View Full Version : Rescue Snake

08-21-2012, 04:46 PM
Hey all. Hope everyone is doing well and that all the garters are happy and healthy :)

This weekend I will be getting a young (possibly wandering) garter snake. I have been tracking sown feeder tadpols as my Zeus is being a pain and refusing everything. The frog I caught at a park (used to scent fish) has died. I did manage to find a place that is getting them in this week sometime.

Anyway....I went to Scales and Tails near my house and one of the guys was asking me about Jesse. He mentioned that he found a young one and has no need for it. Apparently he thought it was a baby bull snake.

This saturday I am going to pick up the little guy/girl. The guy at the reptile shop has been feeding the garter goldfish and pinky mice. I guess he is really aggressive.

I will post up some picks when I get him. I hope he will be ok. Deffinatly gonna keep him apart from the others for a little while.

snake man
08-21-2012, 04:52 PM
gold fish are very bad for him/her and good luck.

08-21-2012, 05:00 PM
Good luck with the new guy! Definitely quarantine & ditch the goldfish. Looking forward to pics!

08-21-2012, 05:09 PM
I dont think that the guy has had the snake very long, but I am worried about it and offered to take the animal.

He told me that the snake eats all the time.

08-25-2012, 09:20 PM
It was a no-go on the rescue snake. I feel bad that I couldnt get it.

I did find out that Zeus will eat worms...so my night crawlers aren't going to waste.

Do garters that are housed together change their prefered food when they see another snake eating something that they have never liked?

08-25-2012, 09:48 PM
Do garters that are housed together change their prefered food when they see another snake eating something that they have never liked?

Sometimes. I think a lot of the rejections of certain items are based on not knowing that the item is food. I see it a lot with the scrubs. I think it's kind of a 'hey, if he's eating that, maybe I can eat it too' sort of thing.

08-26-2012, 06:49 AM
Do garters that are housed together change their prefered food when they see another snake eating something that they have never liked?

Yes they do (sometimes).