08-19-2012, 12:02 PM
http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii204/tspuckler/Snakes 2012/scg_5353.jpg
Born here this month.
Captive bred babies from captive bred parents.
Eating small live fish - $60 each.
Add $40 for overnight shipping.
Paypal, checks and money orders accepted.
No Trades.
Photos on these snakes' parents can be seen on my website.
If interested, e-mail: tim@thirdeyeherp.com
Born here this month.
Captive bred babies from captive bred parents.
Eating small live fish - $60 each.
Add $40 for overnight shipping.
Paypal, checks and money orders accepted.
No Trades.
Photos on these snakes' parents can be seen on my website.
If interested, e-mail: tim@thirdeyeherp.com