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View Full Version : Columbia Repticon - Is it worth the trip?

07-07-2012, 07:12 AM
Next weekend, the 14th & 15th is the Columbia Repticon show and wondering if it’s worth the time and gas to go.

07-07-2012, 10:17 AM
I didn't make it to the Raleigh show earlier this year, so I can't compare the two. Columbia, I go every time. It's about a 5 hr drive round trip for me. It will be a bit longer for you. Lots of vendors. Lots of animals. If you're going soley for garters, it probably isn't worth it. Last time, I think I counted four. This time may be completely different, you just never know for sure. If you do make the trip down, I would suggest you check out the Riverbanks Zoo while in town. It's super close to the show and it's a really nice zoo. I always try to get my nieces to go, but they hate road trips :rolleyes:

Let me know if you are going. I'll be there Saturday and we can say hello :) That goes for anyone else too. Love to meet more forum members! :)

07-07-2012, 02:08 PM
I went to the one in March and there was only one guy that had garters and they were wild caught. I was thinkin’ that since so many people are having babies over the past few months the selection would be better. It’s about a 3-hour trip, I would spend the night. And unless a real cold front comes through I won’t be going to any zoo. I’m still trying to talk my husband into it.

07-07-2012, 02:29 PM
Ah, okay, gotcha. I usually leave around 6:30am, get there at 9, stay at the show for a few hours and then usually get back home by 3pm.

07-12-2012, 05:55 AM
Mike, I'm not going to the Columbia show, I don't want to be tempted at this point. I may hit the Charlotte show next month though. I know I can talk my husband into that trip since I could hit several places, Trader Joes, Ikea, Bass Pro-Shop.

07-12-2012, 06:28 AM
I will be at the show saturday. I love the columbia show it's one of those places that you never know what you might find. Most people there are not garter snake people they never know what they got and some times you can get some cool stuff. Most of the time i only see a few checkereds and easterns, but i have found some eastern morphs, similis, ordinoides, concinnus, radix, vagrans, and fitchi. I even found a few liophis and natrix last time. There are always nice watersnakes at the columbia show too. Last show i found northerns, hypo bandeds, midlands, red bellies, browns, and mangrove waters. The cool thing is you get to see tons of venomous and all sorts of other reptiles and amphibians. My wife and i always have a blast at the show.

07-12-2012, 10:27 AM
Gail, I'll be at the Charlotte show next month, maybe we can meet there :)

Bluesirtalis, what time will you be there?

07-12-2012, 11:05 AM
Gail, I'll be at the Charlotte show next month, maybe we can meet there :)

Bluesirtalis, what time will you be there?

Not sure what time yet but it will be saturday for sure maybe 11:00 or 12:00 until close.

07-12-2012, 11:29 AM
Cool. I'll send you my number. I usually get there early and leave around noon-ish.. might see you there :)

07-13-2012, 08:47 AM
You got it. Remind me when it gets close to the date so I can confirm everything.
Gail, I'll be at the Charlotte show next month, maybe we can meet there :)

Bluesirtalis, what time will you be there?

07-13-2012, 08:51 AM
fighting the temptation !!!!
i will be at the show saturday. I love the columbia show it's one of those places that you never know what you might find. Most people there are not garter snake people they never know what they got and some times you can get some cool stuff. Most of the time i only see a few checkereds and easterns, but i have found some eastern morphs, similis, ordinoides, concinnus, radix, vagrans, and fitchi. I even found a few liophis and natrix last time. There are always nice watersnakes at the columbia show too. Last show i found northerns, hypo bandeds, midlands, red bellies, browns, and mangrove waters. The cool thing is you get to see tons of venomous and all sorts of other reptiles and amphibians. My wife and i always have a blast at the show.

07-13-2012, 09:59 AM
Okay, I'll remind you when it gets close :)