View Full Version : Help please - snake not eating after escape

11-21-2012, 06:36 AM
Hello everyone i'm new on this site and I have a problem and I hope you can help me.
I've had my garter snake since last christmas and he has been very healthy and eating lance fish and pinkies without any problems.
About a month ago he escaped for three weeks(this has happened before but not for this lenght of time) when I found him he was stuck in the top of a closed door, he had a crush wound in his chest but other than that he was ok. I have put him back in his tank and he is looking lively and has recovered well. All seems in order.
The prolem is, whenever I try to feed him on his normal food he just rejects it, I have also tried him on spiders, woodlice and worms (night crawlers). He shows initial interest but won't eat. This has been going on for a week now and i'm worried that he is hungry but won't eat. The injury seems to be fully recovered (no visible signs/markings) and he is lively to the point of trying to escape his vivarium at every opportunity.

Has anyone one got any ideas on how I could make him start eating again? I am beginning to get a litle worried.

Thanks for your help in advance ,


11-21-2012, 07:33 AM
Welcome to the forum.

It sounds like there is a possible cause for this change although a week off of food isn't anything to worry about. Snakes go off food from time to time.
You have a right to be concerned since there is an injury involved. The snake may just be taking time off to address repairs to the injury. I'm not sure what a Vet. could do about the injury but a Vet. visit should be considered. An x-ray might give you some insight as to what is going on with regards to the injury site.

Do you know which species of garter you have?
Any chance you can post a photo? Where are you located(Country)
Here's a link to the forum care sheet.
From what I've read Lance Fish are not safe to feed as they contain Thiaminase which blocks the absorption of b1. This is a serious situation for garters.
Spiders and wood lice are also not a food garters eat.

11-21-2012, 07:50 AM
Steve has given some very good advice. I would be concerned that he may have an internal injury that isn't visible from the outside, and that could be the reason he's not eating now. Also as Steve said sometimes they do go off food for periods of time. The vet would probably be a good idea at this point.

Light of Dae
11-21-2012, 07:58 AM
No insects EVER The night crawlers are a great food, Go with Guppies or Platys for live fish as they are safe n will not give your snake seizures or neurological issues (like one of mine who the previous owner fed minnows which are also bad.

How bad of a crush? How long has he been back? Pictures would really help.

11-21-2012, 08:02 AM
He may have stopped eating due to the stress.I recommend seeing a vet to see if there is any internal damage ect Also leaving him alone as much as possible may help.
With most snakes (especially garters and other semi aquatics) hydration is just as important as food so as long as he's drinking he'll be fine without food for a while.

11-21-2012, 12:57 PM
Thanks for the help everyone 'i'll keep you posted, if anyone has any other ideas i'd be greatful.


11-21-2012, 01:19 PM
I agree that I would try to take him to a vet to check for internal injuries. Like others said...make sure you check our caresheet and you are offering safe food...no insects, only nightcrawlers for worms, make sure any fish you give is on the safe fish list, and frozen/thawed pinky mice. If he is escaping, you must make sure that his enclosure is secure so that it does not happen again. As you have already experienced, it is not safe for him to be able to escape. If you need help with making sure his enclosure is secure, we can certainly offer advice on that. I hope that your snake is okay. :)

11-21-2012, 02:41 PM
They are escape artists. One of mine is named Houdini for a reason :)

What temperature is his tank at? If he is injured, raising his temps to the mid 80's can boost his system and help him heal up more quickly. Vet is always better, but bumping the temps can't hurt. Another safe fish option is frozen silversides. You can get them in the freezer section of most petsmart or petco stores.
Putting a dish of food chopped up in his tank might be good. Even if he's used to eating whole prey, the smell of chopped prey might get him interested. Plus, that way he can take his time and eat after the excitement of having a person around has gone down.

Can you post a picture of him? People on here (not me, I'm horrible at ID and sexing) can tell you what species and sex your snake is. That's always good to know.

11-26-2012, 02:14 PM
I'm surprised at the number of beginners that don't even put a secure lid on the tanks because they think the snake can't get out. I assure you, they can. Even if the walls are taller than the snake is long. Or they also sometimes leave gaps and think the snake can't fit. They can.

If this is a wild snake, it's not surprising it won't eat. They don't eat this time of year and should be hibernating. (in reptiles, called "brumating")