View Full Version : The Power of Scenting

04-29-2013, 12:34 PM
I was down to my last 3 pinkies so I had to make good use of them. I placed them in a container with some water and let them sit overnight. This way the water would be good and scented.
My anery female T.s.concinnus - Red-spotted garter has been refusing fish and night crawlers but has never refused pinkies so she was on the list to get these. I started off with a pinky, which she inhaled. Next, I dipped a large night in the pinky water and offered it up. She inhaled it and 4 more crawlers. I also used this method to feed the anery male that is in with the girls. He needs to keep his strength up.:D

Scenting is a good way to offer food that they would normally refuse.


04-29-2013, 01:15 PM
Good to see its working for some.

I can never fool Garry when worms were involved. The little sod would always be able to pick them out from the pinkies no matter how well I mixed them up.:D