View Full Version : Strange White color around scales on head

12-07-2012, 11:21 PM
I have been watching two of my snakes and one of my wandering and one of my radixes have both developed this odd white coloration on some of the scales at the top of their head. Attached are pictures. I have tried to wipe it off to no effect. Sir Farts Alot (my boy named that female wandering garter) has been enjoying lots of time in the water bowl so I am not thinking it is a weird precursor to a shed. I did read on some threads about a blistering disease. I keep the substrate quite dry but a large water bowl is available for both snakes to ensure they get enough moisture for their skin/scales. Should I use Hibicleanse as discussed for the blistering disease? I would appreciate input from anyone that has seen this. Both snakes are in separate terrariums with other snakes so I do have a concern if this is contagious. Neither snake is eating much but that may be due to it being the time they should be brumating. They both are behaving normally. Thanks for the input.


12-07-2012, 11:37 PM
Hmm... Well, I don't know what this could be. It doesn't look like an infection really; it really looks like dry skin. Are they calm enough when you hold them that you could tell if it's causing them pain by touching it? The big water dish is a good thing. They're good at self regulating, so they won't just sit in there long enough to cause scale problems unless something else is going on. Hibiclens (7-10 drops in about 3 oz. water) won't hurt anything on the head, but I've never used it on eyes. If you want to just try it out, stay away from the eyes.

Sorry I can't be any more help :p

12-07-2012, 11:52 PM
On the radix it could be a rubbed scale. Neither looks like anything to worry about. As a rule scale rot doesn't occur in those locations. Belly scales are far more susceptible to scale rot.
I would keep and eye on it but certainly wouldn't loose any sleep over it.
Just my opinion.

P.S. I have a feeling after the next shed it will be gone.;)

12-08-2012, 12:36 AM
Most of my snakes have that bubbled look on their noses before a shed. Soaking a lot would be good clue to an upcoming shed too.

12-08-2012, 08:28 AM
Thanks guys. I was hoping it wasn't something serious. I had another possible thought I wanted to pass by you. A couple months back we changed up the setup and put halogen spot lights above the tank. They are a good distance away from the tanks but it struck me last night that possibly the lights could be the cause of the dryness on the head or perhaps the equivalent of a sunburn for my little ladies. Does that thought have any merit? Here is a pic of their current set up.


12-08-2012, 05:44 PM
I do belive I've read halogen is a no no...

Edit: http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/enclosures/11548-halogen-bulbs-suitable-garters.html

^^Here's a thread on some halogen discussion. Looks like perhaps it depends on what type:confused: