View Full Version : New to this-I need help with everything regarding Garters!

01-28-2013, 11:12 AM
Hey everyone! I apologize if this is not the correct section, I don't really post on forums often...

I am possibly going to purchase an Albino Checkered Garter Snake, and I need someone to check on this, tell me if its correct, and help with some questions I have please!!:D

As for tanks, I would buy a 15-20 gal tank when it is adult, with mesh cover, clips, etc. I would have a hiding structure, some logs for it to climb, a decently sized water dish, and some pretend foilage. As for substrate, I was thinking of newspaper pellets, like the kitty litter named Yesterday's News. I read in multiple places that newspaper pellets are very good because it can be spot cleaned, it is highly absorbent, relatively inexpensive, and wont stick to the wet food Garters eat. I would probably do a full cleaning of the cage every month or so, and spot clean when needed.

Feeding, I am thinking of feeding frozen-thawed tilapia with calcium supplement. You can get frozen tilapia pretty inexpensive, and it is thiaminase free. I would probably throw a nightcrawler in there every so often when we get some to fish with as well.

My biggest concern: Heating. I know snakes need under belly heat, but UTH heaters kind of scare me, and I have no idea what is best, and because it is sticky I could never transfer it to the bigger tank as it grows. So I began looking at heat lamps (I would stick a plain flat rock under the heat lamp if the belly heat was necessary, NOT a heated rock) but I have NO idea what to use...my house is 68 degrees right now (winter...ugh), which is too cold and my room would be even colder. However in the summer it is more in the low seventies. So I definetly need heat, but I've read only 8-10 hours of heat, so when would I turn the lamp on and off? It would be in my room, so if I use a lamp, could I use the red or blue moonlight lamps? I normally sleep in pitch black darkness. Also, with it being albino, are there any special light requirements? As for the summer, would I have a different schedule on heating since the temperatures would be different?

Oh, and because the Garter will be a baby, what should I do with the tank then? I have a small tank (it's either a 2.5 or 5 gallon tank, I can't tell it is buried in the garage). Would that work? Ive also seen people keep their snakes in plastic tubs (air holes of course), which would be VERY convenient until it grows up, but how would I heat it? Obviously, most convenient would be to just get the 15-20 gallon now, but I wouldn't want to scare the little guy!! Also, how long until a little baby can be transferred to a 15-20 gal tank without terrifying it?

WOW...I have a lot of questions... I am sure these are some basic questions that have been already answered, but I am the kind of person that would frustrated with 40 different tabs saved on my computer for this:)

01-28-2013, 04:18 PM
Hi, welcome aboard!
A lot of the questions you have asked can be down to personal preference,
however, why not start here..
Garter Snake Forum - Garter Caresheet (http://www.thamnophis.com/index.php?page=caresheet)
Have fun!!

01-28-2013, 04:32 PM
Welcome to the forum. Be sure to introduce yourself in the "Welcome Lounge"
Welcome Lounge (http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/welcome-lounge/)

Now on to your questions. First, here's a link to the forum care sheet. Many of your question can be answered there.
Garter Snake Forum - Garter Caresheet (http://www.thamnophis.com/index.php?page=caresheet)
I think the 15/20gal. will work for your new snake. Starting in that saves you having to move them later.
I would suggest you use a under tank heater and a thermostat. Here's a good thermostat at a good price.
As far as removing a UTH from a tank, I don't see it as a problem as long as you do it while it's heated up and you remove it slowly.
In my opinion I would make the worms more of the main food rather then the fish. Also keep in mind frozen/thawed pinkies as another good food.
The more variety the better.
Feel free to post any additional questions at any time.

01-28-2013, 06:55 PM

I agree with Steve. Go with a heatmat under the 15/20 gal tank, as long as you have enough cover and hides the baby will just have the luxury of a lot of space to explore, no problems with that.

It sounds like you've done more research than I did before buying our first snake - an albino checkered garter. They're lovely snakes.

01-28-2013, 07:22 PM
Welcome to the best garter snake forum on the planet! Everything sounds good. I would listen to Steve on the UTH advice.

01-28-2013, 08:31 PM
Thanks so much for the replies! I am super excited about possibly getting a garter, they're beautiful!!

I have read through the care sheet many times, but I wanted to just double check I am making the right decisions.

I think I will go with the UTH, do you have any specific heaters you have had success with? I know some heaters come with the little plastic pieces that hold the tank up, is this enough? I just don't want it to warm up the table it will be on too much...

Maybe I will do a half and half variation with night crawlers and tilapia. I know a baby should be fed all it will eat, but what is a general idea of how much that would be? I had ruled out silversides because no one around here had any, but I just found somewhere that does sell them so I will probably use them instead of tilapia.

01-28-2013, 08:42 PM
Zoo Med makes a small UTH that is under $15 and should work find.
Amazon.com: Zoo Med ReptiThermŽ Under Tank Heater, Small: Pet Supplies (http://www.amazon.com/Zoo-Med-ReptiTherm%C2%AE-Under-Heater/dp/B0002AQCKA)
Feeding often is fine but feeding too much(quantity, especially fish) isn't good. It appears some babies can't handle being overfed. We have had a few member(me included) that have lost babies to the situation. I feel these snakes haven't developed in the digestive tract enough to handle very large meals (just my opinion) Giving them a nice bulge in the belly is all they need, granted with some babies that could be done a couple times a day ;)

02-03-2013, 11:22 PM
So if I got a 20 gallon aquarium, the small UTH would work? How deep should I make the substrate (Yesterday's News cat litter)? Would about 82(ish)F during the day and around 78F at night sound right? AH so many questions!! Sorry guys!!

02-04-2013, 02:20 AM
How large is the UTH you are using? You want to aim for it covering around 25% of the floor area on one end. The UTH suppliers usually recommend keeping substrate depth over an UTH to about 1cm, although you can go deeper elsewhere in the tank.

02-04-2013, 03:02 AM
Keep in mind that with a substrate like yesterday's news, the snake may burrow. In this case, you want to get your temperature reading off the actual glass bottom of the enclosure, as the snake will be in contact with this.

02-04-2013, 03:17 AM
Useful tip for securing the thermostat probe to the inside of a glass tank - if you have a hot glue gun use it to stick a length of string to the bottom of the tank over the heatmat and tie the probe in place.