View Full Version : Marnie's Snakes

08-12-2013, 02:38 PM
For some reason I can't access my thread right now...so I'm starting a new one until the issue is resolved. Anyway, I figured since I have been back around, I should give an update on things over here in easternville. If anyone missed it...Sammy, my red radix from Steve, passed away a couple of months ago. He had some issues with a prolapsed cloaca and unfortunately succumbed to the problem. I still miss him terribly. Everyone else is doing well...Ziggy, my big eastern male (?), who was brought to me a year ago when he was found by the neighbor boys...is doing very well. He was ill when I first got him and I nursed him back to health. He is a very skiddish snake, but he is starting to really come around...he will bask under his light where he can be seen, and he will come right up to my hand if I put it in his tank. The two eastern girls, Snapper and Peanut, that I found in my basement last winter, are coming around as well. They don't hide all the time anymore and love to come up to the glass of the enclosure and interact with me. Snapper still bites the bejeezus out of me when I pick him up though. Seeley is good...although I can tell he misses Sammy. Cee Cee is restless and crazy lately...I don't know what that is about. Sadie wants to hide all the time...she is probably getting ready for a shed or Cee Cee is driving her nuts. But she is a lovable sweetie. Hermes, my albino checkered, has been hiding a lot less lately...he likes to come out and see me and likes to come out and go into his hanging tree at night. Possum, my snow radix, still hides most of the time...and he is still upside down most of the time...but he is such a sweetie. The babies are all doing well...I need to sex and separate them because Little Joe and Bella are apparently in love...lol. I just haven't been able to sex the two baby easterns and I don't have a working camera to put up pics. I'm thinking of trying to put Ziggy and Seeley together so that they have company...not sure how that will go over with Ziggy because he is so skiddish...might help...might freak him out. So, anyway...that is my update!

08-12-2013, 02:46 PM

08-12-2013, 02:49 PM
Thanks, Steve. Now, of course, it is letting me access it. Maybe Stefan can just merge this thread in with the other one.

08-12-2013, 02:55 PM
You can tell when two garters have a thing for eachother
http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o774/foxrun402/temporary_zpsecf7290e.jpg (http://s1342.photobucket.com/user/foxrun402/media/temporary_zpsecf7290e.jpg.html)
http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o774/foxrun402/temporary_zps07dcccaa.jpg (http://s1342.photobucket.com/user/foxrun402/media/temporary_zps07dcccaa.jpg.html)

Same two Radix... Different days... no matter what day.... always where together before I released them back into a safe place to live... I'm hoping they still do this out there and I didnt ruin what they had... :rolleyes: I really do believe they can and just might "fall in love"

08-13-2013, 06:45 AM
Great pics! I actually have a few pics that look very similar to your first one. My girls Sadie and Cee Cee lay together like that all the time. When Seeley and Cee Cee were together...pre-babies...they cuddled all the time too. My babies all snuggle together...but Bella and Little Joe have taken their love to the physical level...they were attempting to canoodle again last night...they need to be separated pronto.

Some similar snakie love pics:

Cee Cee and Seeley...

9466 9467

Cee Cee and Sadie...


08-13-2013, 07:22 AM
I forgot to add a very exciting little bit of news...if my mother ever gets my father's room cleaned out so that I can move my son in there so he has a bigger bedroom, I am finally going to have the snake room I have always wanted. I plan to make my son's current room into a study/snake room for me. Yipee!!

08-13-2013, 02:42 PM
That rocks!! And those pics are awesome! either best friends or soul mates... either way they look great!