View Full Version : Got back from the Vet today.

04-30-2013, 06:58 PM
Well, for the most part, the check-up was a success. The Vet said Salazar looks and acts like a normal healthy snake. The bad part was that due to his size, and consequently, the size of his fecal matter, doing a fecal float at this point in time would possibly be a waste of money. As a few of you may know, I own a Striped Keelback(Indonesian/Canadian Garter Snake) and, once again, as some of you may know, they tend to have parasites as they're usually wild-caught. He told me that if I'm worried about parasites, I could do a few treatments of Panacur as side-effects are rarely present and shouldn't hurt the snake even if he doesn't have parasites.

He told me I should wait until he's a bit bigger before actually doing a fecal float, and since I decided to start giving Salazar a few treatments, I'm okay with that. Another thing was that, once again due to his size, he wasn't able to accurately sex him... Although my snake didn't make it any easier wriggling around and doing what I can only call 'death rolls'(Taken from my knowledge of Alligators and Crocs, don't know if snakes actively do this), but he did tell me that he was pretty sure it's a male.

Anyway, for the most part, it was good news. He also remarked that it definitely isn't a Garter, so that reassured me what a few of you guys told me. After I got home I decided to feed Salazar with a scented pinky and a piece of silverside, and injected a dose of the Panacur into the mouse. It took him a minute to finally go for the pinky, but in the end he ate it, so I'm happy about that.

Goodbye for now, and hopefully this wasn't too 'journalistic' for everybody. I'm just glad he appears to be in good health and wanted to say something.

04-30-2013, 07:01 PM
It will always be a pleasure reading about and seeing Salazar.

04-30-2013, 08:31 PM
if salazar is feared to have parasites, use paper towel or
newspaper for substate. its more sanitary and easily cleaned

Have a great day! :)