View Full Version : So my Snake did something different today....

05-11-2013, 08:59 PM
Ok, well, I was handling my snake, like I usually do and he seemed pretty cool with it. He was moving around and flicking his tongue like normal and he didn't musk or pee, so I figured he was alright. Then, he did something I've never seem him do before, and I'm hoping one of you might know what it is, or at least agree with what I think.

Anyway, as I was holding him, he opened his mouth and it kind of looked like he was trying to regurgitate something, but instead, some drops of liquid came out on each side of his mouth. Some fell on the floor before I could get him back in his tank, but it was definitely out of the ordinary.

I think that was him ejecting some Venom, as he's a Striped Keelback and they do have rear-fangs and a mild venom(Not harmful to humans unless your allergic to it). I've never seen him do that, especially since he seemed so... Normal at the time, as there have been times where I've been holding him and he was obviously stressed, and in those cases I put him back immediately.

So, what are your guys' thoughts?

05-11-2013, 09:28 PM
My guess would be he drank some water and felt a little stressed by the handling. Could have just been too much water.

Doubt it had anything to do with venom.

05-11-2013, 09:58 PM
You know, I thought it was just water, or maybe some saliva or stomach fluid as well. But I can tell you it was definitely thicker than water.

05-12-2013, 07:29 AM
You know, I thought it was just water, or maybe some saliva or stomach fluid as well. But I can tell you it was definitely thicker than water.

It always seem thicker once it goes in. Just like you said, saliva and/or stomach fluids.

05-12-2013, 09:17 AM
Any idea why he would have done that?

05-12-2013, 09:57 AM
I would say she drank too much water and you held her too soon afterward.

It's something to watch but not be overly concerned about.

05-12-2013, 10:07 AM
Ok. Thanks for the info, I was a little worried that this was his first offensive gesture towards me.

05-13-2013, 03:22 PM
Ok. Thanks for the info, I was a little worried that this was his first offensive gesture towards me.
Wait until you have the scent of food on your hand and you get close to him. Then you may get another offensive gesture. lol

05-14-2013, 06:52 AM
Wait until you have the scent of food on your hand and you get close to him. Then you may get another offensive gesture. lolActually, he seems to be able to tell the difference between me and his food. Probably because I feed him while holding him.

05-14-2013, 02:18 PM
Well that might just save your fingers then, I can't get Suzi to eat while holding her, she will grab the worm and spit it out off to the side as a rude gesture or something, she would rather be ground level and have me feed her by hand lol! Still they don't always have perfect aim, though it must be pretty sweet to have him eat while holding him :D

05-14-2013, 02:59 PM
Ya, that happened when I tried feeding him a fish while holding the fish, since I've read you can do that with Garters. Wouldn't take it though(Still won't, I try every other feeding), so I put it down and I was getting ready to put him down as well when he took it. Since then, I've always held him when he feeds. I figure if I do that, then I won't have to worry about him mistaking my fingers for food, and also, he may never regurgitate when I handle him...At least, hopefully not.

05-14-2013, 03:25 PM
I haven't had that happen yet, She always eats her food then I give her a good 10 minutes to chill out and then I pick her up and put her back carefully keeping her weight distributed as even as I can to not make her uncomfortable. Sounds like you have a pretty awesome friend there though for sure! ;)

05-14-2013, 04:54 PM
Ya, I'm glad I got him. Just received a new snake this morning, and I hope she will be a great snake as well.

05-14-2013, 07:59 PM
I've had a few reptiles that do this. A couple of my T. ordinoides have done this before. As soon as my female finished giving birth, I put her in the bathtub with a couple inches of lupewarm water, and she drank until she couldn't breathe, and then caught her breath to keep drinking. When I put her back in her tank, she opened her mouth and leaked a bunch of the "water". My old bearded dragon did the same thing after she gave birth. Ive had males do it too for no apparent reason. Maybe they just forgot to drink one day and decided to make up for lost time.

05-15-2013, 03:01 PM
I've had a few reptiles that do this. A couple of my T. ordinoides have done this before. As soon as my female finished giving birth, I put her in the bathtub with a couple inches of lupewarm water, and she drank until she couldn't breathe, and then caught her breath to keep drinking. When I put her back in her tank, she opened her mouth and leaked a bunch of the "water". My old bearded dragon did the same thing after she gave birth. Ive had males do it too for no apparent reason. Maybe they just forgot to drink one day and decided to make up for lost time.Huh, I wonder why they do that. Makes me feel better knowing my snake isn't just being weird though.