View Full Version : Biting snake-what gives?

01-17-2013, 05:14 PM
Ok, this is now the second time Jewels decided to use me as an appetizer. Is it just that she is so excited to eat or just aggressive when foods around. Here's what I do and it's because of the sani chips, I don't want them to ingest it, and also to keep Sadie & Mona from smelling like food. I hold each snake one at a time, and feed them with hemostats. Once done, I take a warm wet paper towel and wipe their faces and bodies off. With Jewels as soon as I get close to the food dish she starts to grab at my fingers. Once she gets a hold she kinda chews a little, then lets go. So is she biting because she is just that excited about food, or just aggressive when food items are around? Crazy snake. When it's not feeding time she is a sweety, but now she's making me a little jumpy.

01-17-2013, 05:16 PM
Sounds like a feeding response.

01-17-2013, 05:18 PM
I'd say that she is excited because of the food and smells food on your hand. It happens to me with one of my easterns. She eats before she thinks. I've seen her strike at the glass trying to get to my hand. But she is a sweetheart, just a very hungry one!

01-17-2013, 05:37 PM
Greg, there is no food smell on my hands, I make sure of this since the last time she bit me. But if it's because she's hungry it doens't matter what my hands smell like. Jewels is the same way with eating, she just grabs, unlike the other two that have to get a good smell before they take it. Thanks guys, I guess I need to figure out another way to feed her.

01-17-2013, 05:45 PM
Greg, there is no food smell on my hands, I make sure of this since the last time she bit me. But if it's because she's hungry it doens't matter what my hands smell like. Jewels is the same way with eating, she just grabs, unlike the other two that have to get a good smell before they take it. Thanks guys, I guess I need to figure out another way to feed her.

Do you feed her while she is in your hands? I didn't understand what you said there. Anyways, if you are feeding her in your hands, I would recommend switching her bedding (I personally recommend pelleted aspen or pelleted newspaper - it doesn't stick as easy to food), and feeding her in her cage. Wait a few minutes until you think she has calmed down a bit and then pick her up to wipe off her mouth. That is my opinion.

01-17-2013, 06:36 PM
This is something to be expected. While many snakes are more reluctant to bite hands, we can't assume that all won't. Your snake is in a feeding response, she doesn't care what's in front of her.

It has nothing to do with her being a sweetie or being gentle. She doesn't bite you while being handled for one reason. She has no motivation to. She's not doing anything wrong. Just expects food. If she is one of those snakes who is not cautious during feeding, just be alert around her.

01-17-2013, 08:16 PM
Greg - Yes she is in hand while feeding. I think I'll just lure her into the hammock to feed her when feeding worms since they are so messy compared to the fish and pinkies. Once she realizes there is no more food she’s back to her sweet self.

Neil – I understand she’s not doing anything wrong, it’s me. I just need a way to feed her that is pleasant for both of us. When I slide open the door she is usually the first one climbing on me with Sadie right behind her. They show no fear of me at all and seem to enjoy my attention and I plan on keeping it that way.

Thanks everyone for your input on this. Since I’m so new at tending to my legless friends I really appreciate your experience and opinions.

01-17-2013, 10:52 PM
Neil – I understand she’s not doing anything wrong, it’s me. I just need a way to feed her that is pleasant for both of us. When I slide open the door she is usually the first one climbing on me with Sadie right behind her. They show no fear of me at all and seem to enjoy my attention and I plan on keeping it that way.

Regardless of how you feed her, it will be pleasant for her. She is getting food and satisfying a need. You want a way of making feeding please not for you. I would get a pair of forceps or hemostats, or just watch her feed from the dish.

Why do you have to hold them while feeding? You couldn't just place each snake in a container?

01-18-2013, 05:27 AM
I think the crux of the issue is holding her while feeding. They haven't learned that although there is a smell of food in the air that it isn't your fingers that is the food. The plan to feed them from the hammock is probably a good idea.

It comes down to adapting your practices to the individual traits of your snakes. For example, I have a couple that I will feed by hand - my biggest girl will lay here head on one hand and carefully take a pinky or fish from my fingers, I trust her because she eats carefully and lines her mouth up so that she avoids my fingers. I wouldn't do this with every snake, some of them are less accurate or more indiscriminate when they chow down. :)

01-18-2013, 07:03 AM
Neil – I hold them when feed because I just enjoy them so much. I like to get up close and personal, but I guess Jewels has a different ideas when it comes to feeding time. I'm going to try a different approach with her on the next feeding which is Sunday.

Chris, thanks for the input on this. Sadie is a very gentle eater. She lines up the food item before taking it. I like watching her size up the prey.

I know some of you like a feisty snake, I don't. I like my snakes like Native Wine wines, smooth and sweet.

01-18-2013, 07:31 AM
Spring is in the air.
My big snakes got that way last spring - when food was being defrosted, and the smell was in the air, they'd test strike at anything flesh colored just in case it *was* food. Irritating bites too, since their saliva was flowing.

Ziva 's response calmed down after a few weeks. Abby's remained strong until she started laying jellies.
Other times of the year they'll check food out and take it gently, but when the feeding response is in overdrive, everything os fair game.