View Full Version : Temp. Gauges and Thermostats

08-18-2012, 06:16 PM
Monitoring temperatures if you use heat pads is quite frankly a life or death situation in many respects for our snakes. In most situation we don't worry too much about lower temps. as our homes/apts. are usually within a range that suits our snakes.
It's the high temps. that can be the killers. Trusting a uncontrolled heat mat is a roll of the dice. In most situation they don't create the kind of heat that is dangerous but if it happens snakes could be lost.
I feel the bare minimum you should be doing is monitoring your heat mat temp. with a digital temperature gauge. These gauges are relatively inexpensive and allow you to view the current temp. your mat is producing. Diligently watching this gauge will let you head-off any dangerous spikes in temperatures.
Using a thermostat serves two purposes as it monitors the temp and adjusts it to you specification not allowing it to spike.
There are many thermostats available in the market today, some not very expensive and other high dollar. Some do the basic job of temp. control and others will control not only temp. but also light cycles and humidity.
I have posted links to some of the thermostats that are available and a digital temperature gauge I use.

Amazon.com: Zoo Med Digital Terrarium Thermometer: Pet Supplies (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000MD3MFA/?tag=hyprod-20&hvadid=7606643259&hvpos=1o3&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11216665711671212012&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&ref=asc_df_B000MD3MFA)

Here is a link to some of the other companies and their thermostats.

Ranco ETC-111000 Pre Wired - Reptile Basics Inc (http://www.reptilebasics.com/ranco-etc-111000-pre-wired)

Temperature Control - Herpstat Proportional - The Bean Farm (http://beanfarm.com/index.php?cPath=1238_1241)

Vivarium Electronics VE-100 - Reptile Basics Inc (http://www.reptilebasics.com/ve-100)

Digital Temperature Controller for Heat Mat (http://www.hydrofarm.com/product.php?itemid=3372)

snake man
08-18-2012, 07:21 PM
Is there an upside or downside of useing heat mats intead of heat lights?

08-18-2012, 07:38 PM
Much becomes personal preference and opinion.
I used belly heat and never used heat lamps. Bulbs seem to last a much shorter time when compared to a heat mat. I believe heat mats use far less electricity then bulbs. I have some heat mats that are a couple years old and still working well 24/7.
I heat from the bottom. I give most of my snakes a cold and warm hide.
This way they can thermoregulate themselves.

snake man12
08-19-2012, 09:19 PM
I know all to well the dangers of an uncontrolled heat mat. I had a Baby bci on a zoomed heat mat that shorted out causing temps in the viv to sky rocket to all most 140 degrees.
My beloved boa died with severe heat blisters covering his body. I learned the hard way control your heat mats!!!

08-21-2012, 12:22 PM
I use the hydrofarm thermostat that Steve linked above. It can be found pretty inexpensively at Amazon. That said, I only use it for my kingsnake who needs higher temps. The peace of mind of just knowing it's working properly is worth every penny. I do give the garters basking lights in early spring when it's not real warm yet and I'm ready for them to be active & eating again. They seem to LOVE to bask.

08-21-2012, 12:33 PM
So do these things come with instructions? It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to figure out, but I'd be paranoid I wouldn't hook it up right.

08-21-2012, 12:33 PM
I have a heat lamp (ceramic bulb, no light) that I use on one tank, but I have the other tank set up with a heat cable/thermostat combo. The tank sits on a dresser so I let one end hang over the edge a little and run the heat coil under the tank.

The heat cable/thermostat combo doesn't cost much more than heat mat/thermostat and not only does it control the temperature, it allows me to heat as little or as much of the tank as I want. I also run the temperature probe under the tank with the cable to get a direct measurement. I lose a couple degrees passing through the glass so I adjust the thermostat as necessary. Heat cable can also be used for multiple tanks, one set up with the temp probe and the other tanks monitored with a thermometer.

08-21-2012, 05:57 PM
Good point, Steveo! I already had the heat mat, so adding the thermostat for just the one tank made the most sense. And yes, Emily, they come with instructions :)

08-21-2012, 06:06 PM
So do these things come with instructions? It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to figure out, but I'd be paranoid I wouldn't hook it up right.

It's a piece of cake to set up Emily.

1. Plug the thermostat into an outlet.
2. Place the sensor where you want it.
3. Plug the heat mat into the thermostat
4. Hold the set button down for 3 seconds. Once the digital readout starts blinking use the up or down button to set the temp you want the mat to reach.
5. Now, hold the set button down again for 3 seconds.

That's it. You're done.

08-21-2012, 11:47 PM
Sounds easy enough;) I've still gotta get one of these.