View Full Version : throwing up?

06-26-2013, 01:43 AM
My previous post about Scar concerned my boyfriend feeding him red worms.
Since then he has been eating regularly. On Saturday he ate two whole DMF nightcrawlers. He's about three times the size of Cuddles (13-15 inches) so I wasn't surprised. I offered him another tonight just to see if he would take it, since I had to try feeding Cuddles again (he refused food Saturday). He didn't take it, which didn't surprise me.

I just checked on Scar again when I went to turn their lamp out for the night and I noticed a half-digested worm in the tank with him that hadn't been there half an hour before. The smell was absolutely awful. He seems fine, but is this something that I should be worried about? Is it normal for snakes to regurgitate food that they ate three days before?

06-26-2013, 01:51 AM
Regurgitating isn't 'normal' but if it doesn't happen often it isn't something to worry about. Kind of like vomiting in humans. Once might just mean you ate something bad, but if you keep throwing up you're probably sick.
Just keep an eye on him. If it keeps happening you might want to get a fecal sample and take it to a vet.

06-26-2013, 02:31 AM
Is it possible that he may have ate too much?
Should I offer him any more food any time soon? I'm guessing it would be a good idea to let what's left settle.

07-02-2013, 03:04 PM
I would say yes it's possible to overfeed him.
Consider his size and then consider how big his stomach probably is.
Although you may have overfed him just a little. A 3 day period off food especially night-crawlers should be enough time for him to have digested most of it, and possibly left behind some poop.
http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o774/foxrun402/Snake-Anatomy-BugsInTheNews_zpse20f5253.jpg (http://s1342.photobucket.com/user/foxrun402/media/Snake-Anatomy-BugsInTheNews_zpse20f5253.jpg.html)

at 13-15 inches I would say 1 whole NC cut or uncut should be a sufficient meal for a 3 day period. Or 1 pinky mouse every 5th day. Others will also have their opinions and I would just keep soaking up information as you have been. I hope Scar will be ok... Just keep a close eye on him and probably let him rest. Talk to him... They like attention ;)