View Full Version : July 2013 Photo & Caption Comments Thread

07-07-2013, 07:13 AM
Comments about this month's photo and caption contest get posted here, so that we keep the contest threads free of clutter. Seriously, no chatting in the contest threads or the poll threads.

Before submitting any pictures, please read the rules.

07-07-2013, 11:06 AM
Well this is new.

07-10-2013, 03:58 AM
Unusual theme this month. Thankfully I've never had to assist any of my snakes with shedding but I look forward to seeing all the pictures :)

07-10-2013, 10:13 AM
I've assisted several but I didn't take a dang picture.

Actually I do have a few, but it doesn't show my hand. And I wasn't really assisting, he didnt need it.

07-23-2013, 09:55 AM
Guess you just need the camera on standby and grab one in the process :P ... had hoped to see some more pics.

07-23-2013, 10:58 AM
I've never had to assist a shed but once, and I didn't take pictures.

I have a video/pictures of one of my snakes shedding on my bed, and I am helping him with traction. Lol. but I don't think it counts

07-23-2013, 11:59 PM
I have video of it, but no pictures.

07-24-2013, 01:35 PM
take screenshots from the videos

07-24-2013, 02:06 PM
take screenshots from the videos
Or we could just discontinue the caption contest (5th month in a row with zero entries) and replace it with a video contest.

07-24-2013, 02:08 PM
or just add videos to the contest entries

07-26-2013, 12:36 PM
I've been trying to wait as long as I can for a snake to shed (any second now..) but I might just post a screenshot. Although the video could come in handy later if this ever goes into effect:

Or we could just discontinue the caption contest (5th month in a row with zero entries) and replace it with a video contest.

Which is actually a neat idea.

07-26-2013, 12:51 PM
i think adding videos could increase entries instead of making it a picture only contest. but then voting gets a little biased because the videos would just be better most of the time with more of a chance for something "cool" to happen when a pic is just a pic nothing is going to change. so in other words i don't know what to do now lol

07-26-2013, 04:52 PM
It's a photo contest and has been forever, the winner goes up on the home page, something a video can't and shouldn't do.


07-26-2013, 06:14 PM
(any second now..)

Of course I missed it.

08-04-2013, 09:50 AM
Congratulations to the winner.

08-04-2013, 09:59 AM
Congrats, Steve! Love that pic!