View Full Version : How do you deal with impaction in garters?

08-06-2013, 10:42 PM
I don't think this is a problem yet, and may never be, but I was wondering how you deal with it? I've noticed there's not the normal amount of poo in Harley's cage for the past week, and also her back end is a little 'fat' looking. In my python that's an indication that she needs to poo. No swelling or irritation around the vent area.
She's been very... I guess the word is 'persnickety' for the past week or so. Incredibly active though, so not what I'd expect from an impacted animal.

She may be about to throw a litter of slugs for all I know. She's definitely been wanting to mate since she's been feeling better. She's old enough and DEFINITELY big enough. Plus, she's in a room with three males, so her body may have gotten ready to mate and then nothing got fertilized.

Regardless, I'd like to know how you guys deal with constipated snakes just in case. I don't think this is anywhere near 'vet' material yet, but that is always an option, and I'm watching her closely.

Tomorrow, I'm putting in a large shallow water dish (we replaced it with a normal one after she got over her illness since changing wet bedding every day was getting old...) so she can stretch out and poo in the water if she wants.

I feel ridiculous asking about this, as I have a frog with neuro issues (she's special) that affect her digestive system, that has to have weekly preventative impaction treatments. lol I should be the impaction expert by now!

08-06-2013, 11:05 PM
i think most of the time people give the snake some time in a lukewarm bath im not sure for how long but thats what i have heard

08-07-2013, 12:04 AM

08-07-2013, 02:44 AM
I have noticed a small (and I mean VERY small) amount of poo/urates in her enclosure since just yesterday, but it just doesn't look normal. I'm not really worried just yet, but I'm keeping an eye on things especially since she's being so active. Hard to explain, but something is just ever so slightly off.

Eh, I doubt she'd object to a soak in warm water regardless, and she does very much love messing up clean water dishes, so I'll probably do that anyway.

Does the antsy sort of behavior sound like a snake that may be about to lay some slugs? She definitely went into mating mode awhile back as soon as she got well (it was like she was wondering why none of these males she was smelling were interested in her), so I wonder if that may be what's going on.