View Full Version : I just killed a snake.
05-12-2013, 10:39 AM
This morning, I was scouting out the yard for snakes. I spotted one over by my neighbor's house.
But when I got near it, it wasn't moving. I almost thought it was dead. But when I went to pick it up, it started squirming and striking.
I took the poor girl over to my driveway to get a better look at it. There looked to be some bad injuries around the middle of her back, and she wasn't able to move that part of her body. The upper half seemed quite mobile, though.
But after a lot of consideration - and not a small amount of hesitation - I finally decided that there was only one humane thing to do: to end her life.
I contemplated a couple of ways to end it as quickly and as painlessly as possible, and remembering something aSnakeLovingBabe posted long ago, I finally took a brick. She dodged my first strike. I finally struck her on the head, and after a few seconds, she stopped struggling.
I don't feel good about this catch at all, but at least I'm glad that I was able to end her suffering. Although I'm no expert, I seriously doubt she would have survived for long with her injuries.
05-12-2013, 11:11 AM
Sounds like the only humane decision. If she hadn't died of her existing injuries she would have been a sitting duck for predators.
Still, it can't feel good making the decision.
05-12-2013, 11:26 AM
You euthanized out of love. Hope that is what she would have wanted.
05-12-2013, 11:38 AM
Been there. Not a good feeling since life is so valuable but you did the right thing.
05-12-2013, 12:32 PM
Thanks, guys. In my mind, I know I did what was best for the snake. But I still feel bad about it. As Steve says, life is valuable. But if the snake was going to die anyway, at least it should be quick.
On the plus side, I've already caught eight others alive, and have released seven of them in the woods so far this year. The other is living in Little Dude's tank right now. I call her Piggy, because, when I first caught her, she was constantly eating. Fish, nightcrawlers - she didn't care, as long as she could gulp it down and it didn't eat her first.
05-12-2013, 01:34 PM
What about taking it to a vet and letting a qualified professional decide what the best course of a action is? If it were a dog would you have picked up a brick and smash his or her head in like you did to the snake? I doubt it. Reptiles have an amazing ability to heal. Sounds to me like you made the absolute wrong decision. Now go ahead and kill me folks but I call it how I see it.
05-12-2013, 01:36 PM
I actually just had to do this the other day. My neighbor came to me with a dekays snake that was badly injured, he hit her while mowing the lawn and felt bad (he didn't see her). She was really gashed up, missing the last third of her body and cut up but probably would have lived like that for at least a day. So I too had to do the same... And I still employ the brick method. I lay the brick on my driveway and then place the snakes head under the edge of it, and then I stomp on the brick. That way, there is no accidental missing or hitting the snake only halfway and injuring it more. It's about the quickest way to ensure instant brain destruction which is the only way to end suffering. I have been thinking about it all week... It eats at me every time I have to do it. But I know that her fate was sealed and that in all reality it was only a matter of time, and I shortened how long she had to suffer.
05-12-2013, 01:54 PM
What about taking it to a vet and letting a qualified professional decide what the best course of a action is? If it were a dog would you have picked up a brick and smash his or her head in like you did to the snake?
Dude...reptiles need quick and sudden instant brain death. They are not candidates for the "needle" type of euthanasia that works for mammals (humans/dogs/cats etc....).
Death happens.
05-12-2013, 02:51 PM
Dude...reptiles need quick and sudden instant brain death. They are not candidates for the "needle" type of euthanasia that works for mammals (humans/dogs/cats etc....).
Death happens.
Dude, that snake didn't die, it was killed. Ever hear of a wildlife rehab center dude? How would that person or yourself for that matter, know that the snake wasn't able to be saved? Huh dude? Or are snakes just lesser animals that do not deserve good quality medical care?
05-12-2013, 03:21 PM
I don't think he posted here to be judged. None of us were there. Only he knows the situation first hand. I don't think any of us want to do this kind of chore but it has to be done under certain circumstances.
I'm not a Vet. but feel I have the commonsense to know when an animal has sustained a fatal injury.
I'm certainly not trying to start an argument but your statement was very judgmental.
05-12-2013, 03:52 PM
Steve, Respectfully, I disagree with you. He put the post up there looking for everyone to say(and so far they have) that he did the right thing. I disagree. What I'm saying is...... As an alternative to killing the snake, he could have..... Ill say it again, he could have JUST AS EASILY decided to take the snake to a vet and let the vet decide. That's all. I can't see how anyone in good faith, can find fault in what I'm saying. No one here has ever found a baby bird that was attacked by a cat and all beaten up and tried to save it? Sometimes he lived and sometimes he died but at least you tried. But you never said hey let me get a brick and kill it. Are we saying in a forum for snakes that snakes deserve less? I am not being judgmental Steve. Objective maybe but not judgmental.
05-12-2013, 04:00 PM
No problem Mike.
I agree that there were other options but you and I were not there.
05-12-2013, 05:02 PM
Steve, Respectfully, I disagree with you. He put the post up there looking for everyone to say(and so far they have) that he did the right thing. I disagree. What I'm saying is...... As an alternative to killing the snake, he could have..... Ill say it again, he could have JUST AS EASILY decided to take the snake to a vet and let the vet decide. That's all. I can't see how anyone in good faith, can find fault in what I'm saying. No one here has ever found a baby bird that was attacked by a cat and all beaten up and tried to save it? Sometimes he lived and sometimes he died but at least you tried. But you never said hey let me get a brick and kill it. Are we saying in a forum for snakes that snakes deserve less? I am not being judgmental Steve. Objective maybe but not judgmental.
Anyone with experience taking snakes to a general vet could find fault with what you're saying. Most vets know little to nothing about reptiles. And what if money was an issue? I know I couldn't afford a vet bill for a terminally injured snake. A lot of rehabbers even charge for vet care beyond just some TLC (they say they need 'sponsors' for the animal) if it isn't endangered.
To answer your question; Yes I've found many animals that are on the verge of death and successfully rehabbed many of them. But when I see a case that is OBVIOUSLY terminal to ANYONE with common sense, I do the humane thing and say "Hey let me get a brick and kill it". Or, I guess I could terrify it by dragging it out of the woods, taking it on a long car ride, making it sit in a cold vet's office, and then letting someone poke and prod at it for a few minutes before finally ending its life.
No one here knows what that snake's actual condition was, but it sounds to me like it was terminal, and probably saved from a slow, painful death.
FYI: There's evidence that death by euthanasia does not work the same for reptiles and amphibians as for mammals. Their brains remain active long after their body begins to shut down, and in many species it can be a rather drawn out, conscious, process.
05-12-2013, 05:04 PM
No problem Mike.
I agree that there were other options but you and I were not there.
This is true I was not there and saving an animal(any animal) is always a judgement call.
I am saying however, that we are not (at least I'm not) qualified to make that call and the animal it seems, deserved as much.
05-12-2013, 05:38 PM
Mike, you weren't here, so by your very absence, you aren't qualified to make any kind of judgment calls.
I didn't post here looking for affirmation, but to express my sorrow at what I had to do. I really don't give a rat's tail whether you think it was right or not. I was here. I saw the snake, and how it wasn't able to move below that injury. I also know my town, and know full well there isn't a qualified reptile vet available anywhere near here. And I wasn't about to drive to Memphis or Jackson to look for one. I know with absolute certainty that the absolute best I could do - apart from killing the animal - was to prolong its miserable existence so that it could die later, probably in excruciating pain.
So I really don't care whether I have your affirmation or not. I made the call, and my assessment that the absolute most humane thing to do was to end the creature's life still stands. So unless you can walk on water and have the ability to raise the snake from the dead, you and I have nothing to discuss. Good day to you, sir.
05-12-2013, 06:55 PM
Mike, you weren't here, so by your very absence, you aren't qualified to make any kind of judgment calls.
I didn't post here looking for affirmation, but to express my sorrow at what I had to do. I really don't give a rat's tail whether you think it was right or not. I was here. I saw the snake, and how it wasn't able to move below that injury. I also know my town, and know full well there isn't a qualified reptile vet available anywhere near here. And I wasn't about to drive to Memphis or Jackson to look for one. I know with absolute certainty that the absolute best I could do - apart from killing the animal - was to prolong its miserable existence so that it could die later, probably in excruciating pain.
So I really don't care whether I have your affirmation or not. I made the call, and my assessment that the absolute most humane thing to do was to end the creature's life still stands. So unless you can walk on water and have the ability to raise the snake from the dead, you and I have nothing to discuss. Good day to you, sir. WOW..... talk about walking on water man. Listen buddy. I know you're not looking for my affirmation and I'm sure you could care less what I think(I feel the same way). I just disagreed with you but I wasn't trying to take this to a personal level(looks like you are) but I'm pretty good at being sarcastic as well. You posted this on the forum therefore, agree with me or not, you WILL hear what I have to say as a fellow forum member in good standing. If you don't like that I disagree with you, save your snake killing stories for the camp fire. It was a judgment call, I get it but this is where we disagree. "THE ABSOLUTE BEST YOU COULD DO" was to get your lazy rats tail(sound familiar?) into a vehicle and get it to someone who is qualified to make that decision(you, despite of what you think, are not). In closing, let me help your over inflated ego out a bit. For the record, you did not save this snake. You cannot even say with any degree of accuracy that you humanely euthanized that snake. The only thing we know for sure is that you KILLED that snake. Its right there in your thread title.
05-12-2013, 07:13 PM
As I said, Mike, we have nothing further to discuss, so you can take your self-righteous attitude and shove it.
05-12-2013, 07:24 PM
Mike, take your clown act elsewhere buddy. You have nothing constructive to add other than point fingers when you obviously dont have all the information. He made a judgement call on a snake that was obviously in horrific pain to do the humane thing. If it was at all avoidable it wouldnt have happened, but it did.
So get off ur damm high horse and give the guy a break.
05-12-2013, 07:24 PM
Let's not let this get out of hand. Please.
05-12-2013, 07:26 PM
I'm pretty sure that a three-hour drive to find a reptile vet that might or might not be open on a Sunday is exactly what the snake needed. Probably would have worked wonders for its condition, too.
05-12-2013, 07:40 PM
This is really offensive to anyone who has ever had to put an animal down. Seriously, if you don't have the common sense to realize when an animal has passed the point of no return, then I hate to break it to you, but you've probably unintentionally been the cause of a lot of pain and suffering.
But seriously, if you'd like to share a plan of action that causes an animal with severe wounds and paralysis less pain and suffering than immediate brain death, I'd like to hear it. Because, assuming the person who finds it can't spend countless hours and dollars on a lost cause, I'm really at a loss as to what exactly that plan would be.
05-13-2013, 03:29 AM
Mike, take your clown act elsewhere buddy. You have nothing constructive to add other than point fingers when you obviously dont have all the information. He made a judgement call on a snake that was obviously in horrific pain to do the humane thing. If it was at all avoidable it wouldnt have happened, but it did.
So get off ur damm high horse and give the guy a break.Sorry Scott. He posted that post expecting everyone(you guys) to do exactly what you guys did. Agree with him and tell him what a difficult but good thing he did. And anyone who denies that is just either very young or very naive. I just don't agree and in this open forum setting, I said so. If you don't like it YOU are the real clown. I wasn't offensive in my
initial post and find it amazing that any of you will actually deny that a vet could have, COULD have helped. That's what I'm saying. It has nothing to do with a high horse. I just have the courage to disagree with something like that. If the moderators choose to ban me based on the fact that I disagree with one of you, so be it.
05-13-2013, 04:03 AM
This is really offensive to anyone who has ever had to put an animal down. Seriously, if you don't have the common sense to realize when an animal has passed the point of no return, then I hate to break it to you, but you've probably unintentionally been the cause of a lot of pain and suffering.
But seriously, if you'd like to share a plan of action that causes an animal with severe wounds and paralysis less pain and suffering than immediate brain death, I'd like to hear it. Because, assuming the person who finds it can't spend countless hours and dollars on a lost cause, I'm really at a loss as to what exactly that plan would be.
I'm sorry you find this so offensive Lora. I find it offensive that you condone such behavior based on "spending countless hours and dollars on a lost cause". I ask you all again if it were a dog or a cat would you simply have said "hey, I don't really want to drive three hours and spend my money on this animal because I own a dog and based on that I think he's not gonna make it anyway soooooo let me just go ahead and KILL it". Did you guys ever hear of temporary paralysis? Would it have hurt any at the very least to have taken the snake inside for a few days and maybe cleaned the wounds? Or are you guys all GOD and know that the snake was gonna die no matter what you did. You guys don't like hearing anyone disagree with you. That's the real issue here. And here is another thing. Take out the fact that I think he killed the snake without even TRYING to come up with another solution. Trust me when I tell you, powerful organizations who don't want us to keep any reptiles comb these forums every day looking for irresponsible posts like this to use against us. I was trying to be respectful about it but since the gloves(not my move) are off...this post is wrong in so many ways that its not even funny. You guys can call me names, you can say I'm on a high horse, I'm disrespectful, whatever. I
Can handle it all. The bottom line is I disagreed and you guys don't like it. I find it hilarious that you guys will argue with the fact that there were other options he could have TRIED before taking a brick and bashing his head in.
05-13-2013, 05:00 AM
He posted that post expecting everyone(you guys) to do exactly what you guys did. Agree with him and tell him what a difficult but good thing he did.
WRONG. I posted here, not looking for agreement, but to express my own grief at having to do something that I didn't want to do. You're the one reading motives into the post that simply aren't there. You're mistaking sadness for low self-esteem, and in that, are just plain wrong. You act like you're some kind of mind reader, but you're not. Get over yourself.
But here's something you seem to be completely overlooking: whether any of the options you claim MUST be available were even reasonable. I live in a small town, and the closest cities in which there even might be a decent reptile doctor are three-hour drives away. You argue that by not taking that drive, that I was being lazy? I argue that, given the condition of the creature - a condition that I had first-hand observation of, and which you didn't - it was unreasonable to commit an entire day's worth of travel on the off-chance I might be able to find emergency service for the creature, only to have it die anyway.
The bottom line is, you've been acting like some kind of know-it-all pretty much from your first post. You say that you're only expressing your disagreement, but I say you don't even have decent information on which to base your disagreement. You weren't there; I was. And that simple fact in and of itself makes me ten times more qualified to assess the reality of the situation than you are.
I'm not looking for your approval, so I don't care whether you give it. But don't come on here acting like you know things when you obviously don't.
I've kept many animals since the age of nine and have sadly dispatched several animals. Notice I didn't say had, I realize I had a choice but I feel no guilt. Some times although hard and maybe even cruel in some peoples eyes it is the best thing for the animal in my eyes. The animal can't choose so maybe it would rather struggle to live for several days and endure the change of environment and stress that comes with that and possibly still die or live forever disabled.
I came to this conclusion after being with several animals under veterinary euthanasia. If the animal needs to be killed and is going to be under great stress at a vets and going to a vets then I would rather do it myself if I am competent to do so. I have also come to realise that many vets are rather incompetent when it comes to exotic and even not so exotic pets.
Sorry you had the task to do but I'm glad it was you that found it and not someone who would of taken it on a long journey or allowed the suffering to continue.
By the way if you find me with parts of my body severed off and obviously about to die a brick to the head sounds fine to me.
05-13-2013, 08:55 AM
WRONG. I posted here, not looking for agreement, but to express my own grief at having to do something that I didn't want to do. You're the one reading motives into the post that simply aren't there. You're mistaking sadness for low self-esteem, and in that, are just plain wrong. You act like you're some kind of mind reader, but you're not. Get over yourself.
No there is no reading into motives. I simply think you didn't think it through. It is YOU who can't get over the fact that I disagree with your actions. That will not change so you get over it. Like your title said, "I killed a snake today" and that's exactly what you did.
05-13-2013, 09:29 AM
Trust me when I tell you, powerful organizations who don't want us to keep any reptiles comb these forums every day looking for irresponsible posts like this to use against us. I was trying to be respectful about it but since the gloves(not my move) are off...this post is wrong in so many ways that its not even funny. .
What 'Powerful Organizations' are combing this forum looking for someone who LEGALLY killed an animal that is classified as a PEST SPECIES (sad but true) to outlaw the keeping of exotics? I'm interested in your sources for this. Of course, anyone with common sense knows that you'll probably get caught by keyword filters if you brag extensively about doing something illegal, but that really doesn't apply to this situation.
I ask you all again if it were a dog or a cat would you simply have said "hey, I don't really want to drive three hours and spend my money on this animal because I own a dog and based on that I think he's not gonna make it anyway soooooo let me just go ahead and KILL it". Did you guys ever hear of temporary paralysis? Would it have hurt any at the very least to have taken the snake inside for a few days and maybe cleaned the wounds?
Yes, actually. Didn't expect that did you? But the thing is; I don't own *A* dog. I have owned dozens, and I am a realist. I take it from the way you act like everyone CAN spend time and limitless money on every ill animal they come across that you are probably either very young or very rich.
There have been several times that I've had to make tough calls on whether I can or can't even TRY rehabbing an animal for financial reasons. If the vet bills are going to make money so tight that I couldn't afford a vet visit for one of MY animals that I have made a commitment to, then it is my responsibility to THEM to make the decision not to do it. Of course, that's what gives me the funds and time to devote to cases where there IS a chance for the animal to recover.
Just out of curiosity; how many severely paralyzed snakes have you spent the time and money to rehabilitate successfully? I'd love to see the before and after shots.
05-13-2013, 09:31 AM
OK. Shall we stop this before it gets out of hand?
Didymus was on the scene and clearly he did consider other options before reaching for a brick. The forum is an outlet for the way he felt about what he felt he had to do. For anyone who wasn't there to tell him he should have done something else is wrong - it's clear from what I've read that he didn't dispatch the injured snake without thinking first.
Mike - you're making assumptions about the life of an animal you didn't see, if Didymus made a judgement call that the snake had terminal injuries I trust that call because I know the decision wouldn't have been easy. It doesn't always take a vet to know that an animal isn't going to make it. I don't think anyone is arguing that there weren't other options, but based on the information we've been given the other options weren't viable. I don't for one moment believe that an animal rescue centre (if there was one nearby) would have spent a lot of money to try to keep this snake alive. Didymus has already said that the nearest place he could have sought veterinary expertise was a 3 hour drive away - that is not a practical option in my eyes. So other options were explored, and found to be non-viable.
I don't think there is much else to be said in this thread, the two of you won't agree and I think the rest of us should now keep our opinions to ourselves.
05-13-2013, 09:32 AM
Just to clarify; when I say 'Kill a dog' I am referring to vet-assisted euthanasia. There is no reason someone can't take a dog or cat in to a shelter where it would be euthanized for free, as there aren't restrictions on who will even see them like there are for reptiles, and the euthanasia process has been proven to be humane for them.
(And I am also talking about severely ill strays that would have endangered my other animals and been an impossible financial burden. They were never taken in with the instructions to euthanize; but they were given to shelters that almost immediately had to do just that).
05-13-2013, 10:34 AM
No there is no reading into motives. I simply think you didn't think it through. It is YOU who can't get over the fact that I disagree with your actions. That will not change so you get over it. Like your title said, "I killed a snake today" and that's exactly what you did.
Go pretend to be a mind-reader someplace else. We're done here.
05-13-2013, 11:54 AM
Pool's closed.
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