View Full Version : Hmmm Roommates..?

04-02-2013, 10:22 AM
So I have been considering getting Suzi a friend to live with her but here are the things I have to consider...

I will need another tank and possibly another heating element (unless I do it over this summer and the temps here are fine...)
I will have to quarantine the new addition for at least 90 days to be sure they will be ok together.
I will have to feed another mouth.
Clean up will need to be done twice as often.

I am considering this because I do feel that she is lonely at times... don't get me wrong she might not be but... If it was you all alone in there 8 hours out of the day while your friend was at work and all alone... it would probably get lonely pretty fast....

I had the one checkered baby here for a while trying to help it recuperate. Suzi seemed to get VERY curious about that... and when I put them together for 5 minutes to get her reaction, she seemed to be happy to have a friend. They didn't fight or show aggression towards each other at all.

Now however... she has been in her pad by herself for about 6 months... I wonder if she has become territorial in her pad and would become aggressive at another snake introduced into her home, or if she would be docile about it and be happy with her new friend.

I would definitely make sure they are both the same sex, but would also like to have a checkered in there with her....

I would also like it to be from a reputable set of parents / breeder.... I am in Nebraska I can practically walk outside and just go get a wild one, like Suzi
but feel it would be much safer to get one captive bred.

Ideas are more then welcome... let me know what you guys think !

Thank you

04-02-2013, 03:06 PM
My snakes seem more relaxed with a companion. A cage mate also seems to encourage reluctant eaters to dig in.
I try to match them up by size and temperament so nobody ends up bullied.

04-02-2013, 03:09 PM
50 miles separate us. Stop by the Ranch and pick up a roommate for Suzi. No charge.

04-02-2013, 03:15 PM
50 miles separate us. Stop by the Ranch and pick up a roommate for Suzi. No charge.

Now there's an offer you can't refuse. :)

I'm an advocate of cohabitating garters, I've seen first hand how they can grow in confidence when they are together.

04-02-2013, 03:53 PM
Take Steve up on that offer. You can't get better snakes! I would do it even if I lived only 40 hours from him...Oh yes, I do only live 40 hours from him.! Hey, Steve! Put the porch light on, I'm coming over!!!!

04-02-2013, 04:12 PM
Take Steve up on that offer. You can't get better snakes! I would do it even if I lived only 40 hours from him...Oh yes, I do only live 40 hours from him.! Hey, Steve! Put the porch light on, I'm coming over!!!!

Thanks. Nice to hear from you.

04-02-2013, 04:14 PM

04-02-2013, 07:57 PM
My girls from Steve are beautiful and doing great. I'd take him up on that one in a heart beat. :) I've driven much farther for a pet several times, plus you would have a healthy, happy snake for your efforts and you could meet all of Steve's slithering friends. How cool is that?! :)

04-03-2013, 05:32 AM
Looks like I will be visiting the ranch this summer =) Would be cool to see tank too!