View Full Version : small collection must go!!!

Journey Fan
05-14-2013, 12:14 AM
Hello all,
For a number of reasons I need to sell my garter snake collection. I thought things would work, but they aren't. I just do not have time.
They need to be gone soon. I don't want to set them loose, but the pet stores around here don't want them and I am running out of options!
So, I am asking for someone to, "make me an offer".
Here is what I have: All are Captive Born and feeding on pinkies and fish (not goldfish).

three Santa Cruz 2012
four very nice Oregon red spot 2012, two have red heads!
1.2 Puget Sound adults, one of the females is greenish, the other two snakes are blue, especially the male!
seven new babies from them, that are eating fish and worms.

That is 17 snakes. Any decent offer will be accepted. The sooner the better.