View Full Version : What to do about snake I caught

09-22-2012, 07:05 PM
I know that it's not cool to capture and keep a snake but things keep getting in the way. I live in Michigan and during the heat wave at the beginning of August, my husband called me to see a snake. It was a tiny thing but he was trying to mow and didn't want to get it by accident. The neighbor was mowing too, so I didn't want to let it go right away. I put it in an aquarium.

I got a couple of worms for her and she shed two days later. I wanted to let her go but I missed having a snake so much. So, I kept saying that I would let her go, then I said that I had to feed her before I let her go, then I didn't want to let her go because the neighbor was mowing again (he mows twice a week and sometimes mows an area of our yard).

I finally decided to let her go in what was to be the last heat wave. 45 minutes later, I panicked about letting her go before I was ready and my husband said to go out and find her. She was only a couple of feet from where I placed her. I picked her up again and brought her inside. Five minutes later, the neighbor came out to mow and started in that spot.

Ever since then, I've been waiting for a good day, but the weather got colder. I was expecting it to get hot again, but this is Michigan, where you rarely know what the weather is going to do.

Some of my other reasons was that we have so many birds, squirrels, chipmunks, moles and voles. I didn't want my dog to get her (although she really doesn't do that), I didn't want her to get run over. I've been feeding her earthworms dunked in calcium. She has a great appetite and just shed again.

But I think I missed my window. 8/26 was 91, the first week of September was high 80's, then it was mid-70's, low 80's, high 60's, then just 70's and 60's the past 4 days. The tomatoes quit growing. It's supposed to be 39 tonight, 56 tomorrow, then high-60's, low-70's this next week.

Did I ruin her for a life outdoors or will she be able to find a warm, safe spot if I let her go? I know I've been selfish and I do feel very bad about this. Are there other Michiganders out there who would like to take her in if she can't be let go? Thanks for your help.


09-22-2012, 09:05 PM
It sounds like you are taking good care of her. She will probably have a nice long, happy life with you. I think you should keep her.

I'm not positive, but I think it would be too cold for her at night now anyways.

09-23-2012, 05:16 AM
I live in macomb county in Mt. Clemens.
many of our local snakes make great pets and are easily spoiled rotten.
If you are enjoying her companionship, and she is calm around you, then keeping her is ok- it is late for her to find a good safe place to hibernate.

If you don't feel you can give her a permanent (5-20 year) home I can keep her for the winter and then place her in either a safe home or a species appropriate protected habitat.
Private message me if you want contact info.

snake man
09-23-2012, 08:34 AM
Very cute its up to you. You can just keep it for the winter if you want.

Light of Dae
09-23-2012, 10:09 AM
It's not bad to keep a wild caught snake if they adapt to captive life well. I currently have a young Radix that I caught few months back, I kept him because he had a stub tail n my cats love 'stringy toys' n well I wanted to. If he wouldn't of eaten or settled down I would have let him go.

Don't feel bad about 'ruining' her for outside life, now she can have a spoiled, easy, luxury filled life with all the easy meals she could ever dream of!

The only really concern is continuing to catch more n more wild ones n sell them for money. THAT would be an issues. The fact you took this little one instead of letting her get mulched is a good enough reason for me, and the fact she's eaten n shed with you, is confirmation she'll be good.

09-23-2012, 10:48 AM
If you want to be 100% above the board and legal all you need to do is buy an 'unlimited ' Michigan small game fishing and hunting license and you are clear to gather an possess five garters snakes.
I haven't. Heard of anyone being charged for hunting garters without a license, but the laws are in place to prevent abuse and overcollecting.

Found pets are awesome!

09-23-2012, 10:56 AM
Sounds like you have a nice companion. I say keep her. It is getting late for her to find a nice place for winter and who wouldn't want a nicy cozy home and free food delivery? :)

09-23-2012, 12:33 PM
Sorry. Dblpost

09-24-2012, 05:44 AM
IMO – taking a healthy breeding adult from the wild is a no-no, but this is a baby. Like others have said, as long as she is adjusting to captive living, be thankful for the new friend.

09-24-2012, 08:49 AM
I think it is fine to take in a wild snake if the circumstances are such that the snake would be safer in captivity then where you found it in the wild. Right now I keep taking in wild easterns from my yard because lawn mowers, foxes, and crows are making it unsafe for them to be out there. Not to mention, most of us are guilty of taking in a wild caught snake now and again because we really want the snake. Like I always say...it's about balance. You shouldn't take in every wild snake you see...but if you are doing it for the well-being of the snake, then I say do it. It sounds like she will have a good life with you.

09-24-2012, 04:03 PM
That is a beautiful snake. You will get lots of good information on this forum to help guide you in taking good care of him/her. Since you are attached to your little guy I vote that you keep him and enjoy. It will benefit both of you.