View Full Version : can i mix garters???

07-08-2007, 07:28 PM
like i have t.s.s and say if i had a t. radix cause like the way they look. would it live ok with rico being a t.s.s. or like say if one garter was a good size larger than they other one could i safely mix them with out fear of them eating one another or causing harm. and if i had dif species of garter in there is there any possibility that they would interbreed? or just coinside with each other?

07-08-2007, 08:39 PM
like i have t.s.s and say if i had a t. radix cause like the way they look. would it live ok with rico being a t.s.s. or like say if one garter was a good size larger than they other one could i safely mix them with out fear of them eating one another or causing harm. and if i had dif species of garter in there is there any possibility that they would interbreed? or just coinside with each other?

Hi... you've asked two questions here...

First, you could combine two different species of garter, if they are similar sized. You would need to always watch them at feeding time to make sure there are no accidents... a practice that you should follow even with two garters of the same species.

I would have a stool check with a vet before combining them. Again, this is something you should do with garters of the same species too.

But the answer to your second question is that it is considered unethical to cross breed different species. This is due to two factors. Factor A is that cross breeding could produce genetic defects of an unpleasant nature for the benefit of the snake in question. Factor B is that if the cross-bred offspring ever escape, or you sell/give one to someone else and that person lets it escape or turns it loose when tired of keeping it... then you have polluted the gene pool of the native snakes around your home when that crossbreed offspring goes out and breeds with them. And this could lead to problems for the wild snake population.

So... If the two snakes you want to have sharing living quarters are the same sex (absolutely sure), the same size, both healthy, and watched during eating to prevent accidental ingestion of one snake by the other, then I would say go ahead!

07-09-2007, 04:20 PM
cool thanks!!! i don't want to breed them, but now knowing that they might i think i'll spend the another 30 bucks and buy another tank =) but thank for the info mate!! =)