View Full Version : Where to get worms for food?

06-15-2013, 05:56 PM
Hey, I'm new to garter snakes, never owned one before so I'm just reading up on care. I read that they can eat earthworms, somefish, and mice. but what I would like to know is where to get the earthworms. do I just find some from my yard or do I have to buy some somewhere?? can they carry parasites?? thanks to anyone who can help me out:)

06-16-2013, 12:48 PM
You can get them at Wal-mart. If you do make sure to get nightcrawlers (or baby nightcrawlers). You can get them from your yard as well, provided you don't use pesticides or other chemicals. Worms don't tend to carry parasites that do damage to garters to the same extent that other food sources do.

06-16-2013, 01:03 PM
You don't say where you are from, so if you are in the UK you won't find worms in supermarkets. Best bet in the UK are fishing shops, or mail order - worms direct is one mail order company.

06-16-2013, 01:29 PM
An area where you're sure chemicals haven't been used

06-16-2013, 02:04 PM
You don't say where you are from, so if you are in the UK you won't find worms in supermarkets. Best bet in the UK are fishing shops, or mail order - worms direct is one mail order company.

How do you store the worms if you order from a mail order company? Thanks Chris

06-16-2013, 04:08 PM
I get them from a local fishing shop as their prices are about the same as mail order, but I don't think it matters where they come from you just need to store them in a cool dark place.

06-16-2013, 05:28 PM
Refrigerator...they will live forever in there.... You can take them out and let them sit at room temp every once in a while for a few hours to let them get active and eat and move around to grow... or keep them dormant in the fridge until feeding time... ;)

06-17-2013, 03:01 AM
I get them from a local fishing shop as their prices are about the same as mail order, but I don't think it matters where they come from you just need to store them in a cool dark place.

Refrigerator...they will live forever in there.... You can take them out and let them sit at room temp every once in a while for a few hours to let them get active and eat and move around to grow... or keep them dormant in the fridge until feeding time... ;)

I'm thinking I could shove them in the garage. I meant how big a container do they require, does it have to be very deep? Do you have to add water at all? What kind of substrate mix does it have to be, can it be normal compost or is that too pure. Thanks.

06-17-2013, 04:23 AM
No don't use compost as earthworms feed on matter that has all ready rotted. Best thing to use would be soil from the ground

06-17-2013, 05:59 AM
Depend on the species.
Night crawlers live deep, and need cold (refrigerator )I temperatures. They can remain dormant for weeks or months in peat or other suitable bedding. Night crawlers surface at night to feed on vegetable matter, and may bw gathered with a flashlight after a rain or by 'fiddling'.

Red worms also known as leaf worms or compost worms live at room temperatures, but produce toxins that may cause seizures and kill snakes. Avoid them.

African night crawlers prefer warm temperatures. 70 degrees ir slightly warmer, a.d do well in a well in a worm bin filled w shredded newspaper and fed finely chopped vegetable scraps. They must be kept warm- they die if they get too cold (pre air conditioning and winter temp drops can be fatal from what I've read.

Research what is available, and what lives in your yard. Most deep living species need cool temperatures. Red worms have been widely spread by fishermen and gardeners- beware of anything red or red banded.

06-17-2013, 11:29 AM
Awesome thanks everyone:)

06-17-2013, 03:31 PM
I'm thinking I could shove them in the garage. I meant how big a container do they require, does it have to be very deep? Do you have to add water at all? What kind of substrate mix does it have to be, can it be normal compost or is that too pure. Thanks.

I buy a couple of pots of 10 at a time... They don't survive long enough for me to worry about keeping them alive for more than a day or two. :D

06-21-2013, 05:17 PM
I'm thinking I could shove them in the garage. I meant how big a container do they require, does it have to be very deep? Do you have to add water at all? What kind of substrate mix does it have to be, can it be normal compost or is that too pure. Thanks.

Heat/warmth will kill them. Add some wilted lettuce or other old veggies, or even damp newspaper for food if you plan to keep them a while (in a cool place). They are living beings, remember that.

I bought some nightcrawlers at the local bait shop for the first time 3 weeks ago. I will NEVER do that again. They bleed when you cut them and they suffer/squirm.

My little angels are on pinkies/safe fish from now on. No more nightcrawler nightmares for me!

06-28-2013, 10:53 AM
another way to catch your own is around the late evening take some lukewarm water i used to add a little dish soap to the water (its been so long im not sure if it actually helped anything)or when it has had a good rain before night fall and about an hour after dark start crawling or stepping VERY VERY carefully through your yard with a light and search for them. it will take a few grabs to get the hang of it they can be FAST but if your slow walking around as in very little vibrations you can get LOADS of night crawlers in one night to keep in fridge start your own bin or whatever. i usually just make some warm water or a night it rains go out and get one or two crawlers and feed after a little rinse and cut.

06-29-2013, 04:14 PM
Food source questions irk me when it comes to wild caught (anything). I lost my first garter, and looking back, I am very suspicious of the wild fish I'd feed her, particularly because of the amount of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides used in this area because of golf courses (and a general sense of everyone having to keep a 'perfect' lawn).

06-30-2013, 08:42 AM
Like wolfe said i use a 5 gallon bucket of warm water with a little dish soap give it a couple min. You should have hundreds...keep in the fridge with moist not wet soil should last at least 6 months unless you forget to moisten like i do then you will have a funky smell....yuck!!