View Full Version : questions about feeding nightcrawlers

06-30-2013, 10:29 PM
what im wanting to know really is how do you know if a worm is to long or big for the snake? in terms of the worm crawling back out after eating. what i have been doing so far is cutting them into 3rds and feeding one at a time. last night she ate for the first time from my fingers and almost got my finger. which brings my next question how much is enough? she is around 13-14 inches from the measuring app from here Serpwidgets - Snake Measurer (http://www.serpwidgets.com/main/measure) and a little smaller round than my pinky finger or a little smaller than a sharpie marker. also i have finally named her Ekoh (echo) from greek mythology just because i really like greek mythology.

EDIT: i also forgot to mention i plan on picking up some pinky mice also for a little variety and for the other nutrients that the nightcrawlers don't have

06-30-2013, 11:36 PM
If the snake is small... Cut the pieces of the worm to about the size of the head of the snake... then you cant go wrong with it being too small for tong feeding pieces, or too big for the snake... I always just cut them to be the same size or slightly bigger then the snakes head. ;)

Edit: For babys with pinky mice... I always take them out of the freezer and immediately use a decent butcher knife designated for pinks... lat flay on back and cut down the middle then cut 5 strips so you have 10 pieces to feed to the baby which is 1 whole pink but when its cut it is digested much faster as well.

Sounds gruesome... But what must be done, will be done I guess :p

07-01-2013, 12:23 AM
Basically, I just think of what would seem appropriate for the snake and then go one size down till they're full grown :rolleyes: Like it's already been said, you can't go wrong with going too small.

07-01-2013, 12:28 AM
If the snake is small...

that is one problem i don't know if she is considered small or not i don't even really know how old she might be or her true length with some of her tail missing.

Sounds gruesome... But what must be done, will be done I guess :p

i dont have any problem with stuff like that for a pet especially one i like so much lol

07-01-2013, 12:36 AM
Like it's already been said, you can't go wrong with going too small.

that's why i have been cutting them into 3rds i just wasn't sure if there was any kind of standard or whatever

im also not sure of the amount i know i read somewhere about it is enough when there is a slight bulge but not sure about how long the bulge should be..idk maybe im just too worried and over thinking things i just want her to be a BIG (not obese) healthy girl. i just love having her, i have always wanted a pet snake and now that i have one i want to be a good human to her lol

07-01-2013, 02:21 AM
I had a problem with proper size of worms. My big female has to have them cut into thirds, but my smallest male will only eat them if they are still in one piece- I just drown the worm until it's just barely wiggling before I give it to him. As a rule though- the advice above is pretty sound, just be ware of picky eaters.

07-01-2013, 12:47 PM
i got one more question when feeding night crawlers what should the feces look like? i was wondering because sometimes its a darker kind of yellowish or brown and some places in her aquarium where it looks like its white like a bird. i wasn't sure if its normal for it to be different like that from time to time or if maybe she has something from being a WC

07-01-2013, 01:48 PM
The white or yellowish part is urates. Birds and reptiles have very similar waste. Sometimes just urates comes out and it dries to a white chalky yellowish crystalline appearance or urates and feces come out together. The darker stuff is feces.

07-01-2013, 02:07 PM
I admire your thirst for knowledge Jwolfe =)

07-01-2013, 03:40 PM
i got one more question when feeding night crawlers what should the feces look like? i was wondering because sometimes its a darker kind of yellowish or brown and some places in her aquarium where it looks like its white like a bird. i wasn't sure if its normal for it to be different like that from time to time or if maybe she has something from being a WC


07-01-2013, 04:05 PM
I admire your thirst for knowledge Jwolfe =)

I'm responsible for keeping Ekoh alive and I want to know as much as I can about her health so I have her for as long as possible. I have done this with all my pets from my chihuahua, to my stray cat. Make sure i don't give them the wrong table scraps (I know none are good but i like to spoil them all) and make sure i treat them the right way when they act funny, like my chihuahua Hershey gets scared as soon as he hears anything like thunder. So i have to try not to make him think he has done anything wrong so he doesn't get worse. i just really love all my pets

07-01-2013, 04:18 PM
also it would be a good idea to take all the pic from that poop thread and make a sticky post in general or urgent care maybe both so its quick reference when someone new joins or someone somewhat new thinks something is wrong. just a thought if you want someone to gather the pics or make the post whatever i would be happy to

07-01-2013, 05:07 PM
I understand why you want just the photos but then it has to be updated and kept currant with the original thread. It would be a lot easier to just make the Poop I.D. thread sticky. It's up to a mod to make something "Sticky" so you would have to make a request of it.

07-01-2013, 07:04 PM
i just thought a new thread would be neater with the pics and a description of the specific "poop". that and i just thought it odd for it to only be in the hubandry section for something that actually seems to be more of a general thing. i understand the moderator part i actually thought you was a mod with all the posts and help with everything, maybe you should be

07-01-2013, 07:52 PM
i just thought a new thread would be neater with the pics and a description of the specific "poop". that and i just thought it odd for it to only be in the hubandry section for something that actually seems to be more of a general thing. i understand the moderator part i actually thought you was a mod with all the posts and help with everything, maybe you should be

Thanks but I'm just one of the members.