View Full Version : Neonate predation

07-01-2007, 04:04 PM
Hi Guys:) , Just a gentle reminder to any members who may be breeding their Garters for the first time this year.....Adult Garters can sometimes eat the newborns from their cage-mates, the culprits are usually (but not always) males. Checkereds are known for this form of cannibalism, but other species may do it too.

A friend of mine had three gravid Checkereds, all housed together, result; three very well fed snakes and no babies.:eek: If you can, separate your gravid females and house them on their own.

07-01-2007, 04:08 PM
I always do!! wanderings are known for cannibalism also...fortunately I haven't seen it!!! :rolleyes:

07-01-2007, 04:10 PM
I know you do, Don! You're not a novice!:rolleyes: It has happened to me in the past, about 15 years ago. I lost most of a litter of Checkereds to the male.

Lulu Bennett
07-01-2007, 04:14 PM
just wondering, around april is the breeding time isn't it? i thought had nothing to worry about but my 2 will be 12 month by then so i think i will seperate them lol especially if the post earlier on is something to go by( the one by felzer? about breeding at 11 month) dont want babies yet! i am only just working the do's and don'ts with my 2!:confused:

07-01-2007, 04:17 PM
Lulu, Checkereds are known for breeding early, and for breeding at any time of the year. But don't worry if your female gets gravid, we're almost neighbours, I can help you out!:rolleyes:

Lulu Bennett
07-01-2007, 04:21 PM
awww bless you james your a star! lol :D

07-01-2007, 04:25 PM
awww bless you james your a star! lol :D

Why, thank you! Glad to be of service.:)

07-01-2007, 06:55 PM
All my gravid females are housed singly in 20 gal long tanks, i'm sure the males dont appreciate the snake rack environment they are in now, but it's only temporary : ^ )