View Full Version : Respiratory Infection
08-08-2013, 02:57 PM
Tiger seems to have a respiratory infection. She started sneezing about a week ago and I got her in to the vet. The check-up was good except for the sneezing. She's not eating right now but she's still a healthy weight and her mouth is free of mucus. We're not really sure how she got sick but she is an older snake and she got heavily gravid twice this year.
The vet started her on Baytril injections and I'm continuing to do them every 48 hours. The poor critter does not enjoy the injections. I'm giving her a daily soak to keep her hydrated and humidity's at 50%. The vet suggested keeping her warm (about 80F) at all times to speed recovery so I set up a heating pad for nighttime use (didn't want to use a heat lamp at night). She's still sneezing after two Baytril treatments, and still lethargic. I'm really hoping she pulls through.
08-08-2013, 04:39 PM
My big eastern female, Cee Cee, has chronic RI. The medication and advice that your vet gave you is solid. You may want to up the humidity a bit around 60% and increase the heat...I keep the warm side of my tanks at 81-83F on a regular basis...when my girl has an RI...I increase the heat to about 85F...and keep it around 70-75F....just on the one side of course, at night. If she starts soaking a lot or staying on the cool side of the tank, you know it is too warm for her and you can lower the heat a bit...but I wouldn't go below 80 during the day, and 70 at night. If she doesn't improve after a couple more injections, I would call the vet and ask if maybe she should be switched to another antibiotic...Baytril is great, but it just might not be doing the trick for her...I know Cee Cee was on something different but I don't remember the name. She seemed to improve after a couple of injections though. I do hope Tiger gets better soon. Keep us posted. And just a little FYI...I know that I have to watch which kind of substrate I use with Cee Cee...some of the kinds that produce a lot of dust make her RI's flare up.
08-08-2013, 04:42 PM
I can understand the snakes dislike for the injection as Baytril can cause injection site problems. Can you give your Vet. a call and see if he can be switched to oral Baytril?
I believe it was Chris-uk that had a problem injectable Baytril and one of his snakes.
Do a Google search of "baytril problems at injection site" for more information.
08-08-2013, 04:48 PM
I know it's tough with giving the injections and the snake will certainly not be thrilled about it. Interestingly, Cee Cee calmed down after the first couple and seemed to understand that I was helping her and that it was making her better. I asked the vet about oral meds when both Cee Cee and Sammy were sick...he said that unless I could be certain that I could get the meds in the snake's mouth...injections were better. I know with my snakes, getting an oral med in the mouth would not go well...guess it depends on the snake.
08-08-2013, 04:59 PM
I can understand the snakes dislike for the injection as Baytril can cause injection site problems. Can you give your Vet. a call and see if he can be switched to oral Baytril?
I believe it was Chris-uk that had a problem injectable Baytril and one of his snakes.
Do a Google search of "baytril problems at injection site" for more information.
My radix girl had problems on injection sites, although I'd have to check whether it was Baytril. Basically the scales over the top of the injection sites crinkled up and then wounds opened up which took 2-3 sheds to sort. She's lost the scales on those sites, probably 6 scales long by 2 scales wide. Her skin is okay now, but bled for the first few sheds.
I'm just off to bed, but I'll check what the injections were in the morning.
08-08-2013, 06:33 PM
Thanks for sharing your experiences and advice.
I use paper towels for substrate so that shouldn't be an issue. I'll see if I can get the temperatures and humidity a little higher.
The vet advised against oral dosing. She said based on the literature about herp treatments intramuscular injection was more effective. She claimed there isn't much uptake of the drug from the digestive system. I also found some posts online about oral dosing causing internal problems. Some people report no problems with either method. It's hard to say which option is best, because I do want the most effective treatment. The dose is diluted with saline, and I'm using a different injection site every time. So far no swelling or lesions at those areas but it's only been a few days.
Did CeeCee get sores, Marnie? I'll check for your post in the morning, Chris, thanks.
08-08-2013, 06:42 PM
Diluting was recommended by a few articles I did read, good deal.
08-09-2013, 02:02 AM
My issues were around the injection of Carprieve, which is a brand name of the generic drug Carprofen. It's an anti inflammatory drug (an NSAID) as opposed to an antibiotic like Baytril. The scale damage on Adora Belle came about on two injection sites out of three.
08-10-2013, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the info Chris. It makes me wonder if snakes often have issues with injections in general. The vet mentioned high risk of skin infection any time injections are performed, so I've been swabbing with alcohol beforehand.
It's hard to say for sure but I think Tiger's sneezing rate is down. She's not having any adverse reaction at the injection sites yet either. She got her third injection today. Only two more to go.
08-11-2013, 12:04 PM
Cee Cee had no problems from the injections at all. I would just keep an eye on her scales and look for any signs of swelling...but I have injected two snakes with meds and never saw any skin/scale issues.
08-20-2013, 11:10 AM
I finished Tiger's injections almost a week ago and her sneezing symptoms are still gone! There is no swelling or skin discoloration at the injection sites. The Baytril probably messed with her stomach a little because she'll only take worms. I'm happy that she's recovered and eating again.
08-20-2013, 11:41 AM
Great update. Thanks.
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