View Full Version : Scar, The Wild Caught Garter

05-05-2013, 02:21 AM
I decided that Scar needs his own thread now that we have had him for a while. I'll push my boyfriend to take some photos for me so that I can post those up here as well.

Scar was caught along the Lewiston River in Washington, at my Uncle's house. He has a lot of scarring around the vent area of his tail and it appears that part of the tip of his tail was lost as well. As of now he is doing very well, though he gave us quite a scare today. He lives at my boyfriend's house because my parents won't let me have another snake besides Cuddles. I don't trust my boyfriend to take proper care of him, and today was a good example of why.

I've been asking for weeks if Scar has been showing any signs of shedding, and I get a no every time. Tonight when I asked he said he hadn't noticed because he hadn't checked recently. When we pulled scar out to check him we found that he had indeed been attempting to shed, and if we hadn't checked when we did he could have died with how bad the retained shed was. It covered all of his tail and vent, plus more. It looked like the shed was caught around the scarring and he had clearly been having a tough time getting it off. It was torn up around the edges. The humidity in the tank is also low, which was another result of my boyfriend forgetting to check on the snake regularly.

We took quick action and, after about an hour, managed to get the rest of the shed off. We used a shed box and a damp cloth to help loosen the shed, then had to help him pull it off. The last part, which was attached to the area with the worst scarring, was the hardest to get off.

Everything is fine now. Here's all of what we pulled off of him:


It doesn't look like much in the picture, but it's actually quite a bit when compared to the rest of the shed. Thankfully we got it off without any problems.

This is, however, the reason why I don't want the snake to stay with my boyfriend if we break up. I don't think he can take good care of Scar. But if he decides to keep him there's not much I can do...

05-05-2013, 05:29 AM
Ashley it seems pretty apparent that your boyfriend doesn't take care of Scar and left to his own devices Scar will probably be forgotten about and die.

Since it sounds like Scar is only there because you found him at your uncles and you wanted to take him in then I think you are obligated to see that you do NOT leave Scar in that situation if you break up. Don't ask your boyfriend if he wants to keep the snake, after a breakup he will likely keep it just out of spite not because he cares for the animal. Find an excuse (i.e. vet visit) and take the snake. I see it as your moral obligation since you were instrumental in putting Scar into that situation.

05-05-2013, 07:21 AM
I agree. Get that snake out of that situation. Releasing him back where you found him sounds like a good alternative since you can't keep Scar.

05-05-2013, 06:23 PM
I'm working on trying to find a way to get him out of there. For the time being, my boyfriend has done several things to start taking care of him again. I'll be keeping an eye on things, and if anything goes wrong again I will be taking action, one way or another. If that means sneaking out with the snake in the middle of the night, I'll do it.

Through it all, the little guy seems to be happy and healthy. He was patient when we worked the rest of the skin off of him yesterday. He's a good eater and he's active. He's still more cooperative than Cuddles ever has been. I'll continue to push my boyfriend to take care of him until something better can be agreed on.

05-06-2013, 01:01 AM
Keep an old pillowcase in your pocket and if you think Scar is being neglected again slip him into the pillowcase, into a pocket or bag, and out. If you can't keep him he's better off released, if you can keep him that's fine too.
It sounds to me like he needs to be observed closely enough that a shed shouldn't be a surprise, the only one of mine that ever surprises me is the albino because he eyes don't go blue and the colour change in her eyes is very subtle. If you're looking at a snake every day you don't miss an impending shed.