View Full Version : some of the older Infernalis I have been working with

04-21-2013, 08:36 AM
Thanks for looking. Have a great weekend. Mike Panichi

adult female from Scott F. which gave birth to 14(so far) live young last week. I call her powder.
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/mike_panichi/IMG_0703_2_zps800934ce.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/mike_panichi/media/IMG_0703_2_zps800934ce.jpg.html)

young adult female from Jeff B. I'm lucky I got this photo. She's an absolute head case but I still like her.
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/mike_panichi/IMG_0705_1_zps38b41111.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/mike_panichi/media/IMG_0705_1_zps38b41111.jpg.html)

a proven two year old male who I call Bluedini because while being so nicely blue, he escaped out of every single enclosure I had him in the first two weeks he was here, LOL. He's the sire of the recent litter.
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/mike_panichi/IMG_0719_1_zps6f615527.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/mike_panichi/media/IMG_0719_1_zps6f615527.jpg.html)
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/mike_panichi/IMG_0732_1_zps5858873d.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/mike_panichi/media/IMG_0732_1_zps5858873d.jpg.html)

another Scott F. adult male
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/mike_panichi/IMG_0734_1_zpscb93d2a1.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/mike_panichi/media/IMG_0734_1_zpscb93d2a1.jpg.html)

lastly, a two year old Sonoma County female from Joe Peck. She's a really nice little snake.
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/mike_panichi/IMG_0744_1_zps790c0d3d.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/mike_panichi/media/IMG_0744_1_zps790c0d3d.jpg.html)

Invisible Snake
04-21-2013, 09:35 AM
They're all beautiful!!! Do you know what localities are the ones you got from Scott?

04-21-2013, 10:16 AM
They're all beautiful!!! Do you know what localities are the ones you got from Scott?

I assume they are from Marron County but I do not know. The one adult female came from Jeff Benfer but I believe Scott produced it. The pair I purchased from Scott that I call electric were not produced by him so again, I do not know. They are really above the rest though. Thanks. Mike

04-21-2013, 05:49 PM
Those look real nice! I like the second photo with the scale spread. Very nice collection of infernalis you have :cool:

04-22-2013, 07:25 AM
Agreed! That one is real neat looking!

those look real nice! I like the second photo with the scale spread. Very nice collection of infernalis you have :cool: