View Full Version : Waah! My baby vagrans is gone! Help!
11-06-2012, 01:18 PM
My Elysia is about 3 1/2 months old, has gone through three sheds (that I know of), and is probably 12-18" long, about the circumference of a pencil. We play with her a lot, and sometimes let her out of her enclosure. One of her favorite things to do is climb up the blinds into the top where the lines are. We found her up there the first time she escaped.
Anyway, I had a total idiot moment yesterday and did an errand while she was still in the blinds! My husband was outside, so I left the door open. Of course, when I came back, she had found her way out of the blinds. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! To complicate matters even more, we live in an RV, so there are all sorts of nooks and crannies to get into, including, possibly, the inaccessible undercarriage.
Last night I put out a few of her hides next to some pinkie parts and heat sources, with no luck. Today I've put one of those bottle traps in the heating duct (OMG please don't be in there!) with a piece or two of pinkie. I only fed her about three days ago, so who knows if she's even hungry. Or if she's even still in the house!
Should I use the smellier silversides that she doesn't even really like that much to bait bottle traps for her? How long should I wait until trying to put food in traps? How may pinkie pieces should I put in for her to catch the scent? Should I put some outside in our RV park in case?
Can you tell I'm in a panic?
11-06-2012, 01:47 PM
If you're putting out food, go with what she eats. I've noticed that my garters are much more active when they smell food, especially if I've cut it up. They'll start cruising around the tank looking for it.
Hope you find her.
11-06-2012, 01:50 PM
Well, first off, I imagine your snake is more than 3 1/2 months old. If she's 18" at that age, then she is officially the Thamnophis equivalent of Bruce Banner. That size sounds more like a yearling. That increases her chances, as a snake that age can go much longer with no food than a 3 month old.
You don't specify your location, but unless you're in the deep south, I'd say she's probably still in the RV. Even in relatively southern NC, there is a WALL of cold air every time you open the door right now. Most snakes would probably avoid that. Don't put food outside; if she's not out there, you don't want to lure her outside. If you think she's outside, check under any debris near your RV, especially where heat comes out. She'll be looking for a heat source, and the RV would be a big one.
Keep leaving warm hides around. Silversides, worms, pinkies; you can try them all. The amount won't really affect the smell, but freshness will. The fresher, the more appetizing they will smell. Be sure to leave water as well. In a house, I would say a snake in an air vent is a lost cause... But the system for an RV is much smaller. If you can dismantle any part of it to get a look inside, do so. Air vents are extremely dry and will dehydrate a garter very quickly.
Never let a snake out of its enclosure unsupervised. I never let any of mine out of arm's reach at any time.
Hope she shows up soon, for her sake and yours.
11-06-2012, 01:56 PM
They have away of being right under our noses when they escape. They like to stay against walls. She'll be looking for a heat source. Pilot lights on a water heater, stove. Warm compressors on fridge and freezer.
Best of luck finding her.
Keep us posted.
11-06-2012, 07:08 PM
Thanks for all the advice. I have a sinking feeling that she did go outside, though. We live in Las Vegas, and it was 80 and sunny yesterday. I'll try leaving different bottles in various places with all sorts of foods in them in a few days, in hopes that she's worked up an appetite and is still somewhere in here.
I looked along all the walls, took everything out of the storage areas, looked under the RV, looked in the undercarriage of the RV, walked aimlessly around the RV park, looked under rocks and garbage cans and woodpiles. Sigh.
I have never left her unsupervised before, and I didn't plan to. I just had an extremely unbelievably kicking myself in the *** forgetful moment. I hate me.
snake man
11-06-2012, 08:33 PM
I am sorry to hear about this...I wish the best of luck.
11-06-2012, 11:45 PM
Dont worry, once i lost mi snake and i find him after almost 2 weeks, if the temp is high maybe she is in some place colder or more humid.
11-07-2012, 12:57 AM
had a loose corn snake, I took its climbing stuff out and left it on the floor, in the morning the snake was sitting on it
had a few loose garter snakes, they really love laundry baskets, and I just sat in an open room on my computer and watched for movement, eventually they been caught
hope you find your snake
11-07-2012, 02:08 AM
Thanks again for all the advice. I'll be trying all sorts of things until she's found. I've got a warm spot set up in the RV and under the stairs outside (it's about 60 tonight). Bottle traps tomorrow with silversides, pinkies, and water in various places. Fingers crossed.
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