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View Full Version : Two axanthic types in one litter

Jeff B
05-12-2013, 09:00 PM
My 3rd litter this season was axanthic male x het axanthic female. At first I thought there was two piles of color about half were axanthic (12) and half were normal (13). After they are started eating and growing I noticed a few of the axanthics were darker that the others (3). Then I realized the other 9 axanthics were actually a lighter color than the axanthics from my other litter that contained axathics. The 3 dark axanthics are definitely not anerythristics as they are no where near dark enough and the have green dorsal stripes. Anyway here are some pictures of the 3 representative colors present in this litter. one normal, one light axanthic and one dark axanthic. I am not certain what this means yet.

05-13-2013, 02:47 AM
Could it be simple polymorphism in the degree to which the axanthic phenotype is expressed?

I think Sjoerd is looking at something similar in his silver parietalis litter this year.

05-13-2013, 02:42 PM
I think it means some look different then others and that's it. Doug Wenzell said he saw the same thing when he bred them years ago.

Jeff B
05-13-2013, 08:32 PM
Could be, but there isn't any inbetweeners. and with 3 blues that all look identical and 9 greens that all look identical thus far, that's not how random variance typically works, but could be something suttle influencing the degree of axanthic expressed, or could be xxAA versus xXaA as we considered before, could could even be xxaA.