View Full Version : Red Radix Breeding Projects 2012

07-31-2012, 06:54 PM
So this thread will be a journal to keep track of two groups of what I hope will produce some amazing red radix snakes. First a little history on how I came to be involved in this. Steve has a good friend, Mark, that lives here in Des Moines. He has his herp spots in IA and NE and does some catch and release. Part of the purpose of my visit with Steve this weekend at The Ranch was to drive over while Mark was releasing the snakes from the litters born this year that he was not keeping. Mark offered the two groups to Steve. I thought for sure these little scrubs would have a home, but when Steve passed (you can't keep everything), I stepped up to the plate. I was hoping to have scrubs to care for till spring anyway but the chance to raise up some red radix was to good to pass on. So now some history on the two groups.

The first group, we'll call W/C 1, are the biggest question mark of the two. The red radix that Mark passed on to Steve is the mother of this group. He posted pics of her, and she is a screamer. Pics as they often will, do not do this girl justice, she is gorgeous. She was W/C gravid this spring (2012). The father is unknown, which is why they are the most questionable of the two groups. Nine in the litter and we'll see how they color up. Knowing that mom calls The Ranch home, and that Steve has some males to go with her next year, high hopes for this group in the long run.

Second group, we'll call CB2, is the group that has me very excited. History on this group is the father and mother of their mother were W/C and both showed red. I'm told they were stunning, unfortunately both have passed on. Their father was a W/C last spring (2011). Mark has both parents, both are amazing animals. Maybe if Mark doesn't mind for record keeping and because I know you would want them I'll see if he minds if I post some pics of them. So 11 in this litter and time will tell, but again very excited.

So I know, pics. I'll get something up soon.

07-31-2012, 07:06 PM
Thanks for taking on those 2 groups.

07-31-2012, 07:13 PM
Not even a problem. Super excited! Hope that first entry was easy to follow??? Kind of a book. To keep it simple: Group 1 unknown father/ W/C mother and Steve has the mom. Group 2 CB mother (from W/C parents)/ W/C father, Mark has both and everybody parents and grandparents showed red.

07-31-2012, 09:35 PM
Sounds great! don't delay those pics!:D

08-01-2012, 11:59 AM
Update on CB2, the group of 11. Fed again today, I have 9 strong eaters that go right after it. I can see who the 2 weak links are going to be. So question, should I remove these two from the group and start giving special treatment, or keep together and hope they come around with the thriving members snapping them out of it??? I know failure to thrive, probably will lose some, but I don't want to:rolleyes:. Trying to keep everyone alive.

08-01-2012, 12:13 PM
It's a flip of the coin on your question.
In my opinion I think it all depends on how long its been since they were born.

08-01-2012, 12:51 PM
So question, should I remove these two from the group and start giving special treatment, or keep together and hope they come around with the thriving members snapping them out of it???

For some reason, when I do that, (separate and give the weak ones special attention) it usually makes no difference. However, a couple of years ago I had a group of concinnus' that weren't doing too well. They either refused to eat, or didn't eat enough to keep on the weight. This was just 13 or so out of 50 babies. But by some miracle, even though the separating wasn't doing any good, when I shipped them off to Steve, nearly all of them did a 180 and are now thriving. Hmm.. I didn't expect that. I figured he'd lose at least half of them. He lost very few and the rest are now the "Ranch concinnus'":)

08-01-2012, 04:41 PM
Just fed the other group, W/C1. All these guys are doing fine. All 9 seem to eat and hold their own. You can tell who the alpha guys are however.

08-01-2012, 11:00 PM
Just a couple of shots of the WC1 group at feeding time. More soon, hard to get every little baby to pose for a group shot.


08-01-2012, 11:01 PM
Here we have the other group CB2. Again, not all heads are present, got some shy ones in the bunch.


08-02-2012, 05:50 AM
I love baby radixes. Nice groups. It will be fun to see who turns red as they grow and shed.

Invisible Snake
08-02-2012, 08:35 AM
Nice looking groups!

08-02-2012, 12:18 PM
Now Steve...are these babies any relation to Sammy? I think you mentioned breeding him before he came to live with me. I am seeing members all over this forum with snakes related to my snakes! Guess that really makes us all family! So cool! Dan, I know who to contact now if I have any more babies and can't care for them...you will be getting a big package of garters! Lol...

08-02-2012, 12:42 PM
Congrats on the additions! Looking forward to seeing how they turn out. :cool:

08-02-2012, 01:39 PM
Now Steve...are these babies any relation to Sammy? I think you mentioned breeding him before he came to live with me. I am seeing members all over this forum with snakes related to my snakes! Guess that really makes us all family! So cool! Dan, I know who to contact now if I have any more babies and can't care for them...you will be getting a big package of garters! Lol...

No relation.

08-02-2012, 07:26 PM
I tried a little tilapia with these guys (both groups) and everyone dug in. Even the two weak/non eaters in the CB2 group. If I've started their eating or at least found the right thing I won't bother moving them from the others just yet. Next we might mix a little fish crawler stew mush and see what that does for getting the two into nightcrawlers. These guys are great, I love looking after these little ones.

08-08-2012, 08:21 PM
Hey awesome to hear about getting these little ones! Can't wait to see how many color up:D