View Full Version : 2012 Holdback Blue puget garter

Scott F
11-08-2012, 08:27 PM
I Produced a large litter of the blue pugets this year, they all turned out just like the one pictured. This is the first year I produced pugets and just held back this lone female. Really like how they turned out. Tried to get a decent close up on the second pic, which is why it's blurry.


11-08-2012, 08:36 PM
Lots of black! Is that typical of young pickeringii? You better have plans to produce some next year! I'd love to bring a few up.

Invisible Snake
11-08-2012, 09:14 PM
I want one!

11-08-2012, 09:58 PM
Nice looking puget :)

Light of Dae
11-09-2012, 06:12 AM
They are on my list to get from you next year as well. lol

11-09-2012, 07:29 AM
That is a nice looking snake! Looks like she may darken up enough to lose her dorsal stripe. You don't see too many pugets like that.

11-09-2012, 11:27 PM
Interesting. Looks axanthic or anery.

Lots of black! Is that typical of young pickeringii?

There is no "typical". They're highly variable even within the same population and sometimes even in the same litter. The litters I had this year had babies that vary quite a bit. Just about all of them had yellow stripes, but some had yellow bars, some had red bars, some had pale orange spots, etc. and a single snake in one of those litters had blue bars and stripes.

Scott F
11-10-2012, 10:27 AM
Thanks everyone. I am expecting to produce these in 2013. Richard, I was thinking the same that they could be anery or axanthic too, will be interesting to see what they look like as adults.


11-10-2012, 02:36 PM
Interesting. Looks axanthic or anery.

There is no "typical".

I don't think that this is going to be an anery or axanthic.... Like you said, lots of variations with the normals. There really isn't a typical, and if all the babies looked like the one pictured then there is no way they could be an axanthic or anery

11-10-2012, 02:36 PM
I just said it looks that way.;)