View Full Version : Its oh so quiet Shh Shh
08-07-2008, 02:44 PM
very nice looking tortois happy birthday :D
08-07-2008, 02:47 PM
What the ****
Incubated these for a friend...
And more cresties :D
i like the first snake the spots are calling to me the other one reminds me of a pink candy cane
08-07-2008, 04:01 PM
Happy Birthday & Congrats on the new addition Aundrea! She's adorable! As is your daughter!
08-07-2008, 06:30 PM
Thanks. She has been talking non stop about the tort. She really loves her :D We are trying to name her LOL
08-07-2008, 06:35 PM
Thanks. She has been talking non stop about the tort. She really loves her :D We are trying to name her LOL
LOL sounds like a very nice name:cool:
08-07-2008, 06:47 PM
Happy Birthday, Aundrea
and what a great gift
great.... thanks Rhea... now I've got the my little pony song stuck in my head... :o:)
I'm happy to say that I don't know the song
08-08-2008, 02:29 AM
ahhh, congrats on the little tank:D
08-08-2008, 08:07 AM
Thanks everyone. We do love her lots. Shes just so cute!! We are still trying to name her. Its hard LOL. My 4 year old wants to name her Ruby but she already named her Praying Mantis Ruby so I told her we cant have 2 Rubys LOL. :p Im gonna take some better pics today of her. I think my next new pet is gonna be a snake LOL. :D
08-08-2008, 01:20 PM
Allright guys...See ya!
Snake lover 3-25
08-08-2008, 03:59 PM
shoot!!!!! one of the babies just got stuck to a piece of tape help!!!!
Snake lover 3-25
08-08-2008, 04:01 PM
OMG thank god..... it was a used piece of tape and a wet and dirty snake!!!!! man o man!!!!!!:eek:
08-08-2008, 04:01 PM
What kind of tape?:eek:
Cellophane (Scoth tape) run some cool water over it.
Good luck.
Snake lover 3-25
08-08-2008, 04:09 PM
nope..... it was that clear duct tape!!!!:eek: but it was all rolled up and used and the baby was sticky from just being fed.... thank god for worm slime!!!!!
Snake lover 3-25
08-08-2008, 04:12 PM
i posted that before i even tried..... i was scared and i didn't want to hurt him...... but as it seems he was hardly stuck at all!!! but it was a baby so he wasn't strong enough to pull himself off
08-08-2008, 04:23 PM
Good news Shanley.
08-08-2008, 04:26 PM
oh that almost sucked
Snake lover 3-25
08-08-2008, 04:35 PM
i know it really freaked me put for a sec!!!
08-08-2008, 06:32 PM
oh man - I goofed bad
Johann was supposed to drop off the ribbon babies and I was delayed due to a crisis that got me stuck 15 minutes from my house
because of the situation, there really wasn't much I could do, but now I'm worried what''s going to happen with the snakes
Here's one of the new babies that I got from Wayn yesterday.
T. s parietalis- "Peaches"
Thanks again, Wayn. I love these guys.
08-09-2008, 04:01 AM
that's a really nice parietalis
congrats, Sid
and Johann pmd me - he'd left the babies home and we'll connect next week - whew!
oh - and his babies ate
08-09-2008, 06:30 AM
and I really want to know how Greg, in the the disturbing trend thread, when responding to James, managed to post "good" - and nothing else
I've never managed to post anything this short and want to know how he did it
08-09-2008, 06:43 AM
He signed his post.
08-09-2008, 08:33 AM
that's still just a total of eight letters
does that mean, if I eliminate my set signature and sign each post individually, I can use four letter words?
08-09-2008, 09:39 AM
08-09-2008, 09:40 AM
08-09-2008, 10:04 AM
okay, Stefan
quit messing with my head
how did you do that?
08-09-2008, 10:09 AM
Space. . .
08-09-2008, 10:26 AM
! !
08-09-2008, 10:26 AM
^ I guess spaces do count. :rolleyes:
08-09-2008, 10:34 AM
Okay, let's not abuse this new found power. :D
08-09-2008, 12:25 PM
lol stefan
and sid nice looking parietalis
08-09-2008, 10:03 PM
I'm back!!
We had a nice time, although a holiday weekend is definitely not the best time to be in Niagara Falls. Holy crowds............:eek:
I did manage to get the kids to see the Aviaries they have there, and we went on the Skywheel and saw fireworks over the Falls. Also did the Imax movie, and Marineland yet again.
Anyone planning a trip to Marineland soon, I have one word -- SKYSCREAMER! What a rush!!!!
We spent a couple days in Cambridge and went to the African Lion Safari, somewhere I have never been yet. Very cool place!
We also went to the Wings of Paradise Butterfly Conservatory in Cambridge, which is a place I could easily spend an entire day in. Very good for the soul...........
I do have pictures coming, but there are over 400 to sort through, so it will be a couple days before I have them all organised, and my father-in-law has a better camera than I do, so I'm waiting for a few of the ones he took too. I didn't take very many pics of the falls themselves, but that's mainly because I've got so many from past trips, that it didn't really occur to me that people here might enjoy them, too. Being so close to the place, I forget what a big deal it is for those who are far away and can't see the Falls often! :o
But the Nature Photography thread will be filling up with birds, animals and butterflies soon enough! And I'll stick a few up in this thread too.;)
08-10-2008, 09:04 AM
Sounds like a wonderful trip Anji! Welcome home :)
08-10-2008, 10:02 AM
Thanks, Tami!
I've pretty much just caught up on sleep since we got back. It was a pretty exhausting 5 days!:D
08-10-2008, 03:19 PM
Yeeeeouch!!! went to get some burgers out of the freezer in my garage....found a large assassin bug in the garage.....picked it up to toss him outside.....before I could get the door open, I felt a darn sharp pain in my finger. the stupid assassin bug bit me!!!!! within a few minutes I had some swelling and pain!!! didn't know these miserable bugs would's been an hour now....still minor swelling, nice little red spot where it bit....but I didn't get mad and kill him, he still got tossed outside.
08-10-2008, 04:52 PM
is it kind of like a bee sting?
I used to get a couple of those every summer
here we've been getting eaten alive by mosquitoes in the yard
makes me think of this song/video (for me it works better in flash which is the play button in the blue field underneath)
and the french version is really cool too
Play films - Focus on Animation - ONF (
it's even got a snake in it
count dewclaw
08-10-2008, 05:21 PM
"Blackfly"...what fun!
Snake lover 3-25
08-11-2008, 05:27 PM
wow so...... the creek by my house is really high and cloudy...... and i was walking around trying to find higher ground for me and my cousin when i faced my greatest fear..... i stepped on a truely massive snapping turtle!!!!!! i immediately grabbed it's tail to immobilize it so i didn't get bit and i brought it out of the water to show my cousin.... then i ended up going all the way back to my house (leaving my cousin to watch the turtle) to get a pillow case and a backpack to put the turtle in...... we brought it home to show my family and my friend.... so now it's in a giant sterilite storage box with a few big rocks some water and a piece of wood over one end.... my cousin called her dad and he told us to feed it raw chicken and try to keep our fingers from being bitten off:D pics will come soon
08-11-2008, 05:36 PM
cool shanley about how big do you think it is?
Snake lover 3-25
08-11-2008, 05:49 PM
well..... you'll see soon:D
08-11-2008, 05:54 PM
Shanley! Dangnabit!
Let the poor thing go unless you're going to make soup. Really, put it back. Come on, girlfriend. Just because you have the means to remove an animal from where it belongs - and can keep it in a *semi* natural habitat does NOT mean you should.
Take the poor thing back and let it go.
Snake lover 3-25
08-11-2008, 06:01 PM
i know i know...... tonight or tomarrow..... i swear!!!:D but he did love that raw chicken i fed him........:rolleyes::p
just look at that smile!!!
08-11-2008, 06:02 PM
Jeepers did his first shed last nite - MY FIRST SHED!!! Wasn't there 8:00 PMish, but there this AM. Didn't know at first who'd done it but today looked at the Jeep-Jeep and not only was he bright and shiney, he was like a greased pig in my hands. So fed him and he ate an ENTIRE night crawler! :D
Found the Peepers monster and he's as blind as a bat with aqua eyes and butt ugly with dull, ishy, brown "skin." He should be shedding soon.
Tried to feed the Jeepster F/T pinky. No go. I'm not a happy camper about this.
The Boys are growing! :D
Snake lover 3-25
08-11-2008, 06:03 PM
he's got some old cracks in his shell..... pretty extensive..... looks like he was hit by a boat!!! :eek:
08-11-2008, 06:03 PM
I love that turtle smile!! Have two red ear slider smiles in my home!
08-11-2008, 06:05 PM
Congrats Gertie!!!
I have SOOO many sheds and I only keep maybe 1/100 of them all. lol!! My big TX Rat girl shed a big 6 foot one piece shed so I kept that. It's taller then me! Sweet!
08-11-2008, 06:06 PM
nice looking snapper its about 9-10" long eh
pretty cool that it ate that raw chicken too
Snake lover 3-25
08-11-2008, 06:07 PM
just about.... but more around 11.5-12:D
08-11-2008, 06:07 PM
Yeah. Funny that it ate... Good thing I guess! ;)
Snake lover 3-25
08-11-2008, 06:07 PM
congrats gertie!!!!!!:D
08-11-2008, 06:10 PM
YIKES, 'Ster! Ah, that's longer than Ripley, the bull snake, at the park! I'd be hanging that puppy like somewhere around the house decoratively.
This is a wee thing, in four or more parts. I can't see where he shed his head, but his head has not yucky stuck skin so I think things are okay. Yes, Nervous Nellie, his mother, yanked him out and inspected him while she fed him. The best part is the tail, about 1.5" worth. SO SMALL AND TINY AND SKINNY!
08-11-2008, 06:12 PM
YIKES, 'Ster! Ah, that's longer than Ripley, the bull snake, at the park! I'd be hanging that puppy like somewhere around the house decoratively.
This is a wee thing, in four or more parts. I can't see where he shed his head, but his head has not yucky stuck skin so I think things are okay. Yes, Nervous Nellie, his mother, yanked him out and inspected him while she fed him. The best part is the tail, about 1.5" worth. SO SMALL AND TINY AND SKINNY! I'm so happy my baby boy is getting bigger! Jeepster is the smaller o'the two. I'm glad to see stuffing him like a turkey paid off.
08-11-2008, 06:15 PM
Glad to hear they are doing well! ;)
08-11-2008, 06:20 PM
Me? Yeah. Mostly. Kenabec and Niizh come this weekend. Am I ready? No.
I've missed you, 'Ster but it gets really down here and I just can't hang here as much as I did.
My sweetest Boys are doing GREAT! Love them TO DEATH!
08-11-2008, 06:26 PM
Awesome Turtle Shanley! Yep, love that smile!
Gertie, glad the boys are doing well!
08-11-2008, 06:33 PM
You can do it Gertie!! You know what you are doing and the couldn't have a better home!! Excited for you! Just relax. ;)
Missed you here too! I have been somewhat on and off... Busy here to. Was out of town and while I was out came back with 5 adult diamondback water snakes. Cool!
Midnight lake herping, jumping in in my jeans and getting bit by big fat pissed off water snakes and bleeding everywhere, Rofl!! Best herping fun I ever had! :D:p
Snake lover 3-25
08-11-2008, 06:36 PM
lol nice!!!:D
08-11-2008, 06:38 PM
Midnight lake herping, jumping in in my jeans and getting bit by big fat pissed off water snakes and bleeding everywhere, Rofl!! Best herping fun I ever had! :D:p
You are an effin' NUTCASE! Furshure. Jesus. (said shivering)
08-11-2008, 06:39 PM
Yep!! And proud of it!! *snickers*
08-11-2008, 06:52 PM
Yep!! And proud of it!! *snickers*
When I grow up and get b@11$ of brass, I'm gonna be JUST LIKE YOU!
08-11-2008, 06:54 PM
Rofl!!!! ;)
08-11-2008, 06:54 PM
lol rockster that is awesome
08-11-2008, 06:59 PM
Kevie, you're nuts. That's SICK!!!!!!!!!!
08-11-2008, 07:01 PM
Thumbs up Kevin!!! :cool:
08-11-2008, 07:09 PM
i know if i saw a snake in the water and new it wasn't venomous (which there are none in my area) i would totally dive in after it
even if i wasn't planning on it mainly just to say hi and get some pics
08-11-2008, 07:37 PM
Finally starting to sort out some of the vacation photos. Here is the first set, from the African Lion Safari.
Elephants swimming:
Baby giraffe:
Ostrich chasing the bus:
Baboons holding up the bus:
A lazy cheetah:
08-11-2008, 07:41 PM
Warthogs. Man are they ugly!!
Momma peafowl and babies:
Proud papa peacock:
Giant fruit bat. I like these guys!
08-11-2008, 07:46 PM
They also had a wonderful Birds of Prey exhibit. Here's a few favourites.
Bald Eagle:
Various hawks. I didn't remember to write down each species.
Turkey vulture:
08-11-2008, 07:48 PM
And last but certainly not least, my personal favourites, the owls!
I'll have more pics in the next few days. Still sorting.................:D
08-11-2008, 07:49 PM
I LUV birds of prey!! I really seriously want a falconers license someday... *sigh*
08-11-2008, 07:51 PM
Well, if you ever travel to the Great White North here, be sure to stop in Cambridge, Ontario. I absolutely loved this place!:)
Snake lover 3-25
08-12-2008, 07:57 AM
looks like great fun anji!!!:D
wow he escaped!!!:eek: how can a 12" snapping turtle get out of an 18" bin??? the side with the rocks was covered and weighted down..... that means that he would have had to lift himself..... and man was he heavy...... with just his arms!!!:eek: only to fall face first a foot and a half!!!! wow that thing was crazy!!!! it doesn't really matter that he escaped because we are only 1/2 mile from the creek and they come up every year to lay their eggs anyways..... it's just amazing!!!! i wish i could have seen him do it!!!!
08-12-2008, 08:35 AM
Wonderful pictures Anji! Loooooved the momma & baby elephants swimming!
08-12-2008, 11:11 AM
Rofl!! You will learn Shanley that things you think are escape proof are not always unless it is escape proof for ANYTHING. lol!
Lori P
08-12-2008, 04:14 PM
Anji, loved the pics! I want a warthog!!!!!
08-12-2008, 05:28 PM
Anyone like Metal? This is my band.. pre-mastered no vocals or bass.
Nothing serious for us, just fun. The end of track 2 is about as mellow as we go for now if you prefer that type stuff better.
Music - Windows Live SkyDrive (
08-12-2008, 05:37 PM
Ooo! Oo! ME! I'll have to take a listen. ;)
Lulu Bennett
08-12-2008, 06:14 PM
Not bad, infact i really liked it. you putting lyrics to it?
Anyone like Metal? This is my band.. pre-mastered no vocals or bass.
Nothing serious for us, just fun. The end of track 2 is about as mellow as we go for now if you prefer that type stuff better.
Music - Windows Live SkyDrive (
08-12-2008, 06:20 PM
me personally? NO!!! :):D:) I sound like a dying frog :p
Hope to find a singer and bass player soon though. I expect our songs will be tough to sing to.
Lulu Bennett
08-12-2008, 06:28 PM
hahaha, well once you do then send me a copy of the album.
do you write your own lyrics?
08-12-2008, 06:37 PM
I like! :D
08-13-2008, 12:29 PM
Ah! Where is everyone? No gartery action...
Someone is picking up my bloods at the Austin Show. Someone will have to control me from spending ALL my cash in one day. Rofl!
08-14-2008, 01:53 PM
Today a friend died
I knew he would but still it a little shock that he´s gone.
I called him my "garter fattener" because he raised a lot of baby snakes for me.
He was not good in English, so he came here only as a visitor to watch the fascinating photos.
Snake lover 3-25
08-14-2008, 01:54 PM
awww.... that's sad:(
08-14-2008, 01:55 PM
thats very unfortunate udo sorry for your loss
08-14-2008, 01:55 PM
Wow... Sorry for your loss....
08-14-2008, 01:57 PM
I'm so sorry Udo...
I came to this thread to whine and complain about my day, but it doesn't seem so bad now...
Again, so sorry...
08-14-2008, 02:00 PM
Might just as well talk about this here, instead of the other thread.
I heard earlier today that the person that was supposed to pick them up may decide to cancel the trip.
The person in question did exactly that. I don't blame the person for it, **** happens, but it's still bloody annoying. I knew something like this would happen and let me tell you, I don't especially like being right.
08-14-2008, 02:04 PM
Sorry Stefan... any back up plan?
08-14-2008, 02:14 PM
Sorry Stefan... any back up plan?
Yeah, I'm going to bitch and moan about it. Maybe swear a little.
Maybe send a few messages to a few local herp keepers that have a significantly wider social network and maybe make a few posts on Finnish forums. In fact, I already did, so it's back to venting.
Lori P
08-14-2008, 02:16 PM
I'm so sorry, Udo. I hope your memories of him give you some peace.
08-14-2008, 02:18 PM
I'm sorry for your loss, Udo. :(
08-14-2008, 02:20 PM
Udo, so sorry for the loss of your friend. Knowing these things are coming doesn't make it any easier when it does. Hugs.:(:(:(
Stefan, too bad about the trip for those snakes getting cancelled. I hope by some miracle someone comes through with another solution for you. In the meantime, my only advice is to continue bitching and moaning and swearing. Doesn't change anything, but at least it gets your point across!;)
08-14-2008, 02:28 PM
Yeah, I'm going to bitch and moan about it. Maybe swear a little.
Maybe send a few messages to a few local herp keepers that have a significantly wider social network and maybe make a few posts on Finnish forums. In fact, I already did, so it's back to venting.
Good luck... I'll keep my fingers crossed that the Finnish herpers come through for you. You never know...
Ok, about that venting... How about a dog with a wound on his leg, who's wearing a cone collar to keep him away from the wound, which seemed secure when you left to run an errand that had to be done, only to come home to a dog with his cone off of his head, cone hanging by his collar smeared with blood, wound oozing massive amounts of thick gooey blood, blood all over the place and ants going for the blood on the floor! UGH! Thankfully I only found three ants on the actual dog... omg, I wanted to vomit and kill something all at once. Ok, whew... got that out of my system. Good news is that money is on it's way to Kyle to cover shipping on my little hybrid babies :D and my kids' sports physicals are done for school so they can practice next week...oh, and cone collar is back on, wound wrapped, dog pouting, ants killed, floor mopped... sigh...
08-14-2008, 02:30 PM
That's what I like about this thread...........
Whenever you come here to complain about your day, several others beat you to it and make it seem less horrible. I don't even feel the need to vent about mine now!:D
08-14-2008, 02:38 PM
Stefan, too bad about the trip for those snakes getting cancelled. I hope by some miracle someone comes through with another solution for you. In the meantime, my only advice is to continue bitching and moaning and swearing. Doesn't change anything, but at least it gets your point across!;)
If you want something done properly, you have to do it yourself. I have no idea how many times I've proven that to myself. Many, many times, that's for sure. Neither snow nor rain nor club-wielding cave trolls could have kept me from going, if I had made a commitment to go there myself.
My passport has expired and I probably couldn't get a new one in time for the show, so that option is out of the question. I really feel like smashing something. I won't.
08-14-2008, 02:39 PM
If you want something done properly, you have to do it yourself.
I couldn't agree more.:)
08-14-2008, 02:43 PM
I couldn't agree more.:)
Oh yeah...
08-14-2008, 03:11 PM
That snafu set me back another year.
I was also negotiating the purchase of a possible T. sirtalis male, but I haven't heard anything from the owners in about two weeks. They were supposed to send me photos.
I'm really, really happy. Night.
08-14-2008, 03:16 PM
I hate it when people are like that.
I was trying to negotiate a deal for pugets, flames and red spotteds a year back and they were really slow and vague to respond until they just cut off entirely. Grrr...
08-14-2008, 06:12 PM
Aww, Stefan, that just sucks. If it weren't so darned far, and expensive, I'd send you a sirtalis myself.
That new signature line you're using is an understatement, to say the least.:D
08-14-2008, 06:14 PM
Ok, about that venting... How about a dog with a wound on his leg..........
What, no one wants pictures? :p:D:p
I took a nap(while my son was watching the dog!) and feel much better now. It's just so frustrating that we try everything and we just can not get his leg to heal. We have a strong suspicion that the joint under the wound is cancerous. He's older and getting weak in the rear, so even the vet agrees that there's really no reason to xray and get a definitive diagnosis since amputation is out of the question and I won't put him through chemo. But, for now, the only thing that keeps him from an excellent quality of life is that darned wound. We're trying long term antibiotics and the dreaded cone collar(again) knowing if we could get this under control he'll have another year or two with us, but if we can't... :( He's just miserable and it's not fair... sigh... :( I feel like I've let him down because I simply can not be home to stare at him 24/7 to make sure he doesn't get at it. I thought we were making some head way until today's incident. :( Anyway, thanks for listening. I know it was a disgusting story. I seriously almost hurled when I found the ants.
08-14-2008, 06:17 PM
Tami, that does sound rough.
What a way to be torn, between wanting to help your dog, and suffering because he is.
Not an easy thing to deal with. My heart goes out to you, and the poor pup.:(
(And, no, I don't think I need pics. EWW.:D)
08-14-2008, 06:24 PM
Thanks Anji... it's like I know if we could get it healed quickly he'd be fine for a while, but he hates the cone, won't move with it on, just lays there being miserable. We've gone back and forth for the last couple of years treating the wound(lick granuloma) and then not treating it for awhile, because he's so much happier and actually tends to be less obsessive about it when we leave it alone, but lately it's gotten too large to just let him we start from the beginning once again... and hope for the best. He's such an awesome dog and deserves so much more. Great danes don't have long lifespans to begin with and to see him not enjoying the time he has left just sucks.
08-14-2008, 06:36 PM
He's a Dane?? Oh, I love those dogs. Big, beautiful sweethearts.
I can see why you'd not want to opt for amputation, though. With their size, that would be quite a major surgery, not to mention a large handicap for him.
What a dilemma -- I hope you can get it under control again for a while.
08-14-2008, 06:47 PM
Thanks again Anji... yep, he's my big baby. The lick granuloma and possible cancer is on a front leg and with his rear starting to get weak(very common in danes) there's just no way we could amputate.
08-14-2008, 06:48 PM
They had a new reptile exhibit at the Niagara Aviaries. Not a huge thing, but still cool.
I got to hold this guy while I was there!
A few more:
08-14-2008, 06:50 PM
Nice! Love how the gecko is all strrrreeeaaatched out :D
that is a gecko, right?
08-14-2008, 06:51 PM
Cool! Is it safe to keep beardies and torts together?? I don't know anything about either. lol!
08-14-2008, 06:54 PM
Yes, Tami, that is some kind of a gecko! I don't remember what kind though.
And Amanda, I have no idea about the turtles and beardies being together, except that they were there, and they seemed to be getting along. Certainly made a cute group pic!
I just realised you can see me and my mother-in-law reflected in the gecko's tank! HI!!
08-14-2008, 06:55 PM
I guess if they aren't stressing each other out, they seem to have close enough enviroment requirements as far as I know... Huh. Does anyone know for real? lol!
It is a cute pic!
Snake lover 3-25
08-14-2008, 07:13 PM
cute pics!! :D
sorry to hear about your dog, tami..... that really sucks...:(
08-14-2008, 10:34 PM
Thank you for your empathy
and more post about other things to see
Live will go on;)
Is there any support I can offer? PM!
Snake lover 3-25
08-15-2008, 09:27 AM
meadow stopped eating again!!!!!!:mad:
she does this every year!!!!! she stops eating in early august and doesn't start eating again till march!!!!!:eek: why would she do this???? :confused: it always makes me a nervous wreck!!! that's how i lost all three of my corns..... they just stoped eating and never started again...:( i don't want to lose her too..... so i feed her ALOT durring the 5 months that she does eat..... and even then it's hard to get her eating well..... how can a snake not eat for 7 months and not be hungry after brumation????
it makes me so angry!!!! :mad: why can't she just eat like her son???? :mad:
08-15-2008, 09:29 AM
Awww... Don't worry TO much about it Shanley. If you are fattening her up before hand, and she is fine every year... She should be alright. ;) Just maybe don't handle her and treat her like she is brumating so she doesn't waste energy?
Snake lover 3-25
08-15-2008, 09:33 AM
:( how can i do that??? i handle her every day.....:( although even when i'm handling her she doesn't move around too much..... i'm so dissapointed.... i thought maybe she wouldn't do it this year..... third year in a row..... and somehow she drags her son into the smae state around september..... and even if i make their cage warmer they still don't come around till march......:confused:
08-15-2008, 09:38 AM
Well... Maybe limit handling to say... once a week?? If you really can't help it? I don't know.
What does everyone else think? I don't handle my snakes for anything but cleaning and just the odd whim. So I don't have this problem. *shrugs*
Snake lover 3-25
08-15-2008, 09:42 AM
lol yeah.... most people don't have this problem..... i have her with me every day..... for almost every thing i do..... she's always wraped around my hand or my neck.... i take her on walks with my dog..... eat with her..... watch tv.... talk to you guys..... and the list goes on and on........ :o i die over her brumation period...... i go and check on her once a week...... or more........ humph..... :( i just wish she would eat!!!!!!!:mad:
08-15-2008, 09:44 AM
Aww... I am sure it's hard... Good luck!
Snake lover 3-25
08-15-2008, 09:49 AM
well..... i guess....... i guess i could handle the ones that are eating a little more to make up for it..... and i am planning on making all three of them have a short brumation this year........ :(
08-15-2008, 10:06 AM
See! It's not like she is your only snake. ;) You'll be fine. :)
Snake lover 3-25
08-15-2008, 10:29 AM
i hope so!!!! :(
08-15-2008, 11:32 AM
I know so. :D
Snake lover 3-25
08-15-2008, 12:27 PM
ok ok you got me...... I know so too..... :)
Snake lover 3-25
08-15-2008, 12:50 PM
wayne your inbox is full AGAIN!!!!!
08-15-2008, 03:56 PM
LOL I tried to pm him and it said its full. BOY he sure is popular eh? Everyone wants to talk to you Wayne LOL
08-15-2008, 06:32 PM
For $10 bucks a shot, I'll give out his e-mail address! :)
Nah. Never. But I am tempted! :)
08-15-2008, 06:35 PM
How about his phone number? LOL :D :eek:
Nah I wouldnt do that either.. Hes gonna love this LOL
08-15-2008, 06:40 PM
I *do* have his phone number, have used it, and reached "The Great and Mighty Oz; The Man Behind The Curtain."
However, THAT goes for $50 bucks a shot. :)
HAY! I'm poor and just trying to run a scam to make some bucks!
08-15-2008, 07:41 PM
Gee the contact me button on the web site link in my signature is free:D
And I have passed out the phone number like tootsie rolls from a parade float:D
I don't mind....
The PM box jams up every day... I like helping you all out, It was a real save when I talked to Brett and he followed through, within hours, Momma was right at home and comfortably "released" the rest of those babies.
And as those of you within driving distance have found, the front door is always open also:D
08-15-2008, 08:46 PM
I have his number also LOL. We should start a auction who wants it LOL :D
08-16-2008, 12:55 AM
Come on Wayne!! ;) JK.
08-16-2008, 04:08 AM
as a matter of supply and demand, it seems to me that there's no problem with the supply end of Wayne's number, which ought to make it impossible to get any kind of bidding going
08-16-2008, 08:44 AM
my new made-up word:
acquiritis - an inflammation of the desire to acquire
08-16-2008, 10:18 AM
Nice!! I LOVE made up words. :) lol!
08-16-2008, 11:39 AM
Thamnophis helpus acquiritis - would that be what species I have evolved into???
08-16-2008, 11:41 AM
Rofl!! Nice Wayne! That might be me to at the rate I am moving. lol!!
08-16-2008, 12:02 PM
I mentioned this somewhere else but it was off topic.
I am falling faster for this guy and I just might do it. Someone on my local herp forum bred her hairless rats.... I don't like hairless rats but this guy is CUTE!! If he does loose his hair I will love him anyway and get past the hideous... But there is a chance he could keep it and be a double rex or whatever. He looks very different from his siblings... Ah man... Why is this happening to me...
I would probably pick up a haired one to go with him too... I am crazy.
08-16-2008, 12:48 PM
Ok... Can I do it here?? lol!!
08-16-2008, 01:20 PM
Ok. There! I did it fair!! I passed you Kevie! :)
08-16-2008, 01:22 PM
OMG that rat is soooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!! :D
08-16-2008, 01:26 PM
Isn't he????? His little FACE! :p
08-16-2008, 01:31 PM
OMG that rat is soooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!! :D
Indeed, I suddenly came over all peckish.
08-16-2008, 01:36 PM
I am crazy
Really???? never would have guessed:D
Love ya!
08-16-2008, 01:36 PM
Rofl!!! Too funny Stefan!!
08-16-2008, 01:37 PM
Really???? never would have guessed:D
Love ya!
Aww thanks!! :) You too!! :p
08-16-2008, 02:07 PM
What are you gonna name him? Look at his feet!! He looks like Thumper LOL :D
08-16-2008, 02:27 PM
I don't know... Thumper is cute! Maybe Harry. lol!! Ideas welcome!
08-16-2008, 03:41 PM
08-16-2008, 03:47 PM
Awe! Your ball is so cute!!
08-16-2008, 03:50 PM
Awe! Your ball is so cute!!
Thanks, One of my favorite rescue critters.
08-16-2008, 03:53 PM
I love the way he holds his head up!
08-16-2008, 03:59 PM
Cain really likes going outside on nice days:D
08-16-2008, 04:03 PM
Done!!! ;)
08-16-2008, 04:07 PM
Amanda, he's adorable!!! Wayne too funny!
08-16-2008, 08:48 PM
That is such a CUTE pic of him!!!!! :D
08-16-2008, 10:37 PM
Hey guys I'm just trying out posting with my new iPod.
08-17-2008, 05:34 AM
Hey guys I'm just trying out posting with my new iPod.
you mean iPhone, right?
08-17-2008, 07:07 AM
Ok. It's official. Lol! Now I need names for the cute little ratty. So far we have Thumper and Harry.
08-17-2008, 07:12 AM
Ben???? :D
08-17-2008, 07:14 AM
Oh my gosh!! Lets just say, that may be it gertie! ;) Whoo! Anymore just in case?
08-17-2008, 07:16 AM
Well, if he's a rat snake... Cry me a river! It HAS to be Ben!
08-17-2008, 07:25 AM
It's a rodent rat. :)
08-17-2008, 07:43 AM
Well. Even more appropriate. There you have it. Cased closed. Ben. Yup. Thass what it needs to be. Furshure.
Ah, thanks. I'll pass on any offspring you want to send me.
ROFLOLPMP!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
08-17-2008, 07:53 AM
PMP!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I bet you have a lot of laundry MK:D
Oh that Depends on a few things....
My bad.....
08-17-2008, 07:57 AM
No, your great, Dekay! Your sense of humor is as good as (as bad as???) mine! I love it!
08-17-2008, 08:03 AM
The last time I tried out at the Improv, a frozen ham fell from the sky and hit me on the head:eek:
Then as if it were a miracle, vegetable side dishes and bottled beverages to wash it all down soon followed..
08-17-2008, 09:14 AM
you mean iPhone, right?
Nope, iPod touch. :)
08-17-2008, 10:20 AM
I shot something yesterday.. ( Literally. That's why it's posted as a link, so don't open it unless you're sure.
08-17-2008, 10:23 AM
Pretty, shiny gun :) What's the critter? Mink? Otter? And what was the reasoning for shooting it?
08-17-2008, 10:34 AM
Pretty, shiny gun :) What's the critter? Mink? Otter? And what was the reasoning for shooting it?
Reason #1: It was killing the fish we had caught and were storing. Managed to bite the face off what was supposed to be today's dinner before I shot it. The fish were being kept alive in a kind of net bag (I've been looking for a translation, can't find one) and that critter was biting through the mesh.
Reason #2: Minks are an invasive species in this part of the world and they do enormous damage to the ecosystem. If they didn't cause that much trouble, they'd be pretty fun to have running around.
The guns not really that shiny, it's the light that made it look that shiny.
edit: "keep net"? Is that the term I'm looking for?
08-17-2008, 10:43 AM
Cool. What caliber is it? .223?
08-17-2008, 10:46 AM
"keep net"? Is that the term I'm looking for?
Actually, I'm not even sure what the proper term is for that, and we used to have one up north at my grandparent's cottage! We just called it a "fish keeper".:o:D
And we used to have the same problem with the raccoons.
08-17-2008, 10:54 AM
Cool. What caliber is it? .223?
.22 LR
And we used to have the same problem with the raccoons.
"Used to have"? ;) :D
08-17-2008, 10:57 AM
No, we didn't shoot them all!:D
Although I probably would have found that quite an adventure. I'm almost sorry that my grandpa never took me out hunting like he did the boys.
I said 'used to' because the cottage is no longer. It got sold when my grandfather passed away.
08-17-2008, 11:38 AM
That is a very nice .22 Stefan, the muzzle almost looks like a silencer.
Does that pelt have any value there??
And the term fishermen use in english is "Live Well"
08-17-2008, 11:42 AM
That is a very nice .22 Stefan, the muzzle almost looks like a silencer.
Thanks. :) I'm pretty satisfied with it. And that is indeed a sound suppressor.
Does that pelt have any value there??Practically none.
And the term fishermen use in english is "Live Well"
I'll try to remember that one. :)
08-17-2008, 11:50 AM
Thanks. :) I'm pretty satisfied with it. And that is indeed a sound suppressor.
Since .22 caliber is already about the quietest rifle made by man, a sound suppressor must make it so quiet one could barely tell it was fired.
Over here a mink pelt would get you 10 or more Euros worth of cash with minimal preparations.
I had a nice collection of firearms once, they were lost in the house fire in 1995, never replaced them yet.
No one else figure out your latin phrase yet?
08-17-2008, 12:07 PM
Since .22 caliber is already about the quietest rifle made by man, a sound suppressor must make it so quiet one could barely tell it was fired.
Not really, suppressors only reduce the noise by about 30 dB. With the right cartridge, it's like a loud snap of the fingers or a clap. But sometimes it does seem like the hit makes more noise than the shot itself.
Over here a mink pelt would get you 10 or more Euros worth of cash with minimal preparations.Honestly, I have no idea what they're worth here. Not enough to make it profitable to hunt them for the pelt and since we have a proper fur industry, not many are interested in buying pelts, especially ones with bullet holes in them. ;)
Besides, if you want pelts, you have to get them between January and March when they're at their best.
I had a nice collection of firearms once, they were lost in the house fire in 1995, never replaced them yet.I'm sorry to hear that. I have one made in the 1930's, that used to belong to my grandfather. It doesn't have any real monetary value, but I'd really hate to lose it.
08-17-2008, 12:18 PM
Another one from last year. ( Big male.
A bit more messy, open at your own risk. Sorry about the quality, it was past midnight.
08-17-2008, 12:25 PM
The guns that were lost were nothing of much monetary value either, but each one had a history.
My first ever gun, a Christmas present from dad, a single action .410 shotgun for small game. A cheesy .22 semi auto and a browning 12 Gage pump action that was a gift from a friend deceased since 1980.
I don't really follow the fur industry, I have known people who do furs, but I have also forbid leg traps of any kind on this property forever.
With todays modern synthetic materials, my outlook on trapping has changed a lot.
We are constantly invaded by coyotes and so far they have killed 2 of my pets, I feel as if I were to buy a rifle now, the coyotes would probably like me about the same as I like them.
08-17-2008, 03:47 PM
Totally understand the reasoning Stefan. I don't have any issue with hunting for food or shooting pests. I really don't even have an issue with hunting for sport as long as the game is plentiful.
08-17-2008, 03:48 PM
Omg Gertie and Wayne! Funny!! :D
Ben it is!!! Maybe Harry Ben. :D
08-17-2008, 05:27 PM
Little Mikey Jackson singing "Ben." THAT'S a blast from the past!
08-17-2008, 11:09 PM
Lol! Yep!!
08-18-2008, 06:32 AM
Another one from last year. ( Big male.
A bit more messy, open at your own risk. Sorry about the quality, it was past midnight.
That's not messy at all. Ever see what something like that looks like after a .30-06 impact??
08-18-2008, 06:33 AM
That's not messy at all. Ever see what something like that looks like after a .30-06 impact??
As a matter of fact, I have. Most people here probably haven't.
08-18-2008, 08:10 AM
Living out in the country has it's moments!
As I am sitting here reading posts,I heard a "chitty chitty" (no bang bang) out the front window.
These cars actually drove by right in front of the house:D
Had time for a few quick snapshots.
count dewclaw
08-18-2008, 08:53 AM
How cool! I love those old cars.
08-18-2008, 04:49 PM
those are some awesome looking ooooold cars!!!!!
08-18-2008, 04:50 PM
Sweet! We see weird old cars here once and a while.
Lulu Bennett
08-18-2008, 06:11 PM
Hi Guys,
Can't wait till morning. I am off to London tomorrow for a talk by Dr Zawi Hawas hehe also a trip to the british museum and london zoo yey
08-18-2008, 06:13 PM
You absolutely luckiest dog in the WORLD! I'd give my right arm to hear a talk by him!
Lulu Bennett
08-18-2008, 06:22 PM
Not bothered about meeting any pop star or movie star (other bthan Orlando bloom obv. lol) But Dr awi Hawas and Sir David Attenborough were my list
08-18-2008, 06:23 PM
Lucky You lou:D Enjoy and be sure to tell us all about it:D
Lulu Bennett
08-18-2008, 06:31 PM
I will tell you all about it when i get back and post lots and lots of pics :D
08-19-2008, 04:43 AM
very cool, Lu
did I ever tell you that my neighbourhood museum has a world class egyptian collection?
Brooklyn Museum: Collections: Egyptian, Classical, and Ancient Middle Eastern Art (
perhaps you can visit when you come for the TWM next year
oh - and enjoy the talk
Lulu Bennett
08-19-2008, 10:36 AM
Thank you rhea. i am in London now and just about to set off to the O2 for the talk now hehehe i cant wait xxx
oh got plenty of pics from the british museum in the Egyptian section xxx
08-19-2008, 11:54 AM
have a look at the google logo today....
A snake:D
08-19-2008, 12:34 PM
I noticed that! Sweet!
08-19-2008, 12:41 PM
I just can't believe it
some idiot child stole Sean's two-headed turtle
08-19-2008, 12:49 PM
Damn, I hope they get it back soon and in one piece.
08-19-2008, 12:57 PM
Dang... That sucks.
08-19-2008, 02:09 PM
dang it keep your eyes out in all reptile selling forums and such.. because that will fetch a High price zoos too ...
08-19-2008, 02:13 PM
unfortunately, it's much more likely that it got taken by some kid, who doesn't know what the heck they're doing and who just thought it'd be cool to have a two-headed turtle
08-19-2008, 02:19 PM
Yes and how sad because they require special care they won't give. Grrr....
Lulu Bennett
08-19-2008, 05:29 PM
I got Dr Zahi Hawass's Signiture today. He didn't even look at me. Ignorant ****!!!!!
Not impressed!
08-19-2008, 05:53 PM
Well, if you've read anything he's written and seen his interviews you'd have know he's a pompas @$$.
And so what if he is? You've something that means something to you and don't let a jerk devaluate it. I'm very envious of you and think you're one of the luckiest people alive.
He's a jerk. DON'T let him bring you down.
SPILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to hear EVERY SINGLE DETAIL - EVERY ONE - and see ALL your pictures!!!! You're so lucky!
08-19-2008, 06:10 PM
I got Dr Zahi Hawass's Signiture today. He didn't even look at me. Ignorant ****!!!!!
Not impressed!
jeez...some people!!!!! :mad: My brother is a night shift casinuo manager in Wendover Nevada, he was walking to work one day and passed Robin
Williams walking down the street. he said Hey, you're Robin Williams, who repliled, yea, what the f*** is it to you?? My brother just said well, I WAS a fan and walked off...he can be just as big a smart arse as anyone!!!!
08-19-2008, 09:11 PM
jeez...some people!!!!! :mad: My brother is a night shift casinuo manager in Wendover Nevada, he was walking to work one day and passed Robin
Williams walking down the street. he said Hey, you're Robin Williams, who repliled, yea, what the f*** is it to you?? My brother just said well, I WAS a fan and walked off...he can be just as big a smart arse as anyone!!!!
Yeesh! :mad:
08-19-2008, 09:17 PM
i use to live in branson its 23 mins form springfield we see all the big starts for here like the duttons that was on the amricas has talent yeah they started from here.. anyways like jim staford yeah i saw him in walmart and he was cussing his kid in public out for something i told him to shut his trap and not talk to little kids like that he shut up really fast.. just because they have money they think they can be a** h***s:mad::mad::mad::mad:
08-20-2008, 05:01 AM
I got Dr Zahi Hawass's Signiture today. He didn't even look at me. Ignorant ****!!!!!
Not impressed!
sorry Lu - what a let-down
most people are just people, even if they know something
Sean's stolen turtle is all over the news here
here's a news clip with some old footage of the actual turtle
YouTube - Two-Headed Turtle stolen from Sean Casey Animal Rescue (
08-20-2008, 07:12 AM
Hey guys hows everyone doing.............
just wanted to update you all, sorry I haven't been on a lot in the past few months, they have been bad for me, first my wifes father passed away unexpectedly, then I had to get rid of my dog, and then I lost my its been pretty horrible, but on a brighter note I got playing world of warcraft these past couple weeks and I'm hooked bad...hahahahaha!!!
I've been playing a lot:o:D but hope you guys are doing good and I'll try to get on here more.................;)
08-20-2008, 07:47 AM
hey enigma, missed ya.
08-20-2008, 07:50 AM
jeez...some people!!!!! :mad: My brother is a night shift casinuo manager in Wendover Nevada, he was walking to work one day and passed Robin
Williams walking down the street. he said Hey, you're Robin Williams, who repliled, yea, what the f*** is it to you?? My brother just said well, I WAS a fan and walked off...he can be just as big a smart arse as anyone!!!!
He wasn't using his harsh Robin Williams sense of humor was he?
08-20-2008, 10:29 AM
sooo... My daughters sleep in my DAMN room still and I am getting my oldest girl Kiah a bunk bed for her Birthday this weekend... What do you think of putting my girls in the same room and taking the spare and turning it into a reptile room :eek::eek::eek: ROFL
It would require some work :D :D
08-20-2008, 11:07 AM
Good luck... I'll keep my fingers crossed that the Finnish herpers come through for you. You never know...
It appears that they have. The problem is about 90% solved.
08-20-2008, 11:23 AM
Nice Stefan! Glad to hear it! I'll keep them crossed til that other 10% is taken care of and the snakes are in your hands :)
08-20-2008, 05:22 PM
37 incher w00t caugt this past Saturday! kZUWoedgML8WpLb18 FCetyJ50a_ZxzGDFe
rofl and this guy was not nearly as happy as me :D v2ATM145dGcvVkiBE
08-20-2008, 05:48 PM
nice catch brett and ya that guy wouldn't be very happy lol
08-20-2008, 05:55 PM
Typical Maine coast in my mind's eye. Very Stephen King. Hope that boat's got a keel o'steel!
Oh! NICE catch! What izzit and are gonna eat it?
08-20-2008, 06:01 PM
Morone saxatilis (Striped Bass) Just learned the scientific name since I was searching around to see if they contain thiaminase. I do not think they do. That one fish would have feed an army of Garters. I should have keep it :D
I usually let them go all though have keep a few in the past for eating..
As far as the boat goes all the good stuff was already torn from it by the time we found it :eek: First come first serve on the seas I guess :)
08-20-2008, 06:27 PM
for the most part bass dont contain thiaminase altho i saw that white bass do
08-20-2008, 06:40 PM
Morone saxatilis (Striped Bass) Just learned the scientific name since I was searching around to see if they contain thiaminase. I do not think they do. That one fish would have feed an army of Garters. I should have keep it :D
Nice! You didn't keep it :( Stripers are yummmmmmy! One of my favorite fish to eat :)
08-20-2008, 08:07 PM
Nice catch!!!! the only thing I have caught that big was a damn carp!!!!!!!
08-20-2008, 09:06 PM
That's a nice fish!!! love the water, looks so refreshing... we are loosing our Lake here, it's sad. We need RAIN bad!!!!
As for that guy's boat, not going to ask what happened., I bet he was pissed!!!
37 incher w00t caugt this past Saturday! kZUWoedgML8WpLb18 FCetyJ50a_ZxzGDFe
rofl and this guy was not nearly as happy as me :D v2ATM145dGcvVkiBE
08-20-2008, 09:08 PM
Awwwww Dora!!!! Sounds like a plan... i think both girls would love to be in the same room... As for a reptile room, that is awesome. I would love to have one. Right now my reptiles share with the tv, & 3 computers.
sooo... My daughters sleep in my DAMN room still and I am getting my oldest girl Kiah a bunk bed for her Birthday this weekend... What do you think of putting my girls in the same room and taking the spare and turning it into a reptile room :eek::eek::eek: ROFL
It would require some work :D :D
Snake lover 3-25
08-21-2008, 06:01 PM
meadow stopped eating again!!!!!!:mad:
she does this every year!!!!! she stops eating in early august and doesn't start eating again till march!!!!! why would she do this???? it always makes me a nervous wreck!!! that's how i lost all three of my corns..... they just stoped eating and never started again... i don't want to lose her too..... so i feed her ALOT durring the 5 months that she does eat..... and even then it's hard to get her eating well..... how can a snake not eat for 7 months and not be hungry after brumation????
it makes me so angry!!!! :mad: why can't she just eat like her son????
yay!!!!! she ate a toad!!!!:eek: and a HEAVILY scented fuzzie!!!!!:D but now i think i may have to kill some and stick them in the freezer......:( i've never killed an animal on porpose......:(
08-21-2008, 06:07 PM
be careful about toads... I have heard that too many toads can be detrimental to their health. If she does that, it is because her body is telling her it is time to hibernate... try brumating her for 3 months?
So I am in daytona... hurricane weather is the best time to come to the beach EVER!!!
Theres like nobody anywhere!!
cant wait for the daytona show on saturday...:D:p:):rolleyes:
08-21-2008, 06:15 PM
Things went pretty well today at The Great Minnesota Get-Together. Peeps and Jeeps were a hit and I so enjoyed doing the "same species and sub species as our native garter but different colors." Winnie has really gotten big since I last saw her. P & J are dwarfed by her.
I was letting Winnie slither around in the grass and damn if she didn't musk me! How quickly they revert. The speed is amazing. So from then on I stunk.
Was holding Ripley (bull snake) with a CROWD of people around me when he decided to let loose with a poop to end all poops! Yellow, white, and black turds looking all the world like rabbit turds. And he pooped and he pooped and he pooped. All over ME from just under my arm pit to the top of my knee - I was sitting down. Stink? Lord, you can't even imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rinsed my shirt out in the DNR building but all it did was get my shirt wet. The stench was my perfume for the rest of the day. But being the naturalist I am, I carried on. Even ate tons of fair food.
P & J were in the little habitat thingy I'd made up and taken with. Both had their heads out the end of a log hide watching the people go past. This guy looks in and exclaims, " A TWO-HEADED SNAKE! HONEY, COME LOOK AT THIS TWO-HEADED SNAKE!" People came rushing over and it was all I could do to not die laughing as I politely explained to the gentleman that it was not a two-headed snake but two seperate yearling garters.
Later in the day I was eating a "chicago dog" in one hand and holding Winnie in the other. I just love her to death and don't like to put her down. A little girl comes by and freaks out, "You're EATING AND HOLDING A SNAKE?! IIIIISSSSSHHHH!!!! GROSS!!" Doubt she's gonna grow up to be a naturalist.
Talked three sets o'rents into considering getting a snake [garter] for their respective kid that wants one. :D
Saw and held my first ever "Brown snake" as they're called up here. They don't call them Dekay browns. TINY!!!!!!!!!!! Saw and held my first ever live red-bellied snakes. One of which one had just given birth recently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can a snake be THAT small??????? And saw my first milk snake. Do believe there will be a milk snake in my future - at the very least to take to the park with me.
I'm whipped. My face is sunburned a bit. My feet and back hurt from standing from 9:00 Am until 5:00 PM with little respites of sitting. P & J are back in their tank and hiding. I've gotten off my smelly clothes but can't get the smell outta my nose - it's like stuck in there.
Gonna be an early nite for me.
08-21-2008, 06:42 PM
Sounds like a great day Gertie :D in spite of the poo :D
08-21-2008, 06:50 PM
It was, Tami. Gotta take the poo in stride. What's a little poo between friends, huh? If you're gonna run with the big dogs you gotta learn to pee in tall timbers.
08-21-2008, 06:54 PM
Later in the day I was eating a "chicago dog" in one hand and holding Winnie in the other. I just love her to death and don't like to put her down. A little girl comes by and freaks out, "You're EATING AND HOLDING A SNAKE?! IIIIISSSSSHHHH!!!! GROSS!!" Doubt she's gonna grow up to be a naturalist.
LOL!!! sounds like something most of my family would say.... I used to hold sneaky snake (a ribbon I had a long time ago) in the morning with one hand as I ate my bowl of cereal with the other! Sneaky was my pal!
08-21-2008, 08:46 PM
are you going to brumate mother and son? then breed them?
yay!!!!! she ate a toad!!!!:eek: and a HEAVILY scented fuzzie!!!!!:D but now i think i may have to kill some and stick them in the freezer......:( i've never killed an animal on porpose......:(
08-21-2008, 08:56 PM
Was holding Ripley (bull snake) with a CROWD of people around me when he decided to let loose with a poop to end all poops! Yellow, white, and black turds looking all the world like rabbit turds. And he pooped and he pooped and he pooped. quote]
Lol! You haven't seen my blood pythons poop. :D:p
Snake lover 3-25
08-22-2008, 09:33 AM
are you going to brumate mother and son? then breed them?
08-22-2008, 07:20 PM
How this..... 1 Rat..... Turned into 4 pet rats!! :rolleyes: Because I have so much LOVELY self control! :p Ben, Elouise, Harry and MJ. FUN! (
And pray I don't come home with too many snakes from the expo next Sat. (or pray that I do :cool:).
08-25-2008, 09:17 PM
Woo! The Great Garter name list is finished!
I just have to share what I call my leetle guys. :)
((The extra column on the red sideds are unsexed.)) :P
Archibald, Broler, Sidarr
Fatty, Sedge, Cinnamint
Red Sideds
Mr. Personality
Mizz Chopz
Ozzy, Wing, Mr. Shine, Mr. Bright
Bubba, Grotto
Bubblegum, Ruffles
Lulu Bennett
08-26-2008, 07:23 AM
I picked up this little feller last week from Blackpool. a good 1hr30 drive but me and 3 friends got to play on the pleasure beach first lol. he is such a funny lil thing . i love him to pieces already
08-26-2008, 09:24 AM
Too cute Lulu! Looks like he has quite a personality :)
08-26-2008, 09:35 AM
He's DARLING, Lulu! Is he full grown or will he get bigger? I really like his coloring. I've actually been looking at the beardies...
What am I thinking! Forget it! I've enuff on my plate as it is.
08-26-2008, 10:04 AM
awwwwwwwww that bearded dragon is soooooooo CUTE!!! :D
Hey GartersRock post pics of your rats :D I hear that rats make GREAT pets and they are alot better of a pet then hamsters
08-26-2008, 10:37 AM
Lulu, your new pal is a cutie!:) He's a nice golden colour, too. Pretty!
And yes, we do need pics of Rockster's pet rats. I used to have a bunch and they really are great pets!:cool:
Snake lover 3-25
08-26-2008, 12:22 PM
awwww he's adorable!!!!!
08-26-2008, 01:48 PM
I'll get pics when I pick them up at the expo! :D
Actually... I have these:
"Harry" Dumbo Eared Black Variagated Berkshire Rex. WHOO thats a mouthful. loL!
"MJ" Dumbo Eared Beige Irish
"Mikila" Dumbo Eared Siamese
08-26-2008, 01:49 PM
"Ben" (the one who got this started) Dumbo Eared Double Rex Hairless
"Elouise" Dumbo Eared Double Rex Hairless
Whew! (and for those who noticed, yes 1 turned to 4 and 4 turned to 5. :D )
And yes! Rats make AWESOME pets!! They are the most intellegent, most social, and smell the least of all the rodents. I am SOO excited about these guys!
Sorry you had to see this Gertie. :D
08-26-2008, 02:39 PM
OMG GartersRock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D Now I want one LOL. I kinda want a hairless one LOL. They seem like they are alot of fun and seems like they like to be handled alot:D
08-26-2008, 02:48 PM
Thanks!! I personally think the dumbo ears are extra cute. :D You should get one but you have to get two. ;) They will only thrive in at least a pair. Males are "generally" even more social.
The adult hairless take getting a little used to. lol!! But they are SO ugly they are cute. ;)
Lori P
08-26-2008, 05:28 PM
Awww, Amanda, they really are cute. I do love rats!! I had a wonderful rat named Rupert for several years... he was awesome. I didn't even keep him in a cage, he just ran around the extra bedroom with a bunny rabbit we had at the time. :-)
08-26-2008, 05:51 PM
'Ster, why you sorry????
I want a Ben and a Harry! THEY ARE SO CUTE!
Could I cuddle them and love them and hug them and kiss them and skritch them?
Why you sorry, gullfiend? As I age I'm opening my horizons and going beyond Puggies, Abys, and Classic Tabby Muttlies! KRIKEY! I've four snakes, planning on more... What's a rat to cuddle and kiss?
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