard for a lot of people, its not just on the internet.
Seriously, imagine having a fine and dandy life then, BAM! Your forced into living a life that is completely different. No one really likes that, especially when the change isn't a nice one.
Facebook for example, one small change and BAM! hate groups are formed with like a million people
I think it looks great, one thing I'll miss though is the new post count, I'm used to logging in and seeing New Posts (50), now I just click new posts and I get suprised
10-05-2011, 10:05 AM
Snakey, Thumbelina, Hades, Mama, Runt, , Pumpkin, Azul, Silver, Speckles(Specks), Spots
Who was between Runt and Pumpkin? :eek:
10-05-2011, 10:06 AM
This isn't a nice one? Cause it ain't a bad one.
Exactly MB, I think everyone, If they use the site, will get used to it fast. Me? I'm over change. I've been on here enough since the change to be completely used to it. Other then a few features and links etc I don't even think about how different it is.
This is 2011, get used to it.
10-05-2011, 10:10 AM
Facebook for example, one small change and BAM! hate groups are formed with like a million people
I think it looks great, one thing I'll miss though is the new post count, I'm used to logging in and seeing New Posts (50), now I just click new posts and I get suprised
New post count YES! That's what I've been saying. That's the thing I miss the most. I used to be able to go to Who's Online, that page refreshed automatically, and I could just see when there was a new post, now I have to click.
No biggie, though, I'm getting used to that too. Getting used to the emoticons also.
But I still say this ":cool:" looks goofy !LOL
10-05-2011, 10:13 AM
I believe it was Squirt, she got outside.
Sorry for the edit, I read your question wrong :P
10-05-2011, 10:15 AM
Also Jesse, I meant in real life, it is harder to adjust when things change. Personally, I don't care for the change but whining about it and hating it isn't going to bring it back. There is nothing I can do, so I just accept it.
10-05-2011, 10:27 AM
Change is good.
10-05-2011, 10:30 AM
Not always.
10-05-2011, 10:46 AM
Not always.
10-05-2011, 11:00 AM
Change isn't good on some things. You know that feeling you get when you want to sell a snake but you keep seeing that face in your mind. That kind of sad looking snake face. Its making my stomach feel all bad. This is my 2nd corn snake I ever bought.
Anery Corn Snake For Sale - Winnipeg Pets For Sale - Kijiji Winnipeg Canada. (
The story was that she got stuck to 2 sided tape when I was experimenting with cardboard hides that I taped to the side of the enclosure. One day it came off and the snake became stuck to the tape. I think she was stuck for a day and when I noticed she looked flat like a pancake because she wiggled so much that she became flat and super wide. What hurt me the most is that I caused her pain because of the tape. I ended up spending about 2 hours with warm water, kleenex and a qtip. I got her head free first but rolling the qtip slowly under her and peeled her up slowly. good thing that she had a little bit of shed otherwise it would have been a nightmare. Then slowly peeled the rest of the body up. I could tell she was in so much pain because she was non stop biting me. But in the end, she got free, hid for a few days and was all better. But I think her jaw got hurt because since then she never snapped at her food, she just comes close and gently takes it out of the tongs.
10-05-2011, 11:08 AM
I agree. Change is not ALWAYS good. But it's not always bad either. I would call this site a good change.
Sorry you have to sell her, she's awesome looking... Love the name.
Mrs N1ntndo
10-05-2011, 12:34 PM
speaking of this change thing. Where do I find my subsciptions at?
10-05-2011, 12:50 PM
Quick links
Mrs N1ntndo
10-05-2011, 01:16 PM
Thx I Knew that too about the subscriptions but some reason my eyes kept skipping over that.... Lol thank you
10-05-2011, 01:48 PM
Yeah it takes some getting used to. I had to ask this "stupid question" too. It's under "forum actions" (which is screwed due to problems being fixed)
Yeah, I tried everything including "forum actions" but there's nothing there but "mark as read" or something like that. I'm totally lost. Don't know what my subscribed threads are or how to see if there are replies to them. Makes it very difficult to participate in an ongoing thread.
speaking of this change thing. Where do I find my subsciptions at?
That's the same question I asked that started all this talk of the change. Personally, I don't really care what it looks like or what color it is. I just want functionality and ease of use back. On a side note, yes, websites change now and then and you gotta get used to the changes. What pisses me off about facebook is that they change stuff about every other week and screw me all up so I gotta figure it out all over again. That's ridiculous.
Thanks for the info kat. I tried that before but subscribed threads wasn't there. Now it is.
I finally saw my first herp since moving. Late yesterday afternoon a small pacific gopher snake went zipping along the side of the house and disappeared into a junk pile. Dogs went bezerk trying to get to it. Funny.
10-05-2011, 03:18 PM
Yeah there is still work to he done. It'll get better. I agree, the look is fine, whatever, just make it work right and I'm good.
That's awesome I love bull snakes. I found MY first herp in months!! A stinkin' worm snake. (seriously their musk is ridiculous lol) I'm so tired of finding nothing but those.
Mrs N1ntndo
10-05-2011, 03:44 PM
Yeah there is still work to he done. It'll get better. I agree, the look is fine, whatever, just make it work right and I'm good.
That's awesome I love bull snakes. I found MY first herp in months!! A stinkin' worm snake. (seriously their musk is ridiculous lol) I'm so tired of finding nothing but those.
I would love to find one of those. Theyre weird looking but thats cool. I dont find much around here. Where I normally go and find a lot of garters(ribbon and eastern) they are fixing the bridge there and the bridge wont be done til the end of the month. By then its to late. Those worm snakes are cool.
10-05-2011, 10:00 PM
I am not on face book
I am not on any other site, and for the majority of them it's because they're all unattractive in the same way (trying to not use bad words here)
now this looks like them
it looks like every forum I've ever looked at and couldn't get past the look to the content (and some of them interested me)
I don't think there is even any point in my pursuing this, since this is not in the least comprehensible to anyone with no aesthetic preference
it does not feel recreational any more - it feels like office
I feel the need to explain, and at the same time I just want to leave, because every time I look at the screen, it's not where I want to hang out
I check in a few times a day, but it still looks like bank/airport lounge/conference room . . .
it's so sad
better people than I have drifted away from this forum, and some of them I miss terribly
I don't mean to belittle the connections I do have here, and I hope that some of them will last beyond the forum
10-05-2011, 10:07 PM
Rhea, if you leave it will be our loss.
I have you on speed dial and Skype.
You're not getting rid of me that easily. ;)
10-06-2011, 04:35 AM
complain notoriously /whining about it/ get over it/ hate groups, they are just some of the words and expressions that have come up since both rhea's and my comments on the new site were posted, for my part although i am not fussy with the changes i attempted say it with what i hoped would be seen as light heart'ed banter, and yes of course i will get used to it, but i just wasn't expecting a demand to "get used to it", what is it you people are telling us, that we are not allowed an opinion,unless it agree's with yours.
my heart sank when i read rhea[A LONG TIME MEMBER]being told by a relative newby that "this is 2011 get used to it.
i understand precisely where rhea is coming from as my wife is also very aware of color's, which play a large part in her life, she drive's me to distraction when choosing new fabrics and wallpapers as they must be the exact shade she is looking for, her mood and feelings of well being are all influenced by colors.
i am positive that there are more than a few of our members especially the ladies who understand the color points i have tried to make,
i have hated typing every word of this as it has always been my intention to only post positive/ light hearted comments
10-06-2011, 04:36 AM
not looking to get rid of anyone
woke up, logged on, still find it visually unpleasant to be here
I'm really trying again and again, but one look is enough to feel sad all over, and not enough to look at any content
10-06-2011, 07:47 AM
John Rhea I never meant anything by what I said, it was light hearted as well. Sorry if it came put wrong. Was just trying to say that looks change, but it's still the same forum, and the same people. Sorry it came out harsh.
Rhea like I said I totally understand and when I said "get used to it" etc was not trying to sound like that. Sorry.
I would hate to see you leave over colors too (would hate it anyway). I guess that's what I was trying to say.
10-06-2011, 09:28 AM
Jesse thanks for the swift reply, we haven't fallen out and nobody is out to haul you over the coal's it's just that i got a little pee'd off at the apparent lack of consideration of rhea's views, the color change to her is[to use the vernacular] a biggy, i have to admit that i struggle at times to tell the difference between many shades and colors but living with my wife these past years has taught me that other people live in a world dictated by color form and presentation,they don't just like these things, their moods attitudes and feelings are shaped by them, so when i read rhea's comments i knew just where she was coming from.
to end on a positive note, one area where my lack of aesthetic appreciation comes in handy, my wife does all the gardening she plants the borders the troughs the hanging baskets and any where else that will hold her many varieties of flowers, my role is to tell her just how beautiful they are and what a fine job she has done :D
10-06-2011, 09:36 AM
There was no lack of consideration of her views from me. Like I said I totally understand. What i was trying to say was, like I said yesterday we don't come here for the colors. But I understand, I hate the new green (so I use blue) too. But it's not gonna make me leave the forum......I can't say anything right so I'm done...
10-09-2011, 03:50 AM
I need to be careful to avoid upsetting the wife. I'm an open-minded skeptic, I want to believe but so far I have seen nothing that can't be explained. Char on the other hand has seen and felt things, and does believe.
I've had some experiences that get a bit of the way there, but nothing I can't explain. Photos can almost always be explained, unfortunately most ghost photos are deliberately faked, and unfortunately digital cameras are susceptible to noise which our brains make into patterns. Orbs are photographic artifacts caused by dust, insects etc.
How many people before they die say they will come back to prove that ghosts exist? How many actually do? And wouldn't you try to do something conclusive if you were a spirit?
Had an unusual experience this week which has had us all scratching our heads, while on holiday in turkey in July i managed to lose my iPod [actually on the plane going there] and as it was a present from my eldest son [John] it meant more than just the monetary value, jump forward to this week and my wife got up in the early hours to visit the bathroom she put on my bathrobe/dressing gown and left the lights out as there are six living in our house, upon returning she was hanging the robe back in its place behind the door [in the dark] when there was a very loud clatter which woke me up and also startled my wife,on went the light to see just what the heck was going on and there was my iPod at her feet, first assumption is that it fell out of one of the two pockets in the robe, but the problem with this is that although the pockets are shallow she had not turned it so that anything might fall out and more to the point i had worn this garment many time since coming back from turkey and it has been in the washing machine numerous times,
disusing it around the family predictably a supernatural explanation was arrived at, simply be cause we had no other direction to go in, the scapegoat is my wife's late father about whom i had recently finished a poem for my son Christopher who was particularly close to his grand father and still misses him greatly, the poem was then requested by my wife's brothers and sisters, as it is about him being shipwrecked during the war in very similar circumstances to the USS INDIANAPOLIS, so the conclusion was reached that this was my father in law saying thanks for his poem,
i would be the first to agree that this explanation is a big leap in the dark [sorry about the pun] but for us it gives us an explanation [although far fetched] for an incident which otherwise remains inexplicable.
10-09-2011, 03:21 PM
I don't give a hoot what color it is. It's just hard to use now. Now the next thing I'm trying to do is change my signature. Can't find the dang page to do it. I liked the "user cp" sidebar which seems to be no more.:mad:
10-09-2011, 04:00 PM
Nevermind. I found it but it sure is a roundabout way to get to it. Man, I'm itching to go garter herping but there's nothing here in this dang desert. Can't complain about the weather though. 80's to low 90's all week this week. Very nice. But no garters. Very few herps at all.
10-09-2011, 04:00 PM
In my thoughts not far fetched at all,and a lot more endearing answer.
10-11-2011, 02:29 PM
no garters. Very few herps at all.
It doesn't help that the forecast has changed. I mean, I'm at nearly 4,000 ft elevation but we're looking at around 100 F / 38 C by thursday. Tried road cruising last night for a couple of hours after sundown.(high was around 85 F) The temperature drops pretty fast after sundown and the roads radiate heat so much you can feel it on your face when standing up. Seems like good road cruising conditions. Still, didn't find a dang thing except for one road killed lizard.:(
10-11-2011, 02:31 PM
Welcome to my world!!!!:D
10-11-2011, 02:32 PM
I don't give a hoot what color it is. It's just hard to use now. Now the next thing I'm trying to do is change my signature. Can't find the dang page to do it. I liked the "user cp" sidebar which seems to be no more.:mad:
I hear ya. But everything is here, or going to be. Just different places... The post count is being worked on. etc.
10-11-2011, 02:43 PM
FYI we've been having some Internet issues, doing this at the Best Buy lol. Looking at the vast selections of cameras and computers and games and homina homina homina.:D Thought I'd let ya know I haven't and won't be on.
10-11-2011, 03:15 PM
That's fine. Look there, buy elsewhere. That's my tip for the day.
10-11-2011, 03:16 PM
Should be called "Best Buy Elsewhere". LoL
10-11-2011, 03:57 PM
Best buy sucks and is a scam, leave and save your money. A five year old would know more about electronics than they do.
10-11-2011, 05:08 PM
Hey cool! My neighbor's wireless isn't private! (what the heck) I can sit out here in the dark and I can get in! (not that I will again)
Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Best Buy sucks. I totally agree. Richard that's the policy alright look, don't buy. It has the best camera selection, I can use the Nikon (s1800) I want (makes me want it more) but i don't buy stuff there.
EXCEPT computers, the prices are cheaper, believe it or not, at least on some, and ha a 14 day return policy, broken or not. In case you don't know that's something.
Great for looking at the vast abundance of electronics but NOT where I shop. We were here to get our hands on a few computers. (btw we won't get one until Friday.:mad:)
10-11-2011, 05:47 PM
I don't know what the hell is going on here but i had an entire long post as a reply but I keep getting logged out. When I log back in, everything I wrote is gone. Nevermind I guess. That's what I get for using a PC that isn't mine.
10-11-2011, 06:08 PM
Huh. Well, use thee NEW AUTO-RESTORE (or something) down at the bottom left of the reply box! I LOVE it stuff like that happens to me too so it's great. You get logged out, computer freezes, whatever. Just hit "auto restore" and you get it back.
(Wont be back on again for awhile lol)
10-11-2011, 10:30 PM
I had that happen, it stopped after clearing my cache.... Maybe you can do that next time? Not on much anymore though so bugs don't bother me that much.
10-13-2011, 09:43 AM
Time to dump some of your PM's so I can reply to your message.
10-14-2011, 12:03 PM
My boyfriend was really grossed out because of me last night.. Haha. I ordered fruit flies from Flukers to feed Frogger, and I kept about 10 of them to breed in there... And yesterday I noticed the fruit fly maggots wandering around in the tunnels they made. I was really interested in them and I like watching them... So, I shared my interest in them with my boyfriend and said "Sweetie! Look, the maggots are coming out of the tunnels!" and he didn't find it as interesting or cool as I did..:(
10-14-2011, 01:10 PM
That's funny.
10-14-2011, 01:26 PM
He doesn't seem to think so... My friend Wallin and I were giggling about it, we named the maggots "frutguy's", the little chrysalis things they turn into "shelicasks" and the adult fruit flies, frogbait. Heheh. I think he likes pokemon or something. T'is funny though. These little bugs are entertaining to say the least. They're like neurotic monkeys hopping all over the wood
10-15-2011, 02:10 PM
Here's the list of snakes that live where I am now. BORING!
California Black-headed Snake (Tantilla planiceps)
California Whipsnake ( (Masticophis lateralis)
Coachwhip ( (Masticophis flagellum)
Common Kingsnake ( (Lampropeltis getula)
Gopher Snake ( (Pituophis catenifer)
Long-nosed Snake ( (Rhinocheilus lecontei)
Night Snake ( (Hypsiglena torquata)
Racer (Coluber constrictor)
Ring-necked Snake ( (Diadophis punctatus)
Western Rattlesnake ( (Crotalus viridis)
Western Blind Snake ( (Leptotyphlops humilis)
Western Patch-nosed Snake ( (Salvadora hexalepis)
10-16-2011, 05:15 PM
Not boring, ya got racers and coachwhips since when are they boring?:D
But yeah.. I like my selecting better.:p if only I could FIND SOME!
Actually yesterday, it appears fall is my herping season... Found a (dead) BABY green snake, and BABY racer, (YEAH!! away) and two BABY fence lizards (bit me!) and the biggest darn mantis ever!!!! HUGE!!
Best herping day in MONTHS. Which.... Is kinda pitiful. Lol
10-18-2011, 03:33 PM
Not boring, ya got racers and coachwhips since when are they boring?:D
Yeah, well, already had racers before I moved, coachwhips are too dang fast, the overall selection of snakes is pitiful, and most importantly, there's no dang garters.:mad:
10-21-2011, 09:12 AM
Yeah, ive never seen a wild garter here either. Pretty much given up on seeing any garters except mine, so i go for my other favorite snakes like racers.:D
10-24-2011, 06:58 PM
Okay, just in case everyone thought things were too quiet...
My 6 year old son, Connor and his friend managed to corner a woodchuck this weekend in my backyard (we have a family of them). You can maybe guess the rest.
Connor was bitten on his inner thigh. Now he has to go thru the series of rabies shots for the next two weeks.
Oh, the fun I have...
10-24-2011, 07:01 PM
Oh, poor kiddo. I guess a hard lesson learned though.
10-24-2011, 07:03 PM
Now we are teasing him to see if he is growing a tail or getting fuzzy... :)
10-24-2011, 07:04 PM
Ask him if he could chuck some wood..... :D
10-24-2011, 07:06 PM
He is already pissed about the tail comments...
I'm also asking him if the woodchuck is turning into a "Connor" hehehe :)
10-24-2011, 07:09 PM
Really though, is he doing ok? Rabies injections are pretty painful.
10-24-2011, 07:10 PM
He seemed to do OK at the ER yesterday. I guess they are not as bad as we think. He is on an antibiotic as well. He really is more upset about being teased about becoming a woodchuck more than anything else. :)
10-24-2011, 07:14 PM
Hang in there Connor.
When I was your age I chased a squirrel up a tree. I was half way up the tree when he chased me back down.
That was the last time I chased a squirrel. :D
10-24-2011, 07:16 PM
Yup. Guess he is kinda up/down the same tree as you. :)
10-24-2011, 08:51 PM
Ah, poor kiddo! Guess we know what he'll be for Halloween, though :p
10-25-2011, 08:47 AM
Hey Shannon! Aren't you getting married today? (noticed that you were on the forum!:p)
10-25-2011, 10:50 AM
hahaha, I was JUST popping in on this thread to let everyone know that I am getting married today. So yes, I am!!! I am anxious though so in between doing my nails, my makeup, my shower, ETC I have been hopping onto my laptop. At 4PM today I will no longer be Shannon Culp... I will be Shannon Hammer! Then we are going out to a nice dinner. We are having a courthouse wedding for now, because we do not want to spend money on a fancy wedding before the baby is born... just would not make sense to! And I wasn't thrilled at the idea of a maternity wedding dress anyways... especially after trying a bunch on and becoming more and more depressed. So a dressy long top and black slacks is much more flattering on my 7.5 months-pregnant figure! We are having the reception/honeymoon in the coming summer. :D
10-25-2011, 10:57 AM
Congratz Shannon :)
10-25-2011, 11:17 AM
Best wishes! Have a great day!!! :)
10-25-2011, 11:21 AM
Congrats that's awesome!
10-25-2011, 03:44 PM
Congratulations Shannon! I hope you had a great day.
10-25-2011, 04:23 PM
10-25-2011, 04:41 PM
10-25-2011, 05:10 PM
Congratulations, Shannon! Best wishes to you both!
10-25-2011, 06:51 PM
Now I got tears in my eyes. Partly because I missed my chance and partly because I'm very happy for you Shannon.:p But seriously, congratulations sweety and best of luck to you both!:)
hahaha, I was JUST popping in on this thread to let everyone know that I am getting married today. So yes, I am!!! I am anxious though so in between doing my nails, my makeup, my shower, ETC I have been hopping onto my laptop. At 4PM today I will no longer be Shannon Culp... I will be Shannon Hammer! Then we are going out to a nice dinner. We are having a courthouse wedding for now, because we do not want to spend money on a fancy wedding before the baby is born... just would not make sense to! And I wasn't thrilled at the idea of a maternity wedding dress anyways... especially after trying a bunch on and becoming more and more depressed. So a dressy long top and black slacks is much more flattering on my 7.5 months-pregnant figure! We are having the reception/honeymoon in the coming summer. :D
10-25-2011, 06:55 PM
Really though, is he doing ok? Rabies injections are pretty painful.
It's not nearly the ordeal it was 25 years or so ago. It's not that big of a deal these days and not nearly as many shots. Only three I heard. Not sure about that though.
10-25-2011, 07:26 PM
Not sure if this one will end up on Jason's "daily reptile news" but here's a local story from the Portland, OR area about a gator: Captured Gresham gator has new home in Molalla - (
10-26-2011, 02:33 AM
found this post a day late, i'm hoping that everything went perfectly for you both. I had no idea when swapping posts with you yesterday [frogs legs] that you had such a lot of much more important things to do :o
congratulations may your lives together be long and blissful.
10-26-2011, 04:52 PM
Connor had to go for his second rabies shot today. He has 2 more to go, so that will make 5 in all. This one is in his arm and makes him sore but it is tolerable. I guess you might compare it with the flu shot. They are sore for 24 hours afterwards. The one he had in the butt goes by weight. I guess the more you weigh, the more meds is injected into you thru the syringe. Connor had 1. My husband said a family came in and the Dad had to have 4! I guess he's not sitting anytime soon! My Husband said their dogs caught and killed a skunk, which turned out to be positive for rabies. You can get rabies thru a bite or thru saliva. Since the dogs were being cared for by the parents, they all need to be treated or the dogs would need to be quarantined outside for 45 days. They also recommended the entire family be treated. That sucks!
10-26-2011, 05:02 PM
I hope you've told Connor that 20 years ago he would have been getting a series of painful injections directly into the stomach, with a huge needle. My brother nearly ended up on a course of those after being bitten by a dog in Portugal, fortunately they shot the dog that savaged him and tested it for rabies and it wasn't carrying. My brother should have run quicker and got to the tree I climbed up.
10-26-2011, 05:08 PM
Hang in there Conner.;)
10-28-2011, 07:40 AM
Just had the first snow fall and there's a Noreaster coming this weekend! Gotta love New England!:rolleyes:
10-28-2011, 08:24 AM
Just had the first snow fall and there's a Noreaster coming this weekend! Gotta love New England!:rolleyes:
Keep those radixes warm. ;)
10-28-2011, 09:30 AM
I absolutely will! :)
10-29-2011, 12:32 PM
Did anyone else experience a site outage last night?
10-29-2011, 12:45 PM
10-29-2011, 12:46 PM
Last night? It's been down all day here ;-)
10-29-2011, 03:17 PM
Same here. Tried to log on this morning but site was down. I just figured it was because of maintenance in progress. No biggie.
10-29-2011, 03:29 PM
We need a Connor(aka Woodchuck boy) update.
10-31-2011, 09:33 AM
We have Paranormal Activity 2 in the DVD player, but may have to resort to another film as Char watch PA2 with friends while I was away working last week.
Nothing like a good film to scare the life out of yourself. :eek:
10-31-2011, 10:23 AM
I picked up Red Riding Hood with Amanda Seyfried. My boys don't want to watch it, but they'll be out begging...
10-31-2011, 10:48 AM
Got some bratwursts we grilled yesterday, will pick up a couple of fine German beers. I already have my black robe, black beret, and hammer.
10-31-2011, 11:24 AM
Does My Little Pony count...? :D
10-31-2011, 11:51 AM
I picked up Red Riding Hood with Amanda Seyfried. My boys don't want to watch it, but they'll be out begging...
Gary Oldman in that one, I've not seen it, but he tends to make a good film.
Got some bratwursts we grilled yesterday, will pick up a couple of fine German beers. I already have my black robe, black beret, and hammer.
Another one I've not seen.
Does My Little Pony count...? :D
And one I've not seen, and won't be seeing.
10-31-2011, 01:26 PM
The TV is never on at my house if my boys are at their dad's! When they are here, it's most always on the XBOX channel. I get so bored of listening to video games.
10-31-2011, 02:32 PM
We've settled on Rec 2. The first one was brilliant, Spanish with subtitles (my Spanish isn't that good anymore) and completely non-Hollywood.
10-31-2011, 02:35 PM
Law and order marathon... scary movies do nothing for me.
10-31-2011, 03:42 PM
Thanks John for the video chat on Skype.
Glad you got a chance to see Tank in all his glory.
He's back asleep and will be until late tomorrow night.
He's a very special part of out family.
10-31-2011, 04:54 PM
Rec 2 was not as good as Rec. I don't feel the need to stay up all night with all the lights on, watching crappy comedies until the fear is gone like I did with the first one.
Ultimate scary movie moment for me was years ago after I watched The Ring for the first time. I have very long dark hair. In the middle of the night I got up to use the loo. In the bathroom I had an oval shaped mirror opposite the toilet. I caught a glimps of myself with my hair over my face, in the semidarkness... all I can say is thank the lord I was on the loo!! To make matters worse, I left the bathroom and went back to the bedroom, I stopped at the foot of the bed to make a fuss of the cat. Hair fel forward, then boyfriend woke up.... and screamed like a woman... man that was funny!
10-31-2011, 05:39 PM
Thanks John for the video chat on Skype.
Glad you got a chance to see Tank in all his glory.
He's back asleep and will be until late tomorrow night.
He's a very special part of out family.
That would be a very special part of our family:D
11-01-2011, 03:55 AM
i very much enjoyed our chat and the opportunity to get to know tank better, could not believe the little figures in the bottom of the screen which said we had been talking for forty something minutes, it passes so quickly.
i cant escape the feeling [conviction] that you have discovered something that scientist/zoologists/chelonia experts would be extremely interested in, snappers just aren't supposed to be like that, according to the perceived wisdom they are just very primitive creatures incapable of interaction on any worthwhile level their behavior purely instinctual and completely untrustworthy a sort of reptile version of a wolverine, that cheerful chelonian chappy who shares your home has shown all that to be hogwash.
those knowall scientists are going to have to rewrite the snapper textbooks, thanks for the chat and i look forward to the next time we can align our schedules :D
11-01-2011, 10:33 AM
Thank you for the fabulous chat this afternoon Steve. It was a pleasure!
11-01-2011, 12:43 PM
Just had the first snow fall and there's a Noreaster coming this weekend! Gotta love New England!:rolleyes:
No, I don't gotta. I'm lovin it here in the SoCal high desert. Woke up to sunshine as usual and 74 degrees at 8am. There was a "herd" of Uta stansburiana (side blotched lizard) on the porch this morning catching bugs. Now who wouldn't love that?
(not my photo),%20yellow%20morph%20(Crystal%20C ove,%203-09)d.jpg
11-01-2011, 04:42 PM
Does My Little Pony count...? :D
Only if it's "My little murdering undead Pony" :p
11-01-2011, 05:47 PM
Only if it's "My little murdering undead Pony" :p
Ah that seminal horror classic. Right up there with "teletubbie chainsaw massacre"
11-01-2011, 06:19 PM
11-01-2011, 06:44 PM
Lol! You can truely find anything on the net.
11-02-2011, 02:13 AM
Isn't that Tali-Tubbie holding an AR-15? Surely an AK would be more appropriate.
11-02-2011, 11:15 AM
Highs in the low 40's and cold rain/snow mix here today.
I sure hope my wild radix populations is held up some place warm.
11-02-2011, 11:17 AM
Like your house? I bet they all sneak into your snake room when it's cold. :D
11-02-2011, 11:39 AM
They are all welcome.
11-04-2011, 04:24 PM
Wow. It really is quiet this evening. No new posts for 3 hours. As a thamnophis forum addict I can't let it go any longer.
11-04-2011, 04:47 PM
Go for it Chris.
11-05-2011, 08:31 AM
We finally. Finally. Finally. After 8 weeks. Have a computer. I can actually access a computer. I browse the web on something other then my ipod. I can put my pictures up and get them off the camera. I can.... actually... use. A computer...
What's this? A "keebored" you say? Interesting....
11-05-2011, 02:20 PM
Does this new computer have "spellcheck" on it? :rolleyes:
11-05-2011, 05:07 PM
11-05-2011, 07:17 PM
I got a new computer, too. New gaming pc with a 1TB HDD and 8 gigs of ram... It's cool. I got it 2 hours ago. My old one finally kicked the bucket, I'm keeping it to dissect it and play with the pc parts... cause I'm evil and like taking everything apart :D
11-06-2011, 06:35 PM
Awesome! We got a great deal on a 23 inch Asus all-in-one, 1080p, blah blah touch screen (gimmicky and stupid) really really nice computer. And i can actually play new games now too! It'll play anything but some bigger games may need the graphics kept off high ya know? But it'll play stuff! Not exactly a GAMING pc, but close.
11-06-2011, 06:37 PM
Does this new computer have "spellcheck" on it? :rolleyes:
Please tell me you don't think i really didn't know how to spell "keyboard." I misspelled it on purpose!! As if it were a foreign word. Shaddap.:p
11-07-2011, 01:59 AM
I just noticed Stefan you have hypnotoad as your avatar. Do you watch Futurama?
11-07-2011, 06:19 AM
I just noticed Stefan you have hypnotoad as your avatar. Do you watch Futurama?
I do, but that's not hypnotoad.
11-07-2011, 09:20 AM
Please tell me you don't think i really didn't know how to spell "keyboard." I misspelled it on purpose!! As if it were a foreign word. Shaddap.:p He's baaaack!:p
11-07-2011, 10:19 AM
I do, but that's not hypnotoad.
Ok. Kinda looks like him though. :D
11-10-2011, 12:01 PM
I got a new computer, too. New gaming pc with a 1TB HDD and 8 gigs of ram... It's cool. I got it 2 hours ago. My old one finally kicked the bucket, I'm keeping it to dissect it and play with the pc parts...
Sure, why not? a little lead and mercury never hurt anyone. :rolleyes:While you're at it you could lick off the thermal paste.
Anyway, I was doing a lot of bragging about the weather here but it's like someone flipped a switch. Went from 80's to 40's and it gets down to around 25 at night now. Skipped fall and went straight to winter. Big storm coming to SoCal this weekend. Possibility of snow 1-2 feet. Hopefully the snow level will be high enough that we just get cold rain where I am. (around 4,000 ft)
11-10-2011, 12:18 PM
That's what you get for bragging!! :p
11-10-2011, 01:28 PM
Still sunny most of the time though. Only get precip/clouds very infrequently.:D
But I suppose that's why it's desert.:rolleyes:
11-10-2011, 02:14 PM
Hey, I plan on building my own pc once I finally graduate and get a job! I have to learn how to do this type of stuff somehow, yeah? I'm not paying 200 dollars extra for the idiots at best buy to do it for me. I got this pc at best buy, but there was only one smart person there, for the first time... It was amazing, kind of like talking to god!!! Haha. It was on sale, though and if I were to buy all the stuff myself it would have been 2.5k instead of 1.2k. I was just grabbing the cheapest replacement for my pc that had a decent amount of power... But dead island can be run on max instead of low now :D
11-10-2011, 02:31 PM
Shouldn't need to spend more than $600 these days for a tower that would have cost $1600 a few years ago. Don't go for the up-to-the-minute latest hardware. It's a waste of money. Stay about 6-12 months behind and you'll still get an excellent machine at around 1/3 the cost.
As far as building it goes, it doesn't take a "guru". Honestly, it's easier than a child's puzzle to put together. Still, if you want someone else to put it together, shouldn't cost more than $50 or you're getting ripped off. If you can follow instructions and operate a screwdriver (sometimes that's not even necessary these days, depending your hardware) than anyone can build one. THere was a time a few years ago when a person could save about $1,000 by building their own. Honestly Chantel, now PC's are so cheap that it doesn't really make much difference. You can choose your hardware and let someone build it for you. I can recommend this site since it will usually cost about the same to build yourself or let them do it: Intel X58 Gaming PCs (
How to build a PC - The Tech Report - Page 1
11-10-2011, 02:54 PM
Shouldn't need to spend more than $600 these days for a tower that would have cost $1600 a few years ago. Don't go for the up-to-the-minute latest hardware. It's a waste of money. Stay about 6-12 months behind and you'll still get an excellent machine at around 1/3 the cost.
As far as building it goes, it doesn't take a "guru". Honestly, it's easier than a child's puzzle to put together. Still, if you want someone else to put it together, shouldn't cost more than $50 or you're getting ripped off. If you can follow instructions and operate a screwdriver (sometimes that's not even necessary these days, depending your hardware) than anyone can build one.
How to build a PC - The Tech Report - Page 1 (
Believe it or not, but I agree with practically every word.
Personally, I used to charge 10% of what the components cost, but that was back in the day (5-15 years ago), when even the cheapest machines cost more than a "high performance" computer that you assembled yourself and that fee included me selecting the components. The stores here will usually just slap together components once you've picked them, they won't design the whole thing for the customer. These days, I don't recommend assembling a computer yourself, unless you really need one that can do some heavy lifting. If people just need to get online, use e-mail and perhaps play movies or music, I just recommend that they buy the cheapest desktop computer they can find.
11-10-2011, 03:14 PM
I didn't really care, my dad paid for it. After all he's done I think I deserve it.
In case you haven't gotten the memo, Richard, I do have mental problems. I can't put things together like a computer. It's rocket science for someone whose brain is as slow as mine. I look at the pc insides and my brain is melting. I can do hard drives, ram and processors without any trouble. That's all. Motherboards, video cards and power supplies confuse me, even though I have been told they're just as easy. I can look at the how to's all day, but still.. I might as well use my junker as a way to actually do something, you cant read a book about brain surgery and expect to be an expert at it when you try your first time. You have to practice. Besides, 1.2k for a gaming pc, monitor (which is the most freaking awesome cool one I've had) plus the warrenties... Not a bad price for something I can play games on, listen to music, watch videos on AND do my business stuff on all at the same time... :D Haha.
11-10-2011, 03:16 PM
Oh, and, there's also enough mercury in fish... A little lead and a little more mercury isn't going to make a hand grow out of my stomach... Though it'd be freaking awesome if it would... More multitasking for this woman! :D
11-10-2011, 03:19 PM
Exactly. The market has changed drastically in the past few years. Desktops are at all-time low cost, even pre-built. Here's some other sites to check out. In most cases you can still get a better value than you would buying a "branded" PC, and not have to build it to get the value. - Computers, Computer Parts, Computer Components, Netbooks & Electronics ( - Computer Parts Cheap, Motherboard & CPU Combos, Discount Barebones, Desktop PCs, & Laptop Systems (
Build A Budget PC: $250, $500, Or $750 - ( - Computer Parts Cheap, Motherboard & CPU Combos, Discount Barebones, Desktop PCs, & Laptop Systems (
There's just so many options for getting a better value than buying one "off the shelf" these days. If you insist on going to a "big box" electronics store, be prepared to pay way too much is all I got to say about it.
11-10-2011, 03:28 PM
Well, too, I was going to make a pc but it died completely before I could look anywhere else and my dad doesn't trust anyone but bestbuy.... You can always depend on him to be drunk and very very easy to manipulate every day. The best buy people know him very well, so they know that they can talk him into everything. If I weren't there, they'd have settled on a pc that had a crappy video card, barely any ram and all the nice stuff mine has. I love tigerdirect, my dad doesn't. He thinks it gave him a virus. He also thinks clicking the ads on websites will make them go away... Lol.
11-10-2011, 06:52 PM
I'm not paying 200 dollars extra for the idiots at best buy to do it for me.
They're so clueless there. Makes me not buy anything there.
11-10-2011, 07:17 PM
They are. The guy who was trying to help my dad and I was actually smarter than the others, and cute too! Heehee
11-12-2011, 08:33 AM
11-14-2011, 11:53 AM
Watching Animal Planet "Houston"
They actually called it a "Garden Snake" The nararator is so smart.:D
Idiots at AP at their best. :mad:
11-14-2011, 12:39 PM
Figured this was worth taking a screen of, as next year will be the last time it will happen. Lol 11:11 11/11/11
11-14-2011, 03:33 PM
Figured this was worth taking a screen of, as next year will be the last time it will happen. Lol 11:11 11/11/11
It will happen next year?
Couple of years and you'll have 09:10 11/12/13 (at least you will if you use the right time/date format).
11-14-2011, 03:36 PM
12/12/12 next year. I'm sure that's what Jesse meant.
11-14-2011, 03:38 PM
12/12/12 next year. I'm sure that's what Jesse meant.
Ah, right... 12's haven't quite got the same kudos as all the 1's though.
11-14-2011, 03:43 PM
Kind of seems like my score on all the games I play... just ones.. Argggh. Haha.
11-15-2011, 04:38 PM
It really isn't "Oh so quiet" today is it?
11-16-2011, 06:30 AM
It really isn't "Oh so quiet" today is it?
This forum is rarely quiet.
11-16-2011, 06:33 AM
It is usually from 10 pm-1am pst, and sometimes from 6am-8am pst... That's usually when I check, and I'm almost always the only one on.
11-16-2011, 07:12 AM
I am not on face book
I am not on any other site, and for the majority of them it's because they're all unattractive in the same way (trying to not use bad words here)
now this looks like them
it looks like every forum I've ever looked at and couldn't get past the look to the content (and some of them interested me)
I don't think there is even any point in my pursuing this, since this is not in the least comprehensible to anyone with no aesthetic preference
it does not feel recreational any more - it feels like office
I feel the need to explain, and at the same time I just want to leave, because every time I look at the screen, it's not where I want to hang out
I check in a few times a day, but it still looks like bank/airport lounge/conference room . . .
it's so sad
better people than I have drifted away from this forum, and some of them I miss terribly
I don't mean to belittle the connections I do have here, and I hope that some of them will last beyond the forum
I for one understand exactly what you are saying Rhea.. I am still struggling with the look/feel of the forum, and remain rather glad that I did not deploy this new software on my forum...
I also miss the "old gang", I see so many new screen names and see less and less of the people who made me want to sit at my PC all day and post on this forum.
I dread the day Jason loads this software on ssnakess... but I'm sure it's inevitable, just like windows, The company (VBulletin) will eventually stop all support for the older versions and practically force us all to use this new version.
11-16-2011, 12:50 PM
I like it. But i didn't at first.. you get used to it
11-16-2011, 01:28 PM
I was just watching Animal Planet's "Miami Animal Police"
I'll set the scene.
A licensed alligator catcher has been called to a residenial community built around a small lake(duh).
Resident are concerned about the alligators in the lake.
The narrator says "the gators must be stopped from terrorizing the children"
Terrorize, really.
Why not say "the gators will have to be removed to protect the children"
We know why. Sensationalism, at the cost of people's perspective towards reptiles.
This is a show that is suppose to help animals.
Shame on you Discovery Network.
11-16-2011, 01:36 PM
Watching Animal Planet "Houston"
They actually called it a "Garden Snake" The nararator is so smart.:D
Idiots at AP at their best. :mad:
3268 (
11-16-2011, 02:22 PM
The narrator says "the gators must be stopped from terrorizing the children"
Terrorize, really.
What are the gaters doing? Swimming around with AK47s and suicide bomb vests? :-)
11-17-2011, 08:15 AM
Just watched an old episode of "Crocodile Hunter"
What passion, respect and love for the animals he works with.
No false info. or sensationalism.
A far cry from the crap Animal Planet has on now.
Light of Dae
11-17-2011, 09:56 AM
BTW.... MMMMM COOKIE DOUGH :D Had to make some, made myself hungry talking bout them. Will be cookies ready soon :) yummy
11-17-2011, 10:34 AM
BTW.... MMMMM COOKIE DOUGH :D Had to make some, made myself hungry talking bout them. Will be cookies ready soon :) yummy
Char has a great peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie recipe. If you're lucky she might share it. If I'm lucky she might bake some. :rolleyes: Although if there's baking to be done I'd have to opt for Nuttella cupcakes.
11-17-2011, 10:53 AM
I made sugar cookies last night...but I wouldn't mind having that peanut butter and choco chip recipe ;). I always stick with Carefresh type bedding...Carefresh was becoming a bit expensive and a guy at my pet store introduced me to BoXo...which follows the same concept as is recycled cardboard's very soft and the snakes love burrowing in it and it's cheaper than Carefresh...just an idea.
Light of Dae
11-17-2011, 11:03 AM
MMM soft fresh cookies nom nom nom!!! My snake is looking at me... think she wants some? lol
Walmart also carries some sorta recycled cardboard bedding for cheap-ish too
As for baking, I love making choco-loco oreo cupcake/muffins, oh and I Live to experiment with cheesecakes, unbaked - baked cheesecakes oh yea, I'm good. My fiance says I should open a cafe :P
11-17-2011, 11:36 AM
We need a thread in the lounge to swap recipes.
Update: I've created a thread in the lounge with the Nuttella cupcake recipe. :)
11-17-2011, 11:43 AM
Here's one of Char's cupcake recipes, for Nuttella cupcakes.
I'm lazy so it's a photo of the recipe in her cookbook that I emailed to a friend a month or so back. If you click the photo you should find it pops up large enough to read. You can tell it's a used recipe because of the splodges on the cookbook page.
11-17-2011, 01:09 PM
It is usually from 10 pm-1am pst, and sometimes from 6am-8am pst... That's usually when I check, and I'm almost always the only one on.
I get on then sometimes, and you're the only one on. Not and active time of day at all.:D
11-17-2011, 01:19 PM
Yeah.... I get very lonely when no ones on :(
11-17-2011, 01:22 PM
Here's one of Char's cupcake recipes, for Nuttella cupcakes.
I'm lazy so it's a photo of the recipe in her cookbook that I emailed to a friend a month or so back. If you click the photo you should find it pops up large enough to read. You can tell it's a used recipe because of the splodges on the cookbook page.
Here you go Chris.
11-17-2011, 02:06 PM
This is awesomeeee. Now I just need those chocolate chip cookie and peanut butter cookie recipes and I'll be allllll set. I will be waiting here impatiently. :D
11-17-2011, 06:18 PM
Clear some messages, Kat ;)
11-17-2011, 06:24 PM
Done! :)
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